Hikaru sighed as she walked into the WBBA and saw Ryo.
"Director what are you doing just standing around"Hikaru asked.
"I was waiting for you"Ryo said.
"But why"Hikaru asked.
"You'll see"Ryo said as he walked down the halls. They went into a room and Hikaru saw Chris,Dynamis,Ginga,and Aguma.
"What are you guys doing here is something wrong"Hikaru asked.
"The stars didn't tell me of any bad events"Dynamis said.
"So why are we here dad"Ginga asked.
"Dance lessons"Ryo said. Then a woman showed up followed by a few girls.
"Why"Chris asked.
"A ball is being held in the legendary bladers honor"Ryo said.
"So why am I here"Hikaru asked.
"Well we are short a girl"Ryo said.
"I don't think this is part of my job plus I don't dance"Hikaru said.
"Please if not one blader will have to sit out"Ryo said.
"Fine but only because I don't want my decision to affect other people"Hikaru said.
"Aguma come here"Ryo said when he saw Aguma sitting in the corner. Aguma walked over and looked at Ryo.
"Hikaru meet your partner"Ryo said.
"That's ok I can just leave I don't care about dancing anyway"Aguma said.
"No you're partners right here now Hikaru put your arm here and Aguma put this hand on Hikaru's waist"Ryo said showing them where to place their hands.
"Now i'll leave you two alone"Ryo said once their hands were in the right places.
"Um i'm sorry about this"Hikaru said.
"So you didn't know this was happening either"Aguma asked.
"No"Hikaru said.
"Don't just stand there dance"the instructor yelled.
"Do you have any idea how to dance"Hikaru asked.
"Sort of what about you"Aguma asked.
"Not the slightest idea"Hikaru said laughing nervously.
"Just follow my lead"Aguma said. Hikaru did and she moved awkwardly until she stepped on his foot.
"I'm so sorry"Hikaru said.
"It's fine it didn't hurt"Aguma said. Hikaru looked at him and started laughing.
"Why are you laughing"Aguma asked.
"Because you're a horrible liar but thanks for trying to make me feel better"Hikaru said.
"You're getting good at this"Aguma said as he spun Hikaru.
"Because you're leading"Hikaru said. Then she looked over at King and his partner and smiled. "Look at King's partner she looks like she's in pain he's stepping all over her feet"Hikaru said laughing. Aguma saw the look on the dancers face and Hikaru's laughter seemed to be contagious.
"You two if you have enough time to laugh you must have the dance down so let's see it"the instructor said.
"Aw crap"Hikaru mumbled.
"Well don't just stand there come to the center of the room"the instructor said. Hikaru looked at Aguma and he could tell she was nervous.
"Don't worry we'll do this together"Aguma said gently grabbing Hikaru's hand and pulling her over by the instructor.
"Show us what you've got"the instructor said. Aguma and Hikaru got ready to dance but Hikaru looked at her feet to make sure she didn't mess up but that was actually messing her up.
"Look up at me"Aguma whispered. Hikaru did and her eyes instantly met with his purple ones.
"You know you're very tall"Hikaru whispered. Aguma couldn't help but smile. Hikaru's smile grew bigger when she saw him smiling because she had never see him smile before then she started to laugh.
"What's so funny"Aguma asked.
"You're smiling"Hikaru said.
"So"Aguma said.
"Everyone can leave now the lessons over"the instructor said.
"Well I have to get back to work. You should smile more often and thanks I had fun"Hikaru said. Then she kissed Aguma on the cheek before walking away leaving Aguma blushing as he watched her leave. He felt this weird fuzzy feeling inside when he was around the girl. He made a mental note to ask Bao about it later before walking away.