This is it, the final chapter, and trust me you will want to read to the very end because I have a huge surprise waiting for you that you don't want to miss. Before I get started on that though I want to thank everyone who read this story and give speacial thanks to Menatron the angel of ideas, for her helping me with stopping the gas attack (boy that came out wrong) as well as Smiles 1998 and Silviatangeld for their constant reviews. Now lets wrap this up.
The following day me, Rapunzel, Elsa, and the Death Force held a private funeral for Sniper, who bravely gave his life in the battle with the Wolf Pack.
"Sniper may have done some bad things in his life." Merida said as she gave his eulogy. "But at the end he tried to make up for his past mistakes and turn over a new leaf. I can proudly say that he did that yesterday. When I first recruited him into my force , at first he wasn't to keen on the idea of having a bomb attached to his skull and forced to go on dangerous missions. But over time he thanked me for what I did for him and told me that it helped make him a better person. That really got to me because my whole goal for the team was to give them a chance at redemption for their past crimes and we got that with Sniper. We may have lost Sniper, but his memory and the sacrifice he gave will not be forgotten. Sniper you will be missed."
The surviving death force members raised their weapons and gave Sniper a twenty one gun salute as me and Rapunzel carried Sniper's coffin to Merida's helicopter. Merida then walked off the podium and helped Elsa fold the Arendelle flag into a triangle and put it on the coffin once it was laid in the helicopter. Sniper may have died here in Corona, but he was very much a Arendelle citizen, thus he was honored like one.
"I can't thank you enough for your help." I said as I shook Merida's hand as her and the force was getting ready to leave. "I don't know if I ever could of stopped Greyson without you.
"Any time." Merida said
Then Merida and Elsa got into the helicopter with the remaining members of the force and headed back to Arendelle.
A few hours later me and Rapunzel covered the Archer lair in gasoline. With the Archer taking the blame for Greyson's death and for everything else for that matter we had to make sure nothing ever was tracked back to us. Which meant the Archer had to be die.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" Rapunzel said as she looked down at her Black Bird costume that was in her hand. Hesitant to destroy it.
"It's for the best." I said as I looked down to the hood that I had been wearing for the past couple of months. "I never put on this costume, aiming for it to become a permanent thing. I put it on in order to protect you and everybody from a dangerous threat. Now that threat is over, so there is no need for me to be him any more."
"But letting the Archer take the fall. Are you sure that is the best? No one will ever know who saved the kingdom."
"A hero doesn't do what they do for the recognition, they do it because it is the right thing to do. Corona doesn't need to know who saved them, they just need to know that they are safe, and they need to trust the monarchs and the people who was put in position to protect them. That is why the Archer must take the fall. Because if the world knew who Greyson was then Corona would never feel safe, and they would never be at peace."
"I guess your right." Rapunzel said as we both threw our uniforms on the metal floor of the lair as well as my bow and her batons, dagger and sonic bird call and doused it in gasoline. Then we walked outside and lit the lair on fire. Letting everything that resembled the Archer burn.
"Its a shame though." Rapunzel said, "I was just starting to enjoy the life of a vigilante."
"Me too Rapunzel" I said with a slight laugh. "Me too."
Terminator woke up a few weeks later to find himself in a jail cell, all by himself on a strange island. Elsa had left me and Rapunzel in charge of taking care of Terminator because Merida said that if she ever saw Terminator again that he would have wished Elsa had killed him. So me and Rapunzel had a special underground prison built of the island that I spent two weeks on after I first was believed to be dead.
"Where am I?" Terminator asked, turning around to see me and Rapunzel standing outside the prison cells with the key.
"Somewhere, where you will never harm anyone else again."
"Ha, you think that this special prison will hold me. I will get out, and when I do, you, Merida, and everyone else will die."
"Actually I don't attend for us to ever meet again." I said. "You see this prison is built on the stranded Island that I spent time on when I was assumed dead. So even if you manage to escape these cell walls then you will still be stranded on the island with no means of escape. And don't say that you can build yourself a raft. Me and Rapunzel spent plenty on time making sure that anything that can be used as a raft was removed.
"I am a vigilante, I don't give a damn about the law." I said. Then as me and Rapunzel turned to walk away Terminator was still banging on his cell bars screaming at us.
Corona had never been at more peace following the next few weeks after the attacks. With The Archer assumed dead, Corona had never felt safer. A memorial service was held for Greyson and I even spoke at it, honoring the man I once knew. Was it hard? Hell yeah it was hard, especially when I condemned the Archer and said the world was better off without him, but it had to be done for the safety of the kingdom.
A lot of people complained that the world would never know just who the Archer was and that he would never face justice for his crimes. But I just told them that it doesn't matter, he was gone and he would never be threat again, and that satisfied them. Well, most of them anyway.
My marriage with Rapunzel had never been more stronger now that everything was back to normal. With the fears of death no longer at every corner, the two of us went back to the way things was before I put on that hood. She was happy, and for the first time in a long time, I was happy.
Rapunzel asked me one day if there would come a day when the Archer would need to return. I told her maybe someday, but for now, I was just happy to be plain old Eugene Fitzherbert.
I heard a while back that it wasn't the mask that made you the hero, that the hero was who you was inside. Do I believe it? You better believe it, because while Corona was finally at peace for now, if anybody ever threatened my kingdom again then rather it be with a bow and arrow, a sword, or even my fist, I will hunt them down, and they will pay for their crimes. Who am I? I'm the Archer!
Two months later Me and Rapunzel got a special call from Elsa wanting to meet up. When the two of us flew over to Arenedelle we were lead to Elsa's office which was, surprisingly dimly lit. Elsa and Merida both where sitting at Elsa's desk and motioned for us to have a sit.
"Ok, what's this all about?" I asked sitting down.
"Something bad has come up," Elsa said "Something that we want both you and your wife to help us with."
"I think I made it perfectly clear that I am out of the vigilante business." I responded.
"My staff knows your secret Eugene," Elsa said "They all promised that they wouldn't tell anyone, but I can only ensure that promise if you agree to my terms. Otherwise I cannot ensure your secret be safe."
"What are you saying?"
"I'm saying something has come up that I need your skills on. And if you refuse it, I cannot promise that my staff will keep your secret."
"You cannot do this." I said
"I am the queen of Arendelle and I know who you are. So yes, I do believe I can do this."
I sighed, she had forced me into a corner, I couldn't risk my secret being exposed, it would only put me and Rapunzel in huge danger.
"What do you want?" I growled, giving in to Elsa's demands.
"We have received reports from America about a program dealing with Artificial intelligence. A program that we believe could threaten the whole population if not eliminated.
"Artificial intelligence? I thought that was just stuff of science fiction?"
"Oh it's real, and very dangerous. That's why we want you and Rapunzel to track down who is making it, and make sure that the program is destroyed, one way or the other.
"Where do I find this program?"
"We don't have much info but what we do know is that it is being made somewhere in New York, by a place known as Stark Industries."
"Do you know what this program is called?"
"Actually we do," Elsa said "I believe I heard them calling it The Ultron Program."
And that my friends is where I am cutting this story off. And as you could tell by the ending the Archer will return. And although I currently have no ideas for a solo Archer Sequel (though that could very easily change.) I am planning to make the Archer sequel a mega crossover with both Frozen and the Avengers in a little story I am planning called
Frozen vs. The Avengers: The Civil War!
I already have some characters planned out from both Disney and Marvel and am planning on Eugene and Rapunzel to be major players in it as you can tell. What I need from you though is to give me some more Disney and Marvel Characters to put in it, and for you to tell me who's side they will be on. Team Frozen or Team Marvel. Help me make this mega crossover the best crossover ever.
Keep a lookout for the Archer to return in Frozen vs. Avengers: The civil war. Coming soon to the Frozen/Avengers crossover page
Till then leave me your final thoughts and give me the characters you want to see in the crossover.