The forests of Gravity Falls were nothing short of a mystery. There were always reports of seeing strange beasts and creatures from inside the woods. The people of Gravity Falls knew to be cautious, even if they didn't always know why, and they rarely went deep into the forest. If they did they would find something quite odd. They would find two children, twins actually, that made their home in those woods. However these twins were not normal kids. In fact they were not human at all. Those two little children that lived deep in the forest were actually made of shadows, and the two would feed on mischief and loved to cause trouble.

Their names were Dipper and Mabel. No one ever gave them those names, as far as they could remember, but they knew that was what they were meant to be called. They didn't even know where they came from or how they came to be, but here they are now lurking in the forest.

Out of the two of them Mabel was the more outgoing one. She wasn't afraid to step out in the light, where she could be seen, to have her fun. She would constantly venture out to the edge of the forest where the humans would be and cause trouble for them. Her brother Dipper was just as quick to have fun, but he was much more cautious than his sister. He had his fun when he knew there was absolutely no way for him to get caught. Neither of them really knew anything about humans, but they were different so they had to be dangerous right? Mabel didn't really think so. She actually thought they were kind of cute, but Dipper thought they were so he made sure his sister never got too close to them, but Dipper couldn't keep her out of trouble forever. In fact it wouldn't be long until both of them were closer to humans than either of them ever planned.

Mabel was chasing her brother through the forest again. The two did this sort of thing to have fun. One of them ran through the trees, jumping in and out of shadows along the way, and the other tried to catch them. It was like a big game of tag. The two laughed as they made their way through the forest they called home. Suddenly Dipper noticed that Mabel wasn't chasing him anymore. He looked around and then sighed when he saw his sister at the edge of the woods. She must have gotten distracted by the humans again, and, to his dismay, her black, shadow form was only half hidden behind a tree.

Dipper quickly and silently sneaked up behind his sister and grabbed her. Mabel squealed as Dipper dragged her away from the open light.

"Hey! Dipper what are you doing?" Mabel asked as Dipper lead her away. He turned to her looking irritated.

"Mabel I thought we agreed we wouldn't go near them!" Dipper said angrily. Mabel pouted at her brother in response.

"But Dipper they're so cute! They're pink and fleshy- it's adorable!" Mabel continued to talk about how 'cute' she thought the humans were, and Dipper sighed.

"Yeah, and we're dark and shadowy- not adorable. They might not react well to what we are!" Dipper argued.

Mabel scoffed at her twin in response. "Speak for yourself. Of course we're adorable! I mean just look at me!" she said as she made the cutest face she could. Dipper still didn't look convinced and continued to stare Mabel down. "Okay Dipper, I won't go near them." she grumbled.

"Good, thank you-"

"But you have to listen to me make annoying noises for the rest of our natural lives! Whomp, whomp, whomp, whomp..." Dipper covered his ears at the sound his sister was making. She wasn't kidding when she said annoying.

"You know what? Fine! Go on and get yourself into trouble! See if I care!" Of course he cared a lot, but maybe if he pretended that he didn't she would feel bad and not get herself into trouble, but of course that plan didn't work because Dipper is an idiot.

"Okay see ya Dipper!" Mabel called out as she ran out of the forest laughing. Dipper slapped his forehead and grunted. There wouldn't really be any sort of point in chasing after her since she was a lot faster than him when she wanted to be. He just hoped she'd be alright on her own. She could handle herself right? As long as she didn't get caught, Mabel would be fine.

Mabel swiftly ran along the beat up, dirt road. This was going to be the best day ever! She knew that Dipper wasn't being serious, but she was going to take what she could get, and she didn't give him any time to tell her not to go off on her own! In a short time Mabel made it to the end of the road and she found herself standing in front of a building. It looked old and worn down by time and weather. It had the words "Mystery Shack" made of wood nailed up on the roof. However the 's' had half fallen off, but Mabel thought that old building had a very cool and interesting look to it.

Mabel quickly jumped into the shadow cast by the building as some people walked out the door. Her body joined with the shadow, and she was now unable to be seen. Sure Mabel thought better of humans than Dipper, but she was still a little cautious. All day she had fun by watching the humans and causing them a little trouble by knocking things over and tying peoples shoe laces together.

Once the people were gone out of site Mabel slipped through the door to the Mystery Shack. Still hidden within the shadows she gazed silently at the people in the building. They were all standing around looking at things like t-shirts and bobble heads. Mabel jumped into the shadow next to the counter where a bored looking red headed girl sat reading a magazine. Mabel never got to see people so up close before, and it looked like this one wasn't going anywhere any time soon!

Mabel sat in the shadow for what seemed like hours but was really only twenty minutes. Eventually, everyone but the red head left the store and an old man wearing a suit and fez walked into the little shop.

"Finally, it's closing time! Meaning it's also time to count those suckers money!" he said with a triumphant smile. Mabel giggled at the old man. She thought he was cute in a weird, old person sort of way.

"Hey did you hear that?" asked the red head counter girl.

'Oops,' Mabel thought to herself. 'I must have been loud...'

"What are you talking about Corduroy?" the old man asked. "I didn't hear anything."

"Hmm... it must have been my imagination then." 'Corduroy', what an odd name, said. She still seemed suspicious, and it was making Mabel nervous. What if she was found out?

The old man just shrugged and left the building. He was muttering something about going out to some place Mabel had never heard of. Then, when Mabel thought no one was looking, she slipped out of the shadow she had been hiding in and made her way for the door. However she froze in place when she heard a faint gasp behind her.

"I knew I heard something!" the cashier girl exclaimed from behind her.

Mabel turned around nervously. She knew she should have run away, but she felt like her feet were glued to the floor. Maybe Dippers paranoia was rubbing off on her more than she thought... Mabel began to fidget and was obviously distressed.

"Hey calm down I'm not gonna hurt you or anything." the girl said when she noticed Mabel's nervousness. "You know whatever it is that you are,"

Mabel straightened her back out and looked the teenager in the eyes. She was trying to look tough, but it was obvious she was still on edge.

"Okay... it looks like you're already kinda freaking out on the outside so I'll just freak out on the inside." she said awkwardly. "So like, do you have a name or something?"


"Well uh, it's nice to meet you Mabel." she said while holding out her hand. "I'm Wendy,"

Mabel turned towards Wendy and shook the other girls hand shyly. Wendy retracted her hand looked at it in awe. "Whoa that was weird. It was like I was touching something but at the same time I wasn't."

Mabel smiled at Wendy. "Yeah that's how we feel all the time! You get used to it though."

"We?" Wendy said confused.

"Oh! Yeah I have a brother! His name is Dipper. He's probably looking for me by now thinking I've gone and gotten myself killed or something like that." Mabel said while waving her arms around.

Wendy laughed lightly at Mabel's silly actions. She was still a little shaken by the whole situation, as she had never come into contact with a person that looked like a silhouette before, but she was becoming more comfortable. "You're alright kid." Wendy said with a smile. Mabel's smile grew even more. It looked like she had a new friend!

Dipper had been pacing for a while now. He walked around the same tree over and over while biting his nails. Mabel had been gone for hours now, and he had no idea where she was! He was an idiot telling her to leave! Of course she was going to take it seriously! He'd have to go after her. After all, chasing your sister down after you told her to do something dangerous is something all brothers did right?

Dipper groaned and ran towards the edge of the forest. He scanned the area as he half hid behind a tree and saw a road.

"Okay she probably followed this path... I just need to do the same!" he said to himself. As he walked along the edge of the woods he just hoped he was going the right way.

Eventually the road ended and Dipper was standing in front the Mystery Shack. 'If I'm lucky then Mabel should be around here somewhere..." Dipper thought. 'If I'm not lucky then I went in the wrong direction, and she's no where near here.'

He looked around the Mystery Shack and checked all the shadows that she may have been hiding in. He wanted to call out her name, but he was too afraid that humans may be near by, and he wasn't going to risk getting himself caught. Suddenly he noticed voices coming from inside the old building. Dipper tip toed his way to the front door. he slipped into a nearby shadow and made his way through the doors small opening. Once he was inside he saw his sister covered in sparkles with a human girl.

"Mabel!" Dipper yelled as he jumped out of the shadow he was in. He rushed over to his sister and got in front of her defensively.

"Don't worry Dipper! She's cool!" Mabel said to her brother with a laugh. She stepped out from behind Dipper and went back towards Wendy. "This is my new friend Wendy! She introduced me to glitter, and I owe her my life for that." Wendy smiled down at him and held out her hand. Dipper was hesitant, still not being completely trusting of this random human, but he took her hand cautiously.

Mabel told Dipper about everything she saw while hanging out in the Mystery Shack. Little by little Dipper's uneasiness edged away, so he was at least a little less stressed. If Dipper could blush Mabel had a feeling he would because as they talked it seemed like he was really taking a shine to Wendy. The three of them chatted a little longer, well Mabel did most the talking since Wendy and Dipper were still kind of tense in the situation, before Wendy told them that she really had to close up shop and get home.

"Feel free to come back tomorrow guys!" Wendy said to the twins just before they left the shack. "I can introduce you to Soos! He left early today, so you didn't see him, but he'll be here tomorrow." They nodded their heads and waved goodbye to their new friend. The two slipped into a nearby shadow, and happily made their way back home into the forest.

Wendy locked the door to the Mystery Shack and pocketed the key. Stan wasn't back yet, but that was probably a good thing. Wendy didn't know how to explain the twins to her boss. You know, whatever they were...

K well, I feel like it's still awkward in places and it kind of bothers me, but I've done as much as I can without anyone else reviewing it. Since I don't think I was all too clear about the twins they look like silhouettes with whited out eyes- it's a common design style but I felt that it served the purpose for Dipper and Mabel being shadow people. Right now they can jump into shadows and basically become one with it to hide. They're going to have more powers, but they won't be discovered until later.