Written for the '365 Days of Drabble (Day 1: New)

Dobby couldn't begin to express his joy. The other elves didn't understand. They sneered at him, and taunted him. Called him all sorts of ill names. The man behind the counter had sneered at him at well. Told him there was no place for him in the store.

But Dobby didn't let that stop him. Dobby was grateful to the mean man's nice wife for letting him purchase his items.

So now Dobby stood, looking at himself in the large mirror. He readjusted his tea cozy over his head, and straightened his socks. Pulled up his shorts and righted his tie. And with careful hands, he latched the new button into place. It caused the tea cozy to sag but he didn't mind. Smiling at his reflection, Dobby couldn't help but to be giddy.

With the placement of his new button, Dobby was reminded that he was a free elf.