So...I made this. I've been wanting to do this for a while now, as this is close to the genre I want to write real fiction in. Anyway, leave a review if you want, and I hope you enjoy!

Pairings are Special vs Lucky, Oldrival, Mangaquest, Soulsilver, Frantic, Commoner, Agency, and Dualrival

"Yellow, I know this is hard. Just try to understand." Wilton pleaded.

Yellow sighed, the wistful memories of her parents rushing in her brain at incalculable speeds. Her dad would always put her on his shoulders, and her mom would always let her help bake cookies. They did everything in their power to keep Yellow happy, and to be the best parents in the world, at least to her.

"Did you say something, uncle?" Yellow asked, making eye contact with him.

"Tomorrow is your first day of true high school. How do you feel?" Wilton asked, taking her hand.

"…" Yellow looked down. "I don't know, uncle. I've been homeschooled my whole life, but mom and dad are…"

"Yellow, don't dwell on that. This is what they would've wanted for you, sweetheart. My little brother was really independent, so he wanted to pass on that autonomy to you, too. You're a smart girl, too, so this shouldn't be too hard. After all, you skipped freshman year!"

Yellow laughed a little. "I guess, but I don't even know anybody at Masara High! I'll be surrounded by strangers, and people will pick on me for my looks."

Wilton rolled his eyes. "Why do you think you'll be so hated, Yellow? You're a beautiful young lady! Why, I bet all the boys will be asking you out on dates!"

"N-no!" Yellow stammered in retort. "I don't want them to! I just want someone to homeschool me!"

Wilton shook his head, and stood up from the table. "No, you're too old for that. You need to get out in the world and make some friends, too. There's more to see beyond this house, Yellow. It's a big, wide world out there!"

"No! I hate you!" Very uncharacteristically, Yellow stormed away from the table and dashed upstairs. Slamming the door behind her, Yellow fell into bed, weeping. She knew that tomorrow would spell her doom, having to go to school and be the victim of unfair teachers, bullies, and cliques. She would never fit in! She was just the quiet, geeky girl that always seemed to stand out.

After a few minutes, she sat up and turned and saw that her school uniform was hanging from the nob of her dresser. It was a traditional white seifuku, with a bright yellow neckerchief and a navy blue skirt. She admitted it was cute, but it was still something she had to wear to the one place she didn't want to go: school.

Suddenly, there was a knock on her door. "Yellow? I know you don't wanna talk to me right now, but I just want you to know that I love you, and I want only what's best for you. Sometimes in life, the things that are good for us aren't the things we enjoy, so just walk into school with your head held high, and you never know, maybe it'll be fun. You're a big girl now, so please, try and have the mindset of one. It's almost ten, so you should be getting ready for bed. School starts at eight-thirty tomorrow, so you need to get up by seven. And if you still aren't convinced, and you won't go to school for you or me, go for your parents."

That hit home for her. "Okay…" She replied, a bit guilty from her previous outburst. "I'm sorry about earlier, uncle…I don't hate you. I love you, and I think you're right. I'll try my best."

"It's okay, sweetheart, and I love you too." The older man replied. "I won't ask anything else from you, other than your best. You can have thirty more minutes, then please go to bed. I'm heading there myself."

"Okay, uncle. Good night!" Yellow chirped.

"Night, hun." Wilton replied. Unknowingly to Yellow, he was the happiest uncle, no, man, in the world right now. His niece was growing up.