Family And Friends
Chapter 01
The Arrival And The Reading

Harry's POV

Sirius Black entering the castle seems to have shocked my friends more than it did me, but that is because I already knew that someone who can escape Azkaban can easily enter Hogwarts, but that is mostly because Voldemort had been able to do so twice in the last two years, once as a teacher, once through a diary.
We've all entered the Great Hall and after the Slytherins, Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs have joined us, did Professor Dumbledore explain why we're all here. But just when he wants to leave the Hall, does my keen eye spot something and I look at the other side of the Hall, where dust or some kind of sand seems to be falling from air itself.

"Eeeh, Headmaster." I say tentatively, everyone looking at me and then looking at where I'm still keeping my eye on the falling sand and when Dumbledore himself sees it, he, Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape rush over. But just when they pass my friends and me, does the sand on the floor start to swirl.
To my shock a huge whirlwind of sand erupts from that one small spot and Dumbledore, Snape, McGonagall and most of the older years instantly grab their wands, while I already had mine in my hand since I saw the sand falling. Dumbledore wants to aim his wand at the whirlwind, when it suddenly stops and disappears.

In its stead are several elder teenagers, maybe a year older than the Seventh years here and they strangely look familiar to me as they look around. Then the second one, who has soft silver white hair and a strong firm jaw, asks: "You think it worked?" Speaking with a rough voice and the others look around the room.
Then the first boy, who seems a little older than the rest, has dark brownish black hair and a slightly round, but not chubby face says: "I would say so. Harry did show us how the Great Hall looked like before we came here and this looks nothing like that. I'd say, the Time Sand knew exactly where to take us."

This shocks me deeply as I have read all about Time Sand and its actual properties and uses and I think: "They used the only legal way of time Travel? How on earth did they do that?" But while I wonder this, do I portray a look of confusion as I just don't want to be seen as someone smart and be punished for it.
Then what appears to be the youngest, who looks to be a year older than me, has long black hair ringing down to his shoulders and who has very clear blue eyes, sees me and a large smile I can recognize anywhere appears on his face as he says: "Hi Harry." And instantly everyone turns to look at me instead.
"Do you know these teens, Harry?" Dumbledore asks and I walk over as I say: "I think so, Headmaster. Jeremy? Isaac?" The two aforementioned nod with large smiles on their faces and I turn to the Headmaster as I say: "They're Elementals. They live near me, because their names weren't written on the Hogwarts chart."

The man nods and I ask Jeremy: "Why did you use Time Sand? You know time travel is illegal, don't you?" And I send the boy a quick wink, telling him I can't reveal what I know. My friend nods and says: "We know, but Time Sand is legal and it came to us itself." I look shocked and ask: "It – it came to you itself?"
Jeremy nods and a girl with soft blonde hair that has two icy blue strands through it, one on each side, says: "We were going through Hogwarts and the Ministry, when we found the official Wizarding File Room. We looked there, found a very interesting file and then, as we opened it, the time sand just fell out of the papers."
I look shocked and then two boys, both with brown hair and dark brown eyes, step forward and I smile as one of them says: "So us, being the geniuses that we are." And the other goes on, to the groans of Snape and McGonagall, and says: "Rushed to you with this file and then." And they chorus: "As we ran, we found these."

And they show me a set of books, five in total, of which one strangely enough seems to be missing a part. Shaking my head, I hear the girl with the blue strands say: "You read the first page of this book and realized why the Time Sand had come here. You then locked the Time Sand to the first page of this story and told us to go."
Jeremy then goes on: "We wanted to take you with us, but you told us it was better if we left, because we didn't exist here, well, not here at Hogwarts, so it wouldn't cause a Time Pandemonium or something like that. You then wrote a few things down on a note that Irma has with her and used a spell to activate the Time Sand."

I nod and look at the girl named Irma, who has wavy black hair and crystal blue eyes, both clear signs of her Water Elemental powers, and she says: "You wrote a few things down in front of the notes and the first is for someone named Poppy Pomfrey." To this everyone looks at the Nurse, who had also come along with the teachers.
The woman walks forward and Irma reads: "Why exactly are you allowing Draco Malfoy to walk around with that bandage, when you can regrow bones in less than one night?" This shocks me in a way that almost makes me burst out laughing and the woman turns to me as she says: "A very good observation, Mr. Potter. Mr. Malfoy?"
She then turns to a blonde boy of my age with green trim attached to his black robe, a snake on his chest and a very pale face that is currently staining a small flush as everyone looks at him, most of the school with pleased and satisfying smirks on their faces, which causes the girl next to Malfoy to scowl at them and then Snape says:

"Mr. Malfoy sustained a very heavy injury when attacked by a wild Hippogriff, an attack that –." But then Madam Pomfrey asks: "Severus Snape, do you doubt my healing abilities?" And the man actually whitens, something I can't blame him for at all as the school matron can be quite fierce when she wants to be.
The man sighs and asks: "How much time did you prescribe for my student to wear that bandage?" And the woman answers: "None at all, Severus, I had that scratch healed faster than Mr. Longbottom's broken wrist three years ago." The man seems to struggle with his discomfort and asks: "And the bandage?"
And the woman snaps: "You find out where that came from, Severus. I am not missing any bandages myself and I certainly didn't give it to him when he left." Professor Snape nods and curtly says: "Mr. Malfoy." Which seems to be the cue for the grumbling blonde to remove his bandage, something that makes many people smirk.

Dumbledore and I then turn back to the group – or gang as I like to call them – and I ask: "So what are the books about?" And Irma says: "You wrote about that as well. You wrote: they're about us and will help stop that what you feared when in the Hospital Wing in your first." This makes Dumbledore and me look at each other and I whisper:
"Voldemort." The man nods and asks: "Am I right to presume that Lord Voldemort has, somewhere this year or next, found a way for himself to return to a body?" To which a girl with dark red hair and dark brown eyes says: "We can't be sure. All we know is that, during the summer of 95, Harry told us to go down under."
To this Dumbledore and I share another look and I say: "Yep, he returns." Making all those who heard us whiten as Dumbledore asks: "Am I also right to presume that somewhere in those books is the answer to stopping him permanently?" And Jeremy taps the last book and says: "The whole book is dedicated to it."

"Then why should we read the rest of those books?" A large fourteen year old Gryffindor with wiry brown hair asks and Jeremy answers: "This one explains the rest of the year, this one how Voldemort rose to the power, this one what should not be done while in war and this one is an explanation about what happens in this one."
And as he explains he taps one book after the other and I ask: "What do you mean what should not be done while in war?" And Elena says: "Don't ask us, you told us that when you gave a short description of the books." I nod, while wondering what could have happened and say: "At least the war only lasted three years, not eleven."
Everyone around me nods and Dumbledore asks: "So, we should read these books and once we're done with the first, we can read that file?" Jeremy nods and says: "Harry – or future Harry – got to take a full look in the file, we only looked at the first page – and that made him decide finishing the first book first was best."

Dumbledore nods and says: "Then reading the books we shall, but it will have to wait as my fellow teachers and I have to search Hogwarts for –." But then Irma says: "Future Harry already confirmed that your search was futile in the book, so it will be futile here. He also said that you already suspect Black not to linger."
The man nods and says: "Just let me get my students comfortable and we shall start." My friends nod and McGonagall asks: "And what about you?" But Jeremy shrugs and says: "We'll just go with Harry, we have our own ways of being comfortable." And he smiles at me making me smile back as I really missed my friends.
We then leave for where Ron and Hermione are still waiting for me and I say: "Gang, these are Ron and Hermione, my best friends. Ron, Hermione, the gang. We just call ourselves that way." The two nod, while Ron still looks at the group in shock and then Jeremy takes a deep breath and lies his palms down on the floor.

I smile, knowing that Jeremy is about to shock everyone even more and am proven right as nine large bricks actually shoot out of the stone floor, square-shaped and large enough to even let Hagrid, the gigantic Grounds Keeper with the heart of gold, sit on them. Rosaline then lies her hands on opposite shoulders and closes her eyes.
I look at the bricks and see vines and leafs grow over them, creating an entire forest of leafs, flowers and vines over the bricks and making them quite comfortable to sit or lie on. The twins quickly and happily jump onto their own bricks and I smile at the two energetic boys, who obviously didn't change in the last few years.
The others then sit down too, Rosaline sitting quite close to Jack and Eddy and I say: "Jeremy is a Ground Elemental and Rosaline a Flora Elemental. She can talk with trees and flowers and wherever there is even a small grapevine, she can turn it into an entire forest." My friends nod, while everyone looks deeply shocked.

Then Dumbledore waves his wand and bright purple sleeping bags appear all around the room as I suddenly ask: "Why didn't Aunt Rosie come along?" And instantly I regret asking as all my friends look down sadly and Jeremy says: "At the start of your fifth year, you told us to go down under and hide from the war.
We did and Aunt Rosie was the only one who knew where we were. She brought us food and drinks and gave us the magazines we always loved reading every week or so to make sure we have stuff to do while down under. But then – we don't know how it happened, but – last August Aunt Rosie was killed while trying to reach us."
My heart breaks and Isaac says: "We asked our families and they say they saw her muttering as she tried to sneak to our hiding place when suddenly she was surrounded by these crazy ass bastards. She tried to distract them by running away from us and throwing our groceries at them, but then a green light struck her in the back."
"The killing Curse." A cold voice says behind me and I turn around, seeing Professor Snape with thin lips standing there. I look confused and he says: "One of the Three Unforgiveables. The one you survived all those years ago, Potter." I nod, shocked that I finally know why people consider me indestructible and the man leaves.
I then look back at my friends and ask: "And you really don't know what she said that lured those bastards to her?" The group shakes their heads and the youngest, Jeffrey, says: "She was still miles away from us and our relatives were inside, with their windows locked, so they didn't hear what she said either."

I look down, taking comfort in the fact that this happened in the future and that we can prevent it and whisper: "Maybe the last book will explain." The rest nods and then Dumbledore says: "This is indeed a sad thing to hear about, but I agree with Mr. Potter. If we can find out what caused the attack in the last book, we can save Mss. Rosie."
I smile and many students nod, the Gryffindors glancing at me before looking determined to do so and I smile, glad to have them on my side and Ron says: "Let's start reading." Which makes my smile grow as Ron wanting to read proves his determination to help me. Dumbledore nods and motions for Jeremy.
Jeremy quickly grows another smaller brick next to him, again amazing the students around him and while all of us take comfort in our cozy and warm sleeping bags, does Jeremy put the other books down and does Isaac create a steel cage around them. Everyone looks shocked and then focuses on Jeremy as he starts reading.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Chapter 9
Grim defeat

"Hey, wait a minute. We're skipping a couple of chapters." A Ravenclaw with long black hair and a pretty Chinese face says and Jeremy says: "The book appeared this way, see." And he shows her the first page with the same title on the page itself. The girl looks shocked and confused and Jeremy turns back to the reading.

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"Which is exactly when the time sand started appearing. So after this everything is the future?" An excited young boy who is a year younger than me and who has mousy brown hair asks and Rosaline says: "That's true yes, Harry deduced that this time was best to come to as it made sure we would arrive where the book starts."
The boy – named Collin Creevey – looks excited and then Hermione asks: "Were you always this clever, Harry?" And Isaac answers for me: "Harry has his reasons for not showing his skills, but future Harry said it was mostly because he never had any family that he could make proud if he did well." The girl nods and Jeremy reads on.

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The Percy of this time turns red, with a disappointed look on his face and Edena, who has cherry blonde hair and dark pink, almost red eyes, says: "It was useless anyway. Black was already out of the castle so the whole search was useless." This seems to cheer the elder Weasley up and I smile at my two friends as Jeremy reads on.

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"Eeeh, Percy. Not to be a bother, but our common room just got attacked. Wouldn't it have been better if you had let us calm down first?" Oliver Wood, a tall and burly Gryffindor of 17 years old, asks his fellow year mate and Percy turns red again as he must be realizing the truth behind the statement before Jeremy reads on.

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"We have the answer now, don't we?" Ron asks and I nod, but suddenly notice that while Jeremy is reading, is Elena clutching the file every time she hears the name Black. Wondering what that could be about, I look at the file curiously for a short second before focusing back on the – somewhat – leader of my gang as he reads on.

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This shocks and confuses me and I mutter: "Either Black knew I hadn't gone to Hogsmeade – or." And Hermione gasps as she says: "Black's not after you. He's after something else." And Ron ends: "Something that was in Gryffindor common room while we were at Hogsmeade." We then all look at each other and wonder the same thing:
"But what?" And instantly all Gryffindors start whispering, me picking up on some of the conversations and deducing from it that they're all discussing their most valuable possessions with each other. I quickly send a look at Professor Dumbledore and the man nods, proving that he believes in my theory.
Jeremy coughs and everyone in Gryffindor stops talking as the other Houses look from us in shock to my friend and Jeremy says: "Well deduced, Harry, your deduction skills are as brilliant as when you told us all your hiding places in Privet Drive." This makes many people look at me, but Jeremy diverts their attention and reads on.

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The Hermione here does the same, but I frown and say: "Black was clever enough to know how to evade the madness that Dementors cause you and intelligent enough to escape them. He wouldn't have been stupid enough to attack a hall filled with teachers that are out for his blood." And my friend calms down as Jeremy reads on.

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Now Rosaline laughs and I turn red as she says: "Are you nuts? In the first summer before Hogwarts, Harry was always with that or some other book around us, already teaching us some of the things he would be learning himself." Everyone looks at me shocked and Isaac asks: "You didn't tell them of our game plan, did you?"
I shake my head and then explain my friends: "My plan was to study here for 7 years, become teacher, maybe teach at Hogwarts for a few years to gain experience and then move to the Muggle world where I would stay with the gang until we found a proper estate or something in the Magical world and then live there, while I taught them."
Everyone looks shocked and I ask: "What? They all moved to the Muggle world, because their parents thought none of them had magic. They've been pushing them since they discovered the Elemental powers. Only with Aunt Rosie were we safe. I just wanted to teach them a little of what I had learned to help them in the Magical World."
This makes Dumbledore smile and he says: "Every person with even the slightest bit of magic is welcome at Hogwarts. How long have you known of your Elemental abilities?" And Jeremy says: "Most of us have known since we were six, but Jeffrey." And he aims for the youngest: "Got his powers when he was four."
Everyone looks at the boy and I shudder as I think back to that day. Rosaline then sighs and says: "Dudley – Harry's cousin – had been allowed to see an adult film and wanted to reenact it. He thought me the prettiest of the neighborhood and thought he could force it on me. Harry saw it and showed me where to hide."
"The problem was." I then continue and say: "That Piers and Malcolm had discovered the one where I wanted to hide Rosaline, so she used her Elemental Magic and created a forest of trees around us. But in her feared state was she very in contact with the trees and when Piers, Malcolm and Dudley started hitting it, she got weaker."
Now Jeffrey smiles and asks: "Anyone ever seen a baby whale fly?" No one nods and Jeffrey says: "I did, or at least someone who resembles one with his weight." Everyone looks shocked and one of the twins asks: "You made killer whale Dudley fly?" Jeffrey nods and the other says: "You're awesome." Before Jeremy reads on.

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Now the twins look at each other, but I can tell that only Dumbledore and I notice and I quickly send them a look, telling them to look away before they're noticed. They do so and Jack asks: "Are they like us?" And I answer in a whisper: "Very, I suggest you talk to them." The Elemental twins nod and Jeremy reads on.

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This makes me smile contently and Jack asks: "Remember all those camping trips we took, Harry?" I nod and Hermione asks: "You went camping with them?" And Eddy answers: "Only to our backyard. We can't sleep inside during full moons. Never really understood why, at least not for Jack." And Ron asks: "Why not for you?"
And Jack answers: "Because Eddy is the Moonlight and Shadow Elemental. A full moon gives him more power, so being outside during one is good for him." And Eddy says: "And Jack is a Sunlight and Light overall Elemental, so why he can't stand staying indoors during full moon, we never fully got to understand."
To this Hermione asks: "Maybe your parents are werewolves." The two shake their heads and say: "Both are just wizards. They were in the sixties year, but had their finals in 1971. Said that was the 1st and only time they met a werewolf." The girl muses about this, while I notice Dumbledore looking at McGonagall and Jeremy reads on.

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"You know what Aunt Rosie would say if she heard you were still awake at that hour." Rosaline says jokingly and I ask: "Can't we fetch the aunt Rosie from this time?" Making the entire gang look at each other in shock and Edena asks: "Why didn't we think of that?" Making the rest shrug and making me snicker as Jeremy reads on.

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"We really need to keep a closer eye on Potter and his gang, headmaster." Snape says and I turn my eyes skyward before I say: "I hear that all the time, yet nothing good comes from it. You sure that's a good idea?" My hated Potions Professor glares at me, but I just lie myself on my back with my arms behind my head as Jeremy reads on.

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The man's lips thin even more and he says: "Next time I'll make sure people are far away from Potter before I talk to them." I shake my head and Jeremy says: "Don't bother, Harry can hear a pin drop on the other side of this room, even when it's behind those oak doors." This shocks many students and I shrug as Jeremy reads on.

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"Want to bet Snape was glad about that." Fred says and I mutter: "I don't know, I think Snape would have preferred to have looked there himself, it is his territory, after all." And by sending a very quick – almost unnoticeable – glance at my Potions teacher, do I know that I was right as the man glares at me grudgingly before Jeremy reads on.

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"Sorry to say this, Headmaster, but even Black wouldn't be stupid enough to go somewhere as high and inescapable as the Astronomy tower or professor Trelawney's room and Hedwig's hooting would have alarmed me by now if he had hidden there. She doesn't exactly like Black." Dumbledore nods at me and Jeremy reads on.

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This makes me smile and I ask: "As unlikely as finding Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets in a girls' bathroom?" Everyone looks at me shocked and a Seventh year Ravenclaw asks: "It was in a girls' bathroom?" I nod and she asks: "How did you find that out?" And I share a look with Ginny and the Headmaster before I say:
"We heard from a reliable source that the last time the Chamber was opened, fifty years ago, a student was killed. This didn't really fit with all other attacks, so that could only mean that the victim had accidentally stumbled upon the entrance. After that, all we had to wonder about was if that victim had ever left the crime scene fully."
The girl looks confused and I ask: "What? You don't know any ghosts that hunt girls' bathrooms?" And all girls of Second year and older ask: "Moaning Myrtle?" I nod and say: "Moaning Myrtle." Making all girls look at each other shocked, while some of the older boys have trouble holding back laughter and Jeremy reads on.

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"You think Professor Lupin helped Black in?" I ask shocked and the man glares at me as I ask: "What? He's the only new appointed teacher, next to Hagrid, who you could be suspecting. And why do so anyway? What did Lupin do to you?" But Snape keeps quiet, his glare intensifying as Jeremy sighs and reads on.

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This makes Lupin smile at Dumbledore and Collin asks: "Why would Snape suspect the best Defense against the Dark Arts teacher we ever had? Lockhart was nothing but useless, even I would suspect him, but Professor Lupin?" And many Gryffindors, Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs mutter in agreement with the second year.
Professor Lupin turns red, while Snape glares at the young Second year and Dumbledore says: "What happened between Professor Snape and Professor Lupin is up for them to converse about and come to an agreement about. This does not concern the student body or Sirius Black." The students hold silent and Jeremy reads on.

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This makes Jack and Eddy share such a short and quick glance I'm not one hundred percent sure I saw it myself, but the way they tense ever so slightly afterwards scares me enough to send the Headmaster a worried look. The man seems to have seen it too and nods at me, but keeps it barely noticeable as well and Jeremy reads on.

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Now my friends smile and when I look at them, they say: "You reconciled with us after the end of the war, somewhere halfway through July. Told us hundreds and hundreds of stories and some of them you laughed about. One of them were the crazy theories coming up when something amazing happened like this."
I nod and Hermione asks: "Why would Harry consider those theories funny? Sirius Black is no laughing matter." Jeremy nods and says: "No, he is not, I admit that, but once you've heard some of those theories yourself, you'll understand why Harry thought them funny." The girl looks at me and I shrug as Jeremy reads on.

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Now the girl in question, who has a pink face and blonde hair, which is tied up in loose-hanging pigtails, turns red and says: "Okay, I can understand why Harry would laugh about something like that. But it is possible." Now Jeremy and Isaac share a glance and Isaac says: "Actually, you were closer to the truth than anyone."
The girl looks shocked and McGonagall says: "So Black used transfigurations to get into the castle?" But then Lupin gasps and when we all look at him, he mutters: "He wouldn't." This peaks my curiosity and Snape asks: "Is there something about Black that you're not telling us, Lupin?" But then Irma says:
"Everything that could be held back about Black will be revealed at the end of the first book." And when we look at her, she holds up her note and says: "It says I should read this, would Lupin realize what Sirius Black did." We all nod and I see Lupin looking worriedly and contemplating at the same time as Jeremy reads on.

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"It is for your own safety, you know?" Percy snaps and then Irma reads: "You were the one who complained to McGonagall eight times in the first month." Percy turns red and Irma looks up at him as she says: "Harry knows you well, he made a whole list of people who could say that and you were on top." Percy smiles and Jeremy reads on.

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"And still even you didn't like him." Seamus then says snickering as Percy says: "Protection can't be based on whether or not you like something. If you like it, it could be used against you." This makes the Irish lad shrug in agreement and Ron whispers: "Besides, Sir Cadogan could even drive Black mad." And I nod as Jeremy reads on.

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"As we said before –." Snape tries, but I ask: "How would you feel if Professor McGonagall would follow you into a bathroom stall?" The man turns red and sputters as Harry says: "I understand you want to protect me from Black, but there are limits and something called privacy, you know?" The teachers sigh and Jeremy reads on.

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"When was this?" Ron asks shocked and I say: "When you left your Rat Tonic at the bar and I volunteered to go retrieve it." To which the twins say: "So that's why your laugh sounded so forced." And George ends: "When we showed you Percy's badge." To this I nod, but then I glance at the Elemental twin and ask:
"Don't you think you guys are falling into a repeat performance?" The twins look confused and I say: "Every year you play with Percy's badges. First year you stole his Prefect Badge, second year you changed the words to say Pinhead and now you changed the words Head Boy to Bighead Boy. You're falling into repeat actions."
The twins look shocked and then, deciding that I don't want the twins and Percy to grow apart because of their differences, I say: "And what would you do if Percy were to change the names of your candies and whatnot to something that is supposed to make people laugh, purposely making fun of your big achievements?"
Now the twins really look shocked and I say: "I know you guys and Percy have different preferences and ambitions, but he is your brother and some support on his hard work as Head Boy – I think he would appreciate that more than you constantly making fun of it as that would inspire others not to take him seriously either."
This makes Percy smile at me gratefully, while others – except for the gang, Ron and Hermione – look at me shocked and when the twins see the grateful smile on their brother's face, they both lower their heads and mutter: "We're sorry, Percy." The elder Weasley nods, smiling gratefully at his brothers and I smile widely at the three of them.
Then Ron asks: "How did you know this?" And while I look hurt at the shock of my friend, do I say: "I just knew it would hurt when something you worked so hard to achieve is not appreciated by the ones most important to you." My best friend looks at me as if I've grown a second head and I sigh at this as Jeremy reads on.

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"SAY WHAT NOW?" Oliver asks and I hear Fred whisper: "McGonagall can be glad that, in the story, Oliver hadn't been present during that conversation." And George whispers back: "Too bad for this McGonagall though." And I can't help but agree as my Team Captain has never been more driven to win the Cup and says:
"Professor McGonagall, you can't do this!" And while this makes Hermione and me share a shocked glance, does Professor McGonagall snap: "Don't tell me what I can't do, Wood. I personally just consider Potter's safety more important than his talents, which are that of a natural, which would have solidified my decision."
This makes me blush and Jeffrey asks: "You're really that good?" And everyone around me nods in pride, while Wood sputters: "But – but – Professor – the – the Cup." And Dumbledore says: "Will be won fair and square by the team that has worked the best to be the fittest and the healthiest, thus, in this case, Gryffindor."
Wood looks shocked and Angelina whispers: "As if health means anything to Oliver when it comes to the Cup. He just doesn't get that a safe player is a healthy player and a healthy player is a great player. He just thinks a great player is a winner, done." Wood turns red, while Fred looks at Angelina admiringly and Jeremy reads on.

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"And that was only because Malfoy couldn't keep his fingers to himself." I snicker and Malfoy spats: "And what's that supposed to mean?" To which I shrug and say: "Had you not taken that Remembrall and decided it should be hidden on the roof, I would not have chased you and McGonagall wouldn't have seen my dive."
The blonde looks shocked before I say: "So guess what, Malfoy, when you tried to pester me the hardest, you got me the one thing I love the most. Quite the contradiction, don't you think?" And the boy turns red with embarrassment as other Quidditch teams now look at him accusingly, making me snicker before Jeremy reads on.

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"Just a question." Jeremy interrupts himself and he goes on: "Why wasn't there a teacher already overseeing the trainings of all teams? I mean, not even the Gryffindor Team Captain seems to take Health into account, so shouldn't at least one of the teachers do so in his stead, or something?" He ends looking at the staff.
Then Edena goes on: "Not to mention that you already suspected Black to be after Harry before he even started school that year. Why was an attack required before you decided to protect our partner in crime like that?" This makes some of the staff look down guiltily, while Snape glares at Edena and I cringe as I say:
"Professor Snape, with all due respect, you better not get Edena angry." Snape looks at me and I ask: "Remember the Howler Ron got last year?" Snape nods and I mutter: "Edena would have outshouted that. Without shouting – at all." The man looks shocked and Edena says: "Fire Elemental and proud of it."As Jeremy reads on.

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"What the heck!" The Elemental twins shout and Jack asks: "You tell them that then? The night before the match?" And Eddy asks: "Why did you tell them then? Why at the last minute?" And Oliver says: "That change hasn't been made yet. I don't know why I did that." The Elemental twins look at him shocked and Jeremy reads on.

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"Which is an excuse you won't be able to make this time, Flint." Wood growls and Jack huffs as he says: "An injured Seeker." And Eddy spats: "Ever heard of the words reserve players?" To which I whisper: "Would have come in handy a few times." Making the twins look at me as I say: "Don't ask." And Jeremy reads on.

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"You could have easily proven it, Mr. Wood, you just had to come and report to me. I would have gladly settled the matter." Madam Pomfrey says and Wood grumbles: "Flint probably thought of that when he told me." And Irma says: "He did." And we all see her look at her note, from which she pulls another and reads:
"I, Penny Pomfrey, declare Draco Malfoy unfit to Play Quidditch during the upcoming Quidditch match of Slytherin versus Gryffindor, due to the chance of foul play – caused by the rivalry between Mr. Malfoy and Harry Potter – by Harry Potter. Gryffindor is hereby ordered to play against Hufflepuff. Signed, Penny Pomfrey."
Everyone looks at the girl in shock and I glance at Madam Pomfrey, who is steaming, has a red face and – if magic had made it possible – would have had steam coming from her ears. To this I mutter: "Worst plan ever, Malfoy. Way too obvious it was written by a Slytherin instead of a professional healer." To which Malfoy spats:
"Obvious? How?" And I count down on my fingers and say: "The name's wrong, the match is called Gryffindor Versus Slytherin, not the other way around, which is a sign of personal pride and only a Slytherin would be dumb enough to believe that a Gryffindor would use foul play. Oh, and the rivalry, I think you wrote it, didn't you?"
The boy turns red and McGonagall says: "Mr. Malfoy, you're hereby suspended from the upcoming match. And don't try me, Severus, if you won't keep your students from forging a legal document and befouling a Healer's name, I will. Keep your students in check before I do it for you." Snape grumbles and Jeremy reads on.
But then Flint asks: "And what about Slytherin? We can't play without a Seeker." To this Jack says: "First of all, that's your own fault." To which Eddy adds: "Second, we already gave you the answer, substitutes or a reserve player." And Wood ends: "And finally, we played without a Seeker once, so why can't you?"
"You lost that match!" Flint shouts and Wood retorts: "But we still played." Making the Slytherin Team Captain grumble. I lie back on my arms and back and suddenly feel something different. Looking at where I sense it coming from, I see Oliver send me a worried glance before lying down himself as Jeremy reads on.

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Now Cedric smiles and he turns to me, sitting up a little more than he already is and he says: "I know it was done by some foul play outside the match, but I would have been really looking forward to that match, Harry." And I smile at the elder boy, who is a year younger than Oliver, who looks at him suspiciously as Jeremy reads on.

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"Which would have broken Hogwarts last record had it been two seconds less, thank you very much." Ron suddenly says and I ask: "Really, who has that record?" And Professor Lupin asks: "Who do you think, Harry?" Making me smile as I almost beat my dad's record, had it not been for those 2 seconds. Sighing, I listen to Jeremy reading.

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"Mr. Wood, winning better not be the only thing on your mind here." McGonagall says and Oliver turns red as he says: "I kind of get obsessed with it when we're 2 days away from a match. I cleanse myself of it, and of any damage done to my team, for 2 days afterwards with scorching hot showers, more if the injuries are hospital worthy."
The woman nods and I wonder about the broken arm and the coma I had been in as I ask: "What about our finals in my First?" And Oliver says: "I scorched myself for the entire last week. Mum was furious that I had done it, but it made me feel better." I look at the four year older boy in shock and, while barely daring, do I ask:
"And my arm?" And Oliver says: "A full twenty-four shower, one for every hour you had to be in the pain of regrowing your arm." I wince and ask: "Why?" But Oliver smiles and says: "If the books don't explain, I promise I will." I nod, while not fully content with this answer and turn back to Jeremy as he reads on.

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"Give me a break, ever heard of drama class?" Irma asks and Edena says: "He'd get full marks for just showing up." And the Elemental Twins laugh: "And not just because it was an effort of him to come, but for how he came in." And everyone laughs as Malfoy turns red and shouts: "Wait till my father." But then Jeffrey says:
"Oh, grow up." Shocking the entire hall silent as he says: "Really, relying on your dad for a simple argument? What are you, five? I didn't even rely on my dad when I was four and I saved two eight year olds from being abused and raped, for crying out loud. What did you ever do that your father didn't help you do?"
The blonde tries to open his mouth several times, only to shut it again and look contemplatively, to which Isaac says: "Wow, I would have expected something to come out by now. What is he, fourteen?" And I answer: "Thirteen, he's in my year." Making the gang look at Malfoy shocked before Jeremy reads on.

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"Mr. Wood, I will keep you from the match for ten minutes if that happens after this reading, is that clear?" McGonagall asks and Oliver nods, but then Ron asks the question that's on my mind and asks: "Why is Defense Against the Dark Arts being read about? Didn't the book cover that yet?" Jeremy shrugs and reads on.

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"And now we know why." Ron answers his own question as Lupin sighs and says: "I can already guess what you're planning, Severus, but I can tell you – even James wouldn't have sunk that low." Snape glares at the man, while I wonder how well Lupin knew my dad and decide to ask him later as Jeremy reads on.

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"Do I need to consider that as a threat to one of my staff, Severus?" Dumbledore suddenly asks and he goes on: "Because I believe I was quite clear only a week earlier when I told you that I do not suspect any of my teachers of anything. Don't make me suspect you." The Potions Teacher sulks and Ron whispers: "Would be a little late."
But I shake my head and whisper: "Snape could have never been the thief." My friends look at me shocked and I say: "Always go for the unsuspected. Snape was first in line of obvious Suspects and he's a Snake. He would never openly attack me as it would make all of Gryffindor of that year accuse him of trying to kill me.
They'd have their terrible potions lessons and his behavior against me as evidence and Snape isn't stupid enough to first be that demon-like to me and then try to attack me in such a busy crowd as during a Quidditch match." The two look at me shocked, while the Hall is silent at my speech and my friends chorus:

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US THAT BEFORE!" And I answer: "I did, you just didn't listen, so after an hour of trying, I just gave up and joined your we won't let Snape attack Harry plan to make sure I could, through your plan, find the true suspect. Never did until the end, though." Ron looks shocked and Hermione asks:
"How many times did you try?" And I ask back: "How many times did we discuss it?" And Hermione answers: "One-hundred and twelve times." And I answer: "I think I stopped after the first thirty." Making Hermione look at me shocked, while the gang shares an amused look behind her back and Jeremy reads on.

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"Wouldn't be the first time fifty points are given without proper reason." I mutter angrily and McGonagall says: "Mr. Potter, if you're referring to your –." But I interrupt her as I've been wanting to prove my story – and her wrong – for years now and ask: "Hagrid, what were we doing the night we were caught at the Astronomy Tower?"
My friend looks confused and asks: "Don't you remember? You were bringing Norbert to – well – to Charlie – so he could be with his own specie." The woman looks shocked and I smirk as I say: "Next time, professor, do your research before you judge anyone wrongly." But then I see the gang share a look and ask:
"Is something wrong?" And Irma says: "The note. At chapter 17, you wrote true research was never done, until now." This confuses me and I ask: "Can you tell me the chapter?" And Jeremy pages through the book as he says: "Cat, Rat and Dog." Lupin gasps and Ron, Hermione and I share a glance as I say:
"Well, the rat will probably be Scabbers." And Hermione says: "And the cat has to be Crookshanks." And Ron ends: "But what dog are they talking about?" I look at Lupin, who hits himself on the head and say: "I think Lupin knows." The man nods and says: "It will probably be revealed in that chapter." I nod and Jeremy reads on.

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"Severus, I'm afraid you have mistaken me for my predecessor. I already have several note books filled with the subjects I've covered and they're all sorted on Houses and Years." Lupin says, to the anger of Snape and the amusement of myself and my friends as the Potions teacher turns away from his colleague and Jeremy reads on.

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"Lack of organization, Severus?" Professor Dumbledore asks and he goes on: "Was that a misguided snap at the wrong person – someone you seem to have mistaken for someone else – or just you trying to ridicule Gryffindors." Snape holds silent, but his cheeks turn ever so slightly red and I snicker as Ron whispers:
"Finally. The evidence that Snape's the worst teacher ever. He'll be fired for sure." And I nod, happier than words can describe as Snape was my main reason for not showing my potions skills in class, skills I discovered to have inherited from my mother as I once heard Snape mutter about her talents. Then I focus as Jeremy reads on.

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"Severus, you cannot blame Remus on the Third years incapability to handle Grindylows. You and I both remember the catastrophe that was last year's Dueling Club. And before you even start, Lucius ordered me to use him." Dumbledore tells Snape who growls and sighs as he mutters: "Whatever." Before Jeremy reads on.

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"SEVERUS!" McGonagall, Flitwick and Dumbledore shout, while Hagrid shouts: "You filthy lowlife!" And I see Lupin whiten as he hears this. Instantly I guess what Snape had planned and say: "Professor, you wanted us to fail on purpose! We were still learning the basics and then put us with something that advanced?"
Lupin looks at me, but I ignore him, not planning to let anyone realize what I did and say: "I don't know what your problem is as you finally got the chance for the job that you wanted, but if that's how you treat the one chance you got, I wonder if you really are worthy of such chances." And many students nod in agreement.
I see Lupin sending me a small grateful smile and Dumbledore says: "I agree with Mr. Potter, Severus. You yourself offered to take Remus' place if he grew ill and I agreed on that, but if you decide to misuse your one opportunity, then I disagree here and now and will ask Minerva if she would mind to take your place."
"Not at all, Albus, anything for my fellow colleagues." McGonagall ends the discussion and Snape sighs, apparently realizing his mistake. I then look at Jeremy, who had been silently reading on and when I see his tight lips, I ask: "It's getting worse, isn't it?" Jeremy nods, while everyone looks at us and he reads on.

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"Just a question, Professor Snape." I ask, trying to hold back on my own anger as I can already tell that the man has his good mood back and when he glares at me, I ask: "What would you have done if Hermione was a Snake?" The man's lips thin in anger and I mutter: "Thought as much." Making the man glare at me.
I then shrug and climb out of my sleeping bag, going over to sit with the Elemental twins as I say: "All the more reason for me to be glad that I defied the Sorting Hat's decision. No offence, Headmaster." The man smirks and says: "I still agree with the Sorting Hat, Harry, you would have made a fine addition for Slytherin House."
And I have to hold back on my laughter as true chaos erupts a few seconds after people have realized what Dumbledore said and Ron asks: "You were almost a Snake?" And I ask: "What do you think I was whispering while under that thing?" The boy cocks his head and I say: "Not Slytherin, of course. What else?"
"What do you mean what else?" Snape sneers and I say: "Well, let's go back, shall we? I'm on the train for my first year, eagerly want for people to see me as just Harry and have met 3 other first year under which Malfoy, who introduces himself as Malfoy, Draco Malfoy, sounding like a 30 year old business men and Ron laughs about.

Malfoy thinks Ron thinks his name is funny, doesn't even ask why he tried to hide his laughter in a snort and says, and I quote: No need to ask who you are. My father told me all the Weasleys have red hair, freckles, and more children than they can afford."This angers the Gryffindors, Fred, George and Percy the most and I go on:
"He then turns to me and says, and again I quote: You'll soon find out some wizarding families are much better than others, Potter. You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there. So of course, I don't take his hand and he decides to see this as an insult to which he doesn't insult me, but my parents."
Now the teachers all look at Malfoy and McGonagall asks: "Mr. Malfoy, what did you say?" The boy has a pink face by now as everyone in Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff is glaring at him and I say: "Let me quote: "Unless you're a bit politer you'll go the same way as your parents. They didn't know what was good for them, either."

This causes the same kind of chaos and furious shouts as when Dumbledore revealed that I could have been in Slytherin and I silence them as I say: "You then get sorted into Slytherin and think I will follow you there. Of course I whisper not Slytherin, I wasn't going to let you tell me who to befriend and how to live my life."
"I never said I wanted that!" Malfoy shouts and I retort: "Malfoy, you wanted to tell me who to befriend, you were trying to choose my friends for me. I wasn't going to let that happen, because I feared it would escalate." The boy looks shocked as I stayed calm throughout the last of my speech and I go on:
"Then add Potions, the one class I was – next to Flying – looking most forward to and that was ruined by a teacher that favors Slytherin over all other Houses and that, at the first lesson, asked me questions I later discovered were meant for a Second, Fourth and Sixth year, and I think I have a pretty firm reason never to be in Slytherin House."
Everyone looks at me shocked and I say: "And the fact that my parents killer was in that House also counts, of course." And a 1st years asks: "You – You-Know-Who was – at Hogwarts?" And I answer: "Sadly yes, 50 years ago. And even at age 16 he was a wolf in sheep's cloths." The 1st year looks shocked and Jeremy reads on.

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"Severus, you know darn well that there is a difference between recognizing a werewolf and recognizing the differences between a werewolf and a regular wolf." McGonagall snaps and I ask: "Can we read on, I think things are about to get worse, if I have to look at Jeremy's face." The woman nods and Jeremy reads on.

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"Severus!" McGonagall shouts and she goes on: "I don't call Mr. Malfoy an arrogant toe rag so don't call Mss Granger an insufferable know-it-all." But then Ron mutters: "Wouldn't be the first time he insults a Gryffindor that badly." Snape glares at him, but I smile as I lie down between the Elemental twins and McGonagall asks:
"What do you mean, Mr. Weasley?" And Ron says: "It's about that first lesson Harry talked about, Professor. Neville had forgotten to take the fire off his potion and it exploded, causing him to be drenched in it and get covered in boils and Snape goes and calls him an, and I quote Idiot boy instead of helping him."
Now Snape and McGonagall both seem furious and Edena says: "Don't know why you're pissed, Professor Snape, you're the one playing the terrible teacher card." And the gang laughs, while I turn my face to hide my smile from the man's sight and Dumbledore says: "We will talk about this, Severus." And Jeremy reads on.

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"Couldn't have said it better myself." Edena says and Snape glares at her, but Edena huffs and asks: "That the best you got. My dad glares better at me when he pushes my Fire ability to past my limits. Weak." And the Elementals laugh, while the students look at her in shock and Snape now has a twitch under his right eye.
"You really consider Snape's death-glare weak?" The twins asks and Edena asks back: "That's his death-glare? Wow, you guys are a bunch of –." But then I say loudly: "Okay, let's not insult those who don't deserve it." To which Malfoy asks: "And what of Professor Snape then?" To which I shrug and retort:
"Not my fault he has to be a biased, hating the dead and not seeing past his own nose teacher." The blonde shakes his head, while the Elemental twins shout: "And Harry's speech strikes again!" Laughing afterwards like they always do. I smile at the two that feel like true brothers to me and Jeremy reads on.

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"Severus, if that is the way you teach a class, I might have to put you on probation right now, just to protect the students from further emotional harm." Dumbledore says firmly, the twinkle in his eyes gone as he glares at the Potions teacher that – I can easily tell – fakes to look abashed and I shake my head as Isaac says:
"And I thought Harry's innocent face was bad." Which turns the abashed face into a heated glare in seconds as Isaac says: "Give me a break, Dudley fakes looking abashed better when one of the neighbors catches him throwing rocks at a parked car. And his face once got him arrested by a police officer, so imagine yours."
The man seems about to explode and I whisper: "I think you better stop baiting him. He might not scare you, but he stays a wizard that fought in the last war." The gang nod and Snape huffs as he turns to leave the Hall, but then Dumbledore says: "Not before we've read the end of this lesson, Severus." The man grumbles and Jeremy reads on.

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"How many Sly-." Edena wants to ask, but Jeremy holds up a hand and says: "You are going to explode next paragraph." This worries me and I whisper at Jeremy: "Prepare a Wind shield." The younger boy nods and puts his hands inches apart with the palms to each other and his eyes closed in focus as Jeremy reads on.

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"How to WHAT NOW?" McGonagall shouts as many of the elder years start firing curses at the Head of Slytherin House and I shout: "NOW!" To which Jeffrey raises his arms to the sky and an amazing, circular wall of wind surrounds Snape from every angle, the spells shooting against the shield and getting absorbed by its power.
Everyone looks shocked and I say: "I don't accept for a teacher to inspire thirteen year olds to the murder of a fellow creature either, but this is only the first chapter and if we already let our emotions run crazy like this now, we won't survive the reading, which is exactly why my friends brought these books to us in the first place."
Everyone looks at me shocked and I turn to Professor Snape as I say: "I don't know what you have against Professor Lupin and to be honest, I don't care much either, but you're a teacher and the example of Slytherin. If you want your House to turn out like Killers, go ahead, but don't inspire the innocent to turn to Darkness."

The man looks at me shocked and I say: "I've seen darkness, I've seen a man, who was nothing more than a shadow of himself, flee from someone loyal to him just when he needs that man the most, I saw the spirit of a 16 year seep the very life out of an 11 year old. I've seen darkness – and I won't allow you to let them see it too."
Snape has his mouth open wide and I glare at him, not in hate, but in defiance and determination as I say: "If you really want to use your own Darkness to cover their lights of innocence, you'll need to come down on them hard, because you'll first have to pass me. And your darkness just isn't strong enough to pass my light, I know that much."
And with that I sit back down, the twins smiling at me, while Jeffrey holds up the wind shield and I ask: "You think you can keep that up until we switch subjects in the book?" Jeffrey nods and Rosaline says: "And if he fails, I'll let the vines I feel growing under this room protect the man." I nod only once and Jeremy reads on.

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I look around, expecting someone to make a comment, but everyone is still looking from me to Snape to Jeremy and I realize I might have come down on the man a little hard. Deciding that I don't care as this is something I have believed in for as long as I remember, I simply keep my focus on the book as Jeremy continues to read.

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"I think we already established that Black isn't stupid, Ron. Of course he wouldn't do that. He'd be skinned alive and used for Potions before Snape would even announce to the Headmaster himself that he had Black in his office." Hermione says, shocking quite a few of us with her cruel words and I just shake my head as Jeremy reads on.

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"Guess we're about to read about our upcoming Quidditch match." Wood says excitedly, but then Angelina asks: "Then why is the chapter called Grim Defeat? That can't mean anything good and the book is about Harry." Wood whitens and I realize that we'll probably lose the match. Taking a deep breath to stomach this, I listen on.

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"I think some spells to keep the ghosts from the dorms are required, Headmaster, to make sure our students get plenty of rest." Madam Pomfrey says and Dumbledore answers: "I'll ask for Mr. William Weasley to come and fix the problem as quickly as possible, Poppy." The Matron nods, the Weasleys smile and Jeremy reads on.

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"Ooooh, not him again!" Ron moans and Hermione says: "Ron, Crookshanks." But then Irma says: "Is smarter with animals than either of you." They both look at her shocked and she says: "Harry's words, I'm just reading them." And she shows them the line on her note, making me shrug as my friends look at me and Jeremy reads on.

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"Wait." I suddenly say, feeling suspicious and feeling my instincts rearing up and I ask: "Didn't we already confirm that Black was looking for something other than me?" Ron nods and I go on: "And Scabbers is still in the dorm, isn't he?" Ron nods again, while others look confused and Percy snorts and says:
"Harry, there is no way Black is after." But then I say: "Black's escape was three days after your family got into the Newspaper and Scabbers was on that picture. That and Black was mumbling in his sleep about someone being at Hogwarts, your dad told me so. And finally, what common rat turns twelve years old?"
Now the seventeen year old is struck speechless and Ginny asks: "But why would Black be after Scabbers?" And I say: "I don't know, but I think we'll find out during that Cat, Rat and Dog chapter. It is about Scabbers after all, I think the Dog somehow represents Black." Lupin and Ginny nod and Jeremy reads on.

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"And that happened to Harry three times a day, to others four times and to some Seventh years even nine times a day. And that was just the male population." Irma reads from her paper and Hermione asks: "Do we want to know how he behaved to the female population?" And after Irma answers: "No." Does Jeremy read on.

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"Headmaster, please postpone the match for the day after, the rain had stopped at midnight." Irma reads and madam Pomfrey says: "It will be better for the entire school's health, Headmaster." And Dumbledore nods, making the Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Slytherin teams sigh in relief and Jeremy smiles as he reads on.

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"There is no way we're playing in this weather!" Malfoy spats and Elena asks: "Are you suffering from short time memory loss or something? The Headmaster postponed the match to the next day only ten minutes ago." The blonde turns red, while the twins snicker and Ron high-fives Elena from where he's sitting up and Jeremy reads on.

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"I think I was starting to get concerned over how we would be playing – I mean, we've been practicing in weather like this for years, but – well, this somehow must have seemed worse to me." Wood admits and Alicia whispers: "And that title can't mean anything good either." Making Katie and Angelina nod as Jeremy reads on.

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"This just can't be good." Hermione whimpers and then Malfoy says: "Hey, isn't one of you a water Elemental? Why won't you just stop making it rain?" And Irma retorts: "Why don't you just stop being such a know-it-all prat?" The blonde turns red, while Hermione now looks at Irma wide eyed and Jeremy reads on.

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"Albus, this match is a right-out disaster. Why aren't you canceling it?" Madam Pomfrey asks and I mutter: "I think that, like how I can't see my own players, professor Dumbledore can't see what is happening during the game, so he can't make a proper statement that will verify his decision." The matron huffs and Jeremy reads on.

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"This is getting worse with every paragraph." Fred says, now actually looking worried and sitting up on his arms and George, who has gone to sit crossed legged on his sleeping bag says: "And we're only reading about the first chapter." To which they chorus: "This can't end well." And my whole team looks worried as Jeremy reads on.

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"I hope that means that you're planning to explain the terrible conditions to Madam Hooch and that you're going to give Professor Dumbledore his required reason to cancel or postpone the match." McGonagall says, but my team and I share a glance and chorus: "Don't get your hopes up." Shocking the woman as I say:
"We're Gryffindors and when it comes to Quidditch, Oliver is the very soul of Gryffindor. He must only think so far as to the fact that telling Dumbledore these facts will make him cancel the match and no Gryffindor would be called a coward for letting some weather cancel a match." And my team choruses:
"Especially not Oliver." The boy in question turns red and I see Dumbledore conversing quietly with the Heads of Houses and after this, he stands up and says: "It has hereby been decided that, from now on, the weather will be evaluated on the day before the match and, if the conditions are too bar to fly, the match will be postponed."
All teams now sigh in relief and I turn to my friends and say: "I really can't thank you guys enough. You saved me from the most embarrassing and terrible match of my life." But then Irma says: "Think again, that was your Sixth – not your fault, though." I look at her shocked as she puts the note away and Jeremy reads.

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"The weather was that terrible and you still managed to score fifty points?" Cedric Diggory asks in shock and I say: "To quote George's words before the first match last year: I haven't been properly dry since August." The boy looks shocked and George explains: "We trained in these weathers last year." Diggory nods and Jeremy reads on.

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The twins now look at each other in shock while the girls of the team shout in chorus: "WHY DIDN'T WE THINK OF THAT!" And Oliver already has his head in his hands as he moans in defeat. I shrug and say: "Hey, they're my glasses. I should have learned spells like that." And my team smiles at me before Jeremy reads on.

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"Very true, do you have any idea how close a Quidditch match brings people to being endangered by lightning? At least forty professional players a year get struck by lightning and that's in the major leagues." Madam Pomfrey tuts, to the growing worry of the other teachers and my team and I share a worried glance as Jeremy reads on.

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I look shocked, having not expected to see this dog again and then Lupin whispers: "That unbelievable idiot." We all look at him and then it hits me and I shout: "IT'S BLACK!" Everyone looks at me and I say: "The dog, the dog is Black, that's why chapter 17 is called Cat, Rat and Dog, because the Dog is Sirius Black; he's an Animagus!"
Everyone looks shocked and then Snape asks: "Lupin, care to explain how you know this?" And Lupin says: "I'm sure the book will, Severus. For now, we have students to worry about, at least in the book." Snape sneers hatefully at his colleague and I wonder what the two could be on about as Jeremy continues the chapter.

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"I was about to win?" Cedric asks shocked and while I try to feel happy for him, does a nasty shock of fear and anger coarse through me as I wonder how Gryffindors will treat me if I lost a match. Hoping that I will never find out, I try to smile at the slightly older Hufflepuff as he still looks shocked at this fact and Jeremy reads on.

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The gang cringes and Hermione asks: "Oh, come on, the Grim defeat can't have meant Harry losing a match! It's not that important to him! He's not Ron!" But while Ron asks: "What's that supposed to mean?" Do I lower my head as a new shock hits me and Parvati asks: "Harry, Quidditch isn't really that important to you, is it?"
And I mutter: "I just don't want a repeat of that 150 points loss incident. I'd do anything to avoid that." The girl, along with most of Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff cringes at this and then Jeremy says: "This isn't just about losing in Quidditch. This is about Harry's true terror." And Lupin and I blanch as he reads on.

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"At least WHAT NOW!" All of the school shouts and McGonagall mutters: "This just can't end well." But I personally whiten as I just don't want to hear that screaming voice again. The thought alone seems enough to make me hear it very distantly and I shake my head, trying to ignore it to the best of my ability as Dumbledore says:
"I will have Cornelius agree to having the Dementors away from Hogwarts during the games. Their presence will surely be attracted to all the excitement and other high-strung emotions caused by Quidditch and adding the fact that they have not had anything to feed on for 3 months makes them just too dangerous during games."
Everyone of the teachers nod and professor Lupin says: "I'll be sure to teach the Seventh year the Patronus Spell. I've already wanted to do so, but didn't believe it necessary as I thought the Dementors too scared of you to try something like this." Dumbledore nods with a grateful smile and we all listen as Jeremy reads on.

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"A woman?" Everyone asks, but I'm already trembling in my need to keep the voice back and then Edena goes to sit next to the rock that I am sitting on and lies her hands against it, the stone underneath me heating up and calming me down. She then turns to Jeremy and says: "Hurry up already." But Jeremy shakes his head.
We all look at him and he says: "I – I can't. I can't read this – I –." He then looks at me and whispers: "You don't deserve this. You're too good to deserve something like this happening to you." I fear the worst and ask: "Wait, I – I know that woman?" Jeremy nods, still holding the book tightly and I stare at him sternly as I say:
"Jeremy, I know you're the leader of our group and I respect your authority over the rest of us if so needed, but if I know that woman, then I want to know who it is, I need to save her so I need to hear –." But then Jeremy says: "You can't save her. Not anymore." And everyone whitens as Jeremy hangs his head and reads on.

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Instantly I realize what I'm hearing and whisper: "Mu-mu – that – that's – that's my – my mum." And everyone gasps in shock before the Elemental Twins hug me tightly, their arms wrapped around me in crosses over my back and front and their heads on my shoulders to offer comfort. Still, I barely feel them or the comfort they offer me.
All I can feel is as if I'm back in that room, that dungeon I was in two years ago, where Voldemort told me: "But your mother needn't have died … she was trying to protect you. But your mother needn't have died … she was trying to protect you. But your mother needn't have died… she was trying to protect you."
Over and over I hear those two sentences in my mind and I mutter: "He was telling the truth." Everyone looks at me as no one has said a word since Jeremy read those two sentences and I say: "In – in my first. Voldemort – he said my mother needn't have died, that she was trying to protect me. He spoke the truth."
Now tears are falling down my eyes as I realize that that monster could have very well just stunned my mother or cast a dangerous but not murderous spell and then suddenly Lupin is in front of me, his amber brown eyes staring deep into my own emerald green and his hands pushing the twins away as he says:

"Harry, listen to me. Lily would have never accepted anything but death to stand in between herself and you. She would have died, even if Voldemort didn't offer her to stand aside. He might have offered it, but the offer fell on deaf ears from the start. Your mother loved you too much not to die for you, Harry, she really, really did."
This makes me draw blood in my hands as the nails of my fists are cutting into my flesh and the man quickly heals the wounds before casting a spell to make dragonhide gloves cover my hands and he says: "Your parents loved and still love you more than words can ever describe, Harry, and that love will always be with you."
He then loosens one hand and touches my heart as he says: "They – are always with you." He then hugs me and says: "They will always protect their little boy. And so will I." I look shocked and finally register enough of his comforting words to ask: "You knew my parents, Professor Lupin?" The man nods and says:
"They were my very best friends. For eleven years they were the sunlight of my life. And so were you." I look happy but hurt and whisper: "Why did you never visit?" And Lupin sighs as he says: "Albus wanted you protected so well, he even eradicated a special ward that keeps people like myself out of that neighborhood."

But then Dumbledore says: "I did no such thing." And we both turn to him as he says: "Remus, I know you would never take Harry from a safe and loving home –." Now I have to work hard not to snort as I remember last summer and the man goes on: "But I would never keep the last link you have to your lost friends from you. I honestly wouldn't."
Lupin looks confused and says: "But if you didn't put that ward up, who did?" And I say: "Whoever it was, he wanted me lonely and quite detached from everything magical. Or at least he tried, poorly, I might add." Dumbledore looks shocked and asks: "What do you mean, poorly?" And I roll my eyes and say:
"At least four witches and wizards were able to find me, distinguish me from busy crowds and shake hands with me in between me turning four and me turning nine and one of them was Dedalus Diggle. No offence to him meant, just trying to make my point." Dumbledore looks shocked and concerned and says:

"That can't be right. I might not have put up a ward like Remus insinuates, but I did make sure a weak form of the Fidelius was over Privet Drive to make sure those that hadn't personally known the Potters couldn't find you." To which I ask: "So Dobby the House Elf knew my parents?" The man looks confused and I say:
"Dobby the House Elf was able to find my House, locate and intercept my, Ron's, Hermione and Hagrid's letters and enter my garden and House on several occasions, including the one of the soaring spell cast on the pudding that ruined my uncle's business deal. And that was the summer before my second year, Headmaster."
The man looks concerned and Irma says: "I know you won't like it, but the answers are all in this file. Harry, from the future, saw it himself and said it explained a whole lot and could have made the end of this year so much better." The headmaster and I nod as Irma slaps the file in her hands and Jeremy looks at me before reading on.

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"And you thought it right to laugh about that." A cold voice sounds from Slytherin and we see a young girl, who seems a year younger than me, with pitch-black hair and silver-brown eyes glare at Malfoy as he says: "How was I supposed to know Potter hears his mother dying?" But the girl glares at him even fiercer and says:
"You could have very well known that, seeing that Dementors bring out one's worst nightmares and memories, something every Pureblood knows. You could have easily realized that Potter, who had gone through much worse than us, would remember something as horrible as that. You should have never laughed about it."
The blonde grumbles, but with his head down as everyone had gone to sit up after Hermione had come to charm my glasses in the book. McGonagall glares Snape again and mutters: "I sincerely hope you will put up some more restricting rules for Mr. Malfoy, Severus. Or else I will." The man grumbles and Jeremy reads on.

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"Dearest Merlin on A BEARD!" Hermione shouts, screaming at the end and Ron asks: "Hermione, what's so bad you, of all people, have to start cursing?" And the girl glares at him as she asks: "What's so bad? HARRY'S SEVERAL FEET HIGH ABOVE THE GROUND ON HIS BROOM, THAT'S WHAT'S BAD!"
The redhead whitens and mutters: "Merlin save him." But then Jack says: "Don't worry." And Eddy answers: "We wouldn't have been here." And Jack goes on: "If Harry hadn't survived this." And Eddy ends: "And sent us back here in the first place." This seems to calm my friends down, but I know this is only the start as Jeremy reads on.

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"Seriously?" Someone of Hufflepuff asks and Dumbledore says: "I am quite positive that the teachers and I myself have stepped in before things could run out of hand. The ground being commented to having been soft is a clear indication that my colleagues and I cast several cushioning spells before Mr. Potter hit the ground."
Everyone sighs in relief and Irma says: "Tell him now. He deserves it." Everyone looks at her and she says: "It's what Harry wrote, the note next to it refers to the file, so I guess it has something to do with it." Dumbledore nods, while he had looked slightly worried before and he asks: "Do you know what the file is about?"
And Irma answers: "The one thing Harry wants above all." The man looks shocked and Irma says: "That's at least what this note says. Tell him now. He deserves it. The file. What I want above all.That's all Harry wrote about this little thing." The man nods and takes a deep breath as everyone looks at him intrigued.
He then looks at me and says: "Harry dear boy, while I was still your age, I had two brothers and a sister. My sister got into a terrible accident and we had to move, as back then such accidents resolved into scandals. Unfortunately, while we were able to move, did our landlord offer us only one choice when we found a new home.
We would be allowed at the finest of all Wizarding villages in Magical England, but only if we accepted a home that could house one mother with two boys and a girl. My mother had to give up one of my brothers to move in – and trust me, dear boy, it was the last thing she wanted, but the landlord threatened her with the scandal."

I look shocked that anyone would force a mother to such a choice, yet wonder what this has to do with me and Dumbledore says: "My mother chose my youngest brother, who, a day later, was allowed into Godric's Hollow as well, with another family that lived there for generations. He and I grew up together, just not in the same home."
Now Dumbledore takes a deep breath and says: "That brother, Harry, had a son at very old age, when he was 77 years old, but that son was one of my finest students yet. Harry." Dumbledore now says, looking at me very pained, yet with more love than I ever imagined being looked with and the man softly, almost whispers:

"That student – was your father." All air leaves me in a gasp and I feel light-weight and befuddled as this one sentence rings through the entire, eerily silent Great Hall, everyone looking from Dumbledore to me, no one daring to speak a word and yet the moving of their heads and hair louder than any sound that they could have made.
I look at the old man, who I know must be at least 110 years old if his brother had my dad when he was 77 and my dad was born in 1960, the only thing I really know about his life other than his death date and wonder how the man could have kept this from me over the last three years that I have been his student. Then I ask:
"Did – did dad know?" And Dumbledore nods as he says: "I feared I would never see my nephew again after he cast the spell that was supposed to protect your family, so I told him. He was shocked, but said he felt honored that he heard that then, when his family mattered to him the most. It was the last time I saw him alive."

I look at the man, feeling his pain as I can almost imagine how my dad must have felt when he heard this news and I ask: "And – the Dursleys?" Dumbledore – no, my grandfather – sighs and says: "Trust me, dear boy, I wanted to take you in, but the protection came from your mother and I wanted your safety above all else.
You were betrayed by the one who was supposed to love you as much as I did and I couldn't bear the thought that my love would kill you or that I would not be able to protect you when it mattered most. So I checked you to see if you were already somehow protected, found your mother's sacrificial magic and brought you there."
I nod and stand up from the heated slab of stone as I walk over to the man, not feeling like I'm 13 but 3, and while not even caring for the slightest bit how this may look, do I sit down on the man's lap and cuddle my head in his long beard. The man stiffens for a second, but then wraps his arms around me and lies his head on mine.

Everyone looks at us, I can feel that even with my eyes closed and I can almost imagine Snape having his mouth slightly open, having wanted to scold me until the Headmaster had wrapped his arms around me, but I feel that I don't care as this feels even better than when Mrs. Weasley hugs me at the end of a school year.
Knowing that it's because this is the only family that I really have left, I cuddle my face a little closer in the soft hair of my grandfather's beard and Hermione asks: "Did you know this?" But I already know – I can almost sense – the Gang shaking their heads and Elena says: "All we know is what's on the note." After which Jeremy reads.

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"We must have dropped our umbrella the minute we saw you falling, we wouldn't even care, we would just want you safe." Hermione says as Jeremy reads very quietly, obviously to give me some time with my grandpa and I smile at them both, first Hermione and then Jeremy, the boy nodding in concern as he softly reads on.

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Now Jeremy holds silent while everyone gasps, the gasps coming together and making me wonder how much air will be left in this hall at the end of these books, but then I shake my head and say: "I'm already starting to think like you." Turning to my Grandfather, who looks at me with an eyebrow raised in curiosity and I say:
"I just wondered how much oxygen would be left in this hall at the end of these readings." The man looks shocked and then chuckles and says: "Yes, you do indeed think like me. I was wondering quite the same myself." I smile at the man, slightly suspecting him to say that to make me feel better and Jeremy reads on, sounding happier.

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I shudder again, not wanting to think of how I will be treated in the next chapter and then Dumbledore whispers: "Your first year will not be repeated, Harry. I promise I'll protect you. I no longer fear losing you if I do." I smile at the man, trying not to let my unshed tears reveal how much this means to me and listen as Jeremy reads.

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"MR. WOOD!" McGonagall thunders and I feel the slightest cringe coming from my grandfather, amusing me slightly as the woman snaps: "Your fellow team mate had nearly died and you stay in the shower because of a lost match? This is not why I gave you the badge, Mr. Wood. You better change your behavior, you hear me?"
The sturdy boy lowers his head and says: "I'm sure it's not because of the lost match, Professor. I've been doing that every match that Harry gets hurt in. This one just took longer because of how close to death Harry was. The others of the team can vouch that I did the same for Harry's first match in both his first and second."
The twins then nod and say: "We must have just forgotten about that because we were so scared for Harry's life ourselves." The woman nods and calms down as Grandpa whispers: "You really don't want McGonagall angry, even I don't want that." And I whisper back: "Just like Edena." And we silently snicker as Jeremy reads on.

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"And that coming from the brothers of Charlie himself says a whole lot." Oliver then says and the twins smile at me, while I keep my face hidden, feeling stupid, but wanting to forget that the hall is filled with Students now that I am in my grandfather's arms; arms of a family member that doesn't hate or despise me.
The twins seem to understand this as they just send me a short smile and then Fred says: "I know we've idolized Charlie for a long time." And George goes on: "But if you can catch a snitch in your mouth, you definitely break his record." And those that had been at that match cheer in agreement with them before Jeremy reads on.

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This, amazingly enough, makes the man's arms tighten around me and I can barely believe that the man can get scared over something we are only reading about, something that can now be stopped – and probably will be, seeing that grandpa will order the Dementors off of Hogwarts for when the match starts.
Whispering this to the man, I feel him relaxing his grip a little and wonder how he could be this worried about me. Then I suddenly wonder how much he had been worrying for me during my other adventures and decide to use these books as a way to find out, not knowing that my grandfather is looking down at me.

Dumbledore's POV

To have to admit that Harry is my grandson was the hardest and yet the best thing I ever did and I couldn't be more grateful of future Harry to assure a way to convince me of telling his present form. Now I feel relaxed as Harry comforted me after hearing how, in the book, he looked so close to death after that fall.
Hating the Dementors more than I did after they attacked Harry on the train, I also fear how Harry had been raised as a small trace of confusion had been visible on his face when I tightened my grip on him. The feeling of him in my lap feeling like the one thing I always wanted when he – and James respectively – were still infants.
This also worries me as Harry easily fits on my lap and under my chin and while I know that I am quite tall for my 113 years of age, should Harry have outgrown this height when he was 8, not 13 nearing 14 years of age. Worrying for his health and welfare, I look at him as he seems to decide something important to him.

Harry's POV

I know the students will probably expect of me to get off my grandpa's lap soon, but also know that, had they been in my shoes while this had been read that they would at the least go to sit close to their family and taking advantage of how poorly the Dursleys treated me, I make full use of whatever love grandpa has to offer as Jeremy reads.

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My eyes widen and I look at Professor McGonagall as the Ancient Runes teacher says: "I'll cast some wards on the brooms to make sure they don't fly too far away from the field. I'd say about two to three feet away should still make for an acceptable game." Her co-workers nod and I whisper: "Sorry, Professor McGonagall."
The woman looks at me and she says: "Mr. Potter, you won't like this, but Albus had given me permission to use your family vaults to buy you that Nimbus, so you have nothing to apologize for. And that acceptance of yours, Albus, now finally makes sense." She sends at my grandfather and I laugh softly as Jeremy reads on.

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"Ouch." The twins say in chorus and Seamus, an Irish boy in my year, says: "If this is only the first chapter, I don't want to think about the rest of the story." And I agree with him, especially about next chapter. Then Irma worsens my fears and says: "You really shouldn't believe the end of the next chapter, no matter who says what."
We all look at her and she says: "It's what is written on the note. I was supposed to mention this at the end of the first chapter. That and that emotional wise this is one of the three worst books of the series and danger wise –." She hisses and says: "The easiest." Everyone looks shocked and Seamus says: "Now I really don't want to know."

Okay, so not everything makes as much sense and I'm sure some of you will be wondering what the students are all about and whatnot, but I haven't quite grasped the method used by MySecretthoughts yet and I already have quite a few chapters of this story written, so I'm afraid that you will just have to take your POA books and check the aforementioned chapter if there's a reaction bothering or confusing you. I personally feel that most of the text is self-explanatory, though.
Anyway, next chapter will still be like this and will be posted, but so will the second chapter for all the other stories that are on the poll as well. I wanted to give you guys a bit more insight on what the stories will be about. I also, and I'm kind of sorry for this, kind of not - raised the # of votes I want in total before I will make my decision. It used to be 50 - like with my last poll - but with the added chapters, will I raise it up to 100. I know I have plenty of readers to get that done.
Good luck, all of you.