A/N (forgottenwhispersxo): This is part two of my collab with snogfairy using the prompt breasts/muscles. Part one focused on "Muscles" and was written in Lucy's POV. This is a continuation of Philine's beautiful story, focusing on 'breasts' via Natsu's glorious perspective. There will be lots of a feels and sexy time, hahaha.
;When he opened his eyes, she was looking right at him. The blonde girl from before, with the brown eyes that smouldered with white hot need and melted like pools of chocolate.
NaLu Love Fest - Bonus Day Prompt: Breasts/Muscles
Fire Dragon's Roar!
Just like his Father before him, Natsu had learned the art of the 'Dragon'; had learned to control fire for the amusement and entertainment of others. Some perceived this art as magic, others closed their minds to such a thing, knowing it only as a craft. A trick. But Natsu had never felt closer to his old man than he did during this part of his act, he had to make him proud every time. No mistakes.
Smacking a hand to his chest, he released the fire in his belly, squeezing his eyes closed as the flames exploded from his lips. The hot colours burned together against his eyelids, warm shades of red and orange flashing before fading away completely. When he opened his eyes, she was looking right at him. The blonde girl from before, with the brown eyes that smouldered with white hot need and melted like pools of chocolate. When she started applauding, Natsu became suddenly aware of the grin on his face.
He tore his gaze away from hers just long enough to bow with the others, a spectral of dots littering the ground; the flames from his performance still dancing behind his eyes. Being a performer was exhilarating, but the way she looked at him was something else. His eyes moved back to hers the moment he stood up straight. He ached for her, ached for her in a way he'd never ached for anybody else. It was an unexplainable sensation, truly. But Natsu knew better than to question the power of emotion. Sweat gathered on his chin, falling in thin droplets with each heartbeat. The way she leaned over exposed the voluptuous figure he'd memorised from her past visits and he could see, beneath the circus lighting, that her cleavage was aglow with sweat.
With a deep breath he stretched his hand out towards her. He didn't know if she'd come again, and he'd wasted so many opportunities in the past. He had to act now. Her florid countenance held a bewildered expression and she craned her neck to check the seat behind her. But no one else could ever capture his attention like she did. She was a stream of sunlight on a stormy day, much desired and beautiful and warm. Everything else paled around her. And then it dawned on her. the way her expression changed urged a laugh from deep within his throat, the sound echoing through the tent. He stretched his arm a little more, offering his hand to her. Had he known her name, he would've called to her. Realisation flickered in her eyes like the flames he'd grown accustomed to and just like that she was rising from her seat.
When she'd stepped close enough, Natsu crouched to hoist her up onto the stage, both hands resting beneath her arms. He was amazed at the soft texture of her skin, and more-so at how light she was, in spite of her curvaceous figure. When he'd set her down, Natsu fixed his eyes on hers, growing conscious of the audience still gazing at them.
Hearing that name fall from her lips made him shudder. He dropped his arms to his sides and gave her a smile that showed his teeth.
"Natsu," he informed her, slipping a hand over hers, "My real name."
She took a moment to catch her breath. "Lucy."
He hadn't quite heard what she'd said, all his other senses surrendered to his sight. He couldn't stop looking at her. Couldn't stop his gaze as it wandered across her flushed cheeks, to her glossy lips, down to her cleavage and across every other part of her. She seemed to notice, each time his eyes shifted she would visibly shudder and his mind would reach back to the lewd thoughts he'd locked away there. He wanted her to shudder… beneath his touch, not his gaze.
"Luigi," he mumbled, "Would you like to see what goes on backstage?"
Her eyes lit up for a moment. "Yes! A-and it's Lucy. I really loved your perf—"
He wouldn't give her time to finish, to reconsider. His fingers squeezed hers and they were off. He pulled her across the stage and out of the tent to where an assortment of caravans stood on an expanse of green grass and mounds of dirt. While the scene laid out before them wasn't as spectacular as the grand stage he stood on during performance hours, the caravan he set his eyes on was the most important thing in the world to him.
"I take breaks in that caravan over there," he pointed to the larger of the mobile homes, the door of which was decorated with drawings of dragons. In the centre of the pictures was a thick, wooden plaque that read "Salamander". It had been there long before Natsu took up the position.
He caught her glimpsing at his friends and fellow circus members passing by, all of them too busy to take notice of Natsu and his guest for the time being. When her eyes settled on the caravan she pressed three fingers to her lips and stared in complete awe at the drawings. Some of them were from Natsu's childhood.
"Can I… see inside it?"
He risked a glance at her face before pulling her closer with a quick nod, rushing by Gray before he could initiate a fight that would take his attention away from Lucy. They'd been rivals since they joined the circus. He let her climb the small steps and followed after her, closing the door as they stepped inside. There was a thin, yellow couch that ran along the back in a small arch, snug against the rounded wall. A small table stood before it, littered with old flyers of the circus back before his father had…
"Those drawings on the door, did you—"
"Yeah, I drew them for my old man before he passed away."
He watched her struggle for words. Swallowing the lump in his throat, Natsu glanced over to the small kitchen to his right, then back at the table. It was too late to put the flyers back in the cabinet now.
"You come to the circus a lot," Natsu said the first thing that came to mind, anything to break the silence. "See something you like?"
She pulled her hand from his and wandered to the table, fingering at the flyers that covered the glass surface. She took a moment to consider her thoughts before glancing over her shoulder to where he stood. He hadn't expected to see tears in her eyes.
"Your father was Igneel, the former Salamander? Then that would make you—"
"You know my dad?"
"I saw him perform… seven years ago."
Natsu's eyes widened and he was pushed back into the past, back to his dad's final performance. He could remember a figure, a little girl with blonde pigtails clapping from her seat. He'd been so mesmerised by his father he hadn't noticed her looking at him until the act was finished, and then she'd held his tearful gaze for a long time. He'd told her that his father was the Salamander and that he wanted to be a part of the circus too. She'd given him the brightest smile he'd ever seen and told him to do his best. They'd shared a moment of silence, until he'd told her he'd definitely achieve his goal. And that he was all fired up.
"That little girl back then was you, Lucy?"
She took a step towards him. "You were my first and second love?!"
She clapped both hands over her mouth, embarrassment painting her features red. He stifled a laugh against his arm, tears filling the corners of his eyes. His father died that year, but the smile of that little girl had kept Natsu going on his darkest days. Without a second thought he closed the distance between them and pushed his lips to hers. Their attraction was mutual, their feelings were mutual. And they'd been mutual for seven long years.
Her hands fell against him, the tips of her fingers light against the muscles of his abdomen. The caress of his lips was gentle, until finally he drew back to look at her. To make the moment a reality.
"Natsu…" she whispered, sliding her arms around his neck to indulge in their feelings a second time. This time their lips crashed together in a burst of passion that blinded him. His hands roamed across her back, her chest firm against his. He tried not to think about her womanly assets as they pushed against him, but the sound of his heartbeat throbbing in his ears all but gave away his thoughts.
"Lucy," his hands settled on her hips, "I've always wanted to do this."
She mumbled what sounded like a 'me too' before his tongue pushed forward, desiring access to her mouth. She happily obliged, a quiet moan humming against his lips when his tongue trespassed into unknown territory and met with hers for the first time.
The kiss lasted for a lifetime and he drew back only to take a deep breath. He didn't need a mirror to know that the look on his face was nothing short of lascivious. He wanted her, he ached for her. The need burned inside him like a roaring fire. He needed her.
"I love you," she said in a breathless whisper. "I loved you all this time."
He grabbed her shoulders and walked her back to the couch before taking a seat and pulling her on top of him. She leaned in to kiss him once more, his hands sliding up the back of her shirt to memorised the warmth of her skin. Lucy arched forward beneath his touch, her chest moulding with his once again. He snatched at her skin, need pulsing through his fingertips. And then he broke their kiss to trail his lips across her jaw, pressing light kisses against her neck. She trembled against him, tilting her head back to accommodate the movement of his lips against her. Every now and then he'd take her skin between his teeth and trail his tongue along the mark he'd left behind. He did this several times until he reached her collar bone and wandered down the valley of her breasts, where he lavished in the thump of her heart against his mouth.
"For my next act, I'll make these clothes disappear," he quipped, pushing her shirt up with the hands still roaming her back, "May I?"
She raised her arms so that he might remove her shirt and his attention dropped right back to her breasts. The hands on her back shifted to the clasp of her bra, which was unhooked a second later to reveal the assets hidden beneath it. He took a quick glance, absorbing their perfection before pressing the tip of his tongue to her left nipple. Lucy's groans made the lust boiling through him explode. He kissed at her breasts, revelling in the fact that, each time his tongue lashed out at her nipple, she'd squeeze her thighs against his legs.
And then she turned the tables on him. With one fatal shove she had him pinned against the back of the small couch, their eyes locked in a fierce battle of wits. And then she slipped off him and crouched at his feet, settling between his legs.
"It's my turn to perform for you," she stated, keeping her eyes on his while she fumbled with the tongue of his belt. Freeing it from his pants, he then raised his hips to allow enough room for her to pull them down to sit at his ankles, along with his boxers. He paid no mind to the embarrassment threatening to paint his cheeks, instead keeping his eyes on hers until the back of her head took over his vision. Before he could process what had happened she'd wrapped her lips around his length and wasted no time getting acquainted with the most intimate part of him. His hands shifted into her blonde hair and he arched his back against the couch, her name falling from his lips in delight. Waves of pleasure rolled through him, making his body hot and sweat trickle down his temples. She kept at it for some time, so long in fact he'd almost given in once or twice along the way. But he'd not let that happen, he had something else in mind. Something else he wanted to do. He could feel himself throbbing inside her mouth.
"Luce, I can't take it any more," he confessed, relieved when she glanced up to look at him. He seized this opportunity to kick off his pants and shed his vest, keeping the scarf his father had given to him around his neck. She then followed suit and dropped her skirt, but stopped at her panties. Natsu gave a laugh and stood to spin her around and sit her on the couch in his place. He then placed himself between her thighs and pushed his hand into her panties, a finger snaking into the darkness between her legs. Her walls tensed around his finger and he pushed deeper, welcoming the warmth that surrounded him. She was soaked, he had no reason to prolong his agony any more.
"Natsu," she cried out, "Natsu."
Something inside him snapped. He couldn't wait any longer. Withdrawing his finger, Natsu tore her panties in two and positioned himself between her legs. With a growl laced with hunger, he then crouched to raise her legs over his shoulders. In a matter of seconds he had pushed himself inside her; gently at first, until she accepted all of him.
Until they were one.
Resting his hands on the back of the couch on either side of her, he gauged her expressions until he was certain he could lose himself to the desire making him shudder. He plunged deep inside her with quick motions, their moans mingling together in the small space. He knew nothing else but the pleasure rolling through him, nothing else but the rapid beating of his heart. She rocked beneath him with each thrust, her breasts rising and falling each time. The little girl from back then had become a beautiful woman. His woman.
"I love you, Luce," he cried out, "Thank you!"
He could tell by the way she smiled and her eyes rolled back into her head that his words weren't entirely lost on her, but that she wasn't in any frame of mind to register his words completely. So instead he showed her in other ways; showed her with the gentle touch of his hands, with the warmth of his lips and the love that poured out of him with each sudden motion of his hips.
"Hey, Natsu?" Tears spilled onto her cheeks and he dropped her legs to wrap them around his waist, hooking an arm behind her back to pull her into each thrust. The heels of her feet pressed into the small of his back, hard. She then wrapped both arms around his waist and tangled her fingers within his hair, giving a harsh tug.
"What is it, Luce?"
Another period of silence fell between them, silence parted only by their mutual cries of pleasure and the thud of Lucy's body against the couch. He'd never been happier than in this moment, than when his eyes had locked with hers during his very first performance. He kept his eyes on hers as he waited for her to speak once more, and then the words fell from her lips. Soft words, meaningful words that made his heart leapt into his throat —
"I'm all fired up."