I have got messages and reviews saying how gross and horrible I am for writing something like this, SO..
The Wending woods were never far from where she resided. Her parents were constantly moving around the northeastern borders of Ferelden, always conscious that their daughter was within riding distance to the ever so beautiful Wending woods. The thought of living there had crossed her parents minds a few times, but they realized that it would take away the adventure for their daughter, and she would soon want to travel outside of just the Wending wood. The outside world was too dangerous for their young daughter. If she was placed anywhere else in Ferelden, it is likely she wouldn't survive. Yes she could hold her own against a bear alright, but she's never had to engage in combat with any being that wasn't an animal. The young elf had never seen the conflict between templars and mages, and she wasn't to sure what the difference was between a City elf and a Dalish elf. All she knew was that she was a Dalish elf, and it was her duty to pray to the Creators. Her naiveté would be her greatest downfall, she would walk right up to a funding mage or templar and try to have a casual conversation with them. Her parents had tried their hardest to keep her away from the dangers, but around every corner there is a new threat, and sometimes its inevitable to run into danger.
Hunting in the Wending wood had become some what of a routine of hers. The time that wasn't spent traveling with her parents, she was in the woods, exploring caverns, old ruins, and resting by the lake. The small, lithe elf dove from tree branch to tree branch with agile grace scouting the prey ahead. Usually she would hunt during the day, but today she felt more adventurous, her usual routine becoming less exciting, and wanted a little change of pace. Her prey was mostly consisted of bear, wolf, or if she was just out for fun, she would play target practice with a nug or two. In her mind, it was crucial for her to go hunting for the food. She thought that she was the one taking care of her parents, but in reality, her parents were protecting her from far more then she could imagine.
In her sights was a fennec, perfect for an evening snack. She crouched idle on a strong tree branch, taking off her bow and taking an arrow out of the leather quiver stationed on her back. Her breathing was quiet and steady as she put the arrow in place and drew it back. Right as she was about to release a killing blow, the fennec popped his head up, and scurried away. The elf murmured a quiet curse, feeling her stomach rumble from the days exertions. She looked around to see what had spooked the creature away. In the distance she saw a small group of human men, with one very large Qunari man leading them. She made herself as small as possible, hoping they wouldn't see her hiding away in the trees. The elf was always told to stay away from humans, especially men, because they were vicious and liked to steal members of our race and keep them as prizes. The men got closer and closer, to the point were she could very clearly hear what they were talking about. Just as she thought they were about to pass, just her luck, they stopped, and the behemoth of a Qunari said.
"Men, I think its safe to say that we had scouted enough of this area for the day. Why don't we set up camp for the night and have some food and drink."
The elf inwardly groaned, mentally slapping herself in the face for not bolting when she had the chance. It looked at this rate, she would have to sleep up on a tree branch.
There were three men scouting the perimeter to 'make sure no one crashes their party', what ever that meant. More men had left and come back with a plethora of different meats and herbs. And some had set up some tents and bed rolls. As the food was getting cooked she heard her stomach rumbling loudly, she had still yet to eat. She looked in her hip pouch to see that she had used all her back up food as bait for live game.
Hours went by as they ate, drank some weird liquid that made them act weird, and then sleep. She had waited long enough for this moment. The elf was just about to leave when she noticed that some of the men had left their plates of food out. She told herself early in the day that she wanted more adventure, and she was just now realizing that this is a perfect way to get some adrenaline.
She shimmied down the tree as quietly as possible and made her way over to the camp. Crouching low to the ground, she stuck over to the left over plates. She had taken notice to the noise the heathens were making while they slept. It was a noise that made it sound like they were struggling for breath. While the heathens breathed in, their nasal cavities sounded plugged, so they resorted to breathing loudly through their mouths. But not all of the men were breathing like this. The curious little elf ignored the food for a little while longer and gracefully snuck over to the one man who was peacefully sleeping. She had never seen a human man up close before, her parents only told her that they were heathens that frequently used ugly words. But to her surprise, this human was utterly beautiful. His face clean of facial hair, soft delicate almost feminine features adorned his face, his hair mostly resided just at the top of his head, the sides were closely shaved, but not bare. She wanted to get a closer look, but dared to enter the tent he was sleeping in. Just as she turned around, a hand clasped around her mouth and a strong arm grabbed around her waist pulling her back. She screamed into the hand, only to be muffled greatly. The same man from before was pulling her into the tent.
"Shh. Be quiet, do you wish for the rest to wake?" The man said panicing.
"I don't know who the hell you are or why your here but you need to leave now." He whispered into her ear.
"Do you understand?" The elf shakily nodded. "Good. Now quietly leave, the other men wont be as gracious."
The elf turned around and whispered a quiet thank you, her heart beating out of her chest. The beautiful man she had been watching while he slumbered nodded back. She turned back and quietly got out of the tent, relieved that the Creators were at her side. It surely was a close call, one she would not tell her parents about. She was afraid that after this, they would never let her explore away from them ever again. Just as she stood tall out of the tent, ready to sneak way, a strong had grabbed her bicep and pulled her into a hard chest. She whimpered at the force and she was soon cut off by a gruff voice.
"Hey Skinner look what I found. A little she-elf. Well I guess I shouldn't say little." He said smirking looking at the girls body like a man depraved of love. He gripped her tight, leaving no room to move. Never, even in her imagination, would she have been so easily taken off guard. But then again, she has never come into contact with any violent people before. She was normally confident and strong, but now she was meek and frightened. She had never felt more terrified in her life.
"Oi, Grim. Where'd you find that little gem?" The one named skinner said. The girl tried her damned hardest to get out of the brutes grasp, but the human was too strong compared to her small structure. By this time, all the other men were away and staring at her, including the beautiful man and the Qunari.
"Found her sneakin' outta Krem's tent. Must of been the reason I heard that muffled little scream of hers eh boys?" He yelled as they all laughed along with him. Why were they laughing? She thought to herself. They act as if they told a joke, but this is the farthest thing from. The elf tried to pull away to make a run for it, but the man just gripped her tight and held her close.
Skinner pulled her in closer and whispered in her ear. "Bet you loved it didn't you? You'd probably like it more from a real man like me." He said as his hot, alcohol tinted breath hit her face.
"Get away from me you heathen." She finally got the courage to venomously spit those words out. She had never heard herself speak like that before, not even when she had been mad at her parents.
"Oh you won't be saying that for long you little bitch. It will be more like, 'Get in me you glorious creature'." He said laughing again as he brought his free hand to grope at her chest while she whimpered. Tears streamed down her face, she couldn't do anything to stop the man, she had never felt so defenceless in her life. The man named Krem did absolutely nothing to stop. He just watched as his friend touched her in places she had never been touched. Humans truly were the horrible creatures her parents set them out to be. Just as the man was about to slide his hand under her shirt, the Qunari bellowed out.
"Enough!" Shouted the large Qunari as the elven girl cried and tried to break free.
"Imagine what a pretty price this one will cost, tainting her will lower her value, and I bet Krem could have had his way with her. We bring her to Skyhold! I bet the Inquisitor could find some use for her. We set out at day break, so get your rest men. Tie her up, don't leave her out side though. Wouldn't want the wolves to get to her before the Inquisition does." The Qunari said with a devilish smile.
She was scared, she tried every thing she could to escape. But whenever she would get even remotely close, a mercenary would wake up and slap her in the face and just tie the ropes tighter. She was living in a nightmare she didn't know could even exist. There was a very strong chance she would never see her family again, they would have no one to feed them or take care of them. She would be alone.
There you have it, hope you all enjoyed! Be sure to PM me or REVIEW any critiques. I will pay no mind to anything that is insulting in any matter so please, do not waste your time. Thank you for reading and I hope you guys continue on your reading any enjoy.