A disclaimer: I don't own any characters, just the OCs.

Daenerys: Thranduil's Daughter

Chapter 13

Thranduil rested his cheek against his fist and gazed somewhat bitterly at the slumbering human man. Daenerys curled up against the human. A tiny smile had spread across her cheeks in slumber. He shouldn't be bothered by this. The Elven King hand much bigger problems and yet, this feeling ate away at him. How could he deny his daughter's tearful request to see these men—these humans—who have taken his and his son's places in her life. The way she smiled at them, even in her devastating state, lit up the room. He remembered the last time she had looked at him like that. She had been so tiny, barely higher than his knee. She had been two or three years of age at the time.

His wife had always told him, "He raitas-ve tana an lle eriol."(She smiles like that for you alone.)

That was of course no longer the case. Now she hardly ever smiles at him and when she does its nothing like how she does for the humans.

Thranduil entered through the large doors of his palace and was greeted, by the tiny arms of his youngest child.

"Ada!" (Daddy!) Daenery's tiny feet echoed as they hammered towards her father.

His strong arms coiled lovingly around his youngest child and he lifted her upward into his awaiting arms.

"Amin lissi tithen min, manen amin yesta na cin-le." (My sweet little one, how I desired to see thee.) He kissed the top of his daughters head.

The sound of his wife's footsteps captured his attention. His breath hitched when he stared at the sight of her. His heart skipped a beat as a brilliant smile illuminated her face. His heart skipped a beat at the sight of his wife's smile. Her dark-brown hair fell over her shoulders in waves, down to her waist. The Elven Queen's gown was viridian and embroidered with gold. Evan after all these years she took his breath away.

"A'maelamin, Vanimle sila tiri. Cormamin lindua ele lle" (My Beloved, your beauty shines brightly. My heart sings to see thee)

"Alla bar melamin, nae saian luume'… "(Welcome home my love. It has been too long…) Before his queen finished speaking, Thranduil had folded an arm around her waist and pulled her against him. Her pink lips were soft and inviting and the sigh that escaped her lips sent an aroused sensation throughout his body.

Thranduil chuckled a little when Daenerys tried to push her way between them.

"Manwa- intyë, melamin, lye-uva tel- hi elegya (Prepare yourself, my love, we shall finish this elsewhere.) He said with a wink.

The elven queen blushed a little and turned from him, "Heruamin lye rél na- sí (My lord our daughter is here).He smiled and kissed his wife again.

"How long do you get to stay?" she asked nuzzling her husband's neck after their daughter ran off to play with her brother, Legolas.

"Atta -ors," (two days.)" He whispered, stroking her hair, lovingly.

"Mal," (But,) she whispered, laying her head on his bare chest, " lle ere' faila anglennoed." (you only just arrived.)

"Han-uva n-a lagor lend, A'mael"(It will be a swift journey, beloved.) He traced a finger along her jaw bone.

The concern in her eyes pulled at his heartstrings. "Ber nin, lle-uva rinn-na anim vamaly." (Promise me, you will return to me safely.)

She burrowed nearer to her husband and breathed him in. She hated when he was away no matter how long his journey. "Amin bar lle, meldest. Ceri-avá gor." (I promise you, dearest. Do not fear.)

He rolled over and put an arm on each side if his wive's head and slid his pelvis between her legs. He kissed away the sadness on her face when his lips made contact with hers. She slipped a ring from her finger and placed it on her husband's left pointer finger."Hi cor na róv- lle vama entulesse, Melamin (This ring will ensure your safe return to me, my love.)

Thranduil rolled over and placed an arm on either side of his wife's head as he gazed lovingly down at her. He kissed away the sadness on her face when his lips made contact with hers. He allowed his pelvis slip between her thighs as he kissed her. "Arwenamin amin merna harma lle ant." (My Lady, I shall treasure your gift.)

The white gold ring performed, its given purpose; and he arrived home safely. Yet, the ring did nothing; to protect, his wife or their children. Thranduil watched his youngest child run as fast as her small legs would carry her. She was desperate to escape the dark tunnels, concealed beneath his palace. The footsteps, behind her, could be heard coming closer. When she emerged from the mouth of the tunnel, Thranduil could see his daughter more clearly. He could see the filth and the blood that covered her once off-white nightgown. He could see every cut; that was visible, on her tiny body. Her eyes looked frantic as she tried to figure out where she was and where she was meant to go.

"Daenerys, amin-uva beri-lle." (I will protect you.) He said, drawing his sword, "Rima ten' i'-telerin malle'." (Run for the elvin road) She looked in all directions, the panic clear in her eyes. "Quer-forya ar' rima, amin-uva hir-lle." (Turn right and run, I will find you.)

"Ada," (Daddy,) Daenerys cried, "Amin ruce." (I'm afraid.)

"Amin snite lisse'hoon. Amin-uva n-rima adel lle. Ego! Hi! (I know sweetheart. I will be right behind you. Go! Now!) His daughter ran as hard and as fast as her legs would carry her, but not in the direction he had instructed. She had gone left. He swung his blade at the cloaked figures only to have it slice right through them as if they were ghosts. Fear. That's all he felt. The piercing scream…and then silence.

Thranduil jerked awake at the sudden contact of someone's on his. He found Daenerys tired eyes gazed up at him. The dark rings around her eyes and the paleness of her skin broke his heart. It was like she hasn't slept in weeks and yet that's all she does anymore.

"Mankoi naa lle kuile, meldelu? Lle baur lle idh. Tul. (Why are you awake, dear heart? You need your rest. Come.) His voice was soft as he reached over and brushed some of her dark hair from her face.

Daenerys reached over a tear from Thranduil's face, "Avo n-dim."(Don't be sad.)

"Amin al-dim, melder." ( I'm not sad, dear one) Thranduil said pulling the little girl into his arms.

"Lle naa." (You are.) She said keeping her arms round his neck. She snuggled him closer when he tried to place her back into the bed next to the human. "Ta ten amin beleth…"(Its because I'm dying…)

Alarm flashed in Thranduil's eyes as he lifted Daenerys gaze to meet his. His voice was firm, "Lle naa dim." (You are not.)

"Amin fel-ha. (I feel it.) Amin fel-anim beleth. (I feel myself dying)." She nuzzled the crook of his neck as she covered his mouth to keep him from speaking. "Iire amin qual-lle tur-al-n-dim. Legolas laume ve' ta iire lle naa dim. Amin avove' ta iire lle naa dim, ada. Fasta- afo n-dim, Ada. (When I die- you can not be sad. Legolas does not like it when you're sad. I don't like it when you're sad, daddy. Please don't be sad.)

There's this chapter guys. I hope you like it and I will do my best to update it again soon. Until next time guys please review and have a great day.