First fanfic I've ever published, so don't blame me if it's bad. I'm still figuring out how this works.

Chapter one

"ugh,my head" I groan. I sit up and find myself in a patch of grass next to a dirt road. I look around and see a purple blob next to me and I inch closer to try and get a better look. It,to my surprise, sits up,groaning.I sit there in disbelief. It is a Dragon! It looks around and has my reaction when I'd sees me. "Are you-" we both say

"-a Dragon?"

"-an eliatrope?"

Instantly my hand touches my head, and instead of feeling hair, it feels a soft fabric. I discover I am dressed in a royal purple hat, and an outfit in varying shades of purple. It's a shirt, skirt, and sandals combo. I try opening a portal, and it's lavender. Interesting. I look at the Dragon. I let my portal close and attempt to start a conversation.

"My name's Alexis. And you are-"

"Serenity. Wait a minute. Alex?"



"I can't believe this!"

We both pinch ourselves really hard on the arm."Ow!" Okay, that hurt. So not a dream. But that must mean... I gasp. "Wren, we are really in wakfu!"

Sorry it's so short. My mobile is being a piece of crap. I'll update ASAP