DISCLAIMER:I DON'T OWN Naruto or the Incredibles

The response to my personal first chapter for this story was really good so thanks for that. I only hope I can replicate it once again in this chapter.


CHAPTER 7: Spying on a spy who's spying

It was a cold dark night, filled with a mist that prevented the average man from seeing further than a metre in front of them. It was a scene that screamed danger… and it would be the perfect night for Naruto's first ever mission.

It would be a mission so dangerous that he needed to keep his cell phone on him at all times in case he needed to call his mommy for help… damn he hated Lingerie-chan sometimes.

It was a mission he likes to call… OPERATION: SPY ON KABU…

Not the most redeeming mission he knew, but it was something, and at least he would get to test out his stealth skills right… Whatever, so it was a mission he was assigned by Cana to see if Lucius truly was going bowling with Bob on a Wednesday night… that didn't mean he was desperate…

Ok, Ok, he was desperate. So much so, that he had even ran up and hugged Violet the very first moment he saw her at school before proceeding to tell her everything about his first mission. Looking back on it however, Violet probably didn't hear much of what was said as she seemed to lock up and go glassy eyed as soon as Naruto initiated the hug…

When the time finally came however, Naruto had managed to calm himself down before he got ready to… stalk Lucius and his friend… … … Well, whatever works right?

Placing on his super suit, Naruto admired his pure awesomeness in the mirror for a few moments before he took off into the night. Now as Naruto didn't exactly have a money tree, he was limited to following Lucius and Bob on foot…

Now, some of you may be wondering 'how the hell could Naruto keep up with a car?' Well simply put; he couldn't. What he could do however, was follow the tracking device that was attached to Lucius's super suit which he had conveniently placed inside the car earlier.

Anyone who thought Naruto was dumb should be ashamed… and know that it had actually been Cana's idea… Still, with a plan as good as this one almost nothing could go wrong right?

Not even needing the tracking device for the first leg of the… spying… Naruto quickly made his way through numerous shortcuts on his way to the Parr's place. With all his manoeuvring, the blonde was able to reach the Parr's place just as Lucius was rolling up their driveway.

Deciding to stay out of sight, Naruto waited until Lucius had backed out with Bob in the car before he began to follow them with tracking device in hand. Naruto never noticed however, the soft footsteps that seemed to follow him on his way.

Darting from alleyway to alleyway, Naruto was managing quite handily to keep out of sight from everyone on his trek following Lucius and Bob. It was with no small amount of suspicion that Naruto noticed that he was currently travelling in the exact opposite direction of the bowling alley.

It looks like Cana's suspicions held merit after all.

Finally noticing that the tracking device had come to a halt, Naruto soon found Lucius and Bob parked in an alleyway by themselves. Deciding to hide in the shadows across the street from them, the blonde haired boy began the actual spying part of his mission.

As intuitive as his senses were however, Naruto was unable to hear what the pair was talking about and opted to get closer. Before he could move though, he noticed a black car pull up on his side of the road. Cursing his luck, the blonde made a greater effort to hide himself as he took refuge behind a bin that had conveniently been nearby.

Looking into the car that had pulled up, Naruto noticed it was a white haired woman at the wheel who seemed to be on the phone.

"He's not alone… the fat guy's still with him… their just talking"

Naruto balked for a minute before he realised that the white haired lady must be talking about Lucius and Bob… there weren't really any other fat guys around at this time of night after all. It was only then that Naruto realized that this white haired lady was spying on Lucius and Bob for some reason.

Did that mean the he had become the greatest spy/ninja of all time?

After all, he was currently spying on a spy who was spying on Lucius and Bob… Bah, what was he thinking, this was some serious stuff if what he believed to be happening was true… still, that thought didn't stop the arrogant smirk from crossing Naruto's lips.

Before Naruto's ego trip could reach any higher however, a shout came from Bob as Lucius began driving out of the alleyway.


For the life of him, Naruto didn't know what the hell Bob was going on about but felt his suspicions confirmed when the white haired lady began following them. Naruto was just about to follow them to but as he turned to begin his spying, he seemed to smack into something invisible and toppled forward as a result.

Shock covered the blonde's face as he looked down at what he had crashed into, only to realize that it was the quickly un-invisiblising (... you get what I mean right?) form of Violet. Being so surprised by the fact that Violet was there, Naruto neglected the very compromising position he found himself in… Violet sure didn't however…

Blushing up a storm, Violet soon turned invisible again which caused Naruto some confusion before his brain finally realized the situation they had been in. Blushing himself, he quickly jolted away before falling on his ass next to the rubbish bin he had previously been hiding behind.

"Violet… are you still there?" Naruto eventually called out much more timidly then he'd been hoping. It wasn't until a full minute later that he got his answer in the form of Violet un-invisiblising once more in front of him.

You could practically cut the awkward tension with a knife as the two sort of just sat there trying to think of words to say. Eventually however, Naruto finally remembered his mission and that gave him the necessary jolt needed for him to get his mouth working again.

"… How did you get here?"

Violet remained silent for a while before she eventually replied in a voice so soft even Naruto had to strain to hear it.

"…I-I-I followed you"

And just like that Naruto collapsed into a pit of depression. To think his ego had just risen to new heights seeing as he was spying on a spy… only to hear that Violet had followed him the whole way from her house… talk about destroying a guy's ego…

Violet however didn't know what she had done to depress Naruto so much and was getting a little scared as the heat seemed to drop around them… the proverbial raincloud certainly didn't help either.

Remembering back on the reason behind her following Naruto in the first place brought a blush back to her face however.

xX – Flashback – Xx

"Vi, could you come here a minute please" Came the annoying voice of Helen (to Violet anyway) as said girl sighed at the hassle of it all before she eventually made her way from her room towards her mother.

Arriving in the lounge, Violet saw that Helen was on the phone and was just about to turn back when her mum caught sight of her and gave her a sharp look. Sighing once again Violet walked over to where her mum was standing and listened in as Helen looked around suspiciously… for some crazy reason… before she put the phone on speaker.

It was a little suspicious to Violet as she heard Cana's voice shout out a hello to her before asking if Naruto had said anything special to her that day. Looking back on the hug she had received from Naruto that day brought a blush to her face which caused Helen to giggle to herself comparatively.

"… W-W-Well, he might h-have" Responded Violet.

"What do you mean he might have?" was the response of Cana.

"… Well, he was s-so excited this morning that h-he g-gave me a big h-h-hug and started talking a lot"

This caused Helen to practically sing and Violet was sure that Cana would be the same on her end.

"Well then, what did he say?" Helen asked her daughter. This caused the girl to blush furiously in embarrassment however as she realised that

"I-I-I kind of blanked out after he hugged me…"

"Hahahahaha" Both Helen and Cana burst out laughing much to the increasing embarrassment of Violet. Helen even fell to the floor as she lost control of herself.

"I-I can't believe you-you blanked out hahahaha" Cana finally spoke up as she eventually got over her giggles only to start up laughing again.

Turning invisible, Violet wanted to just go dig a hole and die in it but she was prevented from doing so by her mother who although shaking, managed to haul her in.

"Ohh, honey, we don't mean anything by it. In fact, we even have a way you can redeem yourself." Helen's words quickly gained Violet attention as anything did when it came to Naruto. Seeing that she had her daughter's attention she continued to tell her daughter how she could in fact 'redeem' herself.

"Cana has assigned Naruto a 'mission' to spy on Lucius and dad to see if they are really going bowling on Wednesday nights… Cana's even told me he's going to wear a TIGHT 'super suit'. What we want you to do is simply join him on his 'mission' and see what you can do, isn't that right Cana"

"errr yeah, that sounds about right. Just be sure to be ready to find and follow Naruto once Lucius arrives to pick up Bob okay"

xX – Flashback End – Xx

And now here she was… botching up another chance with Naruto… Well no more, she was going to be the one to speak up first this time and tell him exactly how she felt about him.

"So how about we follow Lucius and your dad then huh?"

'I'll kill him' thought Violet as she silently raged at the boy she was crushing on. How dare he speak up before after she had been pumping herself up to confess to him! What kind of jackass does that? Errrr…

A red aura seemed to seep off of Violet and Naruto instinctively took a step back as he felt a sudden urge to run for the hills. Looking back up at Violet Naruto saw what would remain the scariest sight he would ever know.

The aura around Violet exploded out as a crimson red and Naruto got his second glimpse of Violet's whole face… except this time it wasn't as pleasant…

An enraged snarl took over her face as she looked down at his shivering form with a superior glance that said she would squash like a bug… but he wasn't even worth the effort. If that wasn't enough, her hair flew up from her face to form nine points and with the crimson tint they almost looked like… tails…

If ever asked about what happened next Naruto would vehemently argue that when he fell back onto his ass earlier, there had been a puddle where his ass landed… he definitely did not pee himself at that moment… not even a little.

Seeing that Naruto had got what he deserved for… not being able to read her mind… Violet let up her womanly aura of death and allowed Naruto to arise from his spot in the 'puddle'.

Quickly realizing just how much time they had wasted Naruto used his heat powers to get rid of the… puddle residue… and grab onto Violet's hand before he began following the tracking device once more.

And just like that, Violet found that it was now her that was the one who was trying and failing to stand properly as she just stared at the their link… their connecting hands. What seemed like the billionth blush crossed Violet's face as she was continually dragged on by Naruto.

Luckily, they didn't have to go very far at all, but when they came across the car they saw it had been ditched all together. Though it was parked in an alleyway on the same street as a burning complex and a jewellery store, then it clicked for Naruto. Bob had been shouting and going on about a fire.

They must have gone in to save the people from the fire. Sticking to the shadows, Naruto looked to see if he could find that spy he had been spying on. Sure enough he found her within sight of the car with her attention completely focused on the apartment complex and her phone.

The blonde boy then checked the back door of Lucius's car and let out a smile as he found it was left open. Jumping in with Violet, the two then began their wait for Lucius and Bob to show up.

And man was it an awkward wait. Subtle twitches were about the only thing that existed in the back seats of that car. But then, out of nowhere the burning apartment complex collapsed in on itself. Now Naruto and Violet were worried and then the alarm went off in the jewellery store and a bunch of police cars seemed to come out of nowhere.

Utter chaos would be how Naruto described it but luckily for him, just before he was going to get out of the car and look for Lucius and Bob they arrived in the front seats. What a coincidence…

"That was to close, we are not doing that again" Came the voice of Lucius as he and Bob entered the car.

"I'll say" was Naruto's input under the circumstances. It was about a minute later, after the car had already driven a few blocks away that Lucius and Bob finally realized that the voice had come from the back seat. Slowly both their heads turned to the back seats simultaneously.

"Well shit"

Chapter End

Hope you enjoyed it

Updates will be random as I am starting my first year studying engineering and will no doubt have less time for fanfiction but I will do my best within reason.

Hopefully it wasn't to fluffy for you

As you can probably tell, Naruto has already changed what the storyline is a little by spying on the spy… well see where that leads us huh.

Until next time…