Nishiki had always been alone. Ever since she failed the rite of passage all Fuma's went through, she was alone. She couldn't go back to her clan, couldn't live a normal life among humans, couldn't really live at all. She was neither Fuma nor human, a walking contradiction.

But in time, she found a way to combat the loneliness. Occupy yourself with something else, keep your mind focused on other things. When news came her clan had been destroyed, Nishiki let her vengeance burn away any useless emotions.

They'd never want something like you avenging them. The insidious voices whispered to her at night. She was a disgrace, not even worthy of killing in their name. Despite the fact, Nishiki steeled herself and continued to hunt for the one who dishonored her people. She was a ninja, nothing in the world could change that fact. The clan came before everything else, so she'd fight and bleed and do whatever was necessary for it.

But then he came, the bright second son of the Kumo clan. She shouldn't have even noticed his presence, but he was so unforgettable. He was the first to see her as a person, one who deserved to laugh, and cry, and live. And Nishiki knew nothing good would come of believing such lies, but she still was drawn to him.

So she played pretend with Soramaru. She pretended to be a normal servant for the Kumo's and he'd smile and thank her for her work, like she wasn't broken and pathetic. He only spoke good things of her, but still Nishiki was sure he was disgusted with her. It was too outrageous to entertain the idea she wasn't hated. Even then, she couldn't deny the butterflies that fluttered in her stomach when he grinned at her.

But she knew their game would end, and oh how did it end. When the truth came out, not only about her clan still existing, but Soramaru being the Orochi vessel, and everything else. It left Nishiki disoriented and so confused she didn't know what to feel.

On one hand, she had finally gained the acceptance of her clan. For years she had yearned for this, too many nights she had dreamed of finally having a home and a family again. She should have been ecstatic.

But then was this really a home? The Kumo household had fit all the qualities of a typical home. She hadn't belong, but she had been so happy anyway. And now Soramaru wasn't Soramaru anymore, just a puppet for this Orochi she was supposed bow down to. But how could she bow down to the monster that had stolen her sun? How could she act like those days hadn't mattered to her?

So Nishiki did the unthinkable. She betrayed her people. She knew it was the right thing to do, not just for herself, but for the world, but even then it did not lessen the guilt she felt. It only fueled the idea she was horrible and worthless.

"Nishiki?" She turned to see Soramaru sitting next to her, brows furrowed. "Are you feeling alright?"

He was one of the few that knew of how those cloudy days still haunted her. It had been years since then, yet Nishiki wasn't sure she'd ever be able to get rid of the sickening guilt she felt for her crimes.

Silently, she shook her head, and immediately strong arms surrounded her as Soramaru gathered her in his lap.

Neither said anything, they just simply enjoyed each other's touch, as Soramaru pressed his lips to the top of her head, where the black and white hairs met.

"Better?" He asked a few minutes later.

Nishiki gave a stiff nod. "A little better."