I don't own freezing in any format, this is fan fiction

Kazuya used his volt texture to change his clothes into something more appropriate for the new teacher assigned to the class he was walking towards. 'Let's hope they can look past what happened in the past, and maybe teaching this class will not be as much of a pain as I fear it will be.'

He opened the door and walked into the classroom, the students were pretty much behaving as you would expect when they think their teacher was running late. They were either talking with each other or comparing notes on their work assigned during the previous class. Everyone kept ignoring him till one of the Pandora saw him, and remember the beating he gave her during the Carnival.

Kazuya pretended to clear his throat, nobody did anything to even look at him. Since they didn't do anything he then had to do something more drastic. He sent a freezing field wide enough to cover the entire classroom. "Class if you would kindly let me have your attention." All the limiters in the class looked at him and could not believe that he was the one doing the freezing field.

Kazuya walked up to the podium and looked at them. A few thought that he was a messenger for their teacher but a few actually had their mouths open as he walked to the podium. "As you may not know this, the previous teacher for your class has decided that her time would be better spent on the front lines than teaching this class. I am Kazuya Aoi and from this moment on, I am your newly assigned teacher."

"As this is a third-year class I expect all of you to be familiar with the level of commitment we expect from students here at West Genetics. We will begin class as soon as you answer the questions that are now appearing in your terminals. You have five minutes to answer those questions, failure to answer the questions will result in a much harsher training during physical skills portion of today's class. Now those that answer the questions and have spare time I will answer questions that these students may have."

The class began reading the questions, it was a simple practice of checking past knowledge so that Kazuya did not have to waste time repeating things they already covered. As expected several students, in fact, finished the test rather quickly, Attia, Cleo, Elizabeth and Miyabi finished the test under a minute.

They were all looking at him with a rather smug look on their faces, "You said that you would answer questions to those that answered the test quickly, so mind telling me Professor are you still seeing that woman that was one of the numbers?"

Kazuya looked at Miyabi, "Yes, in fact, we are doing quite well in our relationship. Thank you for asking. I will be sure to tell my beloved that you were concerned about the status of our relationship. Does anyone else have any other questions."

Elizabeth looked at him and from how she looked at him she wanted to make clear her position as Queen Bee of the class, if not of West Genetics as a whole. "So tell me Kazuya, how is it that a person young enough to be in the first year is able to teach this class? Don't you need to have actual combat experience so that you can teach Pandora at all?"

Kazuya smiled as she tried to humiliate him, it simply was funny that she decided to speak of having experience fighting Nova when she and the rest of the class have only fought other Pandora or fought against holographic representations of Nova in the Academy simulations room.

"I passed all knowledge tests, practical tests, and have been fighting Nova longer than anyone in this grade. I am also a Nova Noble, which means other than Nova themselves or Chiffon Fairchild, there is no one more qualified and knowledgeable about Nova and how to combat them. I would prefer if you call me Professor or Instructor, I have earned that much."

"As for being able to teach, you can request to take the same exams I have. During my practical exams, I came two times close to dying. So if you are feeling like you would want to experience excruciating pain, malnutrition, lack of sleep and possibly die, by all means, you can request the headmistress to let you take the same exams I did."

He looked at the other people still answering the exam, "Time is up, stop writing and wait a second." Kazuya closed his eyes and in a matter of seconds his mind connected to all the terminals and read the answers his students wrote on his test. Almost every screen turned off, except for five of them.

"Those whose screams are still on, have failed this exam. I expect you to look up the answers and write a paragraph as you notice why your answers were incorrect. The questions that are incorrect are still on your screen, the ones that are missing are the ones you got correct. Now onto the subject of today's lesson."

He walked over to the blackboard and began using his volt texture to make a chalk and write on the board. "Today we will learn about basic Nova Psychology, to defeat an enemy you must understand how that enemy thinks and reacts to internal and external stimuli. Now show of hands who thinks that Nova is mindless savages that attack out of pure instinct?"

Several limiters rose their hand and a few Pandora did as well. "Very well, who will volunteer to tell me why you think so?" A limiter who had short red hair stood up and looked at Kazuya with an air of confidence, Kazuya would call it an air of smugness if he was ever asked.

"There is no logical reason to attack a dimension so different from their own. They are merely attacking out of fear, or some other base emotion. If they were logical they would concentrate on military or key economic targets and not simply attack the most populated areas. This proves they are attacking much like a beast of prey and nothing that thinks logically."

Kazuya told him to sit down, "Actually Nova attack heavily populated areas because that would cause their enemies to have diminished chances of replenishing their military forces. The locations are always key economic locations in the region they attack to reduce their ability to gather resources. Why attack another dimension? The answer is simple, to expand their territory. The Nova's own planet is constantly at much lower temperatures than Earth."

He began to display the planet Pluto on the screen. "Much like Pluto it is a very hostile, and harsh environment, and thus they want to invade so that in our much friendlier climate they can actually substantially increase their food production, and resource gathering capacities. If they can travel to other dimensions I would think they have scientific achievements that rival our own, since we can't do that yet."

"To advance in high scientific pursuits or goals one must develop a very logical train of thought. This coupled with the logic of their invasion sites they are not acting rashly or on a moments notice, they are planning things before they even attack. To defend your species, you and the other Pandora must learn to never underestimate your enemy, never take a situation for granted, and always and I mean always have constant vigilance. It is when you underestimate an enemy when you begin to see how wrong you are when your friends begin to die and if you are unlucky you might not live to correct your thinking."

He looked at them and looked at them with a serious look on his face, "This ladies and gentlemen are war, you are not fighting to stop them, you are fighting for the survival of your own species." They looked at Kazuya and for a brief second, they wanted to argue about the possibility of a diplomatic solution.

Kazuya continued the lesson and by lunch time they knew diplomacy was the furthest thing from their enemy's mind. They learned that the dimension they called home was far more valuable than even they had ever considered. They lived in a garden world and they never even realize it. They ate foods of all varieties and they all took it for granted, the class no longer did after today's lesson.

As Kazuya walked towards the teacher's lounge he saw Kim waiting for him outside, she was leaning against the wall right next to the entrance to the lounge. She smiled as she saw Kazuya walk towards her. "Nice suit Kazuya, guess we wanted to make a proper impression on your students. Come on, we don't have enough time as is. You got practical skills after lunch don't you?"

He walked up to her and kissed her on her lips, the kiss felt wonderful, and the feel of her so close was something he wanted more than food. "Wait till you hear who they actually assigned me as my class. I swear the headmistress of this school must hate my guts."

As she held his hand as they walked she couldn't help but to smile, "The teacher of that class said that too once, so how was your first lesson, my love?" He looked at her smiling face and could not help but to smile too.

"My entire class was me teaching them about Nova Psychology, and they arguing with me why I was either insane or wrong. I managed to get them to understand how my kind thinks, or so I hope so. I did a test to test for prior knowledge and five of them failed it. I guess I should tell Elize that she is going to need five empty beds for today."

She began shaking his head as they walked into the area where the teachers had their meals. Like always she sat down and watched as Kazuya went and picked their food and carried it to their seats in two trays.

"Thank you Kazu, I guess I should be more thankful for the heavens that I have such a considerate lover." He smiled and looked at her, "I won't be just your partner and lover for much longer. Look on your tray and you will see why."

She looked at the tray and she had to put her hands in her mouth to keep from crying out loud. Between her drink and her food was a small box. His time during the exams was not only tortured it seems. Kazuya spent each night working on something, today was the day he was going to use the thing he made during his time away from her.

"Kim Yumi, since I am now a teacher it means I have gainful employment. Will you do me the honor of being my bride? So how about it my beloved, will you marry me?" She jumped out of her seat and hugged him so tight people were thinking that they heard ribs crack.

"Yes, and a thousand times Yes, Kazu, I happily joined my senses to yours, so I happily join my life to yours as well." Elize walked over to her and that is when she noticed a ring on her left hand.

"Well, it looks like you couldn't wait any longer to ask her that now could you Kazuya. Come on you two need to eat so that you can torment your students during practical skills. Don't worry Kazuya I got at least a dozen new beds ready for your students, the headmistress set me up in a larger clinic after you became a teacher, she said to be prepared."

They both sat down and the other teachers had many different reactions than what they expected. The female teachers were actually looking happy that Kim was engaged. The male teachers looked like the end of the world was happening or looked at Kazuya with pity in their eyes.

The same teacher that he once sent to the infirmary walked over to them, "Like I said students should not be eating here. This place is for teacher's only. Why are you wearing that suit anyways?"

Kazuya looked at him, and Elize was glad she had more beds and a much bigger place for her clinic. Kazuya calmly took out his hand and a holographic projection appeared, it was his identification. The man looked at it and smiled, "Guess this means you are one of us now, from what it says here you got that class. I don't know who I should pity you or your students."

"Why don't you check in at the clinic after today ends? Then you will know who really deserves your pity. Elize, the one I feel pity for is you, are you sure you want this guy? He doesn't seem like your type." Kim laughed as what Kazuya said finally made sense to the guy and he looked at Elize as she was smiling.

"You just worry about keeping that blushing bride of yours happy, and I know I can call on you two if I need help. Now sit down and eat before your food gets cold."