A/N: This is yet another one of my abandoned ideas. I've been going through all my files looking for a story that may have had some potential and this was one of them. It's supposed to be a prequel to 'Confrontations' as well as an elaboration on Tink's history. Let me know what you think.
Closed in. That's what she was. She had to appear before all of the fairy court and be sentenced. Wingless. For all to see. They had all stared at her with disapproving and disappointed looks. Few pitied her. Many resented her. Even before today. The hostility had been tangible. Yes, they were angry alright. Angry for giving the fairies a bad name. Her heart had felt heavy when they had banished her. Where was she to go? With tears in her eyes she had walked out of the room that was buzzing with voices, talking about her behind her back. Agreeing with each other on how badly Tinkerbell, the green fairy, had deserved her fate so.
Dusk had fallen and when she finally arrived at her home, a small nook in an old oak tree, in the Enchanted Forest, they were there. Waiting for her. And now they surrounded her. She was closed in. She looked around at their faces. These were once her friends. Right now though, they were anything but friendly. She could feel the anger radiating off of them.
"Here to kick me when I'm down?" Tinkerbell asked. Her voice was hard and bitter and yet disconnected almost as if she accepted whatever fate they had in mind for her.
"You're a disgrace, Tinkerbell."
"Yes, you don't belong here."
"You're not one of us anymore Green."
From all sides fairies were shouting at her.
"Wait," came a small voice from the back of the group. A sweet looking fairy with brown curls and a pink dress, came floating to the front of the group ending up right next to Tinkerbell on the ground. "We can't just abandon her. I think she needs us, now more than ever."
"Nova, I know you're new so I'll explain something to you. We don't associate with fallen fairies who are former thieves."
Nova tried to protest, but she was cut off again. She looked at Tinkerbell, who looked at her. She didn't know what to do. She was the new girl, so she had no say at all. That's how it worked. Tinkerbell's expression showed no emotion, but her hand squeezed Nova's letting her know it was okay. She understood. After all she had been the new girl once too. And fairies, they could be quite fierce and unforgiving. That's why none of the fairies ever truly cared much about her. She was too different. They couldn't connect with her. Except the few who were standing around her now. And even they eventually turned on her as it would appear at this very moment.
"You have to go Tink, you can't stay here," Delia, a fairy who used to always defend Tinkerbell, declared.
As much as it hurt her to hear that, Tinkerbell wasn't entirely sure she wanted to stay. Not when everyone around her would remind her of what she used to be. Of what they had and she didn't. On the other hand, the little green fairy had no idea where she would go if not here.
"No. This is my home and this is where I'll stay," she protested with a fiery look in her eye. Fists balled to hold in all of her anger.
"No. You won't. We've already arranged a place for you," Onyx, a black haired fairy with a dark navy attire, spoke up. She had her arms crossed and a nasty grin on her face.
"What do you mean, arranged?" Tinkerbell replied with a growl in her voice. She was getting fed up with this. She had just lost everything that made her special, everything that made her 'Tinkerbell'. And now she was being cast out by her peers? As if she was some untouchable. So much for friendship among fairies.
"We made a deal."
Tink's mind was frantically trying to make sense of their vague statements, but without much luck.
"Look, could you just tell me straight out what you want to say, because..."
"We got you a new place to stay. Somewhere far away. Away from us. Where you won't be able to tarnish the reputation of fairies any further," Onyx explained with an air of nonchalance. This sent Tink over the edge. How dare she.
"Listen here you, I didn't tarnish anything! I helped someone who needed it."
"By stealing fairy dust! And you were helping a woman whose heart is as dark as the night!"
"That is not true! All she needs is someone to believe in her."
"Her darkness, will destroy many lives some day. Blue told us that. And yet you still stand up for this witch? How blind can you be Tinkerbell?!" Onyx was now yelling at her and about as close to attacking the ex-fairy as she was going to get, had it not been for some of the other fairies holding her back.
Seeing that this discussion wasn't going anywhere, Tink pressed her lips together folding her arms over her chest. Clearly Blue's word was always law in their eyes. "So? Now what? You're going to kick me out?"
"Yes," the dark haired fairy replied rather honestly.
Nova bravely stepped in front of Tinkerbell now, "Y-you can't do that," she let out breathlessly, not believing the fairies would actually abandon one of their own.
Instantly, Onyx flew dangerously close to her. "You're either with us, or with her Nova, choose wisely." Nova let her head hang. How could they make her choose. She had only just gotten her wings and now she had to choose between them and Tinkerbell. Granted, a fairy with whom she had barely spent any time at all, but... this wasn't right.
"What's it gonna be?" Onyx demanded harshly.
Nova trembled and slowly floated into the air to join the group again. Barely above a whisper she answered, "I'll stay."
Onyx flashed her a satisfied grin, "That's a good decision, Nova."
Tinkerbell hadn't expected any other outcome, so she was neither surprised nor angry. Nova would have no chance at all had she stood with her. It was better for her to stay and learn how to be a proper fairy. A good fairy. Unlike her.
"Alright then, time to say our goodbyes I think," Onyx announced a little too gleefully.
"When was he supposed to arrive?" a timid looking fairy named Clarette whispered.
"Soon," Onyx replied curtly.
"Let's go," she took a hold of Tink's arm and flew them to a secluded spot in the forest. They all landed gracefully, while Tink was dropped to her knees on the ground. They hovered over her, whispering.
"Where is he?"
"Are we sure this was the right spot?"
"When did he say he would come?"
Onyx was getting annoyed with all their buzzing. "He'll be here," she stated in a loud voice.
He? Who was he? Tink raised her head to look up at the fairies and scanned the air above. Who was coming? What was going on? But before she could ask any of those questions, a dark figure swooped in from the sky. It was a large figure so Tinkerbell gathered he or she was at least human sized. But humans don't fly, do they?
When the figure landed right where the fairies were grouped she could make out the silhouette of a boy.
"You have something for me?" he declared in an authoritative tone, making it sound more like a statement than an actual question.
"We do," Onyx purred humbly as she gestured towards Tinkerbell who was still observing the entire scene from her spot on the grass. The boy looked down at his feet and saw a tiny speck of bright green staring up at him. Then without much of a warning the boy grabbed a hold of Onyx and squeezed her in his hand.
"You brought me this? Are you playing games with me, fairy? Because I know a lot about games and the one I'll be playing with you won't have you coming out as the winner if you're wasting my time."
"S-she's a fallen fairy. She had her wings taken away from her a-and..." Onyx choked out.
"A fairy without magic? What use is that?" he gritted through his teeth impatiently.
"There are many ways to use a fairy," Cherry, one of Onyx's friends replied, fluttering up next to them.
The boy seemed to contemplate this. He let go of the fairy and she toppled over in the air from the force with which he'd pushed her away from him. She recovered quickly and was held up for support by Cherry who then continued, "She could be very useful indeed, Pan."
He crouched down to the ground and examined Tinkerbell. She eyed him defiantly. She didn't like this boy at all. She had a really bad feeling about him. A grin formed on his lips immediately. Apparently he had quite a good feeling about her.
"Hm..." he pondered to himself. She was tiny, but he could fix that. And then she'd be the perfect little tool for him and his lost boys.
"Agreed. I'll take her," he said as though he had just gotten a good deal on some livestock. Quick as a flash he conjured a small cage around Tinkerbell. He picked her up and grinned at her again through the bars.
"Excellent," Onyx concluded. "And your end of the bargain? You'll return our sisters to us?"
Tinkerbell turned around. "What?!" They had traded her in?
"I don't think so," Pan plainly stated.
"But you can't go back on your word. Her for our sisters. That was the deal!" Onyx yelled, pointing at Tinkerbell.
Pan shot out his hand and the fairy began to choke, "Don't you tell me what I can and can't do, fairy." Tinkerbell gasped. "The deal was, one of your most powerful fairies for the ones I took to Neverland. You gave me a broken fairy, so you get nothing."
He balled his fist some more making her twist with pain. As he stepped closer towards her, his eyes gleamed with malice.
"I don't believe in you."
With those final words he had sealed her fate. The fairy dropped out of the sky. As her tiny little body connected with the soil, Tinkerbell put her hand over her mouth, trying to keep herself from screaming. She just witnessed a fairy being killed and now she was a prisoner to the one who had done the killing.
Peter Pan took off into the sky again, leaving behind the tragic scene and taking with him a very frightened ex-fairy who had no choice but to accept her fate as she was forced to watch her old life disappear right before her eyes.