Author's Note: IMPORTANT! This story is not over. Sorry for the wait but plan on an update coming soon. I also intend to write another story on this account in due time. So, that is about it. Just wanted to let all the followers of this story that I in fact am not dead.
When there's trouble, you know who to call
Teen Titans!
From their tower, they can see it all
Teen Titans!
When there's evil on the attack
You can rest knowing they got your back
'Cause when the world needs heroes on patrol
Teen Titans, go!
With their super powers they unite
Teen Titans!
Never met a villain that they liked
Teen Titans!
They've got the bad guys on the run
They'll never stop 'til their job gets done
'Cause when the world is losing all control
Teen Titans, go!
1! 2! 3! 4! Go!