"Alright guys," the mustached band teacher grumbled, "choose your partners and sit down once you've decided. Remember, if you pick someone that doesn't do work, that's your own fault and you get to deal with it."
There was a rush of movement in the classroom as everyone dashed to their friends, leaving just two people standing awkwardly after a few moments. The blonde one slowly trekked over to the only other person who hadn't taken a seat, and sat down in the empty seat next to him.
Will sat awkwardly next to Nico, nervously drumming his fingers on Nico's music stand. It felt like there was an ominous radiating off of Nico, telling anyone who approached him that he wanted to be left alone. Will furrowed his brow, unsure what to do, but after a long moment, Will finally cleared his throat and spoke.
"Well, I guess we're partners, so if we're going to get anything done, we should make plans to work..."
Nico just sat there, slouched in his chair, not making eye contact. His dark waves were draped over his eyes, giving him a mysterious, "don't mess with me" look that intrigued Will. Since the first day of school, his gaze had been mysteriously drawn to the dark-haired boy. The latter usually was slouched over in the chair the farthest away from the front of the room. Even though it was a stretch, Will still occasionally glanced back to catch a glimpse of that hunched over form, small fingers usually clinging onto his clarinet, but usually turned away in case he was caught looking.
Had they not been the only two people in the class who didn't have other friends, Will might not have ever gotten a chance to talk to Nico. He was once popular, after all. But recently, Nico didn't seem like he wanted to be part of that central group.
Enough about the past. Right now, Will was actually in the presence of Nico, and if he couldn't break the silence, he'd be cursed to permanent awkwardness. Will tried to think of something to say, but could only think of the project.
"Hey, Nico. It's just a music project. If you really don't want to be partners with me, I guess you could always ask for a change... But then you'd have to go through Mr. BrASSington." Will's tactical emphasis of the band teacher's name drew out an unexpected chuckle from Nico.
Nico tilted his head slightly up so that he could look at Will through his dark, messy mop of hair. Will couldn't see Nico's eyes because of the barrier but he could feel the piercing glance of the other on him.
"It's fine," Nico mumbled. "I guess I can put up with you for a couple of weeks."
Nico looked back down at his black skinny jeans, trying to ignore Will. Nico didn't want anyone to disturb his peace... especially not such a nice guy. Not after the last time someone reached out to him with that genuinity.
But despite Nico's gloomy demeanor, Will grinned broadly, showing off his pearly white teeth. That small chuckled fueled Will's desire to befriend Nico, and now he was determined to be as charming as he could be.
"C'mon! It won't be that bad! I promise I won't bother you... too much."
The blonde sighed and looked down at the sheet music on the music stand, furrowing his brows as he tried to make some sense of the dots and lines on the sheet, but he couldn't decipher a single note.
"Anyways, I'm kind of screwed if you won't help. I'm only taking Band because my dad's making me. He's really into the arts, has published a couple volumes of poetry, and manages his own band. I only agreed to this because I needed the art credits. I want to go into medicine, so all I really need to focus on right now are my STEM classes, but I can't fail this class either."
Will realized he had been rambling, and shut his mouth, hoping to make the situation less awkward.
"Well, could we at least plan something out?" Will tried to coax Nico into saying a bit more so that they might be able to make some kind of connection.
Nico finally tilted his head back, turning and making eye contact with Will. Will had never noticed how pretty di Angelo's eyes were before. They were a rich, dark brown, drawing you in, and soft, like a welcoming cup of hot chocolate.
"Why do you even want to work with me anyways? Most people know to stay away from me. Why don't you?" Nico glared at Will, but with an inquisitive look in his eyes.
Will ran his fingers through his curly golden locks. There really wasn't much more to say except the truth, so he replied, "Well, I just want to get to know you better, you know? Get to be friends, maybe..."
Nico sighed, and stood up. On the inside, he was curious. Rarely did people try to even be around him, much less talk to or befriend him. Last time that happened,
"Okay, fine." Nico gave in to the pleading look on Will's face as he replied, "We can meet up at my house tomorrow, since it'll be Saturday, and I won't have anything else planned."
Will immediately perked up and grinned. Nico pulled an index card out of his binder, scribbled something on it, and handed it to Will.
"Here's my address. Just come over when you're ready to work. And don't forget to bring your instrument. I'll see you around."
The bell rang, and Nico grabbed his belongings and shuffled out of the classroom. For a moment, Will just stood there, clutching Nico's address, with a fluttery feeling in his chest. But the moment passed, and he shook his head, returning to his seat to retrieve his belongings before slipping out into the crowded hallways.