Whoa, what is this? Already a new chapter? Yes, it is, because it is currently 4:22 in the morning and I can't get to sleep for the life of me. So here is another one shot that I should've posted two days ago instead, but... That didn't happen xD Enjoy this New Years themed chapter. Oh! By the way, there's implied Hydron x Lync at the end :3 Hope you like!

Eleven forty-five. Fifteen minutes before the clock hit twelve and signaled January 1st 2015. Where was Gus? Outside, in the cold weather. The blunette would've hated this if it wasn't for the beautiful sight outside caused by the snow. His master, Spectra, was inside, most likely sleeping. Gus was actually hoping that maybe Spectra would stay up with him this year, but no… He still chose to go to sleep at ten o'clock. Gus sighed. He had hoped that he could catch Spectra at midnight on New Years Eve. Its said that when the clock strikes twelve, you're suppose to kiss your partner. And well… That's how Gus wanted to confess to Spectra. It was cheesy and he knew it, but that was just how he was. The blunette was really tempted to go wake up Spectra, and tell him to come see the beautiful sight, as a cover up for his real reason. But he couldn't bring himself to lie to the blonde. He respected him too much. Gus sighed and brought the scarf that was wrapped around his neck up to his face to cover his nose and mouth. It was really cold… But Gus didn't feel like going back inside. He also promised himself he'd stay outside until midnight. He checked his watch.

Eleven fifty.

Ten more minutes until New Years.

This really sucked.

Gus' green eyes continued to look out over the snow covered ground. Snow flakes still proceeded to fall. Like previously mentioned, it was really pretty to look at. He just really wish that- "Gus?" The blunette flinched and looked behind him. "What are you doing out here?" It was Spectra, standing in the entry way. When had he awoken? "Oh! Master Spectra, I was just enjoying the view tonight. The snow seemed to bring out the beauty in the land." Gus' voice was slightly muffled, due to the scarf over it. The powerful blonde grinned. "But you hate the cold. I didn't think you'd care all that much about the sight if you didn't enjoy the weather." Gus shrugged and turned back around, some snow flakes blowing onto his face and hair. "I can make sacrifices sometimes." He said. Gus shivered a little and wrapped his arms around himself. This didn't go unnoticed by Spectra. He came up to Gus and put an arm around the other boy's shoulder. Gus looked over, a slight blush forming on his face. Luckily, he'd be able to blame his red face on the cold weather. "Master…?" Spectra looked back at Gus, smirking at him. "What? You are cold, aren't you?" He got Gus there. "Yes… I suppose so. But you don't have to do this." The blunette said, looking away. Secretly, he was enjoying their close proximity. "Don't be silly, Gus. If you insist on staying out here, I'm not going to let you freeze your ass off. Besides, I don't need you getting sick, either." Gus nodded in understanding. He looked down at his watch again to check the time.

Eleven fifty-five.

Oh god.

Midnight was nearing and he actually had Spectra by his side. This could be the year he actually confesses. But Gus then realized that he was absolutely terrified.

What if he gets rejected?

What if Spectra isn't into guys?

What if this totally ruins what friendship they had?

Gus was panicking on the inside and couldn't think straight. What was worse is that he didn't have a lot of time to think about what he should actually do. Should he kiss Spectra? Should he just tell him? Should he even say anything at all? Gus really didn't know what to do. He had this planned out in his head for months, thinking it was the best plan ever, and now that he had the chance to do it, Gus was just… Terrified. "Gus?' Spectra's voice brought him out of his scattered thoughts. "Are you alright? You're very quiet…" Spectra pointed out. Gus nodded yes. "I'm fine. Just… Thinking." He replied, hoping that was enough to satisfy Spectra's curiosity. "Oh? About what?"


"Ah, well…" Gus started, "Um, you know, about the new year and… How it will go!" Spectra raised an eyebrow and grinned. "I guess that's expected of you, Gus." The blunette checked his watch again.

Eleven fifty-seven.

Three minutes to go.

"I mean, it's only minutes away, after all." Gus said, smiling a little under his scarf. He was still deciding what to do in his head, but he calmed down a little… Gus was just anxious, if anything. "It is, isn't it? Any new years resolutions?" Spectra asked. Not that his loyal lapdog needed any improvements; he thought he was perfect the way he was. But, like they say, there's always room for improvement.

Gus was silent for a moment as he checked the time once more.

Eleven fifty-eight.

Two minutes.

"Well… Maybe just one." Gus answered. This would be the start of his confession. And, damn, was he nervous. He looked down, drawing shapes in the feet. "Mind if I ask what that resolution is?" Spectra asked, taking note that Gus seemed a bit nervous for some reason. Gus was silent again. "Gus?" "I heard you, Master Spectra." The blunette looked up again. "My resolution… Is to work up the guts to confess to the person I love." Spectra grinned at him. Then he asked the dreaded question;

"Who is this lucky person?"

Gus looked at watch… Again…

Eleven fifty-nine.

Come on, just another minute…

"It's…" Gus started, then gulped. Spectra raised an eyebrow and continued to grin. "Well?" Gus sweatdropped. "Um…" Spectra couldn't believe how hesitant Gus was about telling him. "Don't worry, Gus, you can tell me. I won't tell this to anyone else." Out of anxiousness, Gus looked down at his watch one last time.

Twelve o'clock, midnight.

"Happy New Year, Spectra."

That was all Gus said before he brought a finger up to his scarf, lowering it, and leaning forward to finally kiss Spectra. It shocked Spectra, to say the least, but it definitely wasn't unpleasant. Before the blonde even had a chance to kiss back, Gus pulled away, blushing like a embarrassed little school girl. That would probably be expected.

"You." Gus said.


"You asked me who the 'lucky person' is. It's you, Spectra."

Gus looked away when Spectra said nothing.

"I'm sorry. That was highly inappropr-"

"I love you, too, Gus."

It was Gus' turn to be speechless.

"You… What?"

"I said, I love you, too."


Spectra couldn't help but chuckle. "Now let's go back inside and pop open a bottle of champagne to celebrate the New Year. You've been out here long enough." The blonde grabbed Gus' hand and led him inside, where they saw Hydron and Lync sharing a New Years kiss. Huh. Who would've known. Looks like Gus wasn't the only one who got a perfect start of the year.