Rules for the 4th quarter quell, as said by President Jeremiah Snow:

All children (ages 12-18) in Panem shall have their names entered in one reaping bowl. All the girls in Panem in one bowl, and all the of age boys in another bowl. No volunteering is allowed. No tesserae is going to be offered this year, to ensure that everyone has an equal chance of getting reaped.

So, what this means is, for my SYOT story, all I need is 12 female and 12 male tributes. You get to choose whichever district you want to be in. I don't want all the characters to be from the same district, so be creative! I will need at least 4 careers and at least 4 "weak" tributes. I may change things, but I will always tell you when I will change things. I won't change major things, such as name, gender or age, that would be weird. I will only accept forms submitted to me by PMing. If you are a guest, feel free to suggest things, if I like an idea of yours, I will include it in my character(s). When I get at least 15 forms submitted I will start writing the story. I need like all the possible people I can get because I plan on switching point of views a lot. Anyway… thanks for reading! And please submit characters! I have one girl I created from district 1 named Shynne (pronounced Shine) so far.





Appearence: (what do they look like?)

Personality: (at least a small paragraph)


Opinions about the Games and being in the Games:

Strategy in training:

Strategy in interview:

Strategy in Games:

Allies? With who:

District to avoid:

Weapon of choice:

Survival skills: (what can't they do besides kill people that will help them survive in the games)

Fighting/killing skills: (what kind of fight are they best at)

Rank of death: (optional)

How did they die: (optional)



Who are the allies outside of other careers:

"Job" as a career:

Always with the group or sometimes alone:


Any final thoughts/ideas for your character:

To submit this form, copy and paste, then fill in your answers and PM it back to me! Thanks again!