I wanted this chapter to focus more on Lex before I introduced some other characters. I hope you enjoy what I have done with this fanfiction. I have read many fanfictions and some seem like they are missing things or leave things open or move too fast so here we go, enjoy!

I do not own any of this

Lex stood in the cold, with the combi-stick in hand and the new scar burning on her left cheek. She watched the humanoids take her friend that she just fought with. His lifeless body was taken from her, she didn't know if he was dead or if he was shutting down so he could repair himself. She watched as the ship lifted off the snow in the darkness and she could feel the vibrations as the ship took off then everything was silent. Her right side stung from the wound the queen had given her, but it could have been much worse if the predator hadn't taken most of the hit. The queen's tail went right through the predator but only nicked her side causing a reasonable sized gash and her shirt was soaked with blood on that side. Adrenaline still pumped through her as everything started to quiet. The Queen Alien was now at the bottom of the ocean and no one was there to help her.

Lex shook her head, bringing herself back to reality. She couldn't believe it had been two years since then and she could still remember everything as if it had happened last night. Sometimes she thought it could have been a dream or hallucination because of the pyramid's confusion. If it wasn't for the scar and the combi-stick she had received, she would have brushed it off and clouded it in her memory. She found herself deeper in the cave than she thought she had gone. How long had she been distracted by her own thoughts and had she missed anything important? She decided to continue, she would examine the area when she came back. She had almost lost all light from the surface so she grabbed her flashlight and turned it on. Out of the corner of her eye she saw movement and quickly turned to meet it, but nothing was there. She slowly spun around checking for any sign of a creature being in her presence, but again, nothing was there. She decided it was shadows shifting when she turned on her flashlight and continued her excavation. Pushing herself deeper and deeper into the cave, she found an open area in the heart of the cave that branched off to two tunnels going opposite ways. She shone her light around the area and found some old animal bones, and inspecting the cave further, she found more that were newer. Some had dried blood on them, maybe a few days old. The bones weren't too big, maybe a raccoon.

She turned her attention away from the bones and decided to look down the tunnels. She chose the one on the left but found that it lead back up to the surface by the river so she turned around and chose the tunnel on the right. She found that this long tunnel led into another open area like the first area she encountered. She walked around the small cavern and discovered blood again, she bent down and saw that it wasn't dry so she stood up and noticed more up against the wall. Upon getting closer, she saw that it was a big animal that had fallen into an awful death. But she noticed something different about this animal, it wasn't the usual animal carcasses she was used to seeing, this one was shaped differently and she knew it was human.

She turned and quickly made her way up through the tunnel. She didn't want to be found by whomever, or even whatever had killed that person. They were severely bloody and they looked to have been beheaded and cut up but she didn't want to stick around to inspect the person and risk the same fate. She felt sorry for whoever it was in the cavern, and she hoped they hadn't been suffering. The cave was starting to get brighter so she knew the cave entrance was getting closer and she felt some relief of being somewhere more open than in an enclosed cave. The small feeling of relief had distracted her slightly and she stepped on some loose rocks and she fell. She swore and picked herself up and realised she had lost her flashlight. She looked around and saw it about 5 feet away wedged between some rocks and it took some coaxing to get it out. She continued her way up the tunnel but saw movement in the corner; she shone her light to catch it but again, nothing was there.

'Relax Lex. You're just uneasy from finding the body.' she told herself as she gathered her thoughts and moved forward. She covered the distance lost quickly and soon found herself at the mouth of the cave. She headed back to her cabin and took a hot shower to soothe her mind then found great comfort in her bed.

She awoke from the full moon shining through her window which was briefly cut off by a dark figure running past. Lex grabbed her jacket and combi-stick and walked out onto the porch, stepping onto the cold, weather exposed wood. She heard the soft latch of the door close behind her as she slowly surveyed her surroundings. She found nothing so she looped around the cabin, but still no luck as to what she saw out her window until she neared her cabin door and saw that was wide open. Slowly, she entered the room not knowing what she would find. Pushing herself farther into the room until she heard a slight hissing noise that began to get louder as she took one step after another and she noticed it was coming from the back of the room. The soft shlink of her combi-stick expanding as she pointed it at the dark corner as a warning but she soon found it wasn't enough as it lunged at her. The tall skinny figure launched itself from the wall with a screech, successfully throwing her backwards onto her bed.

'No!' she thought 'This can't be happening! I already fought these killing machines!' She could feel its hand pushing on her stomach holding her down as its eyeless face pushed towards her. It's drooling mouth nearing her face. She knew she would soon be dead and no one would find her for weeks, but that didn't matter, if there was one of these things, there were many more. She braced herself, she knew she couldn't push it off of her, it was too strong, and her combi-stick was on the floor somewhere near the door where it flew from her hand. She saw its drooling mouth slowly open and the smaller jaw shoot out hitting her in the temple and everything went dark.