My pop is a big city cop. His job is to keep the wasps safe and happy. I do not know why a cop has to look after wasps. I guess ỉ will wen ỉ am older. He has a shiny blue unyform and a shiny black boots. He has a big shiny gun and a big shiny dick. I like wen he takes me to the police house and shows me wat to do with guns. I do not like wen his pals show me wat to do with dicks.

Wen he has lots of dollars he plays with his pals. He takes me with him but I do not play. All the pals sit at a tabel and play cards. They are not like my snap cards. Evri time my pop plays with his pals he gets red and shouty and then he puts lots of dollars on the tabel and the mens take it away. Then they take me in the other room and play games with me. I think my pop pays them to play games with me. I do not like the games but I guess they are okay as my pop plays the games with me at home also. It is not bad after they make me eat talc. I do not feel it then. It only hurts bad later.

It kind of hurts wen he takes me to the gym and gets me to work hard. He givs me lesons how to hit. He says it is gud for a girl to take care of herself. It is a gud hurt and gets me to feel gud. It is not gud wen we go to a ring. I hav to take off my cloths and hit a boy or girl till they fall down. I get hit also but I never fall down even wen it hurts much. If ỉ fall down pop is mad and hits me also. If ỉ do not fall down he is happy and sum times buys me kandiflos that is nice.

My mom has a job also. She says ỉ am not to tell pop. He wud be veri mad. I do not see why. Mom and pop both get cros at each other wen pop gives all his dollars to the dogs and the horses. Wen he does we get cold and our tums get loud. I think he wud be happy if he knowed mom got dollars also. Tho she says he wud kil her.

She works in a funny house. It is pink and white and fluffy like kandiflos. She does not work hard. She lays down on her back. The mens go on top and go red and funny. Sum times she lets me help her with the soft guys. I do not know why she calls them soft they are hard like all the mens. I can get them harder also. Evri one says ỉ am veri gud with my hands and with my mouth. I am to small to let them in my cash lips but ỉ will be abel to wen ỉ am older.

The ladys in the house like to show me all the things a girl can do if she is a clever girl. They are happy wen ỉ do my lesons well and give me burny stuff to drink. They say ỉ will be a pro before ỉ am ten. They do not tell me wat a pro is. It must be gud becos it makes them happy wen ỉ can do it veri gud. I think ỉ wud like to be a pro wen ỉ am bigger. They say ỉ can hav lots dollars then. And that wud make us all happy.

My mom is very clever she shows me how to dance on a pole and sum thing called taichee. I do not know if my mom loves me. She is very sad wen she looks at me.

My pop is very kind he loves all the wasps and horses and dogs.

He does not love me.

by rebecca age 7