I'm back with the final chapter to Fall Into Me! I am not going to bombard you guys with reasons for why an update has taken this long - all I'm going to say is that I am very, very sorry. Please forgive me for the LONG wait.

I want to thank saderia, thibbs65, NALEY23alwaysforever, Laura, Tp404, ScRuPuLoUs, venica23, Diana, naleyluv, othfangirl, Kaylaramirez16 (for your other chapter reviews as well), rocklesson86, NaleyWriter23, Borysoth23, and all the guests for your fabulous reviews on the previous chapter. You guys always make me smile. I want to also thank those who are following me and/or this story. I appreciate it so much!

This chapter may not be what some are expecting. It's more of a prologue - the very beginning to our beloved Naley.

Please forgive any spelling/grammar mistakes.

Disclaimer: I own nothing affiliated with One Tree Hill or the New York Knicks.

August 1, 2011

Nathan jogged at a brisk but comfortable pace, headphones in his ears as music blared from the iPod fastened around his upper arm. Although he could not hear it, he felt the vibrations of his feet pounding the paced pathway underneath him. It was a therapeutic feeling - running. He needed it in this moment. The previous night, he met up with some of his teammates over at his aunt's nightclub, Tric. He drank his fair share over the legal limit and woke up with a killer hangover - and, a very naked "groupie" in his bed. He could not even remember her name; not that her name really mattered to him anyway. She was a just a fun, really fun, way to pass the time. After kicking the nameless girl out of his bed and apartment, he chugged a bottle of water and then dressed in a white t-shirt and a pair of black, basketball shorts. Nathan grabbed his iPod and ran out the door.

Nathan fully intended to have a relaxing day today. His practices with the New York Knicks officially started up the day before – they were grueling, even for someone who trains regularly during the off-seasons, like himself. Last year, the Knicks fell short of the national title by losing to Los Angeles Lakers in the final game. Nathan is still beating himself up over that one – he felt even more pressure coming into this new season. He was a phenomenal basketball player, some say the Michael Jordan of his generation. He knows his skills on the court, which is why he takes it so hard when the team loses. Plus, he really loves the game – it's practically his whole life, and Nathan honestly feels as though he would die if he ever lost it.

After three refreshing hours, Nathan sighed and quickened his jog into a run, heading back home. He arrived at the apartment complex and smiled at Philip, the concierge. He ascended the ten flights of stairs and pushed on the door leading him to the floor he lived on. The first thing he noticed was the door of the apartment across from his was wide open - odd, because that apartment has been vacant for several months. Someone must be moving in, he deduced when his eyes dragged down to the half dozen boxes near the door. He strolled across the hallway and glanced inside, spotting a girl unpacking another box. She was pretty - hot, would be more fitting. She was thin and petite; she had brown hair that was up in a messy bun as well as swept back with a thin, white headband. Her attire consisted of a blue t-shirt with Ravens printed in white across her chest and a pair of black, knee-length sweatpants. His eyes feasted on her tits - the girl was fairly well-endowed for her figure. He could also tell, without being able to actually see it, that this girl had an amazing ass. Smirking, Nathan pulled the headphones from his ears and wrapped the cord around the iPod while strutting further info her apartment.

"Hey." He greeted.

The girl screamed and jumped back, dropping the figurine in her hands.

His eyes widened as the glass shattered on her floor. A surge of guilt flowed through him - he certainly did not intend for that to happen. Please don't be something valuable or sentimental, he mentally pleaded.

"I am so sorry." Nathan apologized emphatically. "I didn't mean to startle you."

She glared at him, still breathing heavily. "Do you make it a habit of sneaking up on people?"

"Sorry." He apologized again, taking a step closer to her. He glanced down at the broken shards of glass. "I will be happy to replace that for you."

"You can't." She quipped. "My grandmother made it for me. Right before she died."

"Shit." He mumbled. "I, umm...I..."

"Oh, relax." She waved it off, laughing. "I'm only teasing. I bought it at a garage sale for two bucks."

Nathan stared at her in disbelief. "That's not funny."

"It is actually." She disagreed. "You should see your face."

"That was a bitchy thing to do."



She placed her hands on her hips and replied, "Then, maybe you should be more careful about sneaking up on people. In their own homes."

"I didn't mean to do that." He reminded her, exasperated. "Your door was wide open - anyone could have snuck up on you, you know. You should just be glad it was me and not some psycho, rapist murderer."

"Well, the verdict's still out on you." She stated. "Who's to say you're not some psycho, rapist murderer?"

"Me." He scoffed indignantly. "I'm to say that."

"And, I should trust you?" She barked out sarcastically. "Why is that exactly?"

"Come on." Nathan smirked smugly. "You know who I am."

Her forehead wrinkled in confusion. "Sorry, but no, I don't."

He laughed but that laughter quickly died on his lips when he saw her face. "Wait, you're serious. You don't know who I am?"

"No." She shook her head. "Should I?"

"I'm Nathan Scott." He introduced himself and all she did was raise her eyebrows. "I play for the New York Knicks."

"Sorry, I don't really watch basketball."

"You're kidding!"

"Nope." She replied, popping the p. "Are you any good?"

"MVP - two years in a row."

"Impressive." She said flippantly as she began riffling through her boxes again. "Good for you."

"That's all?" Nathan was immediately put off by her behavior - most girls would be dropping their panties by now.

"What else am I supposed to say?" She asked.

"Whatever." He muttered, defeated, while shaking his head. "So, you know my name but I still don't know yours."

"Well, I think we can safely rule out that you're not some psycho, rapist murderer. I hope." She smiled as he grinned widely at her. She stuck her hand out. "I'm Haley James."

"It's nice to meet you." He wrapped his hand around hers - her hand was soft. She pulled it away much too quickly for his liking. "So, Haley James, where are you from? What do you do?"

"I am from a small town in North Carolina. Tree Hill." Haley began.

"Never heard of it." He shrugged.

"Well, it's nothing like 'The Big Apple', I'll tell you that." She laughed.

He smiled - this girl had a great laugh.

"I am a junior at NYU." She continued. "I'm studying English Literature and Psychology."

English Literature? How boring. Nathan thought. So, this girl was one of those academic types - nose stuck in a book on a Friday night. Introverted, kind of weird, with a very small social life. He probably would have made fun of her had they attended high school with one another. Nathan glanced over her form again; she definitely didn't look the part of a nerd.

"I'd really love to be a teacher after I graduate." She continued, oblivious to her new neighbor's current thoughts. "I love to read! Jane Austin, Charles Dickens, the Bronte sisters...gosh, I just love them all! To instill knowledge and educate young minds using literature is like a dream come true for me!"

He raised one of his eyebrows at her enthusiasm.

"I'm sorry." She blushed, internally scolding herself. She always does things like that. "I tend to get a little...carried away when I start taking about my major. I'm also a big rambler."

Nathan smiled at her. There was something insanely captivating about this girl. She was quirky and sarcastic. Their earlier encounter suggests that she has a playful, teasing side to her. She was passionate. She was also intelligent; there was no question about that. She did not seem the type to be obsessed with her looks - hard to "put a pin" in that assumption, though, considering he doubts she would be getting all dolled up to move into a new apartment. Regardless, Nathan thought Haley was stunningly and breathtakingly beautiful (a word he hardly ever uses to describe an attractive woman).

"Don't apologize." He responded, watching as she shyly tucked a few strands of her hair behind her ear. "It's endearing."

His compliment caused her blush to spread down to her neck, prompting his smile to morph into a smirk.

"Thanks." She whispered.

"Well," he began, glancing around her apartment, "it looks like you have lots of unpacking to do."

"I do."

"I will leave you to it." He said as she nodded. He was reluctant to leave, though - he honestly wanted to stay and talk with her some more. But, he knows how awful unpacking can be and she probably wants to get it done. "You should come by my apartment later tonight. I'm having a small get-together."

"How small?" She asked.

"Very small." He emphasized. "Just a few close friends. I'm sure they would love to meet you."

"Maybe." Her tone was noncommittal. "It depends on how much I get done. And, how tired I am."

"I can accept that." He smiled. "Don't worry about knocking. Come right in - the door will be open. Don't be shy."

She simply nodded in response and watched as he walked away. He stopped, though, and turned back around to face her.

"I really hope you come, Haley James." Nathan smiled at her one final time and then left her apartment, disappearing into his own.


Haley finished applying the light pink lip gloss to her lips, screwed the cap back on, and then tucked the slender tube into the pocket of her pants. She glanced at her reflection. She was wearing a form-fitted, black tank top that had wide straps and a lower crew neckline with small ruffles, paired with dark-washed jeans and short, black heels. Her hair had been straightened, falling just slightly past her shoulders; her makeup was very light, just a white shade of eye shadow and mascara. Haley hoped she was dressed accordingly - her new neighbor never said whether it was a more formal gathering or a more casual one.

Nathan Scott.

Haley smiled as she thought about him. She had to admit that she was surprised by him. She doesn't know much about sports but she has read those girly magazines on several occasions - most athletes, and other celebrities, have this arrogant and narcissistic vibe about them. Nathan does - it is obvious to her - but he also seemed different. There was something about him that captured her attention. Yes, he was an extremely good-looking man, but it was more than his looks. He had this charm about him that had Haley wanting to get to know him better.

Satisfied with her appearance, Haley grabbed her key and left her apartment, locking the door behind her. It was one of the nicer areas in town but she wanted to be safe rather than sorry - especially on her first night here. She tucked the key into the pocket of her jeans and walked the short distance towards her new neighbor's apartment. She lifted her hand to knock but hesitated - should she just walk right in? Nathan had instructed her to do so. After a couple of minutes, she inhaled a deep breath and turned the knob. Unlocked. The door opened fully and Haley stepped inside.

"Nathan, one of your skanks is here!"

Haley paused, mid-step, and followed the loud, ear-piercing voice. Sitting on a black, leather couch was a brunette. The young woman was a thin but muscular with straight (and, unfairly shiny) dark brown hair. There was another young woman sitting to the girl's left - a skinny, curly-haired blonde who laughed at the comment. Haley stared at them.

"Excuse me?"

"I didn't stutter, sweetie." The brunette retorted before craning her neck to look at her friend. "I swear - the older Nathan gets, the dumber his army of hos get."

Haley felt her cheeks heat up as a menacing glare settled into her features. She does not feel anger very often - she is generally a positive and upbeat person. Make love, not war has been her "hippy" motto for many years. But, in this moment, Haley wanted to deck this girl. Like, really deck her - black eye, bloody nose…maybe knock her unconscious.

"I don't know who you think you are but..." She began only to be interrupted.

"Hey, you came." Nathan smiled widely as he entered the room.

Seething, Haley looked hastily at her neighbor. "Actually, I'm leaving."

He grew confused, watching as she turned sharply and started marching towards the door. He reacted quickly, though, and raced after her.

"Wait!" He exclaimed, palming the door to keep it shut right as she started to turn the knob. "Don't go, Haley."

She sighed and twisted to face him, only to gasp lightly in surprise when realizing how close he was to her.

"I'm glad you decided to come." He admitted sincerely.

"Yeah, well, I'm not going to stay here with that bitch." She sneered.

His eyes widened in surprise at her words. He followed where her eyes had shifted - Brooke Scott, his cousin's wife.

"I've gotta give this one credit, Nathan." Brooke smirked at the petite brunette. "At least she has some spunk to her. And, she doesn't have that whiny, nails on a chalkboard voice like the others always seem to have. And, she's actually dressed. A little bit of an upgrade from the women he usually sleeps with."

"What is your problem?" Haley asked.

Brooke shrugged.

Nathan shook his head and then stared pointedly at his cousin's wife. "Brooke, this is Haley James. She's my new neighbor - moved in today actually."

Brooke looked appropriately embarrassed for a brief moment at her presumptions before jumping up from the couch. She brushed the back of her dress with her hands, smoothing out any creases. Pasting a broad smile on her lips, Brooke sauntered over to the other girl.

"Hi!" She greeted happily cheerfully. "I'm Brooke Scott!"

Haley stared at the girl in disbelief. "Are you serious?"

"Oh, come on, hon. How about we just laugh off our earlier conversations." Brooke waved. "I thought you were somebody else."

"Yeah." Haley barked out sardonically. "I believe your words were skank and ho."

Nathan smiled at the way Haley stood up for herself.

Brooke glanced at Nathan and grinned. "I like her."

"That makes one of us." Haley muttered.

"I have a feeling you and I are gonna be great friends." Brooke smirked while leaning closer to the petite brunette. "Believe me, you're going to want as many allies as you can living next to this guy."

"Hey!" Nathan scoffed when his cousin pointed in his direction before looking once more at his neighbor. "Don't listen to her - I am everyone's dream neighbor. You should consider yourself lucky to be living next door to such a handsome, NBA God."

Both girls glanced at one another and rolled their eyes.

"The ego." Brooke stated. "That's what you have to look forward to."

"I'm well aware." Haley smiled. "I caught a glimpse of it earlier today."

"You're funny." Nathan shook his head. "Really, though, Haley, you shouldn't encourage Brooke. You'll learn soon enough."

Brook stuck her tongue out at him.

Haley laughed at their playful banter.

"Come with me." Brooke sung, latching onto the new girl's arm and pulling her towards the couch. "Come meet the others."

Over the next hour, Haley conversed easily with everyone. She seemed to integrate very naturally with the small, obviously tight-knit group. She felt incredibly comfortable with each and every one of the other "party-goers". She learned a lot about all of them, and she offered up just as many details about herself. Brooke was so vivacious and animated, blunt yet friendly. The earlier encounter between the two girls was quickly forgotten. Peyton was just as friendly as Brooke, but with a much less animated persona. Jake was quiet and laid back. Lucas was an "old soul" - Haley quickly connected with him on an intellectual level, both sharing a deep love for literature.

Haley was happy she came here tonight. For the first time in her life, she finds herself living alone. Her roommate at NYU was and will continue to be one of her best friends, but they both have separate lives outside of just them. She wanted to meet new people - expand her small social life in this larger than life city. Manhattan can be a terrifying and intimidating place, especially for a young woman who comes from a small town thousands of miles away. It is hardly a place she sees herself settling down in, the plan to move back to her hometown is always on her mind, but she does want to enjoy however many years she has left in New York – make friends, maybe even find a love connection. The possibilities seem endless right now for Haley.

Haley, nestled in between the other girls on the couch, took the time to silently observe everyone. Peyton was sketching some doodles in a tablet. Brooke was gabbing away, gushing about a new clothing design she just finished. Jake stood from the recliner, announcing his need to use the restroom, while Nathan and Lucas were engrossed in some kind of sports-related "argument". Laughter from all corners of the room echoed, indicating the good times they were all having. The comfort amongst this group of friends was contagious. Haley had a feeling about these people - one she couldn't explain but one that felt exhilarating. At that moment, her new neighbor locked eyes with her. Nathan smiled widely - yeah, Haley definitely had a feeling.

The end!

Wow, what a (long) journey this has been. I have thoroughly enjoyed sharing this story with you all. While it was slightly on the "boring" and "cliché" side at times (haha!), it has been one of my favorite Naley stories to write.

I am so grateful to all of the people who have been following this story! Thank you so much for your patience as I took MUCH more time than I had wanted (and, expected) to finish this. To all of those who took the time to review this story - you guys were my inspiration! When real life frequently got in the way, I probably wouldn't have continued posting new chapters had it not been for my loyal readers/followers. I appreciate it more than I can say. I love you all!

I have been working on another story - two, actually. One is a little more drama-free in terms of excitement while the other one delves into a more serious "trigger" topic with a darker criminal element as well. I may not be posting that one first - because of its storyline, I want to put a little more time (and, delicacy) in it. So, I plan to work on it in stages in between writing/posting chapters in the other story. For both stories, I do have timelines and large parts of some chapters written. I am really working hard to prioritize my writing into my everyday life somehow - two young kids are not always receptive, though. ;) My goal is to post the first chapter of one in late June/early July.

Again, thank you to all of you! Until the next time. :)