Blue Eyes
By Wusai, the Dark Phantasy

Disclaimer: Don't own Naruto. Want to own Neji, though. Neeeeeeeeejjjjjjjjjiiiiiiiiiiii...
Claimer: I own... my ideas. And SOON, I will own NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEJJJJJJJJJIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!
A.N.: Squee! :D;; For your information:

Uke = Submissive in a relationship
Seme = Dominant in a relationship


Kiba awoke the next morning to a freezing cold room, and snow drifting down outside. He yawned, and snuggled back into his bed. He didn't want to get up; it was too cold. After a moment, he felt Akamaru nudge him, whining. Kiba slowly opened his eyes, and savored the last moments of warmth before he got out of his bed and fed Akamaru. He then did all the goody-goody hygienic stuff, changed, and prepared a breakfast for himself. A moment later, he heard a knock on the door. Curious, he got up and answered the door.

"You have mail," said the postman when Kiba opened the door. He handed him a small pile of letters, and left. Kiba closed the door against the freezing wind that came blowing in, marveling at the fact that the postman wasn't frozen. He briefly looked through the letters, and found one that was addressed to him. Curious, he placed the rest of the letters on the table, and opened the envelope.

He took out a card that said 'Merry Christmas!' on the front. Opening the card, he scanned over the invitation.


Yamanaka Ino is inviting you to a Christmas party being held this Saturday. She advises you to beware of rogue twigs of mistletoe and spiked punch. She also advises you to get a bow and tie Sasuke-kun up for her as a present, or else she says her faithful henchman, Shikamaru—Hey! I'm not a faithful henchman! _—will come and GET YOU.

~Ino and Shikamaru'

Kiba looked at the calendar, and realized that Christmas wasn't too far away. He smiled.


"Yoooooo, everyone!"

Naruto entered the loud room, his voice carrying over everyone else's. They looked at him briefly before returning to their chatter. Kiba entered soon after Naruto, who had already bounded to the other side of the room, and looked around. In the corner, he saw Lee standing beneath a twig of mistletoe, and he obviously didn't see it. He was apparently arguing with Neji—again.

"Anything you can do I can do better," Neji commented, smugly. He wasn't under the mistletoe, but he seemed to be inching toward it. A moment later, Sasuke walked in the room, and Ino immediately flew at him and hugged him, sending Neji toward Lee. Neji smirked, and seemed to be inwardly thanking Ino.

"How are you so sure?" Lee responded, glaring at Neji. Neji flicked his eyes upward, and Lee followed his gaze. He blinked.

"...Wanna find out?" Neji asked, smirking. Lee blinked again, and Neji didn't wait for an answer before he embraced Lee and kissed him, making him blush deeply. Kiba sweatdropped. No matter what, Lee and Neji were always fighting...

"H-hello, Kiba-kun..."

Kiba turned to the source of the soft, stuttering voice beside him, and saw Hinata. He smiled.

"Hey, Hinata!" he said. Hinata's eyes flicked over to Neji and Lee, who were still engaged in a passionate kiss, obviously still fighting over who was better. Hinata blushed deeply.

"I never knew Neji was..." she mumbled softly.

"Heh..." Kiba said. Both of them watched the small battle between Neji and Lee. After a moment, TenTen bounced over to the corner, and her eyes widened.

"NNNNNEEEEEEEEEJJJJJJIIIIIIIIII!!!" she screeched. Neji broke his kiss with Lee, and turned to look at her, licking his lips.

"Hn?" he replied.

"B-b-but..." TenTen stuttered.

"But what?" Neji asked. TenTen blushed, and walked away.

"No fair, Neji," Lee said, "she interrupted our 'battle'! We have to start over! ^.^"

"Mm..." Neji replied, embracing Lee again. Kiba sweatdropped again.

"Um..." Hinata said, and then walked over to Naruto, who was on the other side of the room. Kiba continued looking over to Neji and Lee. After a second, they broke apart.

"I win," Neji said, smugly. Lee pouted.

"Fine. But only this time," he replied. Neji smirked.

"It's a fact that you're never defeat me in anything, because it's your destiny to be a cute little uke," Neji said.

"Aww, you with your destiny crap again. Can't you ever shut up about that?" Lee whined.

"I'll shut up about that, but only today, if you be my cute little uke today!" Neji answered. Lee sweatdropped.

"Fine, fine..."

Neji smirked at Lee again. "Sooner or later, you're going to regret that decision..."

Kiba sweatdropped, and walked over to the other side of the room. Unknowingly, he walked under a twig of mistletoe. And what a coincidence it was that Naruto was drunk off the spiked punch...

"Hiiiiiii, Kiba," Naruto said, a slight slur in his speech. Kiba's eye twitched.

"How many cups of punch did you have?" he asked, suspiciously. Naruto counted on his finger.

"Hmm... One... four... ten... eight... nine... five... seven!" he exclaimed. Kiba's eye twitched even more. Naruto's eyes flicked upward, and he smiled mischievously. Kiba prayed that he wasn't where he thought he was, and looked upwards. He groaned inwardly, yet some 'inner Kiba' was repeating the word 'Yes!' over and over...

"...Damn," Kiba said. Naruto placed his arms around the taller boy's neck, and brushed his lips over Kiba's. Kiba was about to breath out a sigh of relief over the fact that the kiss had only been a small one, until Naruto kissed him again, this time adding in a bit of tongue. Rawr.

Kiba blushed, but refused to be submissive to this... this... uke! He kissed back, tongue fighting with Naruto's. Sakura's gaze flicked over to Kiba and Naruto, and she promptly had a nosebleed. Bad Sakura...

After a moment, Kiba and Naruto broke apart, panting for breath.

No one knew of the evil that was coming. No one, no one... except for one.


A.N.: Sorry for the shortness. T_T; I'm not really in a writing mood right now...
Neji: I OWN LEE. .:SMIRK:.
Lee: ... .:sweatdrop:. ...
Neji: ... .:koffs:.
Kiba: C'mon, when do Naruto and I get to screw like mad bunnies?
Sakura: ... .:nosebleed:.
Wusai: Eh... review... .:smacks Kiba:. Not yet, just wait...