Maka POV
Every day I wake up at 7:28 am to start my day, I get ready in 15 minutes since I don't apply as much make-up as some of the girls I know then I walk to the same cafe, the one Kid works in. I'm addicted to coffee. Kid knows this all too well. The days I don't have my regular coffee drink, beware. I didn't even know he worked in a cafe until recently. We were talking on the phone and he casually mentioned that he worked there. He worked in Coffee a morte which meant Coffee to Death in italian. It just instantly became a routine that worked well. I always arrived at 7:48 am at the cafe just in time for Kid's last order.
Friday morning I woke up 12 minutes late. I didn't really think much about it so I did everything at the same pace I usually do. I was on winter vacation from university being the holiday season of course. I still went to Coffee a morte as I usually do during vacations too because, as I said before, beware the days I don't have my morning coffee. When I arrived at the cafe, I didn't see Kid. I looked around for him because he's always there. I take a glance at my watch and realize it's exactly 8 on the dot. As I was looking for Kid, I walked up the counter to order my coffee. There was a different man there. He looked around my age, by the way I'm 21, had ruggedly cute silvery-white hair that looked really good in contrast with his tan skin, but the most astonishing thing was his exotic red eyes. They were so entrancing. I didn't want look away, but I did.
"Ahem, I'm looking for a guy named Kid? Is he still here?" I ask him.
"Kid, as in Death the Kid? He just left. He always leaves at exactly 8. That's his car driving away just now." He answers.
True to his word, Kid's car was pulling away from the parking lot. Kid usually gives me a recommendation on what to order or if I should add anything to my coffee.
"Dammit. I suppose I'll have to ask the guy at the counter." I whisper to myself.
"Excuse me, what was that?" The guy asks me.
"Oh nothing. What's your name?"
"Um, my name's Soul."
"I'm Maka. So Soul, what do you recommend?"
"Don't you know what you want to order?" He says a bit rudely.
"I don't think you should be rude to your costumers." I retaliate a bit angered he acted rudely. "Kid always gives me recommendation."
"I apologize. Costumers are usually in a hurry and already know what they wanna order."
"Do I look like I'm in a hurry?"
"Guess not. We have a special today, 's called 'Feisty Peppermint Frap.' It's 3.99."
"Anything I could add to make it taste better?"
"Do you always ask Kid this?"
"Yes, I do. It's sorta a routine I have."
"Well I always add chocolate to anything peppermint."
"Thanks, Soul." I pay for my drink and wait until it's ready.
"Maka! Your drink's ready!" Soul calls out.
"Thanks! See you around I guess."
"Ciao!" He says. I grin because that's the way all employees must say goodbye to their customers, and frankly he just doesn't seem like the type of guy to follow rules. 'I suppose even he knows his place and listens to his work place norms' I think. I wave at him while I leave the cafe. As I head home, I call Kid so he knows I'm ok. Knowing Kid, he'll be wondering why I wasn't there at the usual time.
'Hello?' Kid answers the phone.
'Hey Kid, it's Maka.'
'Oh hey Maka! What's up? How come you didn't go to the cafe? I know you'd never just skip your daily coffee.'
'I woke up later than usual, but I didn't notice. By the time I got to the cafe, you were leaving.'
'Oh, ok then.'
'Soul attended me, is he always rude to customers?
'Soul (shudders). His hair is so ASYMMETRICAL.'
'I thought your OCD was better.'
'It is. I've stopped trying to comb his hair in a SYMMETRICAL way.'
'(sighs) Kid, you and your symmetry.'
'To answer your question, he usually attends university girls who just wanna get it on with him so he tries to be mean to them so they back off which just makes them want to be with him more.'
'All men are pigs. I bet he secretly enjoys the attention.'
'If you could see him while he's attending the girls, you could practically see a dark aura surrounding him.'
'Well, I guess I'll have to see it to believe it.' I say as I hang up.
Soul POV
'Stupid alarm' I think as I turn it off. 'Another boring vacation day at work.' Or so I thought as I get out of bed. I eat breakfast, take a shower and put my work uniform on, brush my teeth, comb my hair, and basically do the same thing I've been doing the whole of winter vacation.
'Why must work be so boring? Just a few more days of the morning shift, and then back to the night one.' I suppose this is what I get for not accepting my parents money, but I don't want a single penny from those shitty excuses of parents. I'm studying something I really don't want to study, but that's as much as I let my parents interfere in my life as an adult. I live alone in an apartment building paying my rent and food and electricity and water, basically all the stuff I need to survive, with the money I get from my job. The only thing that I kept from my parents was the motorcycle they got me for my 18th birthday. Even if I hate my parents, I'm not going to throw away a perfectly good motorcycle. As I drive said motorcycle to work my hair just makes a mess of itself which causes everyone to think that, even though I did, I didn't comb my hair.
As I start my shift, this girl comes in the café with ash-blonde hair in two pigtails that make her look about 16. She's dressed in a black trench coat that opens up as it reaches her legs, a plaid skirt with some sort of black clothing girls wear on their legs, a yellow vest, white shirt, a green & white tie, and some boots. 'At least she put something to cover her legs up.' I thought while I took a glance at her. 'Most girls just wear little short skirts and complain that they're cold.' I looked at her again. She has amazing forest green eyes. They were different than other green eyes I had ever seen. Her eyes were just shouting out," Look at me!". The girl walks up to me.
"Ahem, I'm looking for a guy named Kid? Is he still here?" She asks me.
"Kid, as in Death the Kid? He just left. He always leaves at exactly 8. That's his car driving away just now." I answer.
Kid's car was just pulling away from the parking lot. The girl mumbles something I couldn't make out.
"Excuse me, what was that?" I ask her.
"Oh nothing. What's your name?" She says.
"Um, my name's Soul." I tell her a bit confused.
"I'm Maka. So Soul, what do you recommend?"
"Don't you know what you want to order?" I say annoyed.
"I don't think you should be rude to your costumers." She retaliates angered. "Kid always gives me recommendation."
"I apologize. Costumers are usually in a hurry and already know what they wanna order."
"Do I look like I'm in a hurry?"
"Guess not. We have a special today, 's called 'Feisty Peppermint Frap.' It's 3.99."
"Anything I could add to make it taste better?"
"Do you always ask Kid this?"
"Yes, I do. It's sorta a routine I have."
"Well I always add chocolate to anything peppermint."
"Thanks, Soul." She pays and waits for her drink
"Maka! Your drink's ready!" I call out.
"Thanks! See you around I guess." She says.
"Ciao!" I say just as the work policy requires me too.
'She certainly has a temper' I think to myself. 'How is she Kid's friend? She must get annoyed by his symmetrical ways.'
My break starts and I decide to call Kid and ask him about Maka. No matter how hard I tried my thoughts wandered back to her. 'I think it's because she didn't try to hit on me like the other girls so I'm curious to find out more about her. She didn't even really try to engage me in a conversation like most girls do. I'm definitely not attracted to her. I mean c'mon, she as flat as a board.' I start thinking. I take out my phone and call Kid.
'Why speak of the devil, it's you. Hello Soul.' He answers.
'Hey Kid. Who were you talking to about me?' I ask him.
'No one of importance to you. Anyways, what's up?'
'I wanted to ask you about a friend of yours. Her name's Maka I think.'
'How do you know her?' Kid asks innocently which makes me think he might've been talking to Maka about me. Interesting.
'I took her order today, but she kept on saying that you were better at this than me. It really pissed me off. Plus, she didn't seem to be one of the typical girls that come from uni.'
'She's nothing like those girls. Don't even compare them when she's present because she will beat the crap out of you. She doesn't really trust men, but I can't really tell you the reason since it's kind of personal." At this point I start thinking she might be lesbian. "And, I know what you're thinking Soul. She's not lesbian. She just doesn't trust men easily. I've known her for a long time, and she still has doubts about me sometimes. The guy she trusts the most is actually Black*Star.'
'Wait, she knows Black*Star? And she trusts him?' I ask incredulously.
'Yup. She goes to the same university as us. She's a year younger than us, but she skipped a grade. Plus even though I've known her for a long time, Black*Star knows her since they were toddlers.'
'Wow. I didn't know that. But if she knows Black*Star, how come I've never seen her at one of his parties?'
'Because you get drunk and all horny so you only noticed girls that are wearing very revealing clothes with big breasts. If you've seen Maka, you know why I said that as an answer.'
'I guess you're right. Anyways, my break's over. Thanks Kid. See ya.'
'Goodbye Soul.' Kid hangs up.
I get back to work, but this time I really couldn't stop thinking about what Kid said about Maka.
There's more to come so don't think this story is over yet! I don't own Soul Eater sadly, but I do own Coffee a Morte. I'll post a new chapter soon. Leave reviews if you want. I appreciate reviews. SoMa today, SoMa tomorrow, SoMa forever. (Yes, I took that from The Hunger Games which I don't own either T-T)