Hey there! So this is my first fanfic (yay)! Hopefully it's not completely rubbish!
I've made a few changes to the story because I can and I think they work. Murtagh and Thorn died from their injuries after leaving Galbatorix's castle but they managed to tell Eragon the name of the Ancient Language (and he can remember it) before they died.
Instead of Nasuada's group of magicians where you join or get persecuted, there is an Empire School of Magic. Every year, magicians go to all the towns, villages and cities in the Empire (including Surda and Teirm) and test the population. Anyone found to have any magical ability is invited to attend the Empire School of Magic. It is seen as a huge honour to be invited and any family left behind will receive compensation. Students are trained to the best of their ability and upon graduation they travel throughout the land helping others.
Please enjoy and if you can spare a minute please please please leave a review! NymeriaBjartskular
(From Inheritance)
"Arya, what is to become of us?"
She hesitated, but he could see that his meaning was clear to her. Choosing her words with care, she said, "I don't know…. Once, as you know, I would have said, 'nothing,' but…. Again, you are still young, and humans often change their minds. In ten years, or even five, you may no longer feel as you now do."
"My feelings won't change," he said with utter certainty.
She searched his face for a long, tense while. Then he saw a change in her eyes, and she said, "If they don't, then…perhaps in time…" She put a hand on the side of his jaw. "You cannot ask more of me now. I do not want to make a mistake with you, Eragon. You are too important for that, both to me and to the whole of Alagaesia."
He tried to smile, but it came out more as a grimace. "But…we don't have time," he said, his voice choked. He felt sick to his stomach.
Arya's brow furrowed, and she lowered her hand. "What do you mean?"
He stared at the ground, trying to think how to tell her. In the end, he just said it as simply as he could.
(end of excerpt)
"In the last few months, Saphira and I have travelled across most of Alagaesia, all the while looking for a safe place to raise the dragons and keep the eggs and Eldunarí safe. We cannot find such a place. The Beor Mountains would be ideal, except for the fact that wherever we would be, it would only be a short flight to the nearest Dwarven settlement. The same goes for the Spine. It is too close to humans and urgals. We considered Du Fells Nangoroth in the Hadarac Desert, the ancestral home of the wild dragons, but it is not all that hard to get to. Vroengard is too well known. We need a place to raise the dragons that is unknown to all except the Riders. We need physical barriers; we need walls and cliffs too high to climb and too imposing to even attempt to try it. Most of all, we need the safety that only distance can provide. We have to make it so difficult to reach us that most won't even consider doing so and that those that do will quickly realise the enormity of the challenges facing them and discard the idea. We have to be far enough away so that even our most determined enemies will be discouraged." Eragon lifted his head, and found Arya with a shocked look upon her face.
"You can't leave! We just defeated Galbatorix! Only now is Alagaesia realising it is free! How can you just abandon the land you were raised in, fought for, almost died for? What will Nasuada do? What will Orik do?" So quiet, Eragon almost missed it, she added, "What will I do?"
"It is for the very reason that Alagaesia is now free and at peace that I must leave. Raising young dragons amidst a populated country would no doubt cause problems. As for what Nasuada and Orik will do, they are both capable leaders and are more than able to lead without me. As for what you will do," at this, Eragon gently grasped Arya's chin and lifted it so he was able to look her in the eye, "You will lead your people as I know you are able to. I will not abandon Nasuada or Orik, and I would never abandon you. I will bind my mirror to each of yours so we will be able to scry each other. I will return. I am not doing this because of Angela's prophecy. The boy she gave that prophecy to no longer exists. He has changed many times since then, for the better I think."
"Yes," she whispered, "for the better. But would you not consider staying in Ellesmera?"
"We cannot. The Riders cannot show preference for any race."
"Oh," she whispered. They both lapsed into silence.
After a few minutes, Eragon said, "However, we will not be establishing the Riders just yet." At this, Arya looked up. "Saphira and I have decided, and the Eldunarí do not oppose us in this, to explore the lands around Alagaesia first. Not only to sate our own curiosity, although that is a factor, but to find out if there are any more dragons in the world and to see if we can discover other people, be they humans, elves, dwarves, urgals or anything else. I will be taking some of the Eldunarí with me, the rest will stay with Blodgharm. I have yet to ask him, but I think he will agree. We will contact you with the scrying mirror at least once a moon's turn for your peace of mind."
"Are you going alone?"
"Well I will be with Saphira, of course, but yes, we will be alone. Do you mind?"
"What if something happens to you? What will happen to the Riders if the Lead Rider falls or goes missing?"
"I can't say that nothing will happen, because I cannot tell the future, but I have to do this. During our travels we will be searching for a place to raise the dragons. Hopefully we will find one. However, if something does happen to me, as the only other Rider, the title of Lead Rider will fall to you."
"I cannot be Lead Rider and Queen of the elves!" Arya said, raising her voice slightly.
Eragon sighed, "I doubt it will come to that, but just in case, I would like to place an incantation on you so that, if something were to happen to me or I do not contact you for one year, you will be given the knowledge of where the remaining eggs and Eldunarí are."
"Why not just tell me now?" she asked, curious.
"I cannot risk the knowledge of the location of the eggs and Eldunarí falling into the wrong hands." Hoping she would not take offence, Eragon quickly added, "It's not that I don't trust you, because I trust you not only with my life, but with my very soul, it's just that I have to take every precaution that I can."
She nodded, "I understand, of course. You have my permission to place the incantation."
"Thank you," Eragon said gratefully. I have one more request, well two actually."
Arya nodded for him to continue.
"First; I suggest that you lower some of the wards around Du Weldenvarden to allow for easier communication between the elves, humans and dwarves. Especially those around scrying, otherwise it will take a long time for messages to get from one monarch to another. Also," Eragon started to smile, "I'm sure that you want to hear my lovely voice and see my handsome face yourself rather than have someone bring you a message from outside the forest." Arya started to blush furiously and Eragon let out a deep laugh.
Trying and failing to seem angry, Arya huffed, "What are you laughing at?"
Still chuckling, he said, "I've never seen an elf blush before." Before he lost his courage, he added, "It makes you look even more beautiful than usual." Of course, this made Arya blush even more, but this time, instead of laughing, Eragon just admired her beauty.
After a few moments, Arya managed to say "Thank you," but her voice was very low. Clearing her throat, she said, "I will present your suggestion to the Council. I agree that we need have more contact with the outside world. Now, what was your second request?"
"I assume that after you meet with Nasuada you will continue on to Tronjheim to speak with Orik?" Arya nodded. "I was hoping that you could bring Roran, Katrina and their daughter Ismira with you and then on to Ellesmera afterwards. Do you think Fírnen could hold that many?"
"I would need to speak with him, but I am sure he could. Why don't you bring them?"
"I need to go and speak to Nar Garzhvog and the urgals." Arya looked at him questioningly and so Eragon proceeded to explain his plans regarding the urgals and their blood-lust, and separately, regarding the dwarves, urgals and Riders.
"The Games seem like the best solution, but regarding the other matter, do you think what you plan is wise?" Arya asked when Eragon had finished.
"I think it is necessary, and I cannot include the one without the other. I have spoken with Saphira and the Eldunarí about this, and they agree with me that this should help cut out future conflict."
"I will not argue with you. You are the Lead Rider and you know what is best," Arya said sincerely. Then she took his hand in hers and together they lay on the ground, watching the stars appear and knowing that their dragons were happy, dancing the dance of dragons.