Part 1: New Challenges

Prologue: The Letter to Remember

Alone. In a cave.

Korra felt miserable, her thoughts all gloom. She had not begun to erase from her mind, that madman, Zaheer - and not just his attempt on her life. She couldn't connect with Raava, she was deceiving the world right and left, and she was dogged by a horrible vision constantly. Thinking of her letter to her parents, Korra felt like spitting in her own face, saying, "They deserve better than that. Forget being a bad Avatar. Not even a good daughter…" She had even cut her own hair, and burned her clothes - getting rid of her Water Tribe identity, in favor of being any anonymous "earthbender"! Remembering what she had done to her clothing after failing to catch that common criminal about a month ago, she groaned, "Even that simple incineration took effort!" Part of her wanted to blame it all on the poison, but she knew that was a lie. She felt weak, powerless, even if she could walk and bend again - like a four-year old Korra could best her pathetic self in a sparring match. The little tyke certainly would have been more of a challenge for that robber than herself… Feeling anger rise within her, Korra stamped around the hideout she had found, too weak to even create a proper living space.

Crying, Korra yelled, "I'm living in a cave, like some drifter! I'm not a drifter - I'm supposed to be the Avatar! I hate myself! I can't even bend right!" After she said this, Korra felt a sickly feeling within her that intensified when she spat on the ground, saying with tears, "I'm a miserable failure! WEAK!"

Right on cue, she heard the dreadful clanking of chains outside, but there was something new this time… Horrifying, raspy, scraping laughter. And worse, it sounded joyous. Physical, somehow. Korra stood in mute horror as she heard a voice say slowly, "I always wanted to hear you say that. You hate yourself good, you miserable failure. Make me stronger…" After hearing a chilling cackle, Korra sensed her tormentor had vanished.

Taking a deep breath, Korra said tersely, "I need a pick-me up after that, self-loathing or not." Feebly trying to improve her cave, Korra yelled, after a particularly bad attempt, "This sucks. Everything sucks!" In a funk, Korra sat down on the bare, damp cave floor, not even having been able to create a proper table and chair for herself with her efforts. She had barely managed to create a raised earthen cot. As she cursed her own name, she felt the sickly feeling intensify, and when she closed her eyes, she was frozen in pure terror.

In the darkness, she saw her tormentor once more, the vision laughing wildly as she said, "Weak. Just like Raava. It's a pity that little brat, Jinora, helped save her all those years ago." Cackling, she added, "Dark Korra. Pleased to meet you formally, especially while you're so down. It's a shame my master didn't win during Harmonic Convergence, but maybe I can change that."

Korra's body convulsed, and not from a seizure. But from fear. The glowing orange eyes. She'd never seen that before.

Korra tried to open her eyes, but found them stuck, unable to dispel the terror she saw. At first, she thought, "I can't even contact Raava anymore, or even enter the Avatar State - maybe she can do something to me after all," and she felt the sickening self-hatred grow substantially. Dark Korra laughed with a grating voice, saying, "My, my - it's a pity the poison weakened you so. I'd love to use your body to do what Unalaq failed so miserably at. Keep this up, and you'll never recover fully." Baring gleaming teeth, she added, "It is rather difficult to recover from going insane, you know. Or worse."

Some small inner voice told Korra, "Self-hatred only makes her stronger! Think of others and their love for you, if you can't love yourself, for whatever reason!" At first, Korra focused on the last part, weeping, "I don't know if I've ever loved myself, for who I am - not after my ruined childhood! Damn the White Lotus!"

Dark Korra shifting to the side, Korra saw an icy image of a small boy almost overcome by the dark energies of a barely more human foe, recognizing them both. Aang and Ozai. Korra heard a faint whisper, a muffled voice saying, "Do not… let… hate… win. More than… your own… life… depends… on… it," as though it were coming from within an icy prison.

Korra took a deep breath, thinking of Mako, Bolin, Asami, Katara, Tenzin and many others as she assured herself, "I may not love myself, but others do." All their faces but one vanished, puzzled by Asami's laugh and wink. When she looked for Dark Korra within the darkness, she actually burst out laughing, saying, "Look at who's four years old now, scumbag! Now shoo!" Dark Korra just laughed, orange eyes glowing sickeningly as she said, "Hatred has no age, Korra. You don't have to be a grown woman to feel hate - some children act more hatefully than adults. It's a pity you never got to be teased as a child. I'll be back sooner than you think, Master Failurebender."

Korra's eyes finally opened, looking down at her "disguise" with shame, fussing with her anonymous haircut with disgust. Remembering what the icy, strained voice had said, she pushed such thoughts from her mind, fishing out some letters she had kept with something closely resembling enthusiasm. As she read the letters aloud, she could feel the self-hatred stop growing, even shrinking eventually, to a more normal level. As normal as hating yourself could be… Still disappointed that reading the letters didn't do more, Korra tried meditating on a whim, thinking of Raava.

"Look at Asami's envelope again, Korra."

Korra's eyes widened, saying, "Raava? Is that you?" Korra could hear a small laugh in her head, an uncorrupted version of her voice saying cheerfully, "No, I'm not. You have a spirit too. A strong one. You do remember holding your own against Vaatu as just you, right?" Korra smiled slightly, saying, "Yes, I do. Let's see what Asami has to say." Korra spent 15 minutes or more, trying to figure out the words she had heard, from her… soul? About to give up in frustration, Korra idly unfolded the envelope itself, vaguely considering lighting it for warmth. Laughing unstably, Korra said as she held a flame to its back, "It's not like you can say anything on the envelope. That would just be weird - everyone would see it!"

Korra moved the flame closer, the feeling of self-loathing intensified as she did so, asking no one, "Ugh - what is the deal here! What, did Asami invent fireproof paper, or something?" With horror, she felt her lip tremble slightly as a corner finally began to smolder, as though someone else was in control of her face, trying to smile at her own destruction.

That was when she finally noticed the characters, immediately dimming her fire enough to not burn, but read. Korra read this second letter aloud, saying with tears in her eyes, "Dear Korra, I hope this finds you in your hour of need, whenever it may be. I thought it a stretch, in many ways, to write this, but here goes." Korra stopped, confused as she saw an elaborate drawing with the characters "I want you to know that I'm here for you. If you ever want to talk or ... anything," stressed, with an emphasis on the last, solitary character. Looking again, she was puzzled, saying, "Wait - that's the symbol that means 'all, anything, everyone, everything, everybody,' not just 'anything'. 'If you ever want to talk or … everyone' makes no sense. At all."

Korra put the paper down, slumping forward as she stared at her weak, pathetic little fire. An odd idea entering her mind, she picked the paper back up, noticing that there were more characters around the embellished characters, apparently revealed by the water of the damp floor. Korra smiled, reading multiple versions of the text, feeling a warmth suffuse her being as she read.

"I want you to know that I'm always with you, within your heart, Korra, my… wait, what?" Korra blinked, sure she was hallucinating again. Korra continued, now with surprise instead of disbelief, "My love for you stronger than Raava, never to be dulled or extinguished?" Korra felt her face trembling as if it wanted to revolt again as she thought, "Surely, Asami doesn't see me as a love interest? I thought we were just… friends!" Part of her found the idea enticing and fit like Asami's electroglove on an Equalist's face, part of her recoiled in horror at the thought of being "unnatural", part worried about what people would think of a bisexual Avatar… But the most disturbing part was the largest one, something within her head saying with an all too familiar screech, "I don't deserve her love!"

The worst part was, it wasn't Dark Korra. It was her. And it was new. Korra realized what all her negative - and more recently, defeatist - thoughts had wrought over the years of her life in mute horror, saying as her eyes watered, "What did I do to myself?! I've poisoned myself worse than Zaheer ever did!"

Focusing all her energy on reading, Korra did her best to silence this wailing alarm of self-hatred, saying the alternates with a yell, hearing her voice reverberate in the small cave: "I want to know if you'd be there for me, as more than a friend. If you ever want to kiss me, or… anything." Korra began laughing, her face blushing as she continued, saying with growing enthusiasm, "I want you to know that I'm here for you. If you ever want to talk or… do anything at all. Everything. Together."

Korra had to breathe deeply, as if she were meditating, trying to make sense of it all. Korra remembered all her interactions with Asami, putting them in this new light. A million questions entered her mind, many negative in nature, but she chose to focus on one, feeling something within her die as she did so, asking it aloud with tears in her eyes: "Why didn't you ever ask me, Asami? You - what could you have to lose?" Korra's crying had wet the paper again, noticing that there was newly visible text, and images she now found heartwarming, all the negative self-talk finally shut up, not missing the yammering one bit. The images just seemed right, somehow.

Korra took in two detailed drawings in silence. One was of Asami holding Korra's hand in her wheelchair, before Korra had begun the bitter work of overcoming her crippling physical illness, and she saw there was text underneath it. As she read it, Asami's explanation for her subtlety filled her with sadness, and a righteous anger she had never felt so strongly before. Looking below the explanation she wish she had never read, she felt an odd, pleasant feeling in her chest, smiling broadly for the first time in what seemed like an eternity. The feeling intensifying, Korra looked at the image Asami had drawn in this odd tear-activated ink on the inside of the unfolded envelope, Korra wished Asami was here, right now.

Korra did not speak for a while, taking in the lovingly rendered image of Asami embracing her passionately and a smiling Korra returning the gesture at the same time, saying loudly, "This could be just what I need to heal fully, and not just from Zaheer's poison. I have many old wounds…" Korra idly wondered if anyone else had a hidden message. Chuckling with growing strength, she said, "I hope Mako didn't send me something like this. That would be very… awkward, given my feelings."

Korra tried to think of where the nearest town was, where her cave was, and the fastest route to Republic City. As she tried harder and harder, her head hurt, like something was fighting to the death inside her. And… it was winning. After a gasp of pain, Korra heard a raspy voice say, "This was not the plan. Thank darkness your link to Raava is so weak. You can't even see anything of her other than a mirage. I didn't expect such a strong reaction to Asami's drivel." Korra's soul screamed, "I'm getting out of here, no matter what!" but her lips did not move.

Korra heard a very, very weak voice say Direct memory backup initialized. Sorry – it's all I can do.

A now visible Dark Korra said with anticipation, "Over two years of physical healing, and you haven't even truly started to fix yourself! You may have changed in soul, Korra, but with me inside, Raava weak, and your brain riddled with all sorts of convoluted, twisted pathways from living your life as the Avatar and not yourself, and your old wonderful emotional wounds…" Dark Korra began cackling wildly, advancing towards Korra, saying, "You won't remember a thing. As much as it pains me to erase your memory of saying you hate yourself, I can't allow you to go back to Republic City – not like this, all filled with hope and love, even if you are properly terrified still."

Dark Korra shot her right hand forward, her metal chains glowing black and red, the horrible shining links encircling Korra's chest tightly, their physical nature making Korra scream in terror. Korra stammered, every word painful as the chains crushed her chest, "B-b-but you're not supposed to be physical! What's going on here?" Dark Korra howled, saying hoarsely, "Wouldn't you like to know! Let's say you helped me out earlier, and your terror just makes it better for me." Dark Korra looked vaguely disappointed now, continuing, "It's a shame I can't corrupt you completely. Now, to business…" Korra broke her brain's grip, yelling, "NO! Get back! I want to go to Republic City, with this letter!" Though her eyes did not glow, Korra felt power course through her. Dark Korra stepped back in horror, saying, "Vaatu, give me strength, even if you are tiny right now!" By this point, Korra was pretty sure she was full-on hallucinating, seeing how the fire in her own hands was huge, and… blue. Rather than cackling with horror, Dark Korra screeched, "WHAT? I thought only hatred, raw talent and focus could do that! This ends now!"

With that, the metal chains shot back up and tightened, Korra finally realizing that somehow, this was very real, and no vision. Try as she might, Asami's letter began to fade from her mind. Korra turned her free hands in desperation, trying to etch "Keep Asami's envelope" into the floor in front of her. She tried to add "Read it" as well, but found her hands frozen.

Backup… completed. Good luck, Avatar Korra. Before Korra could celebrate the tired voice, recognizing who it was, her mind revolted, somehow strengthened by her own faults and Dark Korra's energy. Korra had no time to mourn, finally feeling dark energy enter into her being, and then leave, taking the memory of what she so desperately wanted to keep with it…

Korra neither understood why her normally docile vision's eyes were glowing an intense orange, nor how she could speak while gripping Korra with chains. Her tormentor laughed as she said, "I'm sure your brain will help keep your soul in check, especially with my help. It will take a transformation I know you could never make to unlock what just happened, much less act on it." Dark Korra looked at the floor, cursing and spitting, finally saying, "Gah – I can't earthbend that stupid message away!" Korra laughed, saying, "You should be glad you can constrict me with those chains. So negative… I guess I'll have to fix that in myself."

With that, the "vision" shifted, howling in rage as Korra blacked out, her mind violated.

When Korra woke up, she looked around the room in a funk, saying, "Great – now what did I do wrong? First thing I remember, I'm just frustrated, trying to make this place livable, and then I wake up. Must have been something to do with Zaheer or that vision." Remembering her newfound ineptitude, Korra added, "Or maybe making that stupid cot exhausted me." Korra looked at the floor, seeing "Keep Asami's envelope" etched into the floor, as though by intense heat. Shaking her head, Korra said, "There's no way I could lavabend." Her hand idly obeyed the floor's command, blindly folding up the envelope and stuffing the letter back inside. She fell asleep on the floor, completely exhausted by something she couldn't remember.

Before she fell into deep sleep, she saw a familiar, older male figure, who said, "In time, Korra. Love never dies. Before you are ready, you have much healing and growing to do yourself, even if your true desires were the only factor. I know you are strong." Korra thought, "Okay," completely baffled as to what Uncle Iroh was possibly talking about.

Having accompanied his leader Kuvira the Great Uniter on her way to Republic City, admiring the massive Colossus along the way, cackling and cheering as hard as anyone else to see the accursed Avatar and her friends flee its technological might, Jinshu Kuangmai now found himself waiting in his pre-set location away from Republic City, Kuvira's Colossus by now likely known about - bitter he wouldn't be able to see the horror on those weak republican's faces when they first caught sight of the metal monster.

His own tent by now long set, up, Jinshu Kuangmai begrudgingly helped others set theirs up saying to a shaky nonbender Private, "Quit whining about wanting to do it! It's faster if I bend everything into place. I designed these tents to be bent up for a reason!" The Private gave him a funny look, saying, "I thought these were Kuvira's idea?" He laughed, responding, "Officially - but she doesn't want her little baby Baatar Jr. getting jealous. I've contributed a lot more than just metal and earth tents and the tarp with metal thread in it. Stuff you don't need to know about."

The Private nodded, saying, "O-okay" nervously, Jinshu Kuangmai moving on to more important things. Seeing a few officers just lounging around, at first he frowned slightly, then grinned predatorily, thinking, Time to set an example.

Bend something other than traditional metal or earth…

Seeing how many there were, he felt his temper rise, delicately tapping an iron boot against the ground to better sense the miniscule particles of iron within their veins.

Jinshu Kuangmai had what he thought was a unique gift - even the most proficient metalbender in the world could not hope to do what he could. He had even tried to explain - and been ignored. Common earthbenders manipulated the earth within metal to make it move - while he could focus on the individual particles of metal themselves.

Manipulate them like a puppeteer…

Much like a combustionbender, psychic bloodbender, or lavabender, he could exert fine, unconventional and precision control over his "element", though only psychic bloodbending could hope to compare in power and raw ability with his talent.

One he was very glad his sister did not have - though for different reasons than his mother had…

Exhaling deeply, he kept his eyes closed - able to sense the slouching officer's lazy heartbeats, see everything when his foot struck the ground, only opening his eyes after managing to lift the whole dozen of them into the air like puppets, saying as he manipulated their limbs into an active pose, "See the fighting pose I put you in? BE MORE LIKE THAT, and less slouching! I had a nonbender Private over here who insisted he put up his tent - and here you are, elite metalbending officers, Sergeants, a few of you - lazing around like a bunch of idiots! If I were the leader, I'd strip you of your rank - which you obviously don't deserve!"

Slamming them down hard, not even having to use the metal on their uniforms to do it he was so incensed, he finished, "ACT LIKE PROFESSIONALS! Earn your pay - or the next time I do that, I might not let my grip go! Now get, you lazy dogs!" Watching them run off with tails between their legs, smiling to see they did do as they had been asked, Jinshu Kuangmai smiled slightly to see the mechasuits had finally caught up, saying, "Good, good. I want you training in those - but not too hard, or you'll be exhausted in case we need to go to Republic City." Again, another Private proved herself worthy of the rank, the nonbender woman asking after exiting the mechasuit, "Why? I heard we have some big giant one of these - even think I saw it!"

Rolling his eyes slightly, he said the obvious, pointing to one of the officers from earlier, "See him? I bet he had the same mindset - before I blood-iron bent him into action! Do I need to do your whole platoon too, or what?" The female Private shook her head, saying, "No, no, General Jinshu Kuangmai, sir. If that is what Kuvira wanted us to do, we will do it - even if I think she'll win in a landslide."

He nodded, saying, "Good," returning to his tent - to be alone. He may have hated his mother, but he did share certain traits with her - liking solitude was one of them. Frowning, he thought bitterly, Though, not enough to ignore a young child in need of attention because he's disrupting "mommy spiritual time". Spirituality's a waste - the spirits themselves, only good for war fuel. Wonder what putting an actual spirit inside a spirit vine capsule would do…

No matter - something to bring up to Kuvira.

Thinking of Kuvira, what they shared in common, Jinhu Kuangmai's mind wandered. Years ago, when Kuvira helped him break free of his second mother's wooden box, the pitiful wretch had tried to give him a letter for him to read, claiming it was from his first mother - saying that the ever-stubborn earthbender had changed her ways, but still thought the same of him - Jinshu Kuangmai knowing full well at the time his mother couldn't have written him a letter herself if she wanted to, though Kuvira had no clue. And, hopefully, still didn't.

At the time, both he and Kuvira had laughed heartily, remembering the Great Uniter's words fondly as she had torn the letter to pieces before ordering Jinshu Kuangmai's forcibly adoptive parents to be imprisoned as they had imprisoned him on his biological mother's orders: "Whatever his biological mother has to say, the first person to betray him - I am sure he does not care. Just as my parents left me on the side of the road to die and Suyin Beifong took me in, I am taking him in. Though, given his special talent and fearlessness, apparent drive, his mindset - as a partner, not a child, to be told what to do, and what not to do, as Suyin Beifong did to me when I wanted to do something about the chaos in the Earth Kingdom. Be active, rather than sit idly by as the shockwaves of the Red Lotus' actions tore my home apart, comfortable in decadent Zaofu. You will have the privilege of getting all the latest news - able to read what myself, Baatar Jr., and my new ally Jinshu Kuangmai accomplish. Jinshu Kuangmai - I look forward to seeing what you will do for the Earth Kingdom - someday Earth Empire. Just keep in mind - I will be keeping a close eye on you, and should you show yourself to not be loyal, you will be dealt with much more harshly than a normal subordinate."

Smiling, Jinshu Kuangmai thought, I've never even entertained the thought - though I have thought of what I might do if that weakling Baatar Jr. were to have an "accident" while away from Kuvira. I heard of his reaction to the weapons test nearly vaporizing his sister Opal - wanting to halt the test entirely…

Taking a deep breath, he continued thinking, telling himself as he had many times before, Family makes you weak. Weak like my first mother, weak like my second family. I can only hope Kuvira's own family issues do not make her weak…vulnerable to some soft fool talking to her, and not respecting the power Kuvira wields. Shaking his head, Jinshu Kuangmai said out loud, "No - the Great Uniter would rather die than give up her dream of a truly unified Earth Empire!" knowing in his gut he was right.

Hearing the first radio broadcast from the front only made him smile broader, some random radio operator proclaiming, "Upon seeing the overwhelming power and technological might of the Earth Empire, as shown by our Glorious Leader's mighty Colossus and the weapon it wields, the so-called President of the United Republic of Nations, ruler of squatters on Earth Empire lands, has ordered all forces opposing us to surrender. The cowards did not even put up a fight. Avatar Aang would likely be livid - though we do not care. Perhaps some day soon, after Kuvira has finished her work in Republic City, there will be a new Avatar - an EARTH EMPIRE AVATAR! Though the Avatar and her friends remain at large, there is no way they could possibly penetrate the Colossus' defenses. REPUBLIC CITY IS OURS!"

Smiling broadly, turning his gaze to the metal map of the former Earth Kingdom Kuvira had left behind, Jinshu Kuangmai bent all the appropriate pieces representing provinces that were now Earth Empire territory into place effortlessly, hearing loud cheering from outside his personal tent as he did so - knowing the soldiers near him had just heard what he did.

I had thought me, those who report to me and my men would be needed for the second, possibly third wave of attacks. I suppose not - for all her babbling during my youth before she dumped me about the "good" side's, or rather, the weak side's power, mother was dead wrong. Look at how easily the city and nation of "Lord" Zuko and "Avatar" Aang crumpled! A pity Unalaq killed his spirit years ago - I would have loved to hear his weeping, shortly before Avatar Korra's demise.

Kuvira has no family aside from Baatar Jr. now - and I have no family aside from the Earth Empire…I cast away that biological link long ago - just as mother cast away ME, simply because I had things that she'd never have! All that talk of my special talent, blood-iron bending, being just as bad as bloodbending…

I think she was just jealous.

Grinning widely, Jinshu Kuangmai looked at the map he had bent into its proper place - frowning deeply, saying, "No - 'just' the former Earth Kingdom, with a weapon so great? I don't care what she's said up to this point - the next time I see Kuvira, I'm pushing my idea AGAIN. We call our entire planet Earth, after all - why not make it a true Earth Empire?"

Rapidly bending up spare pieces of metal, each nation's color correct, Jinshu Kuangmai said as he bent green metal over the pieces of the Fire Nation, "First, the Fire Nation. Do what they did to us during the Hundred Year's War - place someone more like Azula and less like the meek Firelord Izumi on the throne." Bending a picture of Azula's likeness into the green metal as best he knew of her appearance, Jinshu Kuangmai smiled, thinking, I may think of the Fire Nation as a whole as only good for spirit cannon target practice - but I do love her. Azula. Held back by her mother - just like I was. Though at least she had a father - even if she ended up failing him! Probably because of her mother…

Pausing for a moment before moving on to the next nation he hated the most, Firelord Izumi more like them than a proper firebender, he thought, No matter what, I will not fail the Earth Empire - no matter what I need to do or who I need to take out.

In the ludicrous event that our Glorious Leader fails in Republic City to a bunch of naïve twenty-somethings, old men and women, and children, dies in battle - I will take up her mantle, Baatar Jr. or not. She got me out of that wooden box in large part due to my personality, not special ability, blood-iron bending… I would control the whole Empire just as I control the miniscule fragments of metal within living creatures - exerting the same control over my element as a psychic bloodbender does! Mother was right to be jealous - for all her talent, I can do things she can only dream of. Likely nightmares, knowing how weak she is!

Baatar Jr. and Kuvira… I do not see what she sees in him - I can literally control someone's lifeblood, and have a decent enough technical mind. All Baatar Jr. can do is go the extra bit on ideas, even then stealing much of the work of the traitors Varrick and Zhu Li -Baatar Jr. not even able to bend the Earth of the Empire he wants to help lead!

Thoughts of nonbender weaklings bringing to mind the next nation on his personal list, Jinshu Kuangmai thought as he snuffed out the Air Nation again with green metal instead of flames from Sozin's Comet, Next, the new Air Nation - all thirty-something of them! Their temples, tended to by nonbender monks and nuns - the mountains they call their home likely hiding great riches they are too weak to exploit. All that will change, should I be able to convince Kuvira to go onward.

The only nation left the two Water Tribes, he blotted out the blue on the map, all he could see, green metal as he said out loud, "And last - the Northern and Southern barbarians. I had expected the biggest fight to be in Republic City. The Fire Nation has oceans and fire that will trouble everything but the Colossus, the Air Nation has the skies and potential for eternal elusiveness - I do not see what the Water Tribes could possibly hope to do against the Earth Empire, the only issue being the Avatar herself. Water is weak - yielding, changing."

Recalling Avatar Korra more clearly now, what Kuvira had told him about the Avatar, he laughed loudly, saying, "Avatar Korra. HAH! Constantly getting herself saved by others - get her all alone, and she'll be sure to fall! Fall flat on her face, like she always does, from what I've heard! The one time I would have been cheering her, getting handily beaten by her uncle - who could only bend one element, Dark Avatar or not!" silently wishing, If only Kuvira had my ability - the Avatar's life would be hers.

But I think I understand why she had me stay behind - a failsafe…

Hearing some laughter from outside his tent, Jinshu Kuangmai thinned his eyes slightly when someone said, "Nice one," able to tell even at this distance the man was lying partially, saying loudly enough to go through his tent's walls, "I do not need any toadies! You'd do well to remember I can tell if you're lying or not - does anyone else have insincere laughter for me to waste my time hearing? Or perhaps you can get back to work seeing if Kuvira the Great Uniter needs us!"

Able to see through the tent's sides without sight with earthsense, he nodded when he "saw" people shaking their heads, saying, "Good," reclining on the floor - noticing too late he was in the same position his mother might have been, bending a chair and sitting in it instead, thinking, Ugh - every time I do that… I have worked hard to eradicate every trace of my mother. I would much rather sit on a chair "throne" than lie back like some kinds of undisciplined slouch!

I suppose I do have my second set of parents to thank for that - but they too rightfully incurred my wrath and hatred. Weaklings - would rather bow to a nonbender -

Snapping back to the present, Jinshu Kuangmai could swear he heard muffled sounds from a radio outside - as though someone were listening to something and trying to keep it from his ears! Not having any of this garbage, he left his tent, manually bending the volume of the radio controls louder, beginning to laugh hysterically when he heard, " - Uniter's fiancée Baatar Jr. has been captured by an underhanded and admittedly impressive move by Tenzin, his brother Bumi and some other airbenders. He is now in custody of Kuvira the Great Uniter's only remaining enemies - though the whereabouts of Avatar Korra and her band of friends is currently unknown. This has thrown the negotiations for surrender with soon to be former President Raiko for a loop - though it is unlikely that anything will change, Kuvira the Great Uniter stating this changes nothing."

I don't have a good feeling about this…

Turning the radio off, taking in his surroundings, Jinshu Kuangmai said, "By order of your General, third in command, behind the now-captured Baatar Jr. - I want you to make preparations such that we can move out at a moment's notice to reinforce our Glorious Leader," adding emphasis by blood-iron bending someone who had been loafing around into the air, "AS WAS ORIGINALLY REQUESTED BY KUVIRA! I guess you didn't get the message earlier from your fellow Private - train, not loaf! If any of you sorry lot don't follow this order to the end, you'll end up like this Private here, except dead," settling the struggling private back down and choking him slightly as he finished, "You do not require my presence to do this - I will be back in my tent, planning and reviewing everything our Glorious Leader left us. If anyone gets more news of the battle… you had better tell me! NOW GET TO WORK! The Earth Empire has no room for slouches!"

Smiling broadly to see the Private gasping for breath, everyone doing what they had been told to do with great urgency, he smiled broadly, thinking as he returned to his tent, That was nice… I wish Kuvira stays as strong as I will.

Reviewing the various different contingency plans endlessly in his tent by the light of the sun first, Jinshu Kuangmai eventually found he had to turn on the lamp to see, examining different routes of attack by the men under him over and over - for some reason feeling as though he needed to make his own plans after needing to turn the lamp up.

The light of day was fading - and he had no contact with anyone outside of his area.

Still believing Kuvira would prevail handily, he waited, waited on a report of victory from a subordinate, thinking, Perhaps Kuvira is having a big celebration party, my subordinates - writing me some long, sycophantic letter or glowing report about it.

I suppose I was wrong earlier - if someone wants to worship me or be a toady, let them. I will simply have to make sure I never take advice from one - I may get mad when I hear the truth, violent, murderous, even.

But at least unlike mother, I will listen if it has merit.

He was waiting on a fancy letter, a long report detailing the day's victory. A letter to remember - one detailing the Earth Empire's triumph.

A letter that would never come.

Asami had waited for over two and a half years, hoping to see Korra come back some day, at the very least healed. She knew her little stunt with the envelope had been a long shot, but a small part of her remained hopeful that when Korra returned, she'd have glittering eyes, with flowers in her hands. Maybe even a betrothal necklace.

Life intervened, nothing turning out the way she had thought it would. When she was alone, during the calm before yet another storm on the horizon, Asami glumly wondered if Korra had ever read the envelope. Asami half considered asking Korra about it while preparing some tea for her. Asami sighed deeply, looking in a mirror, saying, "If she says no… my heart might break."

Asami shook her head violently, setting the tea cup down, staring at the unbelievable. She saw her deceased mother, Yasuko, staring back at her, smiling warmly. Her mother spoke, saying gently, "Love is never wasted, Asami. You've grown into a beautiful young woman, and I support your desires. I don't see why you haven't been more open." Asami held back tears, saying, "Let's just say my father is a bad parent, in more ways than one." Her mother's look of confusion only made her heart ache even worse, her mother saying finally, "Wait until the right time, Asami." Then, her mother gave a smile and said, "Go get her, my beautiful child," with encouragement Asami hadn't heard in almost two decades. Then she was gone.

It turned out Asami didn't have to wait for long. At least, it didn't feel like long. As soon as Korra accepted her Spirit World vacation request, Asami knew her time was near. Something told her to not bring up the "extra" letter – not just yet.

Maybe never. She wanted to see how the relationship grew, all of itself. The way Korra held her hands on the way in and looked in her eyes, Asami knew she made the right decision. Accursed memories and emotions still dogged her, making her more ill at ease than she would have liked. As Asami held Korra's hands and felt an odd sensation she connected to the Spirit Portal, a thought floated through her head: "Nobody ever said living was easy."

End Prologue

Chapter 1: The "Vacation"

As they both materialized into the Spirit World through the new portal, Korra was shuddering with excitement. Placing her hand on Asami's cheek, she said, "I can't believe we're finally alone, Asami. And after today, we should have plenty of time to do whatever we want – peace. Where would you like to go? I can see if we can find Uncle Iroh - he's a really nice guy. He helped me find myself at one of my darkest hours, back when I was trying to thwart Unalaq's plans for himself and Vaatu."

Korra could feel the heat on Asami's cheek before she could see her blush, Asami saying, looking away, "Can you put your hand back down for now? I'm not quite ready for that just yet. I have something important I want to talk to you about." Asami paused, shifting uncomfortably, her dark hair closely following her face and her beautiful green eyes, asking tentatively, "Do you think this 'Uncle Iroh' might be able to help me? I know he was the father figure for your former lifetime's one-time antagonist, former Firelord Zuko, and some people rumor he gave really good advice."

Korra put her hand to her chin, trying to ignore the obnoxiously garish spirit-flower field that surrounded her, saying, "That's actually a good idea, Asami. Aang knew Zuko well; Uncle Iroh told me himself on one of those many forays into the Spirit World when Zaheer was causing problems. He convinced me to ask Zuko for advice. Let me see if that technique I used to find Prince Wu when he was kidnapped will work to find him. Uncle Iroh can be… obtuse at times, giving you advice on things you feel you don't need advice on, and talking about something else instead." Korra chuckled nervously, "Or manage to make you feel like you're about as wise as a small child. Or maybe it was the Spirit World that did that. Anyway…" Korra placed her hand to the ground, brushing aside the bizarre flowers.

As soon as she started concentrating, to remember Uncle Iroh from over three years ago, she felt both herself and Asami whisked to a familiar place. Asami looked around in wonder, eventually asking, "What's this place, Korra?" Looking at a large tree and its many leaves, Asami gasped, "It's beautiful. It reminds me of one of Republic City's parks, but much more interesting – look at these trees! This vacation's going to be great!" Asami turned her head to survey what Korra knew to be Xai Bau's Grove.

Asami may have loved the place, but Korra did not, explaining, "Remember when we were chasing Zaheer, and all we could get our hands on was that traitor scumbag Aiwei? I met Zaheer here. He tossed Aiwei into the Fog of Lost Souls after, as Zaheer felt he had become a liability…" Korra shuddered at the memory of Zaheer: his erratic behavior, his zeal, throwing Aiwei into that horrible place, the way he helped her break her own block on entering the Spirit World even though he hated her…

Korra felt a light tap on her shoulder, turning to see Asami looking concerned. Asami asked, putting her hand to Korra's cheek, "Is something wrong, Korra?" Feeling something like what she had on the way in to the Spirit World, Korra blushed, insisting, "No, nothing, just bad memories, Asami. I'm not a big fan of this place," lightly holding Asami's hand. All of a sudden, she felt something akin to what she once felt for Mako, except much stronger, and with less desire to fire punch something - or someone. A feeling, she realized with a start, she had already felt looking at Asami, as they stood in the Spirit Portal's entrance together…

Korra heard a noise over her shoulder - surprising, but nonthreatening. "I wondered when you were going to feel that again, Korra," a familiar voice said, continuing, "Now that you have, I believe we can begin to answer Asami's question."

Both Korra and Asami turned around. Smiling, Korra exclaimed, "Uncle Iroh, glad to see you!" thinking bitterly, "Though, not as glad as I would be with my past lives still intact"… Pushing the destruction of her past lives from her mind, knowing she had dealt with Zaheer without their help, Korra said, "So Asami has a question to ask me. I get the sense this has something to do with that feeling" -Korra gushed- "that I felt just now, and on the way in - but not as strongly. What was that? All my youth, I was taught the spirits, being black and white, tend to favor pairing of and on yin with yang. Me and Asami are not … yin and yang, biologically."

Uncle Iroh smiled, stating, "Well, young Avatar - never thought I would say that again - what your people interpret this to mean is that man and woman are meant for each other, and should be as yin and yang." Uncle Iroh paused, as if awaiting an answer even before he finished speaking. The fact that Uncle Iroh did not speak again and merely raised his eyebrows only reinforced this notion.

Asami interjected, "Okay, Iroh, I do not understand how this has to deal with my question for Korra," sounding vaguely annoyed as she finished, "I guess your reputation for obliqueness was right." Uncle Iroh laughed, saying, "Life is not simple; I do not speak simply, for that would be a mockery of life." Korra finding herself increasingly annoyed with "Uncle" Iroh, she felt relieved when he continued, "Asami. The better question, my young lady," pausing as he came forward to put his hand on both women's shoulders, "is in what ways it does not? Remember, there have been many people - humans - who have said this, but not once in the Spirit World have I seen spirits capricious in their relationships."

Looking vaguely sad, he added, "Not that they have romantic ones that produce children - unlike us," sipping tea from a cup that Korra swore just appeared out of nowhere. Smiling, Korra said, "Are you suggesting that the relationship between the individuals is more important than the sex of them? That would explain my problem with Mako… I have felt this unstated expectation that I should reverse the breakup, but, he said it himself - 'Ready to follow you in to battle', not 'Ready to try making a relationship work'. He's just lucky I had already made up my mind about that," Korra finished, crossing her arms, smirking slightly.

Iroh, looking like he was trying to use his free palm to create a large flame to add emphasis, forgetting he was a spirit, shouted, "EXACTLY! I do not know how - be it the spirit of the person, something in their upbringing, or their" - sputtering out something that for all the world sounded like "Jinns and Dee Nai", whatever those were - "but some people do not find themselves attracted to what others are, or think they should be. It is better to be attracted to and be with the one your heart desires, rather than worry about other's opinions of you" - he shot a glance at Asami - "or needing to maintain an outdated definition of balance," finishing his gaze on Korra.

Suddenly, Asami began crying, flinging herself bitterly against a nearby tree. Korra could feel something strong within her, stronger than the Avatar State, stronger than Raava, and rushed to her side. Korra asked painfully, finding Asami's crying affected her more deeply than normal, "What's the matter, Asami? I know you just lost your dad, but I have never seen you like this."

Asami stopped crying for long enough to wipe her face, take a deep breath, and started talking again. She asked, "The question was, do you want to be my partner?" making an unsettlingly nervous smile afterwards, as though part of her thought it some funny joke to be so direct.

Korra felt the unnamed feeling again, having a vague idea what it might be, but was still confused. Sensing that Asami was nowhere near done, she asked, "Why were you so loathe to ask me that? The worst I would have done, had you asked before Mako pulled his stupid 'Oh yeah post Dark Spirit memory wipe girl, there was no breakup don't mind me', was said no. I was two things. Confused myself about who I was and wanted to be with, and extremely busy with things that needed other people's support to pull off. Had I said yes at, well, virtually any point before I beat Kuvira, I imagine there would have been a bigger controversy over those spirit vines that were so 'totally my fault' and would have impeded my job as the Avatar. So, why?" Korra could sense this would just make Asami cry like, well, that, again, but something told her the truth was more important.

Asami surprised Korra, starting with a steely determination, "All my life, Korra, I have been torn between myself - I can remember at an early age, constantly holding other girl's hands, and kissing - even when I was 12. Even more clearly, I remember my father gently but painfully chastising me at the age of 13 for spurning boy's advances. He kept prattling on about 'image of the company' and 'not proper'. It felt like he was telling me I was somehow wrong, or less. Finally, at about age 14, he made me take a 'dating course', and warned me that even as his only living family, no matter how brilliant I was, if he caught me making open advances on anything other than a boy, he would disinherit me of everything but half of what I made myself, inside the company."

Asami shifted uncomfortably, finally fixing her gaze on the ground at Korra's feet. Looking up again, she said to Korra's face, "For a long time, I tried to make it work. It actually seemed like I might have an attraction to a boy - a poor one, yes, but friends with the Avatar, who could handle his own in battle, and seemed to care for me - but eventually..." Asami stopped short, blowing her nose, and said with an angry look, green eyes intent, "I couldn't take it anymore. Especially considering how... frustrating Mako can be! I didn't know what to make of what I perceived as his double-crossing at the time, with you." Korra frowned, saying, "I knew everything with Mako was frustrating and confusing, but all this... it's a wonder you didn't go crazy." Asami smiled weakly, saying, "You didn't go crazy after finding out he lied to you about your own breakup, and I was no different. I can handle myself." Asami scowled at nothing in particular, saying, "Though, until just now, I guess that wasn't entirely true... given I lied about who I really was." Sobbing slightly, she said, "I never got the chance to talk to my father in private after I had forgiven him for his lesser crime." Slamming her hand against a rock, Asami said, "Kuvira took him from me before I could even get to know him again!"

Korra gently took Asami's face in her hand, saying, "Calm down – a lot happened today, and this old hurt doesn't make things any easier. I never knew…" Seeing Asami looked furious, Korra said, "It's okay. Kuvira has been stopped, and your father, I think, wanted to redeem himself. Maybe he said some things to you that you didn't catch on to – two apologies in one." Asami said, still looking angry, "You're right, but… I'll never get to know everything he meant when he said he loved me when he forcefully ejected me from that hummingbird suit..." Asami wiped the glare off her face, saying, "Enough about death, and heartbreak. I broke up with Mako for good, with only the two of us there, just telling him I saw him as a friend. It took me a while to truly see him that way, and not as evidence of my father's influence, from beyond his jail cell." Chuckling weakly, Asami added, "Kissing him on impulse during our sting operation when Varrick was being... Varrick didn't help anything, but... aside from friendship, I didn't really feel anything during that kiss, unlike before." Pushing lightly on Korra's chest over her heart, Asami continued, smiling weakly, "After seeing the strength of will you displayed defeating Vaatu when Raava was at her weakest, I started making covert attempts to gain more than just your friendship, ready to tentatively try and move forward with my life, past my father's wishes... I couldn't do anything too obvious, aside from my ambiguous profession about always being there for you … that is, until you had 'recovered' and then ran away after Zaheer poisoned you. I knew that you were being adventurous to just send me the letter, and no one else. Especially the part about not being able to talk to Raava or enter the Avatar State… ouch." Asami smiled, saying with a stifled laugh, "When you came back, I was a bit more… obvious." Korra blushed slightly, averting her eyes from the industrialist's gaze. Asami continued, "I think you must have noticed too. But that's not the point. Given how Mako, of all people, still reacted strongly when we came out about the letter," she said, finally managing her normal warm smile, "I guess you were right to just trust me to keep mum. So do you think you can keep mum about this?"

Korra felt extremely angry. Listening to Asami's story of self-repression, confusion and her controlling father made Korra feel like going up to the nearest man and fire-kicking him between the legs. Of course, that nearest man was Uncle Iroh, and wouldn't have done anything. "Asami," Korra said, eyes gleaming angrily, "after hearing all that, I want to assure you that I will not keep mum about this -"

Before Korra could continue, something caught her eye. It was Uncle Iroh, frenetically gesticulating to the sky, which had taken on a darker hue. Uncle Iroh said, concern in his voice, "Korra, remember what happened the last time you let your emotions run wild in the Spirit World? After that Dark Spirit swallowed you and you lost Jinora?" Uncle Iroh interjected on top of her, trying to sound re-assuring, "Not that I am against being angry over everything Asami just told you, but unless you want chaos here, you need to calm yourself down. Might I suggest defusing your anger with that feeling from earlier?"

Asami was looking at Korra with a skeptical look, saying as she shook her head slightly, "You never told me the Spirit World could be that dangerous for humans, that there are certain things we should not do here," Asami glancing up at the gradually darkening sky with a concerned expression. Korra laid a hand on Asami's neck, rubbing her reassuringly, finding the act pleasurable, stating matter-of-factly, "I am the one who needs to be careful here. Since I am the Avatar, I affect my surroundings in the Spirit World a lot more than other people. Now, about your earlier question… they say actions speak louder than words. Here goes."

Asami looked hopeful and a little confused at the same time, smiling broadly when Korra grasped both her hands and placed her head on top of one of Asami's shoulder pads. When Korra finally did kiss Asami on the cheek, Korra could once again feel the heat rising on Asami's face before any words were spoken. As she did so, she felt something akin to that angry feeling once more, albeit cooler and calmer. A momentary tattered memory surfaced, that was not fully her own: A seemingly shredded memory of embracing another girl, but longer ago than her own age, and feeling this same feeling.

As she withdrew from the kiss, she noticed the sky was no longer darkened.

"I hope that answers your question, Asami," Korra stated, much more coolly now, adding as she blushed slightly, "In fact, it answered a few questions of my own I didn't even know I had until recently, or even the past five minutes." Uncle Iroh began laughing lightly, saying, "I tend to have that effect on people. I am glad that you two have found and embraced each other, and that you used the 'feeling' to counter your anger, Korra... rather than forcing the emotion off like you might have, or forbid, expressing that darkened anger fully," Uncle Iroh sighed with an annoyingly noticeable level of relief on the last sentence.

Neutralizing her expression into a more quizzical look, Korra asked, "You keep talking about this feeling. I think I might know, but… What is its name, Iroh?" Iroh had a gleam in his eye Korra had not seen before, stating, Korra's eyes widening progressively, "The feeling, Korra, is love. It is what Aang felt for Katara," - Korra felt a shiver go up her spine, and had a fleeting glimpse of the seemingly frozen memory again - " what my nephew felt for his wife –though it did not last, unfortunately… and what your father felt for your mother. Between men and women, that love can manifest itself eventually in the form of a child." Uncle Iroh gave both Asami and Korra a once-over, saying sourly, "Much as - to my knowledge - spirits cannot have children, I don't think it will be able to manifest in such a way between you two, however, unfortunately."

Korra grinned nervously, laughing weakly, "I may not have gotten much formal schooling aside from that of the White Lotus on bending - How did that organization get to become so twisted, anyways? Must have been after you died - but even I know we are… incompatible, in certain aspects." Looking at Asami, Korra said, to Asami's approval, "We may have been friends for years, and sort of something a bit more for a while, but… we never openly admitted being anything more until just now. Even to each other. I may have felt it, here and there, but… I don't think we'd want to have a kid just yet, even if we could. I don't know quite what to make of my feelings yet, and Asami just confessed to me what she had been hiding her whole life, and the reason why she could never truly try to win my hand." Korra said, slowly shaking her head, "The judgment of others…"

Stroking his beard, Uncle Iroh said, "Let me ask you a question, Korra. When you felt your newfound love for Asami, did it remind you of any other energy you have felt?" Korra thought, but not for long, saying, "It felt vaguely reminiscent of Raava's energy. She stands for balance, peace, and harmony. Yet when I got angry, I felt something." Korra shuddered, "Something that reminded me of the energy I felt as Raava was torn from inside me. Yet, somehow - purified, as though Vaatu's energies had been separated from one another and only primordial fury remained."

Korra thought back, to her history lessons, and the many lost causes of the centuries, and those who fought for them. After a while, Korra thought she finally got what Iroh may have been driving at, venturing, "So, 'Uncle' Iroh," turning to face him as he snuck off to drink some tea, as if he did not expect her to be done so soon, "humans can feel emotions that are in line with Raava, yet have the desire for vengeance against those who have wronged their loved ones akin to Vaatu's wrath and hatred? I assume this is what makes us different from the majority of spirits."

Korra felt confident in a way she never had before, akin to the confidence that Tenzin gave off when he gave lectures, or Asami when she was messing with some gadget. She continued, saying, "Furthermore, it is this feeling that has driven those who logically should have surrendered and given up the fight - be it physical, political or otherwise - to fight to the death, as they feel they have already lost everything." Iroh looked faintly surprised, saying sheepishly, "Funny you should mention that. The fighting to the death, that is. Yes, to all your conclusions, but I need to tell each of you something that will be important for the coming year."

Korra interrupted him, asking angrily, "Wait, seriously, am I not done yet? Can't I take a break? Where's our damn vacation?! Please don't tell me there's more fighting to do. I got poisoned by some zealous freak, took three years to recover, defeated one of the worst dictators since Ozai, and I just found out that I'm actually bisexual." Korra could see Asami's happy surprise at her candor, but she continued anyways, "I'd sort of like some time to take a vacation. You know," she shrugged, pointing at the grove and pools around her, "the whole reason we came here!" She stomped the ground out of frustration, moving some grassy earth as she did so.

Uncle Iroh shook his head, sadness in his eyes as he said, "Unfortunately, Korra, the work of the good is never done. I suggest that you try to make your relationship with Asami count as a vacation in of itself, and appreciate those around you." Crying slightly, he continued, "What I wanted to tell you is that for some people, that love can be misapplied or misinterpreted - applied to a thing or idea or ideology instead of a person. Or worst of all, power – like my brother did. You have already met four such people, and when those people are powerful or cunning, they can leave behind much damage."

Iroh stroked his beard, mumbling, "Enough chit-chat for now. Let me be more direct. Korra, there are two things you should know." Korra saw Asami whip out a notepad and get ready to write as soon as Iroh said 'you should know'. "Dang," Korra thought, "I don't think I would have thought of that. She's so pretty when she's smart…"

"KORRA! Are you paying attention? Or are you too busy looking at Asami to listen?" something inside Korra that sounded a lot like Tenzin yelled.

"- and that is my favorite tea. I could see you looked… distracted, Korra. Anyways. After the end of the 100 Year War and the de-bending of Ozai, there was still conflict. My nephew and the Avatar nearly ignited another war over the fate of the Fire Nation colonies, in particular Yu Dao, and then later had to deal with a pseudo-cult to Ozai that opposed Zuko's rule. I advise both you and Prince Wu to tread lightly in the Earth Kingdom - Kuvira may be gone, but there will be holdouts. Some areas of the country Kuvira held for nearly three years. Kuvira is more than a person, Korra - she is also an idea. The idea that the Earth Kingdom should be dominant, after the disgrace it endured during the 100 Year's War," Iroh stated, pacing as he described the post-war environment of his time.

Pointing at Korra and Asami in turn, he advised, "As much as it pains me to say it, and would love to see all love open and free as the wind, there are those who do not feel the way I do… The second piece of advice is that there is a time and place for everything. At the very least until Prince Wu helps set up a form of government that the Earth kingdom has never known, you may want to keep your relationship with Asami known only to those you know you can trust. You do not want to lose credibility among close-minded people when it is needed. Nor can you use brute force to open people's minds - for this, most often a subtle approach is best." After a pause, Uncle Iroh continued, "I do not know much of the Tenzin of today, for he comes after my time, having only seen him as a teenager and briefly as an adult inside the Spirit World. I know Katara is perceptive. She probably has already surmised the basics of what you two have done in here, and she does not give up secrets to others," Iroh finished, walking to a tree.

Asami finished writing, then asking, "What about me? What is there that I need to know?" Iroh froze for a split second, and then resumed walking, saying ominously, "Asami, I am sorry, but my warnings cannot be as direct as the advice as I gave Korra. These events have not happened yet. The warnings and advice for Korra are based on simple extrapolation of history and my own experiences with the darkness and light that lives in man."

Staring off into the distance, as though trying to see something, Uncle Iroh stated, "The first event somehow involves a great spirit bestowing a gift that has never been given before in the history of the Avatar, perhaps time itself. I cannot discern who will be given this gift, or who the giver is. All I know is that many spirits will be upset with what they perceive to be favoritism, or a perversion of the natural order, and will begin to squabble among themselves – some just for the sake of squabbling. Spirits can be an… enigmatic bunch." Korra did not like what he had said, so she felt even more alarmed when he finished, finally coming to rest under one of the many large trees in the grove, "I also know that even though Korra is the Avatar, she and Raava alone will not be enough to bring balance - or, even, a new order - from it."

Looking directly at Asami, he said, "My final advice is that no matter what happens, and what new things are discovered by inquiring minds, is that the bending arts must continue, and those who practice them remain equal to their nonbender peers. I know only this riddle. 'They are those who bring mortal's giants to fall. Watch closely, see all. Should nothing be done, extreme of a madman's dream shall pass. It all began with description of most important gas.'" Looking away from Asami, he was now checking over his shoulder, as though he heard a greater spirit approaching.

Uncle Iroh dismissed the noise and turned around, intending to make one final statement, saying, "The only other thing I know about all four pieces of advice is that the order in which they are relevant in the world's sense of time is inversed, with respect to each other, as yin and yang. Should the first of Korra's pieces of advice come to pass or be relevant first, then the second piece of advice to Asami shall become relevant at around the same time. If the first of Asami's pieces of advice occurs first, then the second piece of advice to Korra shall become relevant at around the same time. That is all. Goodbye, young Avatar and young industrialist." With that, the man Korra called "Uncle" Iroh vanished, much as Zaheer had with Aiwei all those years ago. Thoughts of the Red Lotus drew her to think of her actual uncle – Unalaq, realizing "Uncle" Iroh had replaced him, in a way. Unalaq never helped her unless it helped himself…

Korra looked over to Asami, only to see her shaking her hand back in forth in a mild degree of pain. Asami said, "Wow, he sure had a lot to say. And I thought Tenzin's 'Guy who never ate' lecture was long… at least this was important." Korra reach down to a pool, bent some water up, and began soothing Asami's inflamed hand joints and muscles. Sighing in relief at first, Asami appeared increasingly uneasy. Eventually, she asked, looking in the same direction Uncle Iroh had, "Korra, this place is nice, but I feel like… something is watching us. Can we go on an open plain of some sort, so whatever it is has to come out if it wants to interact with us?" Korra gave Asami a quick glance, saying, "Normally, if someone were spying on me from the bushes I'd challenge them to a fight, but I remember the last time I tried to use bending against a spirit on its own plane without having entered physically - and I can't imagine they would react to actual bending much better. That reminds me…"

Korra placed her hand on the ground, and soon both she and Asami were transported to the strange grasslands where those meerkat spirits had sent her crashing through the world after her failed firebending attempt on them. There were no spirits present, however. She put her hand to the ground all the same, scanning for any notable energy. She immediately got the impression that they had, in fact, been right to leave Xai Bau's Grove, as there was some unidentifiable yet familiar spirit energy there. She could not detect anything but herself and Asami in their current location. Korra told Asami, with a note of concern in her voice, "The coast is clear, although there was something stalking us back at the grove. It looks like you were right, Asami."

Asami sighed, saying dejectedly, "I don't get it, Korra. You just created a new Spirit Portal, and you removed Kuvira and her abuse of spirit vine technology. What spirits could be angry right now?" She shot Korra a slightly accusatory glance, smiling as she asked in a teasing tone, "What spirits have you offended lately? What might have been stalking us?" Korra smirked, saying, "The only spirit that I recently interacted with that made me want to punch him was the large, black serpentine spirit who told me the spirits would just sit idly by while Republic City was devastated by Kuvira. I just did not understand why a spirit wouldn't want to stop the Butcher of the Swamp." Asami giggled slightly, saying, "Let's just call that one Angry Bird. I think I saw him on the way in – big, long, serpentine," gazing at one of the many strange spirit plants that surrounded her. Asami stood up, saying in a more serious tone, "This place is beautiful, Korra, but I still have an uneasy feeling. Why don't we go back to Air Temple Is-"

Suddenly, Korra felt the energy again, and in her mind's eye, she finally identified the spirit that had been stalking them. It was not a good answer, but she wasn't particularly concerned yet, saying nonchalantly, "It was Angry Bird at the grove – he may fancy himself to speak for spirits, but he's nothing truly threatening. I wonder what he wants?"

"Wonder no more. I thought I might find you here," a gruff voice from behind them said. "Don't think you're the only one who can teleport in here, Avatar. I care little what one so young as yourself refers to me as. Just turn around. I have something I want to say to Korra, about her and her predecessors." Korra wheeled around on an earthbent disk to face the serpent, smirking slightly as she asked, "Come here to reap all my hard work, defeating Kuvira when you told the other spirits to scram?"

The spirit hissed, saying derisively, "No – there is nothing to reap. The spirits were never threatened by Kuvira – some stupid vines don't count as spirits. They're just an easily replaced home. And your reprehensible spirit ally, Raava, ended up giving you, her little pet, what you wanted in the end - spirits, for war. You just don't know it yet. Typical Avatar - just an arrogant, ignorant human…" Korra completely confused by this talk of spirits for war, she listened as "Angry Bird" continued, voice dripping with disdain and hatred she had not heard when originally talking to him before Kuvira's attack, "What I wanted to say? Almost all previous Avatars have maintained a distance from non-family personal relationships, with the recent exceptions of you, Avatar Aang and Avatar Kuruk. I imagine you do not know Kuruk. Aang's relationship could be justified in light of him, at the time, truly being the last airbender… but Kuruk and you share something in common. From the ten thousand year perspective, both your relationships were… unnecessary. Avatar," he asked ominously, drawing closer to Asami, "do you remember what happened to Avatar Kuruk's 'unnecessary' love interest?"

Korra again had a sliver of an icy memory surface, but even the tip of this iceberg was enough to make her panic, ignoring a different icy sliver that contradicted part of what the spirit had said. Her eyes began flickering light erratically. Korra admonished the spirit with a voice not entirely her own, "Avatar Kuruk was punished for his arrogance by Koh the Face Stealer, and learned better. Upon reflection over the past few hundred years, I decided that punishment was too harsh, and I, Raava, will not let this happen again. I stress, Long Yumao the Opportunist, that the Avatar is not merely a host for me - she is an individual as well, and her experiences guide my learning, just like any other Avatar."

Korra could feel herself getting lost in her own panic and anger, alongside this increasingly angry voice she could only guess was Raava. Feeling herself subsumed, Raava continued, in her own distinct voice, "I heard your pathetic excuse for declining action to help defend Republic City. You blame me for creation of those unnamed spirits, but in reality, my decision was driven by your inaction. Do you care to explain to me why you refused aid to one of the most powerful SPIRITS in HUMAN form when both Republic City and all physical spirit habitat was under threat … and then suddenly begin stalking and threatening both the Avatar and her love interest after Avatar Korra did all the hard work for you? I know you are called the Opportunist for good reason, but this is simply not acceptable." Out of the corners of her consciousness, Korra could feel her body performing the motions to create an elemental prison around this "Long Yumao the Opportunist", and then some sort of shield around Asami. Korra could barely sense Asami, and even then she could sense Asami's fear.

From within the sphere, Korra could discern flashes of yellow and purple. Long Yumao began to speak softly, stating, "You know, Raava, there are those spirits who think your time with humans has made you soft, and more human than spirit. Favor humans, over spirits… Your powerful gift to humans is evidence of this favoritism. They also say that Iroh - his 'Royal Kookiness', to quote one particularly amusing mortal - will never be able to understand spiritual matters at the same level as spirits, being a human and all. He may say pretty things, but some of his views are decidedly, well, human. And others, like his views on yin and yang as they relate to mortal mate choices, are entirely his own."

Korra raged at this last comment, and she could feel Raava becoming even more enraged at the first. "Enough!" the great white spirit roared from inside, "I do not have time for your nonsense, the half-truths. I merged with Wan for a reason, and that was because I saw he did not choose capriciously between human and spirit, and was much wiser than a normal human. Other spirits deny it, like yourself, but that was the day I decided to give humanity a chance."

Raava jabbed, seemingly pre-empting a specific response, "It may have been a bumpy ten thousand years, but I have learned from humans, as much as they have from freedom, bending and the Avatar. What of Korra's feeling for Asami I have experienced has taught me is that Iroh is right about yin and yang and mortals, even though their relationship is young. What you have taught me?" The great spirit paused in a mock show of respect.

Raava flared in size and intensity briefly from Korra's chest. "You and your ilk need to show more respect to worthy humans, and not just blindly dismiss them or their suffering because they are mortals. In this age of cannons powered by our own earthly essence, spirits can no longer afford to sit idly by, with shades of black and white on - as generally all spirits except myself have done in the past. Go think on it." In a combined effort with Raava, Korra tossed the spirit far away and locked him in place.

After what had seemed an eternity, Korra's eyes finally stopped blazing, and she could see clearly again. The first thing she heard was Asami straining inside the earth tent-shield she must have bent to protect her. Lowering the barrier, Korra said with regret, "I am so sorry, Asami. If I had any idea any of this was going to happen, I would have denied your request to enter the Spirit World. This is no vacation!" Asami looked visibly shaken, but did not show any sign of fear now, reassuring Korra, "It's okay, Korra. We've learned some valuable information, and gotten to know each other much better, as I had hoped," she paused, smiling as she added, "I didn't hear much, aside from Raava yelling. I wonder what could have made such a great spirit so angry?"

Korra described the whole exchange, including the implied threat that Long Yumao the Opportunist - what a name - had made to Korra and Asami, ignoring the talk about favoritism through the gift of spirits for war as bald-faced lies. She hadn't asked for any war spirits… just help from regular ones! Asami wrote bits of the exchange down, flipping a page, examining the last words that Uncle Iroh said. Tracing the binding, Asami said, "I think I know the order of the events now. I marked the order here." She showed Korra the three pages with Uncle Iroh's advice, and there was a scrawled number over each: three, two, one, four. Korra still didn't quite understand the implications of this, so she listened as Asami continued, "It sounds like there is tension in the Spirit World over our relationship and the spirit's relationship with humans in general. This Long Yumao the Opportunist sounds like he really disapproves of any breach of established rules, or anything… 'unnecessary'". Asami shuddered visibly after the last word, continuing, "So, if there is tension now, it will probably build, until some watershed event forces open conflict…Hang on a second." Asami began flipping back and forth between pages once more.

Asami shut the book and threw it back into her satchel, saying, "I still can't make perfect sense of it, but we'll have plenty of time later to look over Uncle Iroh's words, and Long Yumao's. I remember him talking about spirits for war - whatever that means. I want to leave the Spirit World now - I have a feeling that spirit won't be locked up forever. Is there anything you would like to do before we leave?" Korra shrugged, deferring to Asami, "I don't know, you were the one who wanted to come here on a 'vacation'." Korra laughed, smirking as she said bitterly, "So much for that…. Can you think of anything we can do here that we can't do outside?"

Asami smiled mischievously, saying, "Well, given Uncle Iroh's advice about being discreet in our relationship as much as possible at first, maybe we should actually kiss? And not be shy about it." Asami's cheeks turned the same shade of red that Korra's had just turned, Korra saying, "Why not?" with an energy she didn't know she had. Something in her wanting to do more than kiss, she repressed the urge, thinking, "Slow down," saying, "Let's do it!" nonetheless - though all she planned on it being was a simple kiss. After she sat down to reach for Asami, Korra met Asami's lips with her own. She began to feel fluttery inside, deep down, and pressed closer to Asami, her hand lazily moving towards the small of Asami's back.

Suddenly, she felt a familiar sensation - but not the one she wanted, or was expecting. For a brief moment, it felt as though she and Asami had no boundaries with one another, and they were one. Then Korra's eyes began to glow ominously. Looking panicked, Asami protested, "Mmmph! Korra! Whut arr you duuing? Never seen… you… do… thi…" Asami fell silent, at the same time Korra was helpless to stop herself - and she wanted to. This felt wrong…

Her right hand snaked its way to the back of Asami's head and Korra involuntarily pressed up against Asami's lips harder. Her left hand started pulsating with a familiar, primordial power, and the extremity shot down, and then up underneath Asami's shirt, finally resting slightly below Asami's bellybutton.

That was when a bizarre combination of sheer pleasure and extraordinary power shot through all of her body. The pleasure was her own, and the power as well - yet not entirely. While the pleasure did not fade, she could feel the power gradually ebb, seemingly finking a sink in -or was it under? - Asami's stomach.

Korra took a moment to shake off the rush of feeling that remained, and stared down at Asami's body. She knew that she was not lifeless, but Asami didn't look like she was going to wake up of her own accord. Suddenly realizing she needed help, Korra began picturing those obnoxious flowers again, concentrating, thinking, "Please, let me out. Please… This isn't what I wanted…"

When she came to again, they were near the Republic City portal on the spirit side, and Asami was looking down at her perplexedly, asking with her hands on her hips, "Korra, what in the blazes was that? I know you never use the Avatar State involuntarily, aside from when Zaheer poisoned you. What do you think it was?"

Korra began to answer, "I have no idea, Asami. Let's just get out of here and -"

The biggest gift has been given.

Korra quickly shook her head side to side, looking for the source of the voice.

I'm in your heart.

Confusedly, she put her hand over her chest. "Raava?"

Katara can help you. Be discreet, but tell all eventually.

And then the voice was gone.

Korra looked at Asami, who seemed to not be fazed by any spirit-related shenanigans now. Korra barked, "I think we'll need to ask Katara what that was, Asami. Let's go," quickly getting off the ground. Korra stood upright more fully, and held Asami's hand as they briskly exited the portal. Korra noted that Asami still looked at her the same way she had on the way in, if not with more desire. There was one less thing to worry about, at the very least.

After both their bodies vanished, in the far, far distance, a prison broke.

Long Yumao floated freely once more, as the Avatar was gone and Raava could not maintain the prison for her. "Avatar" Korra. The little wretch. Unnatural. A spoiled human, even if she was the Avatar, who had gotten what she wanted from him the first time they met in the end - even if she didn't know it. Though his appearance was much as before, a sickly yellow light glowed strongly in his eyes. "No", he practically screamed to himself, "it cannot be!" Shaking off the last of the earth that covered him, he hissed loudly, realizing in full what Raava had done, finding this gift more outrageous than the first, "First, Raava gives 'good' humans those… things, as much for war as peace, and now this? Favoritism in its purest form! A flagrant, petty abuse of power… This perversion cannot STAND!"