This is the sequel to What Happened in Venice?

The Temple of Venus in New Rome was elegant and richly decorated with marble statues of the goddess and luscious banners of pink silk draped from the walls. Percy felt a little jab of resentment as he saw the offerings and burning torches. There were platters piled with fruit –chocolate covered strawberries seemed to be a favorite- and so many vases of roses that he was sure even Persephone would be a little jealous. The Poseidon Temple wasn't even in the same league.

He tried not to let it get to him. After all, the Romans credited a child of Aphrodite as the founder of their empire so it made sense that they'd suck up to her.

"Are we sure this is going to work?" asked Nico as he looked around uncomfortably. "I mean it's Aphrodite who owes you the favor. Do you think Venus will pay up?"

"I can't really think of another way to contact her," he said, the situation making him feel like an obstinate teenager despite his twenty-one years.

"Well, go for it," Nico smirked at him.

"You know, we could try to get her attention another way," he said smirking back. "I mean, she is the goddess of love and-"

"Percy," Nico interrupted with an arched an eyebrow. "We're asking for a favor. Maybe we should try not offending her before doing it?"

"Had to try." Percy grinned at him and turned toward a giant burning brazier in front of the altar. He cleared his throat and shrugged.

"Umm Aphrodite and or Venus?"

Nico smothered a chuckle next to him, making him smile.

"Uh hello?" he tried again.

"Great goddess of love?" piped Nico.

"Maybe we should have tried an Iris Message…"

"We could try Cupid's Temple," said Nico. Percy turned on him in disbelief.

"Wow, things are bad if you're suggesting Cupid."

"I just really want this to work," he replied, staring intently at one of the statues..

"We'll find another way even if this doesn't work," Percy promised and kissed his cheek.

"You two are just the cutest!"

Standing behind them and munching on a chocolate covered strawberry, was the great goddess of love. She was wearing designer jeans and a flimsy white baby-doll top and still managed to look elegant and lovely. Her hair was blond and done up in curls with few strategically escaping tendrils.

"Lady Aphrodite," said Nico respectfully.

"Hey," said Percy, his tone more casual.

"You're so cute that I might even forgive you for not inviting me to the wedding," she said pointing an accusing strawberry at them.

"Oh, uh, it was just a small wedding," Nico said hastily.

"Yeah it was just family and a few close friends," agreed Percy. He wasn't as knowledgeable as Nico but he knew enough to understand what kind of trouble could come from gods going into a snit over not being invited to a wedding.

"Technically I am your aunt, but no matter. Can I ask why you've called me?" she asked with a gleeful expression that struck Percy as wrong.

"Well," Nico began, looking from him to her.

"That favor you promised me four years ago?" Percy asked stepping forward.

"I seem to recall," Aphrodite said choosing another strawberry. She was smiling to herself like she knew a secret no one else did. Percy suddenly felt like an idiot.

"I'd like ask for it."

"I hope you've thought of something good," she said happily but there wasn't as ounce curiosity in her voice.

"Well, we were hoping for a pink corvette."

"What?" both she and Nico said at the same time.

"Yeah a pink corvette, like Barbie," Percy said evenly.

"Percy!" Nico stepped forward but his husband gave him a placating look.

"I…are you sure?" Aphrodite asked, looking slightly panicked. "A goddess owing you a favor is no small thing. You could ask for anything, literally anything!"

"Well we couldn't think of anything else. We have a house, we're happy, our friends are happy and safe, it seems like we have it all," he said shrugging.

"But you don't!" Aphrodite said in incredulity. "I mean, don't you want to share all that happiness with someone?"

"I share it with Nico," Percy said simply.

"No, I mean-"

"You mean a baby," he said with a hint of anger. "You knew what we were going to ask for today. I bet you knew four years ago!"

"I didn't know, but I hoped," she said gently.


"Babies are one of the best parts of finding your true love, they are the product of it, the symbol of it. Children of true love do great things."

"And what great things are you hoping for exactly?" asked Percy.

"Just…great things!" she replied helplessly.

"A baby shouldn't be born with those kinds of expectations, trust me, I know," Percy said stonily.

"So you don't want a baby?" she asked impatiently.

Percy could feel the beginnings of a bad mood rippling off of Nico. He knew they both wanted this but he couldn't bring a baby into this world knowing a god already had schemes in place for it.

"I want the baby free of any plans involving you," he said firmly.

"You do realize that includes any plans of love?" she asked in a superior tone.

"Wait. It'll never fall in love?" asked Nico with a creeping edge of horror in his voice.

The temple was silent as they stared at Aphrodite. Percy knew the chance he was giving up but he wasn't going to budge on this. They could still adopt or something. Aphrodite sighed and put down the plate of strawberries.

"What if I promised to only plan its love life?" she asked. "I won't do anything that doesn't directly affect that part of its future."

"Why?" asked Nico.

"Honestly? You two are…well let's just say I don't have many things that turn out this well. I want to see who this child will be. Whether you want it or not your love will shape this child and I'm terribly curious."

Percy gave her a skeptical look.

"I swear it on the Styx," said the goddess seriously. "Whatever fate –besides love—that befalls this child will have nothing to do with me."

Percy and Nico stared at each other for a moment and then turned back to the goddess.

"How do we do this?" asked Percy. Aphrodite clapped her hands together and grinned. "Well, I'll be needing some of your genetic material!"

"Umm…" said Percy and looked at Nico who turned several bright shades of red.

"Some blood will do since I'm in a hurry," she said rolling her eyes. Suddenly she was holding a tray with two syringes, rubber ties, and alcohol wipes.

"Gods, I hate needles…" muttered Percy as he stepped forward.