Unbetad, please inform me of any mistakes.
Slowburn fic.
The rising sun coated the woodlands in an array of reds and oranges. Along the northern border of Mirkwood Legolas and Tauriel continued their patrol. The second day started with minimal activity causing them to keep their weapons drawn but loose in hand. The rain had let up a few hours ago leaving the land clean at least until the spiders returned. In the forest the water dripped off the leaves creating a monotone symphony.
With each step mud gathered on their boots, they stopped for a moment to remove it. Unexpectedly a cry rang out from farther into the trees. Both Elves gripped their weapons with renewed vigor, dashing in into the dark woods.
Their foot falls made little sound and any real indication of their approach was drowned out by the fighting ahead. When they broke through brush and into the forest clearing they came upon an unusual sight, a human. The human wore patterned armor, the pattern unusual a main tan color splotched with lighter hues. This human had been cornered by a pair of average sized spiders. The large black one hissed like a viscous feral cat causing a spray of venom to land inches away from the human.
The human took a few cautionary steps back, a small dagger drawn. The human partially paid heed to the spiders, instead attempting to discreetly glance around the leafy mud covered ground for something. It took a few moments for the arachnids to notice the human's apparent distraction. With a large hiss the large spider charged fangs fully exposed. With a quick dodge to the left the human avoided being skewered by venom-riddled fangs. However, the spider swung about slamming its thorax into the human's chest, causing said human to skid across the forest floor.
During this brief attack Tauriel managed to catch a glimpse of the human's face, feminine but more handsome than beautiful. The woman could barely get to her knees before the second spider lunged. It skittered across the ground at an ungodly speed. In a frantic attempt she grabbed a fist full of dirt flinging into the arachnid's eyes. The creature pulled back momentarily screeching, the dirt having fully embedded into its multiple irises. The spider shook, blinking rapidly in an attempt to restore its vision.
In the distance Tauriel recognized the distinct outlines of other spiders. For now they remained black dots dancing in her vision but soon they'd manifest. Clearly, they had been attracted to the vibrations coursing through the surrounding webs. Looking back down upon the battle, the woman had managed to sever one of the black spider's front legs, its blood spewing about while it collapsed. It dragged its heavy body to the nearby web in an attempt to retreat. Tauriel breathed in deeply smelling the trees' rot. She drew her bow notching the arrow before she released the tension. The arrow soared gracefully mimicking a golden eagle before drilling into the spider's skull. The battle's momentum lasted only moments, now the woman had been pinned down by the other spider its fangs bore into her arm. The woman didn't scream despite the fact the fangs punctured through her arm, the very tips exposed on the opposite side.
Tauriel repeated her previous actions, dispatching the final spider, the torrent of spiders no more than minutes away. The dead spiders continued to twitch, their brains still shooting responses into the muscles. Dark blood pooled onto the gnarled forest floor. Tauriel turned her head hearing the sound of boots hitting the ground, Legolas finally returned with a guard patrol, their swords and bows drawn.
The woman crawled out from underneath the spider, removing the fangs from her right arm. With ease the woman pulled her arm close to her chest. Clumsily she ripped off her helmet, it bounced along the ground the tan color now diluted with dirt and spider blood. Underneath a full head of short brown hair covered with sweat and dirt. Tauriel regarded her with pause, female human fighters were rare and certainly never seen by Elves. The woman warily stood her weight predominately resting on her right leg. She staggered however it was merely a sign that the poison had begun to take effect. The call for surrender came from the guards. However before a response could be given the woman collapsed face first onto the ground.
The patrol rode quickly through the winding forest, under strict orders not to engage beyond necessity. They moved their horses over the roots and fallen limbs with ease. While they rode, the woman did not stir but grimaced and murmured in her unconscious state. Tauriel managed to bind the soldier's arm temporarily preventing further blood loss. They road straight into the city only dismounting when their steeds could go no farther. Most of the patrol remained on horseback, required to return to their duties. Two older guards dismounted and heaved the human off Tauriel's brown mare. Tauriel handed the leather reins to a nearby guard with instructions to return her horse to the stables. She ordered the guards to carry the human to the throne.
The two guards pulled the human along, her boots dragging along the ground. Their solid foot falls would alert the king to their presence. Yet it appeared to be unnecessary for Legolas stood off to the side of his father's throne. He minutely shook his head at Tauriel, clearly Legolas did not foresee this meeting going well. The guards dropped the human to the floor but still she did not wake. The poison that traveled through her blood likely kept her unconscious. Tauriel doubted that she would survive without immediate medical attention. Tauriel stood in front of Thranduil, the king of the Woodland Realm, waiting to be received. The King sat on his throne, legs crossed. He wore his muted silver robe, the embedded lines curing towards the open slit. His trousers darker than the robe but accentuated his shin high boots. The King gazed out towards the commotion. He appeared cold, his facial expressions mute. The branch-leaf crown rested on top his head. The elf mindlessly drummed his fingers against the throne watching, but not commenting. His eyes completely ignored the human, focusing only on his Guard Captain and son.
Legolas bowed before his father and succinctly explained the situation. Tauriel couldn't tell if Legolas already given a general report to Thranduil for he did not react to the current news. Truthfully, little phased the King, he content to worry only about what lay inside the borders and nothing more. Their King's attitude left the two elves anxiously waiting for their Lord's command: to help the human or let her die. The lack of a reply prompted Legolas to state the obvious question.
"What shall we do with her?"
The question posed to Thranduil went unanswered for several moments his eyes now drawn to the human. An unusual creature covered in armor he had never laid eyes upon; not of Dwarven, Elvish, or Orc origin and humans were pitifully behind the curve. Nor to his knowledge had women been allowed into the human army. The humans still fond of locking their woman into maternal roles above all else. His brain scattered into a hundred lines of inquiry.
In his daze the human woke, she stood moving forward or at least attempting to, the elves secured her. She yanked against the guards grip. Their gauntlets dug father into her upper arms securing her in place with ease. The wound of her arm bleed profusely, the fangs appeared to have punctured through the outer skin and into the bone. Her eyes scoured the throne room, her pupils partially glazed over due to the poison but, she remained highly responsive. In a rare show of truly improper conduct, she faced the king and focused him with a pointed glare.
"Do I have no say in my future?" She threw out before coughing in pain. The room chilled. Their occupants' faces betrayed nothing but they knew the danger of such a retort. The soldier however not even remotely aware of her situation nor whom held the decision on her life.
"You dare-"
"I dare what?" She spit back, her upper lip raising into a snarl, the image similar to a rabid wolf "I'm suffering from fatigue, amnesia, a shrapnel wound, and apparently I hit my head a fuck ton harder than expected." She wavered, the dizziness returning. Thranduil could barely believe his elven-ears, this lowly creature dared to speak to him in such an uncivil uncontrolled tongue. The human shook her head as if trying to remember something, her eyes returning to him in a moment of clarity, "Did you ambush my unit?"
Thranduil raged beneath his skin, the human dared to treat him without a shred of respect. Insolence from the human race was to be expected but none so brashly threw accusations, especially not while lingering his domain. This human deserved no restraint, Thranduil fully prepared to let the woman succumb to her painful death. He descend the steps to the throne gracefully, rising to his full height before her.
"Human, I graciously let you-" he began his voice hollow, she interrupted him again.
"That's Captain human," her retort full of snark, then her face contorted in confusion, "Wait human? What kind of insult is that we're all hu-" she cut herself off. Her eyes clearly focusing in on her surroundings and then their ears. A flicker of fear crossed her face and then apparently settled into her chest. Quickly her breathing became ragged and she collapsed to her knees, the knee-pads cracked hard against the wood. She groaned from the impact but appeared to focus on calming her breath.
Thranduil watched with fascination, she mistook him for a human. An insult by itself but, it appeared to be a genuine mistake. A delusion caused by the venom, it was a distinct possibility but even a toxin as potent as the spiders' venom couldn't obscure so much information. He reexamined the human, slightly taller than those he had encountered before. Her armor specifically tailored to a warrior build. No sword or shield, not even a bow, a worthless human. He contemplated his decision, the disregard for his status incited a fury beyond compare. Yet, with the overwhelming urge to put this mortal in her place quelled, he now painfully aware he needed information. The decision clear, she must be kept alive.
"Take her to Balan." He ordered before ascending the throne. Each step taken easily and unrushed. Gracefully, he settled into his seat, his back slowly conforming to the shape of the wood. Thranduil waited until the human had been dragged out before He requested that his son and Guard Captain produce a fully detailed report before the end of the day. A report which needed to include an investigatory sweep of the area in which the human was initially discovered. The thought of more humans roaming his forest made him sneer. This one he'd keep alive, for now, the rest he planned to kill.