Sunday, June, 2nd.

My therapist told me to start a journal because I have, and I quote, 'unresolved issues'. I think she's just tired of me not opening up, I don't blame her though, we've already had 3 sessions and I've done very little talking. Besides the sarcastic comments, she says their my defense mechanism – Obviously.

I think she wants to read this later on, so she doesn't have to wait for me to open up. If that is her intention, i guess I don't have to bother opening up.

So I guess I should start huh? Okay:

My dad hasn't been around lately, I think he's sorting things out with the house and the whole leg situation. He said he would get me the best prosthetic built, but I don't know if I'm strong enough to learn to walk again: Losing your leg is quite exhausting.

Gobber has been seeing me a lot lately though, he often comes to the hospital with bag of greasy fast food. He manage to sneak in some burgers and fries yesterday and we had lunch, but I was sort of woozy on painkillers, so sadly I don't remember what we talked about.

Astrid is taking care of Toothless for me, I just think she's feeling sorry for what happened. It wasn't her fault, but she says she should have done something but I don't think she could have. She likes to take pictures of Toothless and Stormfly together and send them to me when she gets out of school, so at least I know he's okay: I'm still surprise the useless cat hasn't eaten the damn bird yet!

Snotlout came to visit me too, a few days again I think, with his dad. Spitelout stood near the door and Snotlout just sat in the chair by my bed and stared at the empty space where my leg was. Thankfully I was in a lot of pain that day, so they upped my morphine and I was barely awake so I hardly noticed the awkward tension. Snotlout feels guilty I bet, I'm not too sure why though, he wasn't there until they put out the fire, but by then I was already on my way to hospital. I think he's guilty about the whole 'calling me useless' thing.

Speaking of the fire, Gobber mentioned that it disturbed most of the house, including my room, but I thought that was obvious. Anyways, I asked him if there was anything to salvage and he made mentioned that he found a couple of my books, Toothless' cat toy, and a picture of mom, but that was it. I was pretty down about that, but I guess I should be lucky that I didn't, you know, die and all.

I'm getting a little tired from the morphine so I think I'll end this now before I say something regrettable in my half-drugged state.


I was a little bored so I just wrote this up, I'm trying to get myself back into my writing so I might put another part, I dunno. Lol.