Disclaimer: Paramount own Star Trek.

Kathryn Janeway walked slowly to where? The ship was not home, although they were 10 years closer. However, the moral was high. Now it was not just a case of "if" but "when "they got home.

However, the question remained was the price to high? A man gave up his existence, so they all get home. Could Harry see that, with the help a Harry Kim who had never existed? Damn she hated temporal rifts. The Harry who had sent the message was a man eaten with guilt and remorse, a man whom Kathryn Janeway would never forget. She sighed Harry would be okay he just need time. Leaving him sitting alone with a message from a future whose pain he would never know.

Harry Kim would not change another man's life without his consent. Therefore, in that timeline Chakotay was already dead, suddenly that thought scared her. She knew clearly then they had both sacrificed their future for their past.

She knew just where she was going. She had to check.

"Enter" Chakotay's voice sounded so reassuring.

Kathryn walked toward him, as he stood looking at the stars.

"I knew you'd come Kathryn" he moved turning to face her.

"I had to" she watched his face fascinated wondering what he thought. She tilted her head, taking a seat facing him.

"Kathryn, have you eaten? "She smiled, still fussing. She knew he would no more go home without her than she would without him. Maybe it was the time.

"No just a date with the replicator. Why?"

"Then." He stood and held out his hands and asked

"Are you with me?" knowing she'd recognise the words

Laughing now, she reached out; taking his hands, he pulled her up, as she replied.


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