Disclaimer: I do not own Danny Phantom, I only own Dave.
Hello. My name is David. You can call me Dave. And I'm dead.
I have no idea how I died. I just remember my life, from my earliest memory of my sister playing with kittens that were just a day old, up to my fourteenth birthday. I thought I died on my birthday, and when I found my gravestone, I died a day after.
I have scars on my back, and my arms, and little scars that look like cat scratches everywhere. Like someone broke glass all over me. Or I got thrown into a field of cacti.
I think I had black hair when I was alive, with blue eyes. But now my hair is as white as snow and my eyes are a glowing green.
But that's only to me. I'm invisible to everyone else. Animals can sense me, and I can see myself in a mirror, but no one can see, hear, feel or ANYTHING me.
I found my sister one day. She was old. She had gray hair, and was just sitting on a rocking chair outside a nursing home. I knew it was her because of a scar that ran down her neck. I think she got it when I died. I just knew it was her because of it.
Than she died. Right there. Her old body just, gave out.
I have traveled the world a few times, but for some reason, I always came back to Amity Park. There is a family of ghost hunters there, and they have some rather helpful information on ghosts.
Like how ghosts, regardless of how powerful they are, alway have a obsession. Without an obsession, they vanish.
I realized that I did have a obsession, even though it was rather small.
It was family history. I loved to visit libraries after hours and study family trees. It was just interesting to me. I can't explain it.
Then I realized that I was so intent on finding my family, I forgot the exact date of the day I died. So to see, after centuries of searching, my name, my birthday, my death date, in fine blue print, was a bit mind blowing.
Then, when I looked at my sister, I found out that she had a son. Johnson Nightingale Fenton.
Doing a bit more research, I found my family. The family that lived in Amity park.
So I stayed with the family. They never knew I was there, but I always was.
But then, on the younger son's fourteenth birthday, he tried to fix a portal.
Realizing that history was repeating itself, I shielded the boy from the worse of the blast. And as a result, he died. Sort of. And I lived again. Sort of.
We fused together, but because I wanted to protect his family, I never reveled myself to him. But in the back of his head, I was there, giving him advice.
He could call on me, and he'll turn into my, our now, ghost form. White hair, green eyes. Only people could see him.
And together, we saved the world.
Hello. My name is David, but you can call me Dave. And I live, sort of.
So.. Yeah. I have no idea where this came from. XD
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