Raven's POV
Robin-18 Cyborg-19 Starfire-17 Raven-16 Beast Boy-16
~One year after season five~
I wait as the elevator doors to the common room slowly roll open. I step out first.
Cyborg's is next to exit. He is the same Cyborg he has always been. Not that his outfit can really change any if at all.
Next is Robin. He might have switched his look the most out of the five of us. Leaving his mess of red, green and yellow in the past, he is now seen in a outfit much like the one Starfire claimed he was wearing when she chased the villain Warp to the future. Though he hasn't made a name change and the bird on his chest is red, something tells me that might not stay that way forever.
Then Starfire herself. Time has been very good to her and the little bit of curve that has developed on her still tall, golden form has kept her looking beautiful. She grew her bangs so they are almost unnoticeable mixed into the rest of her fiery red mop, but her costume stayed very much the same.
Finally, Beast Boy. He is still green as ever, and the most annoying person I have ever met. His body gained some build but he is still lean and the smallest of the group. He, like Robin, had taken a pretty great step in a new direction along the lines of clothing. (I'm making his character design more like the new 52 comic book launch so google that or sen1227 on tumblr does a great job drawing him the way I'm going for) He has done away with his old Doom Patrol get up for a white body suit with light purple accents. He refuses to show more skin than his head and neck therefore he also wears classic super hero skin tight gloves and boots. His hair is much longer now and will occasionally fall into his face forcing him to move it with a sharp whip of his head.
I guess my attire changed a bit, too. Not as much as the shapeshifter or boy wonder, but enough. I now cover my legs with a continuation of my black leotard and replaced my blue shoes with black one. Still I couldn't lose all of my old look as I can still be seen with famous blue cape.
The common room and the rest of the tower haven't changed at all. Our job of keeping Jump City is the same and is going well, besides the still lingering feeling that Slade really is out there somewhere thanks to Beast Boy's swearing he fought a robot him a year ago. But he is Beast Boy so we have all kind of pushed that thought aside. So I guess you could say life is good.
"Ok guys I say we all just go to bed. I hate to say it but Cinderblock was actually pretty tiring today," Robin announces, "And it's already *looks at microwave clock* Wow! 11:30! Ok goodnight." He starts off to his room and Starfire floats after him. He can try to hide it but I can see the slight smile that he fights to keep from gracing his lips as he engages in small talk with his crush. I push down my laughter.
"I think I'll hit the hay, too," Cyborg answers as he yawns,
"We'll play video games tomorrow B," He russells Beast Boy's hair and follows the others to the right door of the common room where their rooms are located. Even I found myself yawning and began the other way to the left where Beast Boy's, mine and the bathroom can be found. I am almost in the hallway before I realize the changeling is not beside me. I look around to see him sitting on the couch.
"Hey, you coming?"
No answer. He was just looking down at the coffee table.
"Beast Boy."
He jumps a little as he is ripped out of whatever thought he was in.
"oh… mmm," he looks around seeming to try to figure out what I had said, "What?" Seems he couldn't get the answer. He itches his arm.
"OH YEAH! That… Um no, I think I'm going to stay out here a minute."
"Ok?" This is weird even for him. "Why?" I know I really shouldn't push it, but it's too late now.
His eyes widened a little like he's surprised, surprised that I would care. I felt a little guilt build in me because I can see why he would feel that way. I act cold sometimes and most of the time towards him. I think I might start to try and change that.
"Oh um… I'm not really that tried I guess."
That's not right, he's been a little off all day. He's has barely talked, he's has barely interacted at all. Now that I'm thinking about it and he's been acting strange for days now. How is it that I'm just now seeing how un-Beast Boy he is acting?
Now it's my turn to be surprised as these words leave my mouth.
"Let's watch a movie."
He snaps his head up to meet my gaze.
"Yeah why not." I say in my monotone voice but I'm actually kind of happy. Happy because he looks a tad bit happier. I didn't not just think that.
"G-great!" He almost jumps off the couch, "I'll make popcorn!"
Half-an-hour later
"Lilo and Stitch?"
"Yeah, it's a Disney classic! It has Hawaii, surfing, a little blue monster alien with four arms, what's not to love?" He smiles that damn grin of his.
We are sitting on the the couch in sweatpants and sweatshirts, deep in a pile of blankets with a huge bowl of popcorn in between us. Why did I agree to this.
"Shhhh! It's starting."
"I wasn't saying-"
*disney logo plays*
He itches his arm again. Second time tonight, I'll have to ask him about it later.
*One hour, twenty-four minutes, and four seconds later*
"What'd you think?" Beastboy asked with a wild grin.
"I didn't hate it," I actually loved it, not that I would ever tell Beast Boy. The movie had a perfect balance of joy and jokes but also heart wrenching moment that make you just want to sob.
He turned to me, eyebrows raised and smiling.
"What did I tell you! I am a man that knows his Disney."
I find myself in a fit of laughter with him. Sometimes Beast Boy being Beast Boy is the best thing ever. Than the clock catches my eye. It's one-thirty and I can tell we aren't going to be going to sleep very soon after the emotional rollercoaster Lilo and Stitch has been.
"Hey," I say to him, he was starting to stare off into space again, "Have you ever tried my tea?" This might get his mind of whatever is bothering him until I can figure it out myself.
"No, I can't say that I have."
"Well than you're going to try some" I begin to get out of our bedding fortress when reaches out and grapes my forearm. I quickly look down at him. It's odd for him to touch me and now he had my full attention.
"Ahh… umm…" he pulls his hand away fast and looks down, "Raven, I'm really really sorry." He looks like I'm going to hit him. My eyes soften.
"Beast Boy it's fine, you did nothing wrong," I said sitting back down, "what were you going to say?" He glances but up smiling, glad that I looked over his non-existent mistake.
"I-I was just going to ask why you're doing this."
"Doing what?"
"Hanging out with me?"
Do I really hang out one on one with him so little that when I do it's weird.
"Because I am your friend, and… don't tell anyone I said this, but you can be really fun to be with sometimes." I hope to Azar he can't see my blush. Quick subject change!
"So tea?"
"Yeah Okay." he smiled and we walk to the kitchen.
At the end of the hallway Beast Boy's and my room are in there is full wall window. There is one in the other three's too but I think I am the only one that uses any of the two. I come here to read or sometimes just to think. It's really peaceful.
"You're not the only one." I looked up to see Beast Boy sitting up against the opposite wall as me, did I say that out loud?
"Well not the reading part so much," he continued, "But I do come here to think."
We both looked out the window, both with steaming cups of green tea in our hands, both submerged in big down confitures, both peering into the darkness below. Well, him not so much. With the keen animal senses he has been bestowed with it probably looks like day. I have always wondered how he got the odd powers he has.
"Maybe we could sit together more often Rae."
"Don't call me Rae," his eyes drop a little and I feel a pinch of pain in my chest, you do I care what he calls me anyways, "but maybe." I smile as I see his joy return. Good.
He itches his arm.
"Hey why do you keep itching your arms?"
He freezes and his eyes grow wide.
"...no reason."
He avoids my gaze. Slince.
I make a quick move to get a hold of his limb but he evades me. Still, before he can get out of the covers my magic has him by the waist and both wrist. I pull him to the ground in front of me.
"No Raven! Please stop!"
I rip his right hand out of the black cuff. He struggles more but it is soon seized when the magic gets tighter on his small frame. With a small whimper he gives up, knowing from experience, against me he can't win.
When I am sure he is calm I continued. I jerk up his sweatshirt sleeve and what I see I am not prepared for.
From the top of his forest, green wrist to the bottom of his forearm there are cuts. Most of them are already green scars but some are fresh, leaving his pink flesh to be exposed. Other are starting to scabbing over and that would explain the itching.
He is holding his breath as he waits for my reaction, but I don't know how to react. Beast Boy. The one who is always laughing, always and happy. Never would I have ever thought he of all people would be the one to...
"How could we do this to you Beast boy?" I say it to myself more than him.
"W-what?" His face shows of his uncomfortableness and confusion. He tries again to retrieve his arm but I'm not done with it.
"How long?" I say fast and stern. I feel like I'm the mother and he is the child I just caught stealing a cookie out of a cookie jar. If only that was the situation. Instead I am sitting on the cold, hallway floor at two in the morning, holding one of my best friends to the ground with black music so he will not run away, as I clutch his arm in my gray hand and stare in perplexity at it, wondering how his four other so called family members, who say they devote their never dying love to him, never saw how he was hurting himself.
"How long." I ask again.
"Doom Patrol." Shit.
It's been years than. He has been doing this to himself for years. I'm assuming Mento or any of them have never known so that means he has hid this for most of his childhood.
His looks away.
He meets my eyes again
"You're crying." He says almost whispering.
I bring the hand that isn't still holding his arm to just under one of my eyes and I feel wet, warm liquid running down my cheek.
"You are, too," I retorted. And he is. That normally cheerful and loving face is also stain with tears. I pulled my magic away.
We just stare at each other for a moment. He doesn't know what to say, I don't know what to say, so we just stare.
Then we hug.
It reminds me of the time Malchior broke my heart, but this pain I feel now is deeper. This time he is the one hurting. We are both grabbing the other like they are the only thing keeping us above water.
"I'm sorry," his voice cracks.
"You have nothing to apologize for," I stroke his green hair.
After minutes of us silently sobbing into each others necks, we both start to drift into sleep.
"This conversation isn't over."
"I know Raven."
"I'm going to help you Beast Boy."
We lay down and let sleep take us, on the floor, in front of the window. I held him, he held me.
I look down at him one more time. No matter what it takes I am going to fix him.