The decision to transfer to Dalton had not been an easy one. In the end, he hadn't really been given a choice. Kurt's father had convinced him to go, not being able to bear the thought of his son being tortured for any longer at McKinley.

Shortly after that fateful conversation that brought the both of them to tears, and made Kurt wish he was young again so he could crawl into his dad's lap and sob, Kurt had packed his bags, trying his best to hold it together.

The morning after, while his dad was making the two hour drive to Westerville, Kurt started fretting. His dad would have to work more hours at the shop to be able to cover the ridiculous tuition and that just didn't sit right with Kurt. Despite his dad's words "You're not supposed to worry about me. That's my job.", Kurt was painfully aware of what that would mean for his dad's health. With the first heart attack having been just over a year ago, he knew that his dad had to take it easy. And putting in extra hours at the shop on top of worrying about his safety did not coincide with Kurt's idea of 'taking it easy'.

He made a promise to himself then and there. He would find a way, any way, to make sure he would take that burden off his dad's shoulders. He'd find himself a job, however shitty it may be and however hard it may be to not let it interfere with his academic endeavors.

He'd do anything to ensure that his dad stayed healthy.

Turns out that even though Dalton's students maintain their proper image in front of the teachers, behind closed doors - or even just behind turned backs - they seem to be completely different people.

Kurt also discovers that - seeing as Dalton is an all-boys boarding school - demand for pussy is high but supply of it is limited and that the boys are hungry, starved for it.

And so he decides to use the one thing he used to hate the most about himself to his - and, to an extent, their - advantage.

Kurt becomes the school slut.

It's a win-win, really. The boys get pleasure out of it and he gets money and pleasure in return. And damn, those boys are willing to pay a pretty penny for access to his pussy.

More (read: smut) will be up soon. Please review :)