Author's Note: Oh my goodness! I can't believe how many favs and follows I got for Only Her you guys are amazing! Thank you so much! And the reviews I love so very much. So thank you for them. I hope this makes you guys smile just as my other story has. Don't worry, I am working diligently on the following chapter so hopefully I can make it a weekly occurrence for updates. HOPEFULLY, I work full time and sometimes when I get home I am way tired and don't do anything more than vegetate with the TV on. Fairy Tail being the main thing I'm watching at the moment. So no promises, but I will try. This is a drabble series I want to try. My plan is to do small daily updates for this one. I want to expand my writing skills and I think this could help. I hope everyone reviews and tells me their thoughts. And if you have any prompts you'd like me to write to please don't hesitate to review and tell me, or PM me! Oh and I do apologize for any mistakes that could be present. Please don't hate me! Tatta for now!
x-x-x- Vacuuming -x-x-x
Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail, if I did there would be a lot more NaLu than there is! But there's a decent amount so no complaining from me. Enjoy!
Summary: Chap. 1: Losing a game of Go Fish against Lucy, Natsu had no choice but to give in to her single 'command'.
Natsu Dragneel folded his arms across his chest, hazel eyes glaring at the shining object as if it'd attack at any given moment. How had he gotten himself in this situation again? Tilting his head up to the ceiling he thought back. It was just yesterday in the Guild hall...
Entering the guild had been like any other day, members sat drinking and exchanging stories of the jobs they had just finished, and some where even jabbering about some of the guild rumors. Natsu hadn't paid any attention to them when he entered. There was only one thing on the dragonslayers mind and it dealt with a certain teammate of his.
Scanning the crowd that had gathered around the bar he saw her. The celestial mage was laughing, her face flushed as she slapped the counter with the palm of her hand. Those around her were also laughing. Curiosity peaked the salamander and he sauntered over to the group pushing his way through them so he was beside Lucy.
"What's going on?" the question came right beside her ear, causing the poor girl to jump mid giggle.
Natsu was grinning like a fool; pleased with himself that he had managed to catch his teammate off guard. He could see Lucy's lips press into a tight line as if deciding she should chastise him or not. Smirking when he saw the corner of her lips pull upward he knew she wasn't going to.
"Laxus came up with the idea of playing Go Fish."
"And that's why everyone is busting a gut? Sounds stupid to me." Natsu grumbled, severely disappointed he had been so curious in the first place.
"Hey now," the magic user held her finger up, waving it back and forth in front of the rambunctious boy's face, "don't go dissing on it until you've had all the details." Lucy spun her head back around to the edge of the counter, her hair whipping into Natsu's face, sending a big blast of her strawberry perfume his way.
Wiggling his nose Natsu leaned over so he could watch the scene as she spoke, "Right now you see Cana and Gildarts playing. Before them it was Laxus and Elfman."
"Who won the first round?"
"Laxus naturally." Lucy stated as if the question was a stupid one to ask in the first place. Tugging on the end of Natsu's scarf she continued. "Anyway, Laxus wanted the game to be more interesting since - just like you said - its a pretty boring game. So he came up with the idea that whoever won the game would be able to give the loser a command."
"A command?" Natsu was looking blankly over at Gildarts and Cana now, "Like what?"
Lucy rolled her eyes, it was hard to believe that this was one of the strongest members of the guild. "For example, when Laxus won his game against Elfman, he told Elfman that he would have to clean all twenty pairs of his boots. Like until they were sparkling."
"I bet he went off saying how it wasn't a 'manly' task to be given. But that'd he'd do it in no time like a real man." Natsu said his voice laced with boredom.
His tone forced Lucy to turn around in order to see him directly, "I think it's a fun way to play."
"Gah! No!" Cana's voice stopped her from going on. Team Natsu's head's spun back to where the players were. Cana had her hands covering her face as Gildarts grinned wickedly at her.
"I win Cana, now Daddy gets to give you something to do."
"This cannot be happening!" the brown haired girl complained loudly, "I demand a rematch!"
"No rematches, you heard the rules when Laxus explained them." Gildarts scowled, but it soon left his face. Snatching Cana in his arms he rubbed his face against hers. "I know the perfect thing!"
"Get off me old man!"
"You have to spend the entire day with me fishing!"
"Forget it!"
The pair continued to argue and Laxus shoved Gildarts away from the bar so more people could start playing. "Who's next?"
"Me!" Lucy's hand shot up into the air before anyone else could interject.
Laxus leered at her and then shrugged his shoulders, "Fine by me, who will be your opponent?"
A hand wrapping around Natsu's caused the pink haired boy to lurch. Him? No way!
"I have the perfect person."
Whoops and screams of Go Lucy! and Go Natsu! filled the guild hall as Lucy dragged Natsu over to the edge of he counter. He reluctantly fell into position across from her. "You're gonna regret choosing me Lucy, I never lose."
"We'll see about that." Lucy declared confidently. Laxus fought back his own rebuttal against Natsu's words and shuffled the cards before handing five to each person. Once the cards were dealt the game began.
Despite Natsu's first thoughts of the game being boring he soon found himself enjoying it. There was certain excitement with not knowing what card Lucy would ask for. The game commenced and before Natsu knew what happened he was staring blankly at the girl in front of him that held her hands up, no cards anywhere in sight.
Hazel eyes fell to his hands, at least a dozen cards remained in them. Stomach plummeting the cards fell from his hands to the counter.
"I win." Lucy declared with a gleeful expression.
The people surrounding the pair burst out into laughter. "What are you gonna have fire-brain here do?" Gray's voice over blasted the laughter and Lucy rested her hand on her chin.
She sat in thought for several moments, causing Natsu to start squirming in his seat. The brown eyes he had come to care about gleamed and Lucy got to her feet. "I have it! Natsu..."
Here it comes, she was going to make him do something stupid like sing. Surely she'd make him do anything that would embarrass the crap out of him. Well, Natsu leaned back on the stool determined, he wasn't going to give her the satisfaction. This dragonslayer was ready for anything she threw his way.
"What?" he asked, realizing she had already given her command and he had missed it.
Not at all deterred by it in the least Lucy repeated, "Vacuuming the rugs in my apartment. You guys are over so much it should be you that cleans."
Cleaning...him? Didn't she know he hardly ever cleaned his own place?
That was how Natsu Dragneel found himself in the position he was currently in. Happy sat on the edge of Lucy's desk, his feet swaying. "At least Lucy doesn't have too many rugs."
"Wish I could just burn them all instead, that's the quickest way to clean." Natsu answered as he went over to the machine that had been glaring at him all morning. Not quite sure what to do he pulled the cord away from it's perch on the handle and tapped his sandal clad foot as it pooled to the floor.
Happy moved from where he was perched and grabbed the end of the cord. Flying directly to an outlet he pushed it in. "There ya go Natsu! All ready!"
"Thanks buddy!"
Hand now on the handle of the vacuum the boy began to feel anxious. How was he supposed to use this? While he was mentally freaking out Happy landed on the floor and gazed up at the large contraption. His eyes bugged out when he saw the power button. "I'll help Natsu." Flying up to the button he pushed it down with his blue paw. The machine came to life loudly, the air blowing through the machine like a tornado.
Natsu jumped and then laughed, "Now we have it going, lets see...I remember seeing Lucy step on this thing." The toe of his sandal found the release lever and the wheels on the vacuum began to turn. "Got it!" Pulling the handle back Natsu began to move the vacuum back and forth along the rug that was beside Lucy's bed.
With only a few hiccups Natsu and Happy were able to finish the task Lucy had challenged him to do. Successfully they wound up the cord and replaced the vacuum in the place they assumed it belonged. With the chore finished Natsu allowed himself to fall back into one of the recliner chairs Lucy had.
"I can't believe you vacuumed." Happy exclaimed with a big toothy grin.
"I can do anything!" Natsu fist pumped the air, a silly grin of his own present.
The door to the apartment slid open and both heads snapped in it's direction. Lucy was sliding her boots off and froze when she saw them sitting in her livingroom. Standing straight she brushed some of her hair behind her ear, "Oh, you're done already?"
With her feet bare the owner of the apartment stepped in and began to view the pair's handiwork. Leaving her bedroom and stepping back to the livingroom she knelt down beside the recliner Natsu was sitting in. Her chin rested on the arm as she grinned up at him.
"It looks great, thanks Natsu."
"Yeah, yeah, but it's a one time thing." Natsu grumbled, not meeting her eyes. Happy was sitting on the head of the chair next to Natsu's head. He watched as Lucy got to her feet, curious to what she was going to do now. Maybe a fish would be involved?
Jolting, Natsu looked down when Lucy's cold hand gripped his warm one. "C'mere." Blinking stupidly he leaned forward in the chair in order to get out but was stopped by her free hand pressing down on his shoulder. She was leaning over now, her blonde hair falling around her face. "I really am thankful."
Not sure what to say Natsu just kept looking at her. What was she going to do? Was this just another of her weird tests? Was he going to be slapped again for something?
As if reading his mind the celestial spirit mage giggled. "Don't worry I'm not going to do anything... bad."
"So you are going to do something?" Natsu accused, his eyes narrowing. "I don't..." his words were cut off by her soft lips pressing gently against his. All rational thought zipped out of his mind as eyes slid closed and his hand moved to cup her face.
Lucy hummed when the palm that was on her cheek began to send a warm heat into her body. It was one of the many things she noticed happened when she kissed Natsu. For some reason his hands would heat up but they'd never burn her to the degree of being uncomfortable.
"Eww!" the blue cat exclaimed in horror, "My eyes, me sweet innocent eyes!"
The pair broke the kiss in order to look over at Happy, Natsu glancing over his shoulder while Lucy only had to look up. Happy began to giggle behind his blue paw, "You llllike her!"