Chapter two is here! I hope you like it! Enjoy! I still own nothing.

Five Months later ~~~~No one's POV~~~~~

Jordan walked out of his apartment, running a hand through his hair. It had been five months since Dianite had stuck him in the city of Minecraftia. Even though he missed his friends back at the island, he didn't mind life here. He had gotten a job as a YouTuber, which is where you got a camera to attach to anything (he attached his to his red shades), and you record yourself doing anything and upload it. His channel was called CaptainSparklez, and it was getting really popular. He made a lot of friends who he recorded with, but sometimes it just made him miss his friends back at the island. He, Sonja, Tucker, and Tom had grown up together on the island, with no one else there for a while. Even after they all picked their gods, they had still stayed close. He couldn't help but wonder if they worried about him and if they missed him. He also wondered if anyone had managed to find where Ianite was being held, if she was okay, and how Capsize was. He didn't want to think about them as much as he did, but they somehow always managed to worm their way back into his thoughts.

He began to walk to the park, where he was going to meet Ant and Aurey to go play the building game. Jordan walked slowly, making sure he wouldn't get there to early. His apartment complex wasn't too far from the park, so it wasn't a long walk. As he turned to walk into the park, he heard a sharp gasp behind him. "Jordan?"

He turned around, only to see Nade sprinting across the road to him. To startle to do anything, he allowed the younger man to tackle him in a hug. He hugged him back for a minute before pushing him back. "Nade, what are you doing here? How is everyone back home?" Jordan asked, a grin tugging at his lips. The younger man grinned, tugging at his mask,

"It hasn't been the same without you man. Tom has been kind of depressed, and there aren't as many pranks. Ianite and Dianite both completely disappeared and Mianite has only been around twice. I'm so happy I found you! When we go home, everything wi-"

"Nade I can't go back. I wish I could, but I can't. I'm really sorry bud." Jordan interrupted. Nade's face fell, and a cold look crossed his eyes. Jordan started to attempt to explain himself, but Nade cut him off.

"Whatever. You don't know how much time we all spent looking for you, how many sacrifices and prayers were sent to the gods, hoping that they would give us at least a hint, a stupid little hint, to where you were. Even after you disappeared with the pirates to Ianarea without bothering to tell anyone, or even leave freaking note, we all still searched for you. Doesn't that mean anything? What about Ianite? I thought you were proud to be her only true follower. What about Tom, Sonja and Tucker? You guys grew up together for god's sake. But, if really we mean so little to you that you wouldn't even consider coming home, then fine. Stay here and leave everyone wondering as to why the hell you wouldn't want to come home. If I was in your place, I would do every little damn thing I could to get back to everyone." Nade growled before begging to stalk away. Jordan reached out and grabbed Nades wrist and yanked him backwards. Nade looked up at the older man, and was shocked at what he saw. Jordan's eyes were filled with regret and anger and his jaw was clenched. He hadn't seen the older man look that way. Jordan was always the calm one, the only one who thought rationally about anything. He had never seemed so upset about something, and it made Nade nervous. If the calm one of the group was this upset and worried over something, it wasn't going to be good.

"Listen, I didn't want to leave anyone. There's nothing, I repeat nothing, that I wanted more these past few months than to at least contact you guys and make sure everyone was okay. Of course I want to find Ianite and see Tucker, Sonja, and Tom again. If there was any way I could get home or contact you all without any consequences, I would have found it," Jordan said. The anguish in his voice was almost tangible, and Nade felt a pang of guilt for being so tough on the guy, especially without hearing his side of the story.

"I tried everything. I searched for loopholes, I tried leaving, sending messages in a bottle, but nothing worked. I got warning, I got smited, my house burned down, everything. I finally stopped when he threatened someone's life. I couldn't put their life on the line, I just couldn't. So I stayed here. But, you have to understand, I never wanted to stay. There is nothing I want more than to drop everything and leave with you, right here, right now. You need to realize that if I could have, I would've found a way, and I would have been gone, or you would have heard from me. Please, just understand that. And, if you decide to tell everyone that you found me, please tell them that. Just let them know I miss them, and I've tried everything. Tell them I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry." He said, his voice becoming softer. Jordan turned and walked into the park, whipping a tear from his eye. As long as everyone from the island was okay, that's all that mattered. Even if they hated him, no one was hurt, and that was all he cared about.

How was it? Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed! R&R?