Hey guys and gals. Jaykid1 here with another chapter of DoT.

I'm glad the history I made up went over so well. All seriousness thou, I really don't know what to do with Leandra.

I'll say it again. I'm not making this a Harem.

Anyone know how long they were down in the Deep Roads.

On with the story...


The sun rose high over Kirkwall, shining it's bright morning glare over Lowtown. The light managed to find it's way into the window of Naruto's home and shined right on his eyelids. Naruto groaned as he slightly opened his eyes. Flicking his finger, his curtains closed. His closed his eyes again and snuggled into the warm body pressed into him, completely missing how the window was slightly ajar.

The slight movements were enough to rouse the slumbering Hawke. Opening her eyes, she blinked a couple times before she glanced up at Naruto's face. Seeing his peaceful face, she smiled. She went to readjust herself when she winced slightly at the ache between her legs. She blushed when she remembered what they did last night. Naruto had been her first. It had been so painful, but he had been so gentle, so caring, making sure she was as comfortable as possible. When the pain faded, it left behind intense pleasure, pleasure like Hawke had never known, never thought possible. He had wound her up until her body and mind snapped and left her reduced to nothing but a puddle of mush. And just when she thought it was over, just when her mind began to return, he was on her again, rougher than before but no less pleasurable. Over and over he took her, took her until she couldn't tell up from down, til her throat was raw from crying out, til her body shone with sweat and her nails and teeth were stained with blood from clawing at his back or biting his neck. She wasn't sure when it ended, she just knew at some point during the night she had finally passed out from the sensory overload.

While her mind was finally awake her body was still tired, sore and worn out. The worst part was, she loved it. Never before had she ever felt so tired but she loved the feeling. The tingle in her nether region stung in a way that was both painful and pleasurable. She absently wondered if sex was always like this or was it because it was Naruto she was with. Considering the number of times she had seen her brother return from the Rose with scowl on his face, she was strongly considering the ladder. She suddenly remembered what Naruto said about his book. While he didn't outright come out and say it, she could say for sure that the books didn't do justice to the live act. And as foolish as she knew it was, she couldn't help feel jealousy and anger bubble up inside of her at the other women that had shared a bed with Naruto in the past. She held no illusions that she was Naruto's first, but, she'd make damn sure she was his last. Naruto was hers and she wasn't letting him go. Isabela best watch her step from now on, Hawke was possessive and she knew it and would gladly admit to it. She did feel sorry for Bethany, she knew her little sister had a crush on Naruto, but she also knew Naruto only saw her as the sister he never had.

Hawke was taken from her thoughts by the pair of lips on her forehead. Looking up, her amber eyes met Naruto's ringed purple. "Morning." He said.

"Morning." She said back as she kissed her new lover. She loved that she could call him that.

"Are you okay?" He asked as they pulled apart and he leaned over her.

"Yeah, just a little sore." She admitted with a small blush.

"Sorry, I got a bit carried away."

Hawke shook her head. "Don't apologize, I loved every moment of it." She said as she pulled him back down into another kiss. The kiss quickly turned heated and the two were about to begin again until there was a knock on the front door.

Naruto growled. "Who the hell is knocking this early in the morning?" He asked as he reluctantly got out of bed and put some pants on.

"Hurry back." Hawke called as she sat up and stretched.

"Here's hoping I don't throttle the person on the otherside." Naruto said as he walked out of the bedroom. Hawke pulled the sheets up to cover herself and waited. Suddenly a small black mass, rushed into the room and jumped in the bed. When Hawke blinked, she realized that black mass was actually Shadow. Before she could cuddle the little pup, Naruto walked back into the room, but what surprised Hawke was the blush on his face. "Your mother just stopped by." He said simply. Hawke felt her own cheeks redden now. "Your sister's looking for you." He said.

Hawke swung her legs out and shakily stood to her feet. Before she took a step, Naruto stepped up to her and placed his right hand on her cheek. Suddenly Hawke's soreness bled away. When she smiled up at him, he smiled back and bent down to kiss her. When they pulled apart, she spoke. "We should get washed up."

Naruto nodded. "Yeah." The two went to the bath and quickly washed one another while squashing any amorous thoughts. Before long Hawke was by the door in Naruto's robe and her boots. "I'll drop by later. We need to see Varric about what happened with the Mage. We also have to find a way to get more coin. The expedition leaves in three weeks and we gotta make sure we leave with it." He said.

Hawke nodded. "See ya soon." She said with one final kiss before she left.

Naruto chuckled to himself. 'How did I get so lucky?' He thought fondly. Naruto was about to get dressed when he heard his mail chute click. Turning to look, he saw a letter by his front door. Grabbing it, he opened it up and read the content.


You might be interested in something that's come up. A contact of mine, a fellow by the name of Anso, is asking around for someone competent regarding a job, and I suggested you. He's always paid well, so if I were you, I'd check into it before someone else snaps it up. He said he'll be in the Lowtown Bazaar at night.


Naruto read it twice just to be sure. 'Well if he pays well, this might just be worth while.' He thought as he continued on toward his bedroom.



Hawke had quickly crossed the road from Naruto's place to Gamlen's hovel. She was incredible grateful that it was still early and Lowtown wasn't quite so busy. As soon as she entered the hovel, she immediately came face to face with her mother. Hawke wasn't sure what was worst, the knowing look in her eyes or the smirk on her face. What made the situation worse was that Carver was also present in the room and looked as if he had just returned a moment or two before she did. The look of disbelief on his face at seeing her that turned to horror when he realized what she was wearing and where she undoubtedly came from was unusually satisfying to her. Luckily or unluckily she was saved from from her younger brothers ire by her dear sister who at this very moment had come out from the back room, took one look at her before running toward her, grabbing her arm and pulling her into the backroom.

Leandra was greatly amused with her daughter's look of horror/embarrassment. She had been watching her daughter's interactions with a certain half-demon since before they arrived in Kirkwall. She had worried since her daughter was young that she would never find someone that could truly love her due to her being a mage. That fear was worst due to Marian's tomboyish attitude. Her worries abruptly came to a halt when she met Naruto. She could tell that the two had become more than mere friends long before they even realized it. It was the way they looked at one another, it was the same way she use to look at Malcolm when he was alive.

Leandra was honestly beginning to think the two would never find their way to one another until the night before when she happened to look out of a window in Gamlen's home and saw her daughter practically dragging a ragged and injured Naruto to his home. She almost went over but stopped herself knowing that if they needed help, her daughter would run over. It was good she didn't when an hour later she heard the unmistakable sounds of passion coming from Naruto's home. Leandra quickly shut the window she opened to get air and smiled to herself while doing a little dance in her head. When the morning came, she took Shadow back to Naruto's place, more as an excuse to confirm that he and her daughter had indeed done what it sounded like they did. The blush that promptly appeared on Naruto's face as soon as he saw her was all the answer she needed. After informing him of Bethany's want for her sister, she returned to the hovel just in time to see her son attempt to sneak in. Of course Carver and sneak went together as well as a Qunari dressed in orlesian silk.

Thinking of her son caused her to sigh with disappointment. Leandra just couldn't understand what was wrong with her youngest child. Carver had always been a petulant child but it seemed to have gotten worse since coming to Kirkwall. She didn't like it but she had been noticing a growing similarity between Carver and Gamlen, but it seemed Carver was steadily getting worse. Most of his time he spent at that damnable whorehouse. Leandra shook her head of the things her son was doing and decided to focus more on happy thoughts, such as what her grandchildren by Naruto and Marian would look like.


Bethany had dragged Marian to the room all three siblings were currently sharing. Or at least the sister's shared as Carver hadn't slept their much anymore. Bethany had been going to her room the night before when she heard the sounds that were coming from Naruto's home before her mother shut the window. She knew Naruto wasn't the type to sleep with some random woman so she knew he had to have been with someone he knew. As far as Bethany knew, that could have been a few people.

The first person that came to mind was Isabela. The feisty pirate had been trying to get in Naruto's pants since day one. Perhaps she finally wore him down. The second and more likely woman was their old boss Athenril. She knew Naruto had a slept with, or to use Athenril's words, screwed her brains out, once since coming into her employ. Athenril needed him to persuade her to allow him entry into Kirkwall.

The third was Aveline. Though highly unlikely, the two had shared a room together for a year and had on more than one occasion seen the other naked. It wouldn't be hard to imagine the two sharing a bed once or twice, especially after that particular night when Aveline had too much to drink. The two swore nothing happened but Aveline had been pretty grabby. Even less likely than Aveline was Merril. Though the two got along famously, Merrill admitted to Bethany in private that Naruto frightened her a bit. Whether it was because of his demonic heritage or his relation to Flemeth, Bethany didn't know. Considering she had met the witch, Bethany was considering the latter.

The only other person it could have been was Marian and that seemed silly... at first. The more Bethany thought about it, the more likely it seemed. Naruto was closest to two people in the group, Marian and Varric. Varric had quickly become Naruto's best friend and Marian... now that Bethany really thought about it, she didn't know what to categorize her sister as. If she had to describe how they interacted, she say the way her parents acted, i.e... as a married couple. That thought gave her pause, the two had been acting that way since arriving in Kirkwall, and it actually made since. Whenever Naruto saw a man a get a bit to close to Marian, a quick glare sent them on their way. The same could be said if Marian saw a woman get too close to Naruto with the only exception being Isabela and even then she still got a nasty glare.

When she saw her sister the next morning in nothing but Naruto's robe, she knew she had been right and quickly dragged her into the back for details. She hated to admit it but Naruto turned her into a pervert with his books. It was actually a little strange when one thought about it, Naruto and Marian had been together a little over a year before they actually got together.

Sitting her sister down on the bed, Bethany sat down across from her and started the interrogation. "So, you and Naruto?" She started.

Marian blushed. "Y-Yeah." This was ridiculous. She had killed men before without batting an eyelash, talking about her newly found love life shouldn't be this hard.

Bethany had a small smile on her face along with a small blush. "Is it like it says in the books?" Bethany watched as her big sister's blush become a full body one, she knew this because Naruto's robe was so big on Marian that it left her shoulders and the top of her bust exposed.

"..." Marian muttered something.

"I'm sorry, I didn't catch that." Bethany said.

Taking a deep breath, Marian said again. "I said the books don't do the experience justice." She said.

Bethany practically squealed. "Details, I want to hear details."

Before Marian could even think of what to say, Carver, who had been listening from the other side of the door, chose that moment to burst into the room. "You slept with that demon!" He practically roared.

Marian scowled at him. "So what if I did, since when did you start to care who I decide to sleep with?" She said icily, more than tired of her brother's unwarranted dislike for her new lover.

Carver glared back defiantly. "I wouldn't care at all if you had chosen a normal partner instead of that abomination! What if you get pregnant, it's bad enough our family has magic in our blood without you adding little demon spawns to the mix!"

That statement sparked an argument between Carver and Bethany, which drew Leandra due to all the yelling. Marian however missed all of this as she hadn't heard a word said after 'pregnant'. It was at that point that she realized that she and Naruto had been so wrapped up in the passionate act that neither of them had even thought about anything pertaining to children. Her hand drifted to her abdomen. 'Could I be? No, impossible. Naruto healed me earlier, he would have noticed... right?' She thought. The fact that if she was, her children would be quarter-demons hadn't entered her mind. Even if it had she wouldn't care, Naruto was half-demon and he was normal, granted he was scary when he was angry but who wasn't. The more she thought about it, the more appealing a family with Naruto sounded to her. She even began to wonder what their children would look like. 'Tan skin, unruly black hair, and probably some oddly colored eyes.' She thought.

She was taken from her thoughts when she felt Bethany nudge her. "Sister, are you okay?" She said.

Marian looked from her sisters worried gaze then around the room and saw that Carver was no where to be found. "Yeah, I'm fine. Where's Carver?"

A scowl appeared on Bethany's face. "He left to Maker know's where. What were you thinking so hard about?"

Marian felt another blush form. "Nothing, I should get dressed." She said rather quickly as she gathered some clothes and shed Naruto's robe, thinking nothing of her sister being in the room.

Sadly for her, while Naruto had indeed eased her soreness, he had missed one small blemish and Bethany saw it right away. "Sweet Maker! Sister is that a bite mark on your hindquarters?"


Naruto had dressed in his normal baggy pants and toeless boots. His torso however was covered with a black sleeveless shirt that clung to his muscled frame. His scarf, which was ruined from the fight from the previous night, was cut into a short red strip and worn as a headband to cover his third eye. With his fingerless gloves on, he'd need his robe to complete his outfit, something he'd get when he'd go get Mari. Everything in order, he grabbed his scythe and whistled for Shadow before they left the house and walked across the street.

Reaching Gamlen's hovel in less than a minute, Naruto knocked and waited. Pretty soon, Leandra opened the door and smiled when she saw him and smirked when she saw the small dusting of pink on his cheeks. "Ah, Naruto! Come right in. I'm sure the girls will be out in a moment." She said as she let the Hanyou and the wolf in. Almost as soon as she shut the door Leandra spoke. "I approve." She said.

"W-What?" Was Naruto's reply.

Leandra gave him a reassuring smile. "Whatever your plans are for courting my daughter, I approve." She said simply.

Naruto opened and closed his mouth not really knowing what to say. Luckily for Naruto, Hawke and Bethany chose that moment to exit the back room. Hawke was wearing similar Rouge armor to her last ones only in a more beige or brown while carrying Naruto's robe. As soon as she saw him, Hawke smiled and approached him before she pecked his cheek. "Hey you." She said handing him his robe.

"Thanks." He said before he put it on completing his outfit. "We should probably get going." He suggested, though he really wanted to get away from the awkwardness brought on by Leandra.

"Right." Hawke agreed as she, Naruto and Shadow fled the hovel.

Bethany sighed. "They're so cute together."

Leandra nodded. "And now that Marian is taken care of, I can focus on finding you a husband."

Bethany absent-mindedly nodded until what her mother said clicked. "Wait... What?"


The two new lovers and direwolf pup were headed toward the Hanged Man before Hawke suddenly grabbed Naruto's hand and pulled him into an alley way. Being the smart pup he was, Shadow waited at the front of the alley, having a general idea of what his masters were doing. Once they were significantly hidden away, Hawke pinned Naruto to a wall, and kissed him. Initially taken aback by her forwardness, Naruto quickly responded to the kiss as he wrapped his arms around her waist as she wrapped hers around his neck.

They pulled apart and Hawke laid her head on his chest. "Sorry for the abruptness, I just wanted you to myself for a moment longer. I still can't believe this is real." She said softly.

Naruto laid his head on her's as he gently rubbed her hair. "Believe me, if this is a dream, I'll kill whoever wakes me. Why did it take us so long to get together."

Hawke chuckled. "According to Bethany, we've been together since arriving to Kirkwall. She said we acted like a married couple."

Naruto smiled. "Is that right..." He started as his hands descended down her back. "Well, there is something we definitely do like a married couple." He finished as his hands trailed to her bottom then squeezed.

Hawke squeaked before she sent him a look. "You left a bite mark back there by the way, Bethany saw it."

Naruto smirked. "What can I say, it looked so nice I just had to bite it." He said as he kissed her neck.

Hawke moaned. "Naruto, we shouldn't, not back here." She tried to resist but was finding it very difficult.

Naruto growled lightly as he lifted her by her rear and turned so she was pinned to the wall, allowing Hawke to feel the bulge in his pants while her legs automatically went around his waist. "It's your own fault, your the one who started it." He said as he kissed her passionately.

Hawke gave in and kissed back with equal force. Both were so into the other that they hadn't noticed the two people enter the alleyway. "Aw no fair, I wanna be stuck between Naruto and a hardplace." A hauntingly familiar voice said followed by some perverted snickers.

Hawke and Naruto froze as they slowly turned to see a pouting Isabela holding a contrite looking Shadow by the scruff of his neck and Varric scribbling on a piece of paper. What Isabela said finally sunk in as they blushed knowing full well that the wall was not what she meant by hard place.

"ISABELA!" "VARRIC!" Hawke and Naruto screamed respectively.


After breaking away from each other and ignoring Varric and Isabela's antics, the now four companions and wolf pup were headed back to Naruto's place. You'd think seeing him in his demon form and viciously tearing people apart would turn her off but if anything that made Isabela all the more persistent to get Naruto in bed. According to her, his horns would provide something excellent to hold onto. Luckily for Naruto, Hawke kept Isabela at a distance.

After arriving to Naruto's place and having a brief meeting with Varric, who not only had the maps for the deep roads but also informed them that Anders would aid Hawke anyway he could. Both lovers found it odd he said he would aid Hawke when Naruto was the one who freed his friend. They all figured they'd deal with that later.

Pretty soon Bethany made her way over after getting away from Leandra and that was when Naruto told them of the letter that he received earlier. Everyone agreed that it was probably worth checking out. That in mind, they all waited until sundown and set out for the bazaar after dropping Shadow off with Leandra.

When they arrived, they weren't surprised to see no one around except for a dwarf with large eyes nervously looking around. When they approached him, he had his back turned. "Are you Anso?" Hawke spoke up.

No sooner had she spoke had Anso jumped and yelped. "Sweet mother of Partha! You can't just run up on someone like that! Are you, maybe the one that smuggler told me about?"

Naruto spoke up next. "We use to work for Athenril if that's what you mean."

"Yes it is. What I mean, that is." Anso stammered. "My apologies human, I haven't been on the surface very long. I keep thinking that sky is going to swallow me up at any moment." He said.

"What a strange thing to be afraid of." Bethany commented.

Varric chuckled. "Bartrand use to be like that. Got jumpy everytime he stepped outside."

Now Naruto chuckled. "I'd pay to see that."

"Dwarfs are funny." Isabela added.

"I digress, I need some help. Rather badly in fact." Anso said rather jumpy. "Some product of mine has been... misplaced. The gentlemen that were suppose to deliver it decided not to and well, my employers are getting impatient."

"Alright, we'll take care of it. Where are they." Naruto said.

"Ah, thank goodness. The gentlemen conduct their business in a little hovel in the Alienage."


After speaking with Anso, the group made there way to the Alienage, where they happened to catch Merrill who was out for a lae night stroll. After filling her in, the 6 quickly found the hovel that Anso mentioned and went inside. There were 8 men inside the hovel who attacked them on sight, they were slaughtered with relative ease. When the smuggler were dead, Naruto quickly found the chest but discovered it was empty.

"What a waste of time." Isabela growled.

"If this was a set up, Athenril will have a lot to answer for." Hawke said rather angry.

"That she will." Naruto agreed while Bethany nodded.

"We'd better get out of here." Varric said.

No sooner had the group exited the hovel had they found themselves surrounded by a battalion of slavers. "Oh shit." Naruto muttered.

A female slaver walked forward and examined them all before her gaze locked on Merrill. "That's not the elf, who's that."

Another slaver stepped forward. "Doesn't matter we were told to slaughter who ever enters the house." He said.

After that, a rather long, very tedious fight broke out. In the end the group made it out victorious, but not without a few cuts and bruises. When all the slavers lied dead on the ground, Naruto noticed something about the slavers. "These are Tevinter slavers. What are they doing here in Kirkwall?" He said aloud.

"Whatever reason they had, they're dead now." Hawke said.

Suddenly they all heard footsteps and turned to see another slaver approach. "I don't know who you are friend, but you made a serious mistake coming here." He growled out. "Lieutenant! I want everyone in the clearing! Now!" He shouted.

Another man walked around the corner, only he was covered in his own blood. "Captain..." He muttered before he fell over dead.

Suddenly another figure came around the corner. This one was an Elf with snow white hair, spiked armor and covered in bluish-white markings. As soon as Naruto saw him, his eyes widened. "It can't be..." he said silently though Hawke was still close enough to hear him.

"Your men are all dead. And your trap has failed. I suggest running back to your master while you can." The elf said as he came down the stairs to the Alienage.

The slaver grabbed his arm. "Your not going anywhere slave!"

Suddenly the elf's markings glowed blue along with his eyes as he quickly turned and shoved his fist through the slaves chest and crushed his heart. The man was dead before he hit the ground. "I am not a slave." The elf said as he turned toward the others. "I apologize. I was unaware that..." the elf trailed off when his eyes found Naruto. His eyes lit up in recognition. "N-Naruto?"

That proved it to Naruto. "Leto?"


There you have it folks, Chapter 7. Hope you enjoy.

Say did anyone think I was a girl. Someone commented on another of my stories that they thought I was a girl.

Anyway, I have a new story idea. It's a Naruto/Fullmetal Alchemist story. I'm pretty sure the idea is original. There are two ways I can do the story. Which way I do it depends on the Pairing.

The Pairing is either Naruto/Riza or Naruto/Winry(Slightly older). I'm leaning toward the Naruto Riza since there are like no good stories with them, plus I have the Idea in my head more for that story. For those that would like to hear more either inbox me or leave it in the comment and I'll PM you.

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