by Gunman

Disclaimer: I do not own Colossus, Elsa, X-Men, Frozen or their characters.

Summary: Colossus meets Elsa and the pair become close after realizing that they have something in common.

Inspired by 'Caught In The Web' by FrivolousThoughts, and 'Everyone Loves Spidey' by Maximus-Reborn.
This is basically Colossus hooking up with other women from different universes. And I'm starting with women from other universes instead of Marvel.


Chapter 1
Queen Elsa

The coronation of the new Queen of Arendelle had been an elegant affair.

The newly crowned Queen, Elsa, eldest child of the king and queen, who had tragically died in a hurricane out at sea three years ago, seemed nervous and still as a statue.

Elsa was a beautiful and elegant young woman in a black, pink and bluish dress, with silvery blond hair and gorgeous blue eyes. She was tall and shapely with a slim and elegant figure.

At her side was Anna, her younger sister. A red-haired young woman in a black and green dress. Very cute with a rather perky smile.

In the audience were many noble and distinguished guests. Diplomats and ambassadors as well as royalty from various countries.

Amongst those attending the affair was Peter Rasputin, a talented artist and farm-hand who had come to Arendelle seeking work.

He had been able to make a simple living as a local artist, and because of that he was invited to the castle for the coronation. But Peter had a secret. He was a mutant, born with superhuman abilities that set him apart from most of humanity.

A few years after the events on Alcatraz Island, against the Brotherhood of Mutants and The Phoenix, Peter decided that he wanted to see the world.

He had ended up wandering around the United States and then over to Europe where he found himself in Arendelle.

Despite that the gates to Arendelle had been closed, Peter was able to get into the country and find work there.

With the Queens coronation, the gates had been reopened, so he was not too surprised to see his old friends from the Xavier Academy.

Professor Charles Xavier and his associates: Ororo Munroe, James Logan, Bobby Drake, Katherine Pryde, and UN Representative Hank McCoy had arrived, amongst other distinguished guests.

Throughout the coronation, Peter noticed that Elsa seemed rather nervous and skittish.

He wondered why.

The reception had been a rather pleasant affair. Everyone meeting and greeting the young Queen, mostly for her permission to form a trade-relation with them.

However, Professor Xavier seemed to be keeping his eyes on two particular individuals at the reception.

Then it was Peters turn.

"Greetings, your majesty. I'm Peter Rasputin, a local artist and farm-hand here in Arendelle." the Russian mutant said with a bow.

Elsa and Anna seemed entranced by the handsome young man before them. He was tall and very well build.

"I'm pleased to meet you, Peter." Elsa said, feeling a slight blush take over her skin like she had never felt before.

"Please forgive me if I seem forward, but... would you allow me to paint your portrait?"

"Yes!" Anna spoke up quickly.

"Anna?!" Elsa gasped in shock.

"What? He wants to paint your portrait. That's completely innocent." the younger sister said as she quickly ushered the pair out onto the nearby balcony.

Fortunately, Peter had his supplies with him. He showed her several of his sketches that he had done of the town and the castle, and even one he had done of her at the coronation.

Elsa was impressed with his artistic talent, and agreed, even thinking that this man was quite handsome.

Sitting perfectly still on a stool, Elsa waited patiently while Peter sketched her likeness.

"Is something wrong, Professor?" Ororo Munroe asked the bald, wheelchair-bound telepath.

"Yes. Be on your guard. Something is going to happen. And soon." Charles Xavier said as Ororo went to inform the other X-Men.

It was almost a half-hour later when Peter was finished. When Elsa saw the drawing, she was amazed. It was only a pencil sketch, but she looked gorgeous.

"It's beautiful." Elsa commented.

"Thank you." Peter said.

"Are you sure you didn't exaggerate about certain parts of this?" she asked.

"I can't exaggerate what's already there." he said simply.

Elsa seemed to blush at that.

"How did you get so good?" she asked.

"If you want I can explain it to you more... over dinner?" he asked, a blush on his own cheeks.

"Are you asking the Queen of Arendelle out on a date?" Elsa asked.

"Well, yes." he said. "That is... if you want to."

"I'd... I might like that." she said.

While Peter started adding color to the sketch, Elsa was approached by her sister Anna and Prince Hans of the Southern Isles.

And unfortunately, Elsa was not happy about what Anna had to tell her.

"We want to ask for your blessing for us to get married." Anna said to Elsa.

"What? Anna, you can't be serious." Elsa said.

"Why not? It's a perfectly good idea." Anna said.

"You don't even know him." Elsa said.

"That doesn't matter." Anna retorted.

"Yes it does!" Elsa said. "You just met him."

"So?" her sister replied.

"You've known him for less than a day! Not even an hour! You can't get married to someone you just met."

"You can if it's true love!" Anna retorted.

"What do you know about true love?" Elsa asked.

"Apparently more than you do!"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"What about you and this guy? I heard him ask you out to dinner and you accepted."

"That's different!" Elsa replied.

"How is it different?" Anna asked.

"The difference is I'm going on a date! You want to get married!" Elsa snapped.

"There's nothing wrong with this."

"Except that Prince Hans is planning to marry you only to take your kingdom from you." a voice behind them said.

"What?" Hans gaped.

"Who?" Anna asked as the group turned around to see Charles Xavier and his associates, including Hank McCoy the UN Representative with them.

"I don't know who you are but I will not be slandered like this!" Hans said to the Professor.


A young woman with long brown hair pulled out her phone and pressed one of the buttons on the touch screen.

"So what is your plan, Hans?"

"I'll charm the Princess of Arendelle to like me, fall in love, and convince her to get married. That way, I'll have access to the throne of this little country."

"Are you sure it'll work?"

"Trust me. Arendelle has been cut off from the rest of the world for years. The Princess has never left the palace, so I'm sure she'll be dying for a wholly new experience. And once I'm in the family, I'll arrange a little accident for the Queen and my dear wife, and this kingdom will be mine and mine alone."

"You're awfully ambitious about this."

"Why not? I'm 13th in line for the throne of the Southern Isles. If I can't get the throne by eliminating my brothers, then I'll get a new kingdom by marrying into this family. The princess does seem the naïve type. And once I'm king of Arendelle, I'll form exclusive trade agreements with Weselton, my dear Duke."

"Then you have my support in this, your majesty." the Duke said.

The recording ended as everyone looked at Prince Hans. Even Princess Anna, who now had a horrified look on her face.

"It seems you found me out." Hans said. "Well, no matter!" he said as he pulled his sword out. "If I can't marry into this kingdom, I'll take it by force!" he yelled and rushed Elsa.

Peter quickly stepped in front of Elsa, his body transforming into super-hard steel, which caused the sword Hans was holding to shatter what it struck his body.

"What?" Hans gasped.

"Logan." Professor Xavier said.

"Right." Logan said as he grabbed Hans and yanked him away.

"Monsters! All of them!" a voice from the room shouted, as the Duke of Weselton and his men rushed forward to help Hans.

However, Professor Xavier just looked at the pair, his telepathy taking control of their minds and halting them in place.

Everyone was shocked, but Anna quickly jumped to their defense.

"Monsters? They just saved my sister, and me, from Prince Hans attempt to kill us and take our kingdom! If anything, he's the monster!" Anna snapped as she pointed at the Duke. "He conspired with Hans to take Arendelle from my sister!"

"You have no proof of that!" The Duke shouted.

Kitty played the recording from her phone of Hans and The Duke conspiring together. Needless to say, everyone in the room was glaring hard at the older man.

"I'm sure the UN will not have a problem punishing you for this." Hank McCoy said to the older man.

"The Duke is a paranoid and malicious man who is also a coward at heart." Charles Xavier said.

"I'm A Victim Of Fear!" The Duke shouted in desperation.

"I'm going to have to ask you to leave, Prince Hans, and your Dukeness." Elsa said as the guards for the Arendelle palace arrived and escorted them out.

Once they were gone, Elsa turned to Peter and his associates.

"You... you saved me." Elsa said to Peter. "But... I don't understand. How?"

"We're mutants. People born with special powers and abilities." Peter said to her.

"We know what it's like to be feared simply for being born with a gift." Ororo said to her.

"You know?" she asked.

"About your ice powers? Yes, we do." The Professor said.

"My powers are not a gift. They're a curse." Elsa said.

"Only if you let it be a curse." Peter said to her.

"Your majesty, you have powers. Powers that can be used to benefit you and your kingdom. But you must not be afraid of them. If you are afraid... terrible things could happen." the bald telepath said.

"Terrible things have happened. Years ago, when we were little... I... I hurt my sister." Elsa said.

"That was not your fault. It was more your sisters fault." Xavier said.

"What?" Anna asked.

"You had no common sense. Playing around as if nothing was going to happen. The day that Arendelle closed it's gates to the world."

"But... I was a child!" Anna said.

"Yes, and that's why your memories of that event were altered. The Grand Pabbie altered your memories of your childhood, because your parents thought that it was for the best. They also kept your sister from learning how to control her powers. They hid her away, convincing her to never feel and to never reveal what she could do. But that loneliness only served to cause fear to grown in her heart. She doesn't need that. What she needs... is her family."

"I was so scared of my abilities. I was so worried that... I'd hurt someone else. Other people." Elsa said.

"And you will. You cannot keep your feelings bottled up inside of you. Eventually they will turn inward and force your hand. You have to learn to open up, to express yourself. You have to let it go, your highness." Xavier said.

"Let it go?" she asked.

"And how did you know what Hans and The Duke were planning?" Anna asked.

"Telepathy." Charles said as he tapped his head. "Which is also how I knew about your pasts."

"That... is so cool!" Anna said with a smile. "Can you teach me how to do that?"

"Uh..." Charles was at a loss at hearing that. Which made Logan and the others laugh at his awkwardness.

Meanwhile, Elsa had removed her gloves and was trying very hard to open up her heart, even as a flurry of snow and ice was flowing from her hands.

"Incredible." Peter said as she looked at him.

"I don't know about this. My parents taught me never to feel. And all this time I've been potentially putting my people, my family, in danger. The Grand Pabbie said... I remember what he said. Fear will destroy me, and love will set me free. Love. I've been so blind!"

"It'll get better, your highness. I promise." Peter said.

"Perhaps it would be beneficial if you had someone here to help you understand your gifts better." Xavier said, once Anna was talking to Ororo and the others.

"You mean... you want to leave a group of your mutant associates here to watch over me?" Elsa asked.

"No. Just one. Peter." Xavier said, staring at the tall and athletic mutant artist.

Elsa seemed to blush at hearing that suggestion. Peter also seemed to blush at that.

"I accept your offer." Elsa said to the Professor with a smile.

For the first time in her life, Elsa felt as optimistic as her sister. Her fears had been the cause of so much trouble, a strained relationship with her sister, her only family, and she had so much to catch up on. But with the help of people who understood her problems, Elsa found herself looking forward to living.


Authors Notes:

I'm starting off this first chapter with Elsa from Frozen, only because it seemed like the best choice. I have many unique female characters that I thought would be good to pair up with Colossus, so I'm starting with the beautiful and elegant Queen of Arendelle.

And if you think about it, if other super-powered individuals had actually been in Arendelle to help them, Elsa and Anna wouldn't have gotten into so much trouble. They just needed people who could understand where they were coming from. I mean... was there anyone who could understand Elsa's problem? No. She just needed someone who she could relate to.

Also, this chapter was a little rushed. A lot of them were rushed. I just wanted to get them finished as soon as I could.

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