Title: Why Indeed?
Rating: K+
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Rita Skeeter/Gilderoy Lockhart
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em - not making any money off 'em. Dern it.
Word Count: 163
Summary: Rita wishes for more, and Gilderoy is oblivous.
All Those Characters Challenge:Character Used – Rita Skeeter
Ring of Fire/King's Cup Challenge: Prompt Used – Rita Skeeter/Gilderoy Lockhart. Dialogue Used: "No, this is Patrick."
2015 New Years Millionaire Fanfiction Resolutions & Goals Competitions: Pairing Used – Rita Skeeter/Gilderoy Lockhart
Procrastinators United Competition III
The Year Long Story Count Competition
As Much As You Can Competition
Represent the Character II
"So, his name was Derrick?" Gilderoy asks.
Rita rolled her eyes. She knows this is her boyfriend's passive aggressive way of letting her know he's jealous. "No, it was Patrick."
Gilderoy pouts as he looks at himself in the mirror. He brushes his fingers through his hair, making sure his curls bounce and flashes a smile at himself, showing off his pearly white teeth. It makes her think of a peacock. "Why should I care? I know he has nothing on me. Why would you want him when you can have me?"
Rita decides to not bring up the fact that Patrick is a very handsome wizard. It would hurt Gilderoy's ego too much. "You're right, Roy. Why would I want him?"
She presses a kiss to the back of his neck, and he doesn't even look away from the mirror. Why indeed would I want Patrick? Rita sighs forlornly, wishing she was the center of Gilderoy's universe instead of that bloody mirror.