Hey babies! This is one I wrote for Draco Malfoy's birthday. Enjoy. xx ZC

He re-read the reports and cursed again. "How the fuck can this happen?" He muttered.

"Language" His partner and friend, Theodore Nott replied.

"Why the fuck would the witness withdraw her statement?" He rambled on.

"Lang-", "If you tell me mind my language again then I swear to Salazar I will not be responsible for any spells you'd have to endure" Ever the calm and collected Malfoy, Draco Malfoy, fired off. Not a single feature in him indicating that he was calm. Or collected.

Theo raised both his hands in surrender. "All right, all right, now don't go getting your panties in a bunch"

Draco sighed a heavy sigh as he pushed away the offending files. "If I need to get Skyezer free of all charges, I need to get the witness to confess. She's got the ball in her court"

"Isn't there any other way?"

He shook his head. "The only other way is to get the victim to talk. Considering that he is in a coma, that's…uhmm a minor inconvenience"

Sarcasm really did suit him. Especially when he got all riled up on a case.

Knock knock.

"Where's the birthday boy?!" Came a singsong voice as their other friend, Blaise Zabini poked his head through the door.

"A really, really bad time" Theo mumbled before Draco could go off the handle again. Draco grumbled in response. "Why? What's up, my newly single- ready to mingle bachelor?" Blaise said resting one hand on Draco's shoulder. The latter brushed his hand away before going to stand near the window. Blaise quirked an eyebrow at Theo.

"Witness withdrew her statement"

Unlike both his friends, Blaise had gone into Auror training was now working besides Harry Potter himself. "Shoot from another angle then. Make an impromptu kill"

"Need more time" Draco was tapping his fingers on the bridge of his nose. His sigh that of a defeated, sleep deprived divorcee. Theo looked at him and then at Blaise; who shrugged, before clearing his throat. "We can always plead for more time"

He expected another outburst since that was one topic around which Draco was very sensitive about. They had learnt from experience; the hard way, not to talk about that. About her.

Instead, Draco heaved another shattered sigh before turning around. "I suppose you're right"

"I can go and-" Theo started to say. "No. I will go. I will talk to Hermione Granger"

"Weasley" Blaise corrected.

Draco grunted.

"You can go in now" The secretory, the one who couldn't keep her gaze off of him and who giggled with a school girl giggle every time their eyes met, said.

With a brisk nod, Draco started walking towards the door. A door which read; Hermione Weasley.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw her. Sitting behind the plush mahogany desk, with her glasses sliding down her nose ever so slowly, was Hermione. His Granger. She looked up when the door opened and quickly fixed her glasses high on top when she saw him.



She didn't correct him. He didn't expect her to.

"Take a seat"

So he did. She quickly re-arranged her papers into what looked passably orderly. Judge or not, she still radiated the aura of one messy bookwarm. "Why did you want to see me, Mr. Malfoy" She then checked her watch before continuing, "Please make it quick"

Willing his hands not to act to its own accord, a struggle he has to deal with every time he see her, Draco opened his file. "I need you to extend the date to this hearing"

She went through the file carefully before fixing her gaze on him. "The witness is no longer willing to give a testament?" When he nodded, she shook her head no, albeit unwillingly. "I'm sorry Mr. Malfoy, but I can't do that"

"Why not?" He tried to keep the desperation out of his voice.

"There are no rules which says to postpone a hearing if or when the witness withdraws. It's beyond my control"

Desperate now, Draco let a little emotion leak into his voice. "Then make your own rules. This is your court, your rules"

"Draco…" It was rare for him to let emotions rule him like this. It was also rare, very very rare for her to call him that. Draco. She gasped softly as she realised her blunder a little too late.

"Please. Hermione" Draco pushed on. If she was soft enough to call him by his name, then surely he can push her to agree with him. He wasn't a Slytherin for all his noble qualities. Not that he had any.

She shook her head, already knowing his tactics. "No no. You're not pulling that on me" She said running her fingers through her bushy hair, and getting tangled in it in the process. Draco almost smiled at the familiarity of it. The bitter-sweet memories hit him with a pang that left a clenching feeling in his gut.

"Pulling what?" He feigned innocence. "Do that. Call me that. In that voice. Not now. Not today"

He ignored that jab. "Granger please. Just extend it to a month. See if the victim wakes up. If he doesn't, in that time period, then by all means, decide what you will. All I'm asking is for a little time"


"We're talking about the life of an innocent man" She sighed. A sigh, despite how many years that had passed, he knew all too well. It was a sigh of caving in. "All right. But just this one month" He nodded his thanks and stood up. "But Malfoy…" She began. "I don't do favours"

"I know" He nodded again.

It went better than he expected. They both respected their careers and was professional enough to not let an adolescent romance get in the way. The fact that he was still not over it doesn't matter. The fact that she has long since moved on was something else.

"Draco" She whispered. So softly that he wondered if she had wanted him to hear her at all. He turned around again, an eyebrow arched.

"Happy birthday"

In 17 years, this was the first time that she had wished him. In 17 years, he had sent her birthday gifts with letters without fail. Only to be at the receiving end of utter silence. And here she was, after 17 years; with slight wrinkles adorning her face, wishing him a happy birthday.

"You remembered"

She nodded and for some reason looked down at her locket. "Thank you" She whispered again.

"Whatever for?"

"For the gifts. And the letters"

Draco nodded, not sure if this was really happening. Was she willing to talk about this?

"You're always welcome" He managed to say.

She bit her lower lip, unconsciously giving away just how nervous she was. "I…uh…talked to Rose"


He wasn't sure why she wanted to continue this talk. She had done perfectly well in not talking to him, unless it was in the courthouse. Yet here she is, not only talking, not only mentioning his stubbornness in not letting her go, but also bringing up what he had wrote in those letters.

"They're not dating. Rose and Scorpius, I mean. In fact, she tells me that Scorp likes a Hufflepuff" Draco willed himself not to shudder. "They're best friends" She smiled a half smile.

"Imagine that"

She shook her head, "Not that easy, no"

He didn't know what to say to and neither did she. After what seemed like an atrociously awkward silence, Draco mumbled, "Well…I must be going"


"Thank you" Draco smiled at her, a genuine one before closing the door shut.

Hermione Granger, his Hermione Granger had wished him on his birthday. He was grinning by the time he reached his office. Theo and Blaise were still there waiting for him. "So I'm assuming that she extended the date?" Surprise evident in Theo's voice at the change in demeanour of Draco.

"What? Oh yes" He grinned. "Where are you taking me to? It's my birthday after all" He smacked Blaise's shoulder and winked at Theo.

Blaise laughed grabbing his cloak. "Boy, Granger sure knows how to put a sour wolf in a good mood. What did she do?"

"Why, it's my birthday. She did nothing but wish me" And consequently made this birthday the best one in the history of birthdays. Well except for that one 19 years back. But that's another story.

Hope you liked it.

Might write a third and final chapter if you guys want to. But its all up to you lovely minions.

ZC loves you all xx