AN: Sorry for slow updates. I don't exactly have a computer to work on anymore. All I have left is my phone which has terrible autocorrect. Speaking of which, if you see any mistakes, please don't get too mad at me. Thank you and enjoy the next chapter (^し^)

As if the creature was triggered by the name, the emerald orbs shrunk as he growled lowly. He got into position and lunged at the little turtle, its teeth bared.

Mikey jumped back to dodge as the creature body slammed fully into the ground, creating a huge crater on the tec-like flooring.

"Raph!? Is that you, bro?"

'Raph' growled again and sprang from the floor, once again charging at turtle. Only to be stopped by a blue blur.

"What are you doing, Mikey!?" Leo shouted, his eyes still on the mutant, "Fight back!"

"Wait, Leo! It's not what you think!" Mikey shouted back, "It's Ra-"

Mikey never got to finish his sentence as a large fist entered the side of his head, sending him to the wall. The blue turtle yelled out the orange one's name but only to be hit as well. The leader slammed into the floor with grunt, looking up to see the mutant looking back down, snarling at him.

"Okay..." Donnie talked to himself nervously, "Aaaand... Done!" Donnie sprang up and took out his bo staff and supported his brothers in the fight, "We have two minutes before this lab completely combusts!"

Leo and Mikey got up and nodded in understatement. Leo grabbed his only katana that was in arm's reach and charge to slash the mutant, "Then let's knock out this thing already. Mikey, right flank. Donnie, left."

"Wait Leo!" Mikey shouted, "We gotta get him out of here!"

Leo jumped back from the mutant's attack that it was throwing - Donnie about to attack it from behind - and turned to Mikey, "Fine."

The blue turtle frantically looked around for an exit. He heard his younger brother yell, "Minute and thirty seconds!"

"I'm thinking! I'm thinking!"

Leo quickly studied the ceilimg, already weakened from the Kraang bot gunshots. He smiled and got the other brother's attention and pointed to the ceiling. They both nodded in unison, jumped to the highest level of the ground in the room, and looked down to the mutant on the bottom floor, snarling at them at top.

"Hey ugly!" Leo shouted, "Come and get us!"

The mutant growled and charged up, climbing the wall by using his claws, going faster by each second. The purple turtle started to get nervous, "Ten seconds!"

Mikey, a lump in his throat, took his weapon just in case. The mutant grew closer and lunged toward them when he was close enough.

"Now!" All three turtles dispersed as the mutant rammed into the ceiling, making it to a large hole now. The mutant was already out while the three turtles jumped out as soon the building exploded, boosting their jump. The three turtles landed on the roof of an apartment building.

"Everyone okay?" Leo grunted. He looked over at Donnie, face-planted into the roof, as the purple turtle gave him a thumbs up. "I'm good." Donnie said, his voice muffled. Leo turned to Mikey and gasped, watching an unusual scene.

Mikey was on his back, a few burn marks scattered on his arms. The large mutant was standing over the little turtle. He pawed him and made a noise of concern.

Mikey got up and grunted, holding one of his arms, "I'm fine, Raph."

"Raph!?" Leo shouted, the turtles turned to Leo, "What are you talking about? That's not Raph!"

Mike and 'Raph' turned to Leo, "Yeah it is, Leo. Look at him." Mikey said as Leo took a good, long look at the mutant, "They mutated Raph after they captured him," Mikey grabbed the collar around its neck and took it off, "They were using this to control him."

Donnie walked to Mikey, keeping his distance from the super mutant, and took the collar, examining it. "Hmm... Yeah, Mikey's right." Donnie said. "Of course I am!"

"I've never seen any kind of collar like this. It must be some new Kraang tech. They really have been all out with this new equipment. Good thing the lab is destroyed now." Donnie said, hearing the distance sound of fire truck sirens, "Speaking of which, we need to get going."

"What about Raph..?" Leo said, turning to the green mutant, "What's Master Splinter going to say when he sees that his own son got super mutated? What if Raph flips out and attacks him?"

"Relax, Leo. He won't attack, right Raphy?" Mikey said as he turned to his super mutant brother, who was growling and swinging his tail, "Seeeee?"

Leo rolled his eyes, "We need to go." he said as he started toward the lair, along with his other brothers, Raph lagging behind slightly, almost as if he was scared to follow. It was almost like when a stranger in a car offers candy or free WiFi to a little child. But the red and green turtle followed anyways. After all, the orange banded turtle was quite the interesting individual...