The sight of her new house never filled Lucy with anything but fear.

It wasn't that the house was creepy or rundown in any way; it was honestly a very lovely country manor. Hidden from the road by an array of huge pines covered in heavy pockets of snow, the three-story mansion exuded an air of old-fashioned elegance with its Victorian towers and trimmings in warm green and white. In the day, the windows sparkled spotlessly, and the bushes were trimmed to perfection alongside the decorative waterfall covered in icicles. Even the drive was sophisticated, looping around in a gentle semi-circle to connect to the three-stall garage. From the outside, everything looked perfect.

But that was the problem. Lucy knew it was all a facade put up to keep the common people out-keep them from asking questions. And nothing intimidated people faster than the power of wealth.

Standing outside their large, white front door, complete with an intricate glass window in the shape of a rose, Lucy paused with her fingers on the handle, knowing that as soon as she opened door, he would know she was home. She couldn't stop her hands shaking at the thought, her very heart quivering along with her trembling body.

Taking a deep breath, she grasped the handle as tightly as she could with her frozen hand and slowly opened the door, trying her hardest not to make a sound. She only opened the door wide enough to slip inside before closing it quietly behind her. There was no light in the still unfamiliar hall, but she was able to navigate well enough to keep herself from bumping into anything as she padded across the entryway into the large foyer.

While she slipped her coat off, folding it over her arm, she silently stepped on the backs of each of her shoes to slide her feet out. Picking them up and placing them into one of the cubbies under the cabinets on the wall, she neatly hung her coat on a hook and headed towards the stairs, praying that if she could get to her room unseen, she could avoid any sort of punishment until morning.

Her lucky stars weren't out that night.

As she made her way to the bottom of the stairs, something made her glance up to the second level. There, the moon was shining through the bay windows to illuminate the top of the stairs. Slicing through the room, the light cut across a figure, staring down at her. Immediately, her heart skipped a beat as she froze in fear. Standing there was her father, Jude Heartfillia, and his face told her he was out for blood.

Twisted into a mask of calm frigidity, his facial features echoed the collectedness of his walk as he slowly and deliberately walked down the stairs toward her. Each gentle thump of his feet on the hardwood made Lucy flinch backward in fear. When her heels hit the wall behind her, she let out an involuntary squeak. His mouth twitched up in a dignified smirk at the noise as he drew level with his daughter.

"Good evening, Lucy," he spoke calmly, piercing her with his coal black eyes.

An involuntary shiver ripped down her spine. She knew the chill in the air could be set ablaze at any second with the slightest twitch of her finger. It had happened too many times before; she would choose one wrong word or take one wrong step and burn in the flames of his rage. Tonight, the gas was spread thicker than blood, just waiting for a spark to ignite it.

Still hoping to avoid a conflict, she replied evenly, "Good evening, father," as she cast her eyes down in a mock show of respect. Nothing enraged him faster than shows of weakness or defiance. He had raised her as a woman of high class, and anything other than that would be beaten out.

"Do you know the time, perhaps?" he slid his hands into the pockets of his navy robe, the gold of his watch flashing in the light. Lucy's eyes darted to his face in surprise even as her mind screamed at her to stop.

His gaze was expectant and cold, waiting for her to say the words to seal her fate. Either she would lie in an attempt to appease him or admit her guilt and accept the punishment. At that point, she knew whatever option she chose, nothing would be able to save her. She had broken the rules, and he would make sure she knew it.

Instead, she opted to circumvent the problem as best she could. "I'm very sorry, father. I don't know the town well enough and misjudged the time. I know I've learned now, and I promise not to repeat my mistake," she bowed her head once again, clenching her fists to try to control some of the tension in her body. Every muscle in her body was coiled tight, ready to flee if the moment presented itself.

With her eyes cast down to her feet, she didn't see the fist coming until it had slammed into her stomach. Her head immediately whipped up in shock, her eyes bugging out of their sockets, as the air flew out of her lungs. She immediately collapsed in on herself in pain, wrapping her arms around her aching abdomen while gasping to try to fill her lungs again.

The punch had felt like a bowling ball to the gut, smashing into her with the force of a batter's swing. Despite Jude's more lanky frame, he was wired with pure muscle he kept up with special training regimens. He could lift and punch like a trained fighter if given the right reason—a fact Lucy had learned early and often. Even so, it didn't make dodging his blows any easier.

After giving her a few seconds to let the pain sink in, Jude reached out to wrap his hand around her throat, purposefully smacking her head against the wall behind her. Her eyes already wide in pain grew even bigger in fear. "Did I not make the question clear?" he hissed in her face as he tightened his hold around her neck. She let out a gargled whimper in response as her hands half-heartedly pulled on his arm. It was more of an automatic reaction rather than any sort of attempt at escape. She had never broken free before, and she knew she never would.

It was only when her face started to turn a deep shade of red that he let go. She immediately collapsed to the floor, wheezing and coughing to bring air back into her lungs. In between panting breaths, she answered as best she could. "I-It's two...o-o'clock, s-sir," she admitted shakily, stumbling back to her feet to resume her submissive pose. Staying on the ground where a kick to the head could be fatal was much more dangerous than all the effort and pain of staying upright. There had been one too many close calls for Lucy's liking.

Still, standing up put her closer to his fists. Another which had just slammed into her stomach once again.

"Which is three," another punch, "hours past your curfew," again, "is it not?" and one more.

Lucy struggled to stay upright under the onslaught of blows, but the pain was ripping through her like knives. "S-sorry...S-s-orry...W-won't...again," she gasped out as best she could, fighting to keep her hands at her sides so she wouldn't appear to be fighting back or trying to protect herself.

Glaring down at her with a look that said she was less than dirt, he backhanded her across the face, sending her sprawling across the ground. Her head slammed into the wood, making her vision explode with little lights. She could taste blood in her mouth and prayed it wasn't from any sort of internal bleeding. A trip to the hospital was the last thing she needed right now.

This time, she didn't attempt to get back up, not trusting her foggy head to keep her on her feet. Instead, she slowly and painfully shifted into a kneeling bow, her stomach and pride protesting loudly against the shameful pose.

He just watched her with a blank face, his rage reigned back in beneath the tight mask. Turning his back, he acknowledged her one last time. "This will be the last time. You know the consequences," he ordered, smooth as silk. Ignoring the battered girl behind him, he calmly walked back up the stairs to his room. It was over.

Lucy waited until she heard the soft slam of his door to relax her pose. Groaning softly, she slumped to the side and curled into a ball, wrapping her arms tightly around her stomach and closing her eyes tightly. Her whole body felt tender, like a steak beaten thin and juicy. She could feel blood trickling down her cheek, but she couldn't move to find its origin. It didn't help either that her head was spinning faster than she could keep up. Truly, she was surprised she hadn't blacked out yet, but it was just a testament to how accustomed her body had gotten to the abuse.

Out of nowhere, a soft hand was placed gently on her shoulder. Lucy immediately recoiled in fright, her eyes flying open in shock. In front of her, a pink haired woman in a maid's uniform looked at her with concerned blue eyes that betrayed her deadpan expression.

"Virgo," Lucy breathed, collapsing back into her previous position as her eyes drifted back shut. Virgo, the Heartfillia family's maid, had been with Lucy since her mother had died. Over the years, she had acted as a guardian and protector to the young girl, stepping in as best she could to assure her safety and wellbeing without ever trying to take on a motherly role. Jude would have never allowed any hint of that in his house—he made sure all the servants knew and stayed in their place. Even so, Virgo's dedication to her mistress ran deep. She had stayed with the family through all of the master's abuse just for Lucy's sake.

And that meant she had seen Lucy in this state much too often for her liking.

"Princess," Virgo whispered her mistress' nickname softly. "Are you alright?" Reaching down, she checked the girl's pulse for irregularities. Besides being the maid, Virgo doubled as the resident nurse, taking care of as much of the cuts and bruises she could without having to resort to a hospital visit.

Lucy cracked her eyes open again to stare at the maid, pain pouring from her brown orbs as she laid there in agony. Even so, she started pushing herself to a sitting position. "I'm fine," she stated even as she grunted in pain, grabbing her stomach.

Virgo knew better than to argue with her and instead carefully pulled Lucy to her feet, supporting her weight by pulling her arm over her shoulder. Together, they made their way slowly and carefully up the stairs, trying their best not to make a sound.

Each step jostled Lucy just enough to send fresh waves of pain up and down her body. Halfway up the stairs, she pulled Virgo to a stop so she could catch her breath. After a minute of trying to control her wheezing, she waved the other woman on, and they continued up the stairs, turning at the top and heading down the hallway to her bedroom.

Reaching the large white door, Virgo used her free arm to twist the handle and shoulder the door open before pulling Lucy into the room and sitting her down on her bed. Immediately, the girl melted into her plush pink comforter, sinking back into her fetal position in an attempt to stem some of the pain in her abdomen.

Virgo slipped into the connected bathroom to grab one of the many first aid kits scattered throughout the house. Almost automatically, she reached into the cabinet under the sink and pulled out the small red box before returning to the bedroom. Placing it on the bedside table next to the battered girl, she silently unpacked various bandages and creams that looked more like they belonged in a hospital than a teenage girl's room.

As soon as she finished arranging her tools, Virgo turned back towards the bed. "Princess, I am ready to heal you now," she stated bluntly, her face still as emotionless as her voice. "Please lay on your back."

Without a sound, Lucy rolled over to stretch out as best she could. The pain had faded to a dull ache, but she still couldn't extend her legs all the way without feeling like she was going to break apart. Instead, she opted to keep her legs bent and upright on the bed.

"I will start the exam now," Virgo informed, reaching out her hands to place them on Lucy's stomach. Carefully, she slowly made her way along the girl's stomach, over her chest and across her head with practiced fingers. Every once in a while, she would touch a particularly tender spot, making Lucy gasp softly, her hands tightening into fists at her sides.

A few minutes later, the maid drew back to examine her supplies. "Nothing is broken, but there are a few bruised ribs and most likely, a mild concussion. Other than a small cut on your face, I see no open wounds," she informed, grabbing an antiseptic, pouring it onto a cotton ball and applying it to the blood trail under Lucy's eye. Lucy didn't even wince at the sting, too used to the burn of the alcohol against her damaged skin.

After spreading a small amount of liquid bandage over the cut, Virgo returned the supplies to the box. "I will go find some ice for both your bruising," she looked back to the bed and bowed before walking to the door. "Please remain where you are, Princess. I will be back soon." With that, she slipped out the door, closing it softly behind her.

Lucy sighed heavily, grateful to finally be alone. Now that she was by herself, the tears started to flow. Within a few seconds, sobs were wracking her body, making her shake like a leaf in the wind. Even though it was painful, Lucy just couldn't stop herself—once she was started, it was like a damn had been broken and the tears poured unhindered.

All of the stress of the past was catching up with her. A new town, a new house, a new school, and she still couldn't be free of the hell she called a life. Change for her was impossible. The only thing she was or would ever be to this world was a punching bag.

Lucy hated giving in to her sorrow. It was always a struggle to keep herself from drowning in to the endless tide of despair always lapping at her feet. It was always there, just beneath the surface, threatening to drag her down into a depression she would never be able to pull herself out of. Every time she allowed herself to cry, she felt like another small piece of her drifted away. If she cried every time she felt a little bit hurt, she would have given up years ago.

The only thing that had her holding on even now was the few people left who loved her. One of which had just re-entered her room.

Lucy hastily wiped at her eyes, trying to stop the tears that betrayed her weakness. Another reason she always hated to cry was the fact that it hurt the people closest to her. If she ever admitted how much pain she was in, they would put it on themselves, blame their own weakness and inability to do anything. Even now, Lucy could see the troubling look in Virgo's eyes. Seeing Lucy's tears was torment to the young maid.

"Ah, Virgo," Lucy cleared her throat, forcing a small smile on her face even as it pulled on the cut under her eye. "You're always so fast." She didn't even try to cover up the fact that she had been crying. They both knew exactly what she had been doing, and she didn't want to insult Virgo's intelligence.

Without responding, Virgo crossed the room and placed a large ice pack wrap and two pill bottles on the side table next to the first aid kit. Lucy just watched, occasionally wiping her eyes, as the maid then walked into the bathroom and returned with a large glass of water.

After setting it on the table, Virgo turned her eyes to her mistress. "You need to sit up so I can administer the ice."

Nodding, Lucy struggled upright with Virgo's help. While Virgo grabbed the pack, Lucy carefully lifted her sweater over her head, exposing her tank top underneath. A large bruise was already blossoming across the shoulder that had taken her fall. More growing bruises were exposed across her stomach and chest as she pulled her tank top off as well, leaving her in just her bra and pants.

The feel of the ice against her skin made her simultaneously groan in pain and sigh in relief. Lucy hadn't realized how bad the swelling had gotten until Virgo pulled the wrap tight around her. She could practically feel her pulse beating in the skin underneath the ice as the pack slowly cooled her heated flesh.

"The best thing now is for you to rest," Virgo stated as she poured out a pill from each bottle. "I brought both a painkiller and a sleep aide. It'll at least help you rest until morning when we can reevaluate your wounds." Handing the pills to Lucy who had just finished pulling her tank top back down, she waited until the girl had popped them into her mouth before giving her the water.

After Lucy had swallowed a large gulp, she handed the glass back. "Thank you, Virgo," she said sincerely with a large, only half-forced smile. Virgo returned it with her own version of a smile—a small upturning of the corner of her lips that seemed to transform her face, if only a little.

Ten minutes later, Lucy had been maneuvered into a pair of pajamas and under the covers. The pills were just starting to kick in, and Lucy could barely keep her eyes open. Even so, she struggled up onto her elbow as Virgo came back from putting the supplies away in the bathroom.

"Uh, Virgo," she hesitated slightly, biting on her lip. "Can you, uh, not mention this to Loke yet? You know he'll just freak out, and since it's night off... I'd just rather he gets a break while he can."

Virgo nodded and bowed before leaving the bedroom. She also lived in the mansion, but her room was nearer to the back of the house. If Lucy needed her, she could just call her on the intercom next to her bed or send a quick text on her phone. But she never did, always choosing to struggle on her own than bother anyone else.

As soon as Virgo had disappeared, Lucy reached to grab her cell on the bedside table. Scrolling through the numbers, she stopped on the M's. Hitting the call button, she held it to her ear, waiting for it to ring.

She knew no one would answer, but each ring made her heart thump out of her chest. After the last ring, a soft, lilting voice came on the voicemail message. "Hello, you have reached the number of Layla Hearfillia. I am not able to take your call at this moment, but if you leave your name and number, I will get back to you as soon as I can. Have a great day."

The tears once again started rolling down her cheeks again, but Lucy didn't stop them this time. After her mother died, she had begged her father to keep Layla's number active, if only to hear her voice. She must have called this number a million times over the years seeking the gentle comfort only her mother's voice could bring.

"I'm sorry, Mom," she whispered as she hit redial. "I'm trying to be strong, but it's so hard..."

The only response was the sound of the message playing once more.

"Hello, you have reached the number of Layla Hearfillia. I am not able to take your call at this moment, but if you leave your name and number, I will get back to you as soon as I can. Have a great day."

So sorry this took so long, but my life is so busy... Triple majoring is not easy :P Which also means I didn't have time to read this over before posting it... Let me know if there's any mistakes!

This chap is a lot shorter than the last, but it would have been way too long if I had added the next part. The next chapter will most likely be Lucy's first day at the academy! Where she will meet all of the familiar faces we love ;)

I'm going to try to update soon, but I want to update my other story Prior Engagement first! So no promises on anything! But reviews make me update 10x faster. No joke.

If you want news on updates, feel free to come ask me on my Tumblr or just follow. I'm on there all the time.

Love, Sing to Life