Thank y'all for reading this story! Also, sorry for slacking off, I've been thinking about and sorta working on a story for Soul Eater called 'Mere Data' that I'm planning to post after I finish this story.

younevercouldcontrolme: ;) I ship them too :D

Natsuandlucyfan15: OwO Thank you!

CapturedInAPolaroid: I know right? I mean, so many fanfics have everyone start out as friends so I decided to make a new fanfic where they weren't friends C: Thank you!

Post a review and revive a reply.

'And I find it kinda funny, I find it kinda sad.

The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had.

I find it hard to tell you,

Don't think you'll understand.

When people run in circles it's a very very...

Mad world... Mad world.'

Mad world by Gary Jules.


Maka chased after Soul, she didn't know why she did, but she felt like she had to, she felt like she must. Perhaps it was instinct, or maybe it was something else. Whatever it was she continued chasing him through the hallways. The hallways were dark from the blackout before unlike the lunchroom with candles, before her eyes had adjusted to the darkness she had already tripped twice, her knees and her right hand had been scrapped on the floor and they were bleeding, "Not too shabby inside huh?" Maka mumbled as she attempted to quickly limp to the sound of footsteps, "Soul!" Maka shouted, attempting to get Soul to answer but she remained unsuccessful.

It had been at least an hour now and Maka had practically given up, she had begun crying a little, not because Soul was gone, but because she began thinking about how she was lost and how she could never get out and would starve here. She wiped away her tears, "I have to find Soul first." She mumbled to herself, she remembered how he had the crazy hallucination and how this time instead of running away he might end up hurting himself or someone.

Maka stood up, she sighed, "Soul! Please! I don't want you to get... Hurt..." Maka yelled, no reply came and she frowned, she was going to have to run again. She got up and began limping through the hallways, she was unsure of where she was going to go but she had to find him before he got hurt. She face-palmed, "Why so much trouble for a boy?" She questioned herself, "Don't you ever learn?" She shook her head sadly before jogging off to a hallway on her left.

"Maka..." A small whimper sounded from a room labeled, "Closet" and Maka stopped, she knew the voice, "Soul!" She shouted, now jogging to the room as fast as she could, when she reached the door she whipped open the door and Soul sat there curled up in a ball with a blank face.

"Soul! Are you okay?" Soul glanced up at Maka, she was shaking him to get him to sit up and he nodded, "Yeah... I gue- Maka! Look out!" Soul shouted, eyes wide, the demon holding up a knife, pointing it to Maka's head and motioning to her neck and then Soul's mouth. "Don't you dare. Soul, you know she'll only hurt you. Your falling in love." Soul glared at the demon, Maka was now beside Soul looking confused, "What! No! She's a friend!" Soul exclaimed, flustered, the demon now seemed to be teasing him, "Oh sure. Than why did you help her? Normally you follow my advice." Soul narrowed his eyes, "And look where your advice got me, in a mental hospital."

Maka sighed, she walked in front of Soul, leaning downwards so she could look him in the eye she smiled and exclaimed, "Soul. Come one. Let's go back." When Soul continued glaring behind her she sighed, "Soul. Please..." He looked down, "The demon is threatening you..." He whispered, Maka shook her head slightly and turned around, "Demon! If you can hear me then leave Soul alone!"

"Tsk. Protective of you eh? Fine. I'll leave. Also, don't look up." The demon whispered into Soul's ears before vanishing.

Instinctly Soul looked up, he looked flustered and began blushing, Maka was wearing a skirt. "Ma- Maka? Yo-" Maka turned around and noticed her mistake, she jumped back and reached into her bag for a book, "Pervert!" She shrieked and threw a book at Soul's head, he flinched and he groaned, "Ouch..." He muttered.