CHAOS: I promised my lil' sib' I would update this so here's a new oneshot!

Ren: Why don't you update anything else?

CHAOS: The Beginning is basically done, I just need one more chapter and The Secret Never Know is on a hiatus since I don't have any plot voices for it right now.

Ren:*rolls eyes*So don't expect updates for a bit. OneofcompleteCHAOS doesn't own Hetalia Axis Powers, just the plot.

~!~!~!~Yao's Lesson~!~!~!~

Immortals weren't supposed to fall in love. It was impossible for them to because the other person always died. All of the immortals had experienced it at one point or another and vowed to never get that close to another mortal again.

And Yao had broken that rule once again.

The first time had been centuries ago, back before all of this technology and when women couldn't fight in wars. Yao had fallen for a woman who refused to accept the rules that society had forced onto her and she had broken every single one of them before she had been killed in battle.

After that he had chosen to not get close to any other mortal emotionally, but, as they say, every promise you make is going to be broken at one point in your life. Yao's promise broke when he ran into someone on his way to market.

"Ah, I am sorry, sir," the person said, apologizing for running into Yao.

Yao blinked and looked at the other, a Japanese man with raven locks that fell just below his chin, pale skin yet still held the obvious characteristics of being Asian, and dark brown eyes, and said, "No, it's okay, I wasn't looking where I was going so I was at fault to, aru."

The other nodded and picked up his bag that had fallen when they had collided. "Why are you here, aru?" Yao asked.

"Werr, my friht was cancered and the next friht they had was in six hours. I don't rearry want to stay in the airport for that rong," the Japanese explained.

'His accent is so cuteeee!' Yao mentally squealed. A loud he said, "I could show you around the city, if you want, aru."

The other smiled slightly and nodded following Yao as he bounced down the street.

The next several hours were spent learning about each other ("So where are you going, aru?" "I'm visiting my friends over in Greece."), wandering around the city ("You really do know some out of the way places." "Yes but it has good food, aru." "Yes, it does."), and seeing things that weren't in the travel brochures ("This is amazing, Yao-san!" "I told you it would be, aru! And don't call me –san, it makes me feel old, aru.").

"Yao, this is trury amazing," Kiku said, looking over the city as the stars shined down on it.

"Yeah, I like coming here to try and forget the hard parts of life and just exist, aru," Yao stated, leaning back on his hands.

Kiku looked down at his watch and squeaked, "I have to get back to the airport, my fright reaves in an hour."

"I'll take you back and you'll be there before it leaves, aru," Yao said, standing and taking Kiku's hand.

The two made their way back through the city and to the airport. Yao walked with Kiku to the terminal and smiled at him, "Here you go, Kiku, aru."

"Thank you for showing me around, Yao, it was rearry nice of you. I wish my friends could be rike that," Kiku sighed.

"Eh? What are they like, aru?" Yao asked.

"They arways fight with each other so we never rearry get what we had praned done," Kiku explained.

"Hmm, that does seem to be annoying. Ah! Give me your phone Kiku, aru!" Yao said holding out his hand.

"My phone?" Kiku asked, tilting his head.

"Yes, I want to put my number in it so you can call me," Yao said with a smile.

Kiku handed Yao his phone and watched as he put in his number, taking it back when Yao was done, "Thank you again, Yao."

"It was no problem Kiku, aru!"

Kiku waved at Yao as he made his way to the plane and Yao waved back.

Immortals aren't supposed to fall in love with a mortal, and for good reason: Mortals will die eventually, leaving the immortal to mourn their death for eternity. Mortals can never understand the feeling that immortals go through, thinking of what will happen, not weeks or years in the future, but centuries. And Yao knows this, he knows it is bad to become close to a mortal for those reasons and more.

But as he watched Kiku walk down the terminal to the plane, he couldn't see any reason to not try this again or to try and think like the mortals did, in the present and not in the future.


CHAOS: Hope you enjoyed! I do have a story I've almost completed and am thinking of posting soon so look out for that!

Ren: Tell us what you think.

CHAOS: Oh! And sorry for the long time of no updates/activity! I've been busy/haven't had any ideas for the current stories/no motivation to upload anything!