At breakfast, Sonic and Tails sat at the table together eating pancakes the fox made. Usually Sonic would sit with him and chat to Tails while having breakfast. But this morning he acted differently; instead, he sat in front of him and did not eat, he looked tired and picked on one of his pancakes with his fork. "Everything okay, Sonic?" He looked up to find Tails staring at him in concern.
"Y-yeah. I'm fine Tails. I'm just not hungry, that's all." Sonic replied, putting his fork down. But Tails raised an eyebrow at him, believing this was the only problem why he wasn't eating. "Is it about the nightmares you keep having?" Sonic frowned and gave a sigh. "Yes. We haven't seen Eggman for four weeks and he could be planning something big. I dreamed about the Chaos Emeralds and I transformed into Super Sonic, but I looked different. I had red swirls for eyes, long fingernails that looked like claws, my quills scruffy and my socks and gloves were ripped slightly and I had no control over it. It was horrible!"
Tails looked surprised from what Sonic told him but snapped out of his flabbergasting trance before put down his fork as well. "Sonic, what happened last night was just a bad dream and they're not real. I know we haven't seen Eggman for a while, but it's still just a dream. Now that you've told me, sleep again for one more night and see. And if it's that same dream, we'll talk to a doctor or to Knuckles. They may help." Sonic smiled at him but that wasn't enough to cheer him up completely. Sonic got up from his seat and headed for the door. Tails took notice of his uneaten food. "Don't you want to eat, Sonic?"
"No thanks, buddy!" Sonic called back. "I'm going out for a run!" Tails tried to protest but he already dashed out the door. He sighed and stood there wondering what Sonic told him about his nightmares he had recently and after five minutes of thinking time, he decided to go to his workshop to fix up his plane and maybe fix up some chilli-dogs for Sonic incase he wants some later.
Ten minutes later, Sonic was at a forest and had now cleared his head off his nightmares so he decided to head back. But little did he know he was not alone. A pair of red robotic eyes were watching him from the bushes nearby…
Then just moments later, Sonic could've sworn someone or something is watching him and screeched to a halt to look around. A few moments later had passed and he found nothing and resumed his running The shadowed figure quietly decided to follow him and attack but cut off after accidentally stepping on a twig causing it to snap and causing Sonic to stop again and turn his head towards his hiding spot. Sonic got into a fighting stance at the bush which rustled for a few seconds but what came out was only a small white rabbit.
Sonic chuckled like he was crazy himself before turning his back at the bush. At this very moment, Metal Sonic, who was the figure all along raised his arm at him and shot a tranquilliser dart at him which hit his left shoulder. "Ow!" Sonic gasped in pain. And as the result of his scream and the sudden appearance of the dart, the rabbit hopped away in fright. Sonic pulled it out and examined it only to find a familiar logo on it. "Eggman!" then dropped it and ran away. Metal Sonic immediately reacted and ran, well, flew after him before he could lose him. As Sonic ran, the loss of consciousness was starting to kick in and shook his head to get rid of it but that just gave him a dizzy spell and made it worse. A few steps later, his eyes rolled back in his head, collapsed and rolled into a bush, and before he blacked out, he heard a voice.
Back at the workshop by lunchtime, Tails was still tinkering on his plane and worrying about Sonic because he wasn't back yet which was strange. He continued tinkering on his plane, when he heard his door slam open and caused him to hit his head. He heard a shout from a female. "SONIC! ARE YOU THERE?!" He groaned in agony upon recognizing that voice. Amy Rose.
It was indeed Amy. She had come in the house rudely to look for Sonic and would always ask him for a date but he always chickened out. Tails appeared in the living room, looking a bit irritated. "Amy? Do you ever know how to knock? It's rude." "Sorry, Tails. But I'm in a bit of a hurry because I'm supposed to be with Cream for lunch shortly. Is Sonic with you?" "Sorry, Amy. I've seen him this morning and then he went out for his run, but he hasn't returned yet. He should be back by now." Amy sighed sadly, knowing she'd missed Sonic again. "Thanks, Tails. When he has returned, can you get him to call me? I got to tell him something that's sorta private." Tails smirked and knew what Amy wanted. 'Like what? Protecting 'her' Sonic and asking him for a date?' "Alright. I will."He pretended to understand. Amy nodded to Tails and smiled gladly. "Thanks again, Tails. I'll see you later."
As Amy turned her back and walked out the door. Tails frowned and mumbled to himself, "I won't." but Amy heard him and pulled out her hammer looking very angry. "WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" Amy roared. Tails became very nervous and sweatdropped while raising his hands and stepping back, not wanting to get pummeled. "I-I-It's nothing, Amy. Honest." Amy glared at him and stormily walked towards Tails who took some steps back until his back was against the edge of his desk causing him to brace himself. Amy raised her hammer ready to hit her but fortunately calmed down, gave a deep breath and left the house.
As soon as Tails heard the door shut, he breathed out in relief. He was safe from now. Safe from the anger of Amy Rose. At the corner of his eye, there was a clock wall that read 1pm. His stomach rumbled. 'I'd better get some lunch before I get back on the tornado. But where's Sonic? He's been outside for hours. I hope he's still not upset about his nightmares.' Tails walked to the kitchen to make himself some sandwiches and some chilidogs for Sonic and while doing this, he looked at the frame on the wall. Inside was a picture of Sonic and Tails when they were kids after they've met for the first time.
Inside a room in an unknown location, a blue hedgehog was still unconscious on a bed. There are several robots surrounding him with equipment that looked like operation tools and they had blood on them and in the center was Doctor Eggman. Sonic the Hedgehog was now showing signs of awakening and the scientist noticed. He quickly told his robots to leave the room with two robots remaining and they were the doctor's henchman, Orbot and Cubot. The reason he did this was because he wanted to talk to him to some sense. When Sonic opened his eyes, a bright light flashed through them and he squinted and tried to use his arms to cover them but he felt something holding them down he turned his head to see shackles on them. He tried moving his legs but they were cuffed as well. Sonic groaned, knowing he can't escape right now.
"Nice to see you again, Rodent. It's been four weeks."
Sonic's face turned from frustration to tense when he heard a familiar voice. He bared his teeth and growled trying to threaten him, but Eggman only raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Now, Sonic. There's no need to threaten anyone, really." Sonic stopped and asked him some questions. "Where am I? What am I doing here?" Eggman simply answered. "You are at my base, in my operating bay and you're here because I want to do a little experiment on you, but I'm not sure how it wold affect your body however..." Not getting a straight answer, Sonic glanced around the room to find blooded operating tools, realizing the blood was his, his eyes widened in panic. "Wha-What did you do to me?!" "Enough with the questions, Hedgehog. You'll find out later this week, I promise." Before Sonic could ask why, a smirk implanted on the doctor's mouth, which meant it wasn't good. Sonic let out a small whimper of fear, and the doctor's smirk grew wider when he heard this. Just what was the doctor planning to do to him?
The doctor's face went back to normal and then turned his head at his henchman. "Cubot, take Sonic to his new cell." He ordered. "And Orbot, while he's at it, get him something to eat and drink. We don't want our 'guest' to starve, don't we?" And sure enough, Sonic's stomach gave out a rumble which was loud enough for Eggman and the robots to hear it. Sonic looked down, slightly embarrassed when he heard it too. He felt regret for not having breakfast this morning despite that Tails did the cooking and all he could imagine in his head, was himself eating his chilidogs Tails made him as many as he could. He snapped back into reality when he felt his bed was moving. Cubot was pushing the trolley, taking him to his cell and when he arrived there, he pressed a button which released the cuffs and sent him face planting to the ground. Before Sonic could get up, Cubot had left the room and shut the door behind him. Metal Sonic appeared, who had received orders from Eggman which are to guard him just in case he does anything stupid or tries to escape and there was a camera hooked on one of the corners of the ceiling. There was nothing he could do right now but to wait and find out what Eggman is planning.
See you next chappie!