Author's Note: Read my author's note.

Warning: Rated T for now, but eventually it will become rated M for sexual content. Expect language and violence. Also, this is a slash fiction so if you don't like two guys together, move along.

Pairings: Harrymort for now. I haven't planned much for the others.

Summary: "Do not blame yourself." "I don't. They only have themselves to blame." In the midst of war, Harry foregoes his wand and turns his back on those he once loved to change a life he did not want. So he goes back only to find out that the world he thought he knew is a lie and only he alone can undo all the damaged caused by the one person...Dumbledore. Time-travel, HP/TR

Disclaimer: In the Harry Potter universe, I own nothing. All characters, spells, and other canonized information provided within this fan-fiction belongs to J.K. Rowling and Warner Bros Inc. Any thing else, such as plot devices, original characters, and the need to kill, destroy, or sexually fantasize are properties of my imagination, my creativity, and myself. So, you cannot sue.

Not beta'd. I will go over the mistakes over time. Bare with me. Dyslexia is a bitch.

Chapter Four - Acceptance: Pt. 1

"You were what you were and you are what you are. Fuck that regrets bullshit."

From Porno by Irvine Welsh

Reality slips from existence and drafts a world of familiarity. The smell of burning wood fills his nose as the light rustle of a turning page enters his ears. Adrian turns around to find the one he desires most sitting in one of the arm chairs by the cozy fire. Instead of disrupting the tranquil image, the young time traveler use this time to truly observe the soul fragment.

His first glance went to the long shaggy dark hair with fringes shielding the deep crimson eyes underneath. Adrian eyes lower, taking in the strong profile of the other's face. His eyes trace slowly over the arches of cheek, the angle of jaw, the fullness of lips, and finally the cleft center of chin. Adrian, becoming entrance by memories of touching those places miss the amusing glance thrown. Tom, aware of where his vessel's mind slip off too decides to take advantage of the situation and do the same: observe him.

The man has to admit, the young lording is quite a catch, despite past history with his original. In this mindscape, he did not look like his eleven year old self. Every return, the young man ages. At 21, he grew into a comfortable height of 6'2". Light muscles brush his lithe frame, enough to show he is capable of taking care of himself. Dark hair, no longer its unruly mass grew down his back in light waves. His face remains the same as his eighteen year old self. Adrian grew into his identity, losing the years of his father's visage to become himself. Green eyes shone within the dim lighting with power. Pale skin stretches around a soft, yet vastly masculine face. If Tom choose his favorite feature upon that beautiful face-minus those emerald irises-he would say those thick pouty lips. He enjoys kissing them, and knew his original owner does as well. Feeling the urge to take them between his teeth, Tom cut his glance back to the open book back on his lap, shifting it to cover his steadily growing erection.

The soul fragment clears his throat, loud enough to startle the other out of his reminisce. "You know staring is considerably rude."

Adrian felt his cheeks heat up from being caught in the act. "Uncultured, remember?" He replies drily. "Raise by muggles. They did not teach me about subtlety."

Tom chuckle low, shaking his head. With a wave of his hand, he invites the other to join him. "Of course, how could I forget. However, in this current timeline, you are raised by fourteen year old orphan. I am sure she has taught you proper manners expected of a young lording."

"Oh yes, Cassie is the best role model to have. Despite her title and upbringing, she is just as unclothe as I am. Just a few days ago, she tortured an owl simply because it "ruined Auntie's flower garden". The day before that, she set one of her bookshelves on fire due to its "improper placement".

Another chuckle escapes the man, highly amuse by the entire situation. "And she is not related to any of the Blacks? She shows their familial insanity, which Bellatrix and Black possessed."

Adrian nods, agreeing to the assessment. "I know, but we checked my memory with the tapestry. Cassiopeia Anastasia Black is not listed."

"Hmm, well we will have to look again because she is inhibiting the signs of insanity. Plus, her gift of foresight is a rare trait a few Blacks have possessed. Lady Malfoy has the gift, though hers is not as powerful as your friend's. Keep young miss Black close. Voldemort will give you favor for someone like her."

Adrian green eyes snap to the man with an incredulous look. "Are you serious suggesting putting her in the ranks?"

"She is useful, and powerful. Plus, she's dark. Why not?"

The young man just shook head, not believing the man would suggest something as ridiculous as allowing his caretaker to join the dark side. Though, Adrian thought, she does have potential to fully grasp her darkness. Quickly as the thought came, he removes it and change the subject. "What are you reading?"

"A book of memories, specifically the days leading up to the Final Battle of Hogwarts."


"Ah, indeed." Tom parrots, eying the young man with a quirk brow. "Why are you here? Not that I don't mind you visiting, being your mindscape and all. Don't you have a full day ahead of tomorrow?"

Completely forgetting his true intent of coming here, Adrian sighs, running his long fingers through his hair. "Right, I cannot sleep. So much is happening in the present, especially with me fully going to Hogwarts again instead of another wizarding school. As well as the return of Harry Potter, who by the way is supposed to be dead."

"Yes, I can see why you cannot sleep." Tom murmurs lightly, closing his book and giving his vessel his full attention. "I don't see the problem. Is Harry Potter suppose to be a God among the sheeps that flock him?"

"Of course these people see me as a God! The problem I'm having is I don't want to become him anymore. I hate being him. For these last two years, I like being Adrian Evans. I like the peace it brought without the fear of people realizing I'm the fucking boy-who-lived twice!"

Crimson eyes narrow as he looks closely at the frustrated other. "There's another problem beyond your return to the wizarding world."

"Cassie." He admits in a quiet voice. "I don't want her to know about this mission."

"Why not?"

"The less involved, the easier I can do this mission."

Tom shook his head at the thought, finding it all to be silly. "You know that statement is meaningless right? You already have two people involved. Your aunt was attacked by the enemy two years ago. By you being in Cassiopeia's company, she is at risk. No matter what you do, people will be involved. You just have to find those trustworthy to assist you in this change. Cassie, regardless of her upbringing will support you and become your greatest ally. Your past friends, I cannot speak for, especially the Weasleys who are light supports.

"Nonetheless, stop worrying about what would happen if she realizes you are Harry Potter. You never know, she probably already know."

Adrian sighs, knowing Tom is right, despite the way he feels for the situation. On the one hand, he feel like he's betraying whatever relationship they have by keeping this secret. Yet, the mission is important and he cannot allow for someone's interference to ruin all in which Voldemort and himself has planned. Regardless, Adrian sneaks a look at his companion, finding the other reengaging in his book. Realizing the conversation at this point is over, he stood from his spot and cross the short distance to stand before the other.

"You're right." He states in a low voice, and leans in close until they were eye to eye. "I need to stop worrying and pushing her away, especially all she has done for my aunt and myself. She deserves to know the truth and whatever happens, her assistance will be much appreciated."

Tom rewards him with a simple smile, glad that his youthful counterpart understands. "Good. Now leave this place and get some rest. You have, after all a long day ahead of you, Harry Potter."

At his given name, the young man frowns. "Don't remind me."

Grinning at the whine, Tom moves in close, kissing those pouty lips he adores. "It will be fine." He says after breaking away. "Just remember, you have mastered many forms of magic, specifically wordless and wandless. Protect yourself at all cost, the enemy waits for no one."

"I know. Goodnight, Tom."

"Goodnight Harry."

Morning arrives faster than Adrian anticipates, but nonetheless he slips from between his sheets and prepares for what would be a taxing day. Hot shower, and dressed, he slips downstairs for a quick breakfast, finding his aunt and friend sitting around the table already eating. The large spread cause him to pause midway to the table, which drew his aunt's attention and a smile on her face.

"I thought since this is your "first" time to Diagon Alley, a full English breakfast is in order." She says with an emphasis on the word first. He cuts his gaze to Cassiopeia, who is nodding enthusiastically, missing the change in tone.

Glad for his friend's lack of attention span, he continues his way to the table and takes a sit beside his aunt. Filling his plate, he pauses for a moment and direct his attention on Cassie. She, noticing his gaze on her once more stops eating, and stares at him questioning. "Is something wrong, Adrian."

Hearing Tom's voice in his head about telling her the truth about everything, he decides to skip the preamble and answer straightforwardly. "I want you to know my name is not Adrian Evans-"

"Yes, your name is Harry Potter." Cassie cuts him off, and grins when she sees his eyes widening at her response. Instead of teasing him, which is normally her fashion for these moments, she took on a serious tone. "I already knew who you were the day I found you and your aunt. Of course, I know she is more of your mother now since that horrible day." She sends a soft smile at the woman, and continues. "Nonetheless, I will continue to call you Adrian, since I am accustom to addressing you as such. As for today, don't worry. You will not be alone when it comes to dealing with your return back to the wizard world. After all, Harry Potter died two years ago and his sudden return should not be a surprise for someone as powerful as you.

"As for whatever you want to tell me, keep it to yourself for now. If I'm meant to know, I would know. So don't worry about it. I will take care of whatever need you need, especially dealing with your inheritance. There's nothing goblins won't do for money, especially for a noble house. Therefore, anything you need, I can provide, no matter the cost." Hazel eyes glance between her two wards and the shock look across their face. Her lips turn up into a grin as all the seriousness she had possessed disappears into an air of lightness and humor. "Now, let's eat. Auntie Tunny and I worked hard this morning fixing all of this and I do not want to eat it cold. Eat up, Adrian, you are far too skinny for my liking."

With Cassie eating again, Adrian snaps out of his astonishment. Feeling lighter, he sends her a small smile in gratitude.

I told you to trust her. Tom's voice echoes within his head.

"Thank you, Cassie for everything." Petunia spoke for the both of them, her eyes watery from the strong acceptance she received from the young girl.

"Please, don't thank me. Anyone sensible would have done what I did for you. Instead, let's just enjoy this day and the company, yes?"

Instead of sunshine and blue clouds, late Wednesday morning welcomes gray clouds and rain. The downpour covers London streets in a blurry collage of wet dreary. Adrian walks ahead of his female entourage, green eyes following the faint golden glow along the sidewalk. Down the busy intersection the glow broke off until it reaches the end of one street and turns left. His strides are smooth and slow, not losing sight of the glow as it disappears into a side alleyway.

Behind him, he could hear the rhythmic footfalls of his aunt and Cassie keeping pace with his steps. Through the other end of the alleyway and around one last corner, Adrian appears in front of a weathering building with a large sign of a smoking cauldron. Above the wood chipped door, the words "The Leaky Cauldron" glows in the same golden color as the trailing spell Cassie cast to find the place.

"The Leaky Cauldron," Petunia reads from behind him, her jade eyes taking in the words, but not seeing the glow. "It's been awhile since I've seen this place. The last time has been when Lily was going in to her fifth year and she begged me to go with her instead of our parents. That was the first time I actually enjoyed myself, especially with Lily who introduced me to all her friends. There was one who fascinated me, but I cannot remember his name. Very quiet, but really handsome."

Cassie giggles lightly, trying to imagine the boy from long ago. Adrian simply shook his head, having an inkling on this "mysterious man" and move forward to enter the pub. As his hand reaches for the knob, the door flew open and in front of him stood the tallest man he has ever seen, but he vastly remembers.


The half-giant jumps slightly, startle by his presence. "I'm sorry lad, didn't see you there."

Adrian went to accept his apology, eyes taking in the large form when Cassie unleashes one of her "cheerful" screeches. "Professor Hagrid! It's nice to see you!"

Beady eyes peer at the young girl and with a large smile returns the happy greeting with a bellow. "Ms. Black, my haven't you grown over the summer. Every year you are more beautiful."

"Thank you, professor." She bashfully reply. Cheeks dust lightly, she moves to stand behind Adrian, wrapping her slender arms around his shoulders. "This is my little brother, Adrian and my aunt Annalise. He's going to Hogwarts this year and we're taking him shopping."

Politely nodding at both, he returns his gaze back to Adrian, taking an interest in him. Adrian, on the other hand, is trying to wrap his head around the fact that Hagrid is already a professor. Feeling his curiosity peek, he interrogates the man. Cordially, of course. "Sir, what exactly do you teach at Hogwarts?"

Instead of Hagrid answering, Cassie interjects. "He teaches a class on Magic Diversity. It's fascinating! Sadly, it's a sixth and seventh year class."

Adrian shot a glare up at her, in which Hagrid laughs. "Thank you, Cassie for answering my question. However, she's correct. I teach a course on Magic Diversity and Law. The course is only five years old, but the Board of Governors felt it is necessary to have a course that reflects on our society and the issues our government is projecting within it."

"Issues, Mr. Hagrid?" It's Petunia turn to question.

The man pauses to think of how to explain his response. "You see, Ms. Annalise, our world is in the midst of war. A second war, in which we fear will be greater than the first. Even though the one responsible for the first is gone, his army still moves on. Death plagues our livelihood every day. The light forces are fighting diligently to protect the innocent, but we are few in numbers. Our light is disappearing, or I should say it already has."

"You are referring to that kid who died two years ago, Harry Potter." Adrian asks the tall man.

Hagrid nods. "Yes, he is the one who defeated the madman. Only an infant, he killed the Dark Lord by reflecting the killing curse meant to kill him. That night, he lost so much. His parents, his home, and his chance to live among his kind. Dumbledore, he's the leader of the light felt it would be beneficial to leave him in the muggle world. However, we have not heard anything about him until two years ago when the Death Eaters found him and killed him.

"Since then, we are trying to fight what clearly is a losing battle. Of course, don't tell anyone I said that."

Adrian agrees, along with the aunt and Cassie to keep his words secret. Sighing, Adrian decides to propose one last question, already having a lot to process. "What if Harry Potter isn't dead?"

"What do you mean?"

Cassie sends him a warning glance, which he ignores to continue his hypothetical reproach with the gentle half-giant. "What if he isn't dead, but hiding? What then? Do your people truly expect this kid to fight in your war, especially when he has been forgotten for a long time?"

Hagrid felt lost for words, which for the scholar is the first. Adrian took the silence as an answer. "Exactly. Now if you excuse me professor, I have some shopping to do. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. See you in September."

Without waiting for a response, the young green eyed boy disappears into the pub, leaving behind his aunt and friend.

Adrian did not waste his time observing the pub's surroundings, for his ears could hear most of the conversations taking place. Apparently, his conversation with Hagrid had been heard by a few listeners and they are fascinated by the possibility that Harry Potter could be alive. Mentally scolding himself for his curiosity, he moves through the crowd towards the back door leading to the alley entrance. Before he could reach his destination, he is stopped by a hand upon his shoulder and a deep, smooth voice.

"I heard your conversation with the giant, young man."

Green eyes glance over his shoulder and into the dark gaze of the other. "It is impolite to listen to someone's conversation, sir."

Those dark eyes narrow as a smile slithers across his lips. "Now, now I was merely passing and heard you mention something about a certain Boy-Who-Lived. It peaked my curiosity."

"I see," drawls Adrian, shaking off the offensive hand upon his shoulder. He takes a step back to fully observe this man and assess his presence. The first thing his gaze brushes across is the large purple turban. Just like Hagrid, here's another he recognizes. His first kill once again alive: Quirinus Quirrell. Fighting the urge to laugh at the irony, he resumes his conversation with intrigue. "Well, sir since you are curious, tell me if you believe the child is dead."

Quirrell sends him an interesting look before taking his glance to the shimmering barrier surrounding them. When he could not hear the droning of the patrons, he answers. "No, he's not dead, just merely waiting."

"Waiting, sir?"

"Yes, waiting for his chance to strike. Young man, how well do you know the story of the first war?"

Adrian ponders silently before answering. "Only what my sister and books have stated. Why, is there more to the story beyond this current knowledge?"

"Of course there is, my dear boy. There is two sides to every story. If you want, I can share my side of the story."

"Your side?" asks the young time traveler. "Which side were you on?"

Quirrell dark gaze took in the brightness of those emerald eyes, instantly drawn. "The right side." He replies softly, breaking the connection. Feeling the presence of two approaching, he decides to end their conversation. "You entourage is coming, young man. Again, if you are interested in hearing my side, let me know."

"Thank you, sir for the offer. However, what is your name?"

"I go by many names, but for you call me Marvolo. Goodbye for now. Good luck on your shopping." With his final words, the man leaves, breaking the barrier.

Adrian's ears fill with the noise of the pub once more. Green eyes follow the man until he disappears among the thickening crowd. With a light hum, he turns his attention to his aunt and friend, who stood there eying him strangely.

Cassie, forever the curious one voices her questioning thought. "What did professor Quirrell want?"

"He was helping me with my book selection for his class."

"I see," She replies softly, sensing there is something more. "Just be careful around that man, Adrian."

"Why? Is he a horrible person?"

"No...just a suspicious one. Let's get going, we have a lot to do today."

Cassie steps up to the wall with her wand in hand. With three taps across the eroding bricks, the wall separates. Adrian stood back and watch as the world of Diagon Alley appears before his eyes. Instead of wreckage and decaying bodies of former allies and enemies, he could see completion. All building account for, not a single flame in sight. Releasing a breath he did not know he held, he turns to his aunt. She sends him a look of concern, which he shakes off with a reassuring nod.

Petunia returns the gesture, and turns her attention on Cassie. The young woman peers between them, and smile as she launches into her usual loquacious manner. "Since this is your first time within the alley, I will tell you all that you need to know. Let's start with Gringotts. It is the huge white building at the end of the-"

"Cassiopeia," Adrian calls out lightly, hoping to stop her before she starts. Hazel eyes glance down at him, to which he smiles gently. "I know about the alley and the shops. Thank you, but I think I can handle it from here." With a wave to his aunt, he moves towards the alley, allowing his long legs to carry him into the crowd.

Cassie watches him disappear and pouts. "Seriously, he never let's me talk!"

Petunia giggles softly, grasping the young girl's shoulders. "Don't let it get to you. He loves you."

"I hope so." came her reply as she observes the throng of witches and wizards. "With the way our world is, I can only do so much to protect him."

Confusion appears in the older woman's eyes. "What do you mean?" When Cassie did not answer her question, she gave the girl a little shake. "Cassiopeia, what are you talking about?"

The doors of Gringotts stood before him, larger than he remembers, but always welcoming. One by one, he climbs the stairs and pauses at the large sign hanging above the entrance.

Enter, stranger, but take heed

Of what awaits the sin of greed

For those who take, but do not earn,

Must pay most dearly in their turn.

So if you seek beneath our floors

A treasure that was never yours,

Thief, you have been warned, beware

Of hiding more than treasure there.

Adrian felt his lips twitch into a grin. If only the bank knew how easy it is to sneak in and steal. He did it twice, a training exercise in stealth and thievery. Not only did he steal the goblet from the Lestranges' vault without triggering their spell, he went into the Dumbledore vault for a few valuable books on blood rituals and necromancy. Shaking his head at the memories of his youth, Adrian enters and frowns at the huge crowd within.

Witch and wizard alike stood on long lines, watching for the goblins to tend to their financial needs. Picking a line, Adrian took this time to observe his surroundings. Unlike his original timeline, this Gringotts is structured like a fortress. Through the thick marble, he could see the webbing of magic wove together in an intricate pattern. A design only a few ward crafters are capable of building, yet knew the goblins would not allow wizard hands to touch their building. His curiosity ends when he notices the line moving. With only four ahead of him, he ponders on how to get a private session with one of the head goblins. After all, Harry Potter is technically dead, meaning all of his assets will be given to the next in line.

So lost in his thoughts, he did not see someone approaching him until the feel of a hand slips into his. Startle out of his mind, green eyes peer down into the brightest blue orbs he ever seen. Before he could even ask what this child is doing, the alarms blare and the crowd begins to scatter.

"You have to get out of here." Whispers the small child, her hand tugging him towards the nearest exit. Her large eyes sweep the area as she continues to pull them to safety. "Your identity is compromised. Someone outed you to the world."

Confuse, Adrian fought against the grip on his hand until he got her to stop. "What the hell are you talking about?"

Wide eyes took in his appearance, especially the large lightning shape scar upon his forehead. "You lost your glamour, Mister Potter. The entrance wipes away glamour of any strength. You have been spotted by a few and the word is now spreading. You, our savior lives."

Suddenly afraid, he reaches up with his spare hand and felt his forehead. There underneath his fingertips stood his scar. Letting a curse slip from his lips, he stares at the little girl, realizing she is no older than eight or nine. With blond hair to her ankle and lively blue eyes, he notices a similarity to someone from his original timeline. By the way her tiny smile grew, now he understood.


Her laughter reminds him of tiny bells as she shook her head. "Sorry, I'm not my sister, if that's who you are referring too. I suppose we do look alike. No, my name is -" Instantly, her words are drowned by the loud explosion. She glances around him and frowns. "Come on, we have to leave. We stayed here too long. They're coming for you." She pulls at his hand before taking off in the direction they start to move.

Adrian follows her hurried footsteps, but slows down slightly to take a look back. Behind him, men in dark robes stood there, watching his departure. Their black mask shone within the natural light of the bank. He curses slightly in his head.

They found him.