Okay well I was watching this weird movie today, and it got me thinking about how Leo and Raph would each handle watching a horror movie! And then this idea came!
Beware! I wrote this late at night and didn't re read it.
Good luck!
I shrieked, and my eyes widened in horror as I watched, helpless to defend the young girl that walked through a demented circus.
I silently called out for her, telling her to run. Every time she would turn a corner, I would jump, fearing that the moment would be her last.
My gaze followed intently as she found a large metal trapdoor.
'If you have any common sense… RUN. ' I thought bitterly as she adventured down into the unknown.
My ears picked up a faint sound, and I recognized the sound as a chainsaw.
'Seriously… RUN. Oh my shell, you hear the chainsaw and maniacal laughter, why aren't you running? ' I thought as I nuzzled closer to the warm body that was my brother. He was sitting in the corner of the couch, my head on his shoulder, and my body curled up in his lap.
He welcomed my presence, and kissed my forehead. His whole frame was completely relaxed, while mine was tense and on edge.
I could never understand how horror films didn't even come close to affecting him, but one cockroach? Really? My hero...
So I listened as the music quickened its pace and you just know something bad is going to happen, when this crazed clown jumps in front of the camera. I jump, and manage to halfway stifle a gasp when Raph snaps.
"Chill out Leo… ya gonna give meh a bruise with all yer squirmin! "
I just rolled my eyes and continued to watch as the little girl was brutally sawed in half, then her different parts were juggled by the deranged circus clown.
"How do you watch this stuff?"
"What? Ya scared?"
"I'm 'not' scared of some cheap movie. "
"Well ya sure actin like some baby huh Fearless? Well I guess that nickname doesn't apply right now, huh?" He said with a smirk.
I gave a low growl at his remark before returning to the movie.
I resisted the urge to shudder when the clown started to eat the girls fingers.
"How bout this Leo, if you can last the rest of this movie and its sequel without screamin' or cryin', then I'll start doin them darn extra meditation lesson ya been buggin' me 'bout. Deal?"
I lifted my head from his shoulder to where I was looking up at him. "And if I lose…?"
Raph's smirk turned darker, "Then you will be my bed side servant for a month. "
"Bed side servant?" I questioned.
"Yeah, ya know, like if I get hungry, or thirsty… or horny… " he grinned at me, and I couldn't resist the urge to smile back.
"You. Are. Terrible. "I laughed, and he pressed on.
"Oh, whatever… you love me banging you every chance I get." He practically beamed at me while playing with the ends of my bandana tails.
"Deal?" He asked again.
I thought for a second before deciding.
"Deal. " I said confidently.
My red banded brother narrowed his eyes at me with a predatory smirk, and I almost regretted my decision… almost.
I was literally biting down on the ends of my bandana tails to keep from bolting from this couch and running straight to the Shredder for comfort.
I had barely managed to keep my screams inside during the first movie. I thought that the worst was over with, but THIS… I didn't know how these movies were even legal!
Is there a limit to how many people can die in a single movie?!
Raph would look at me and laugh, but I just bit down harder.
My teeth hurt something awful, but not as much as my pride if I was ever made to be Raph's servant…a slave…
So no. I wasn't going to crack… no matter how many people get eaten by a flesh eating parasite, or get thrown into a lake infested with leeches.
My skin crawled at the images.
Like right now, this psychopath was chasing around an injured, one legged man that had had one eye burned out of his skull.
But the gore didn't seem to bother Raph too much. He seemed completely unfazed by the same images that I knew would haunt my dreams.
Suddenly the psychopath catches the dude and shoves a stick through his heart.
Blood is rushing out of the mans nose, mouth, and even his missing eyeball socket.
I turned away from the screen and gagged. I gave a small groan, before Raph patted me on my shell.
"Leo the movies not over! The guy still has to find his child and the dog! Oh never mind… the dog-"
"Stop!" I yelled before pulling away from him.
"Oh Leo… ya givin up already?"
I processed my options, before risking a glance at the tv.
I saw the dogs intestines getting eaten by the killer.
"Not the dog!" I swiftly grabbed the remote and hurled it at the tv. It bounced off of the off switch, and I sighed in relief.
"Ya know… I don' think that's what remotes are for…" Raph said with a smug expression. I just looked at him, breathing heavily as I just processed the fact that I lost. That I couldn't handle some stupid horror movie.
"Guess I'll be see'in ya tonight, babe…" he said slowly, watching carefully for my reaction.
I growled at the pet name that he uses when he wants me to be submissive. Like tonight, I'll basically be a slave to him.
He jumped off of the couch before heading up to his room.
"Eight o'clock. Don't be late. "
I looked away and gave a soft pout before returning to my own room.
As I walked up the stairs I couldn't help but laugh.
In all honesty, the bet didn't matter.
If I had won the bet, and had finished the movie, I wouldn't be able to sleep without Raph there to ward off the nightmares.
But since I lost the bet, then I have a full excuse to sleep next to Raph and it not be because I'm incapable of surviving without him.
So... Technically… the only thing I lost in the bet was the meditation lessons for Raph. But hey, Raph's wild side was always better in bed. ;)
Okay! So… a lot of people have asked me to write more to my stories so I'm giving you a choice.
Do you guys want to see Leo be Raph's bedside servant?
~Midnightdam56 ;)