Chapter 1


Samantha sat on the witness bench in court as Henry Moriarty's lawyer began reading out his statement.

"Mr Moriarty claims that you pursued a relationship with him and you were known for stalking him on several occasions we have witnesses that can testify this point " the lawyer read out

"That is not true I didn't know him until the very day of the assault" Samantha's voice lowered shamefully as she rested he hand on her swelling pregnant stomach remembering the night of the assault.

"See you later Sam"called Maggie waving to her best friend. Sam pulled the hood of her coat over her head providing herself with some shelter from the pouring rain as she called out

" See you at school Maggie" Sam waved back then began walking home .The 16 year old girl walked quickly down one of the streets that lead to her house , as she rounded a corner she heard footsteps mirroring her own. Sam sped up and once again the footsteps copied she spun around running information through her mind ,heavy step balance of probability most likely male stalking at night creep she slowly turned around only to be faced with a twisted smirk she felt a sharp pain in her neck before the world around her went black.

Sam opened her eyes slowly feeling a crippling pressure on top of her as her eyes adjusted to the dark she saw the same sickening smirk from early then she saw she was missing her undergarments as was her attacker she struggled fruitlessly against her restraints as her attacker thrust in to her Samantha screamed from the back of her throat injuring the pain that was cruelly forced upon her.

When it was finally over he released her from her bonds and kissed her forehead before standing and leaving her a broken mess on the floor naked and sobbing Sam curled up in a tight ball wishing to escape this sick world that she was trapped in.

that was when to doors swung open and the police stormed in.

Samantha spoke her voice strong " Mr Moriarty is a rapist and deserves to rot in hell! "

The judge sighed "for the last time Miss Holmes stick to the facts or I will have you removed for contempt of the court! Really despite all facts this name calling is stupid and childish! "

Samantha growled at the back of her throat she looked over to the public gallery she hated stupid people people too blind to see the facts her mother was stupid but Sam tolerated her because despite everything she did care for her mother. Sam was deeply tempted to prove that she was not stupid by using her talent ,one look at someone and she could notice things that others didn't , she usually refrained from using her skills ,when she was younger she accidentally let slip that one of the posh mothers was having an affair she was taunted for weeks and called a freak, she drew in a deep breath she saw her mothers pleading expression and she calmed down a bit. With her breath under control she apologized to the judge and began speaking her hands resting on her very pregnant stomach.

"Mr Moriarty caused me weeks of physical pain and I don't want my child around something that caused myself such pain and though you say he was intoxicated and not in control why would that make me anymore comfortable with the situation? " the next person who was called to the stand was a man who claimed he saw Sam being knocked out and dragged away he claimed he was the one who called the police at this Henry started shouting about him being paid to say that stuff at these accusations it was brought up that the man was a retired police officer and had been on the force for near on 50 years.

The court case lasted for hours and eventually it was time for the jury's verdict

"We find Henry Moriarty guilty of the assault and grant him no visitation rights"

"Mr Moriarty you have been found guilty and will serve a minimum of 10 years in prison " as the judge declared this Samantha couldn't help the smile that graced her lips for the first time in a long time she was really happy the judge continued

"Do you have anything to say for yourself?"

Moriarty smiled a cruel smile he turned towards me and said

"See you soon"

In the weeks that followed life was good Sam was very close to her due date and her mother wouldn't stop fussing over her the eve of her due date disaster struck Sam and her mother were discussing baby names, frankly the subject bored Samantha to death, when a bullet smashed the window and disappear , Sam's mother pushed her to the floor and told her to be still. A moment passed and Sam's mother stood slowly gazing curiously out of the window Samantha hissed to her mother to get down but her warning went unheard as another bullet whizzed through the window and implanted its self between her mothers eye's Sam screamed in shock and then in pain as a painful contraction hit Sam reached for the phone and called the ambulance and the police.

When the police arrived they straight the way rushed to Samantha's side . For the first time in Sam's life she was truly terrified and she was vulnerable all she wanted was her mother the young 16 year old girl curled into a ball and cried and cried and she didn't stop crying until her baby was born and Samantha finally passed out from exhaustion.

There first chapter finnished I know that its a bit dark but it will get happier I dont own anything and let me know if you think Sam should have a girl or boy thank you for reading adios xxx