...For never was a story of more woe
Than that of Juliet and her Romeo.
The familiar tragedy inspired a sigh of disappointment. Standing up from her cluttered desk, Elsa directed her gaze to the short stack of new books beside the bedroom door. She wanted to save the gifts for later, but after only ten days, her self-discipline was already wearing thin.
Come on. Can't you reread another book? You know you'll be dying for more novels before your next birthday. And then, you'll regret this.
Before she could come to a decision, a hurried knock came from the door, startling her. "Hurry, Elsa, the ball is about to drop!" she heard her Aunt Gerda call through the wooden door.
"What ball? What are you talking about?" Elsa questioned, reluctant to open the door, and a little frustrated that her thought process had been interrupted for such nonsense.
"The Times Square Ball Drop! It's almost 2015!" Aunt Gerda squealed through the door, completely unwavered by Elsa's apparent lack of interest. "Now come on out here!
Elsa stared warily at the wall before her, listening to Gerda scamper away. She did not want to attend a group event, but this dread was outweighed by her desire to please her aunt. The woman had always tried so hard to keep their awkward family intact, and asked only for Elsa's presence. She couldn't refuse.
As she approached the living room, she could hear that her sister would not be so easily convinced. Anna had always been stubborn, but it was only recently that she had begun to openly argue against Gerda.
Elsa placed herself on a recliner in the corner to see how the situation would play out. After a few moments of meaningless debate, Anna, reaching the end of her tether, shot their more understanding Uncle Kai a desperate look, silently begging him to back up her claims. Seeing this, Gerda mimicked the move, and suddenly all eyes were on Kai. He paused, collecting his thoughts, and then told Anna that she could leave as soon as the ball drop was over. With a smile he looked intently for peace in the girl's eyes, but Anna only scowled and threw her hands up into the air.
"Fine! I'll stay here for the next five minutes. But then I'm gone!" Anna said, exasperated. At this, Gerda thanked Anna far too graciously, and sat down. Anna stalked angrily over to Elsa and sat on the arm of the chair.
Think of something comforting to say. She obviously needs a friend right now.
"They dragged you over here too?" Anna asked. Before Elsa had a chance to reply, Anna quietly began to vent her frustration.
Oh, so that's why she came over here. She wants someone to listen to her.
"Of all the days in the year, they had to pick today to hold us captive. I can't believe this. Saminic, Rafiki, and Flarthur invited me to some sort of celebration tonight."
Who names their kid Flarthur? Where has Anna been spending her time, a hippie commune?
Seeing Elsa's raised eyebrow, Anna explained, "I don't think those are their real names. They go by aliases over there. I don't use one, though; they knew my real name before I knew their fake ones. They try to stay anonymous so that their whereabouts are more difficult to trace."
I've heard about Anna's weird friends before, but this is stranger than I thought…
Before Elsa could ask, Anna was already detailing the reasons why these people were on the run. She was now using more hushed tones, "Yeah, these guys are off the grid. They have complete freedom..." she glanced at the adults across the room, "...unlike us. They do whatever they want in that old car factory."
Elsa was well aware of the gloomy old factory outside the city. In a different age, the place was a center of economy, providing hundreds of jobs to the community. Those days were long gone, and their prosperity with them. The factory now loomed over the cold, desolate landscape like ancient ruins. The sight of the place had always made her uneasy, and it disturbed her to think that Anna might be spending her time with questionable people there.
Anna did not see Elsa's growing anxiety, and continued, "Saminic runs the place, and Rafiki is growing marijuana there, and Flarthur comes into town to sell it. They pay for their food that way."
Elsa was horrified. When did Anna start hanging out with these kinds of people? She's not safe in that place.
When Anna turned to see Elsa's face, the former reacted immediately, standing up and defending herself. "No, no, you're getting the wrong impression of them! Stop that! They're not criminals-er, well, they are criminals, but they aren't wrong-I mean, they don't do wrong things, unless you're asking a policeman; he would say that they are doing wrong things, and a jury, too, but-"
"I get it," Elsa weakly interrupted. She attempted a smile, but her eyes betrayed her. Anna could feel the older girl's pain, and sat back down on the seat of the recliner.
Conceal it. The last thing she needs is another judge.
Anna lit up with an idea, but then forced herself to be calm. "Why don't you just come and meet them? They are nice people. If you came face-to-face with them, you would understand."
Elsa looked down and began rubbing her hands together. "Anna, I… you know I can't do that." She started feeling the cold rise up from beneath her skin.
"No; I don't know, actually," Anna replied, frustration seeping into her voice. "In fact, I have never been able to figure out why you can't do these things!"
"I don't… I don't do people." Elsa replied nonchalantly, hoping that a lack of emotion might calm her sister.
It did not serve the intended effect; in fact, Elsa's seeming apathy for the situation only inflamed her.
Anna lost her composure, standing and throwing her hands above her head again. "Oh yeah, I forgot, you don't talk to people. You just spend all of your time with your books. How could I have expected you to know what it's like to have friends? Of course you'll never understand why someone would befriend these people."
Elsa frowned, visibly hurt by Anna's comments. The redhead would have left it there, but she had already started to release long-suppressed emotions, and there was no stopping now.
"Don't be so sore about my relationships when you don't even have any!" she exclaimed as her final blow.
How could she say that? You have hardly said anything!
Elsa sat speechless for a few seconds, then finally sputtered out, "I am safe with my books." She thought about her statement, and decided where to go with it. "Those people are dangerous," she said, with a much more determined tone. "You shouldn't-
"I can do whatever the hell I want! It's my life! Stop trying to control me!" Anna blurted out.
Elsa was taken aback. Did Anna just curse? Elsa felt her eyes widen, watching unnatural frost creep up the windows.
No. Don't let this get out of hand. Don't let them see.
"May I please be excused?" Elsa asked, standing up from the recliner to face the adults, trying to be as calm as possible.
"But honey, there is less than a minute left. Look, the ball is already lowering!" Gerda replied excitedly.
"I really need to go." Elsa pleaded.
Well, so much for being subtle. Now everyone thinks that you have a serious problem.
"Like I told Anna," Uncle Kai replied, more forcefully, "you may leave as soon as the countdown ends."
Elsa, you do have a serious problem.
Elsa carefully lowered herself back into the chair, but Anna was not going to let up. With tears beginning to fill her angry eyes, she hissed at Elsa, "You can't even deal with conflict with your own sister without fleeing?" A solitary tear slowly rolled down Anna's stern face. "When did you decide that I was no longer worthy of your time?" she asked, turning away to choke back sobs.
Did you… did you do this? Did you bring her to this?
Elsa watched her, speechless. She could distantly hear a countdown begin from 10, but she was so engrossed with Anna's words that the cheering sounded like a far-off college lecture. "Anna…"
"…I am so sorry!" Elsa breathed.
She gently placed her hand on Anna's shoulder.
"I would rather spend my time with you than anyone else" Elsa murmured, in the most comforting tone she could manage.
Anna did not turn back to face Elsa, but her sobs were reduced to heavy breathing.
That's working! Keep doing that!
"If I could always be with you, Anna, I would." Elsa said, softly tugging on Anna's shoulder, carefully trying to turn her around.
Anna suddenly turned back to face Elsa. "Well then, why can't you?" she demanded, her face a melting pot of frustration, heartache, and confusion.
Elsa's smile immediately narrowed, and she let her shoulders tense up. Oh no. How did you let it come to this? Now you're trapped. You can't tell her. Don't let them know!
Elsa looked down at her own hands. "Anna, it's… it's for the same reason that I care about your choice of friends."
Anna watched her sister quizzically, as if clarification was hidden between Elsa's pale cheeks.
The clamor that filled the room was drowned out by the sisters' intense focus on one another. Between them was only silence. Elsa finally spoke up. "I love you, Anna… "
She won't understand. Not with just that. That's no reason to shut out your sister!
The older girl, for a brief moment, considered surrendering to the panic and telling Anna everything. Her supernatural secret was a perilous burden, and she wanted to relieve herself of it… but reminded herself that this was not an option. Realizing that there was no sufficient explanation, she only declared the tragic outcome of the circumstances.
Elsa closed her eyes "…but I have to let you go." The statement seemed to cement the terrible truth that both sisters had been unwilling to admit since their parents died, and Elsa felt emotional blades lodge themselves in her heart. Anna's eyes lost focus, and although she was still turned to Elsa, she appeared to be looking past her.
Hearing the violent winds outside, Elsa forced herself to rise. Stand up, you have to go. You have to leave this situation now!
Elsa gave Anna one more apologetic glance, and turned, softly walking into the darkness of the hallway, returning to her life of solitude.
If only she could know...