"Where are we going Doctor?!" Donna screamed as the TARDIS jerked back and forth. If Donna had not been holding on to the railing she had no doubt that she would be flying all around the console room.

"No idea!" The Doctor yelled back enthusiastically

"ugh" Donna rolled her eyes, he never thought things through.


"Sammy just stop, I am going to die. And no matter how much I don't want to admit it the trickster was right, I'm gonna die and there is nothing you can do. Suddenly a memory flashes to Dean's mind he was staring at himself, the second Dean had black eyes and stared up at him yelling "you're going to die and this is what you're going to become!" No, he couldn't think about that right now. Right now they had a job to do. Dean looked back at the road focusing on the case ahead. "So tell me what happened again?" Dean requested hoping to move on.

Sighing Sam reluctantly look down at the newspaper and said " two days ago a woman- Samantha Blackwood was killed, Her throat was slit and there was no sign of the weapon, but get this, all her doors and windows were closed and locked and the police found no sign of a break in or foul play."

Dean scoffed "Of course not, police are idiots"

Sam gave him a look "didn't seem like that when they nearly caught us during our last salt and burn."

"That was not my fault." Dean responded defensively.

"Suuurrrreeee" Sam said rolling his eyes and drawing out the syllables.

"Well they didn't catch us did they?"

"That's only because one of them got hit by a flying shovel aimed at YOUR head" Sam smirked

"Well then technically I rescued us from the cops!"

"You dodged Dean! That's hardly saving the day!"

"Still" Dean said shrugging. "We didn't get caught"

Sam rolled his eyes "Whatever, anyway the woman had reported seeing a man stalking her two days before she died but nobody else saw it, when she tried to point him out to the cops he wasn't there even though she insisted he was."

"Ghost?" Dean asked glancing at Sam.

"Sound like it" Sam said settling in for the long drive to Alabama. Remembering something else in the article Sam said "The woman was a High School teacher by the way"

Dean groaned, great a school full of teenagers. This case was NOT gonna be fun."

Please leave a review, should i keep writing this? i already have the second chapter written not sure if I should post it or not. Thank you for reading!