Winry felt the cold snow on her skin, numbing the pain that blossomed when she tried to move. She touched her face, feeling the roughness of a long thin scar. Winry took her finger away. Thankfully there was no blood. She smiled shakily in relief. She blinked when she realized that she was on top of something soft, but unyielding.

"You idiot," a voice said hoarsely.

"Ed?" she gasped. He was sprawled underneath her in the snow, one of his arms lying across his face. His lips were set in a grim line and, with a start; she realized that his lips were trembling. She tried to push herself off him, but he took her wrist firmly. His hands were warm on her cold skin.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, more tears clouding her vision. She felt Edward's other hand gently wiping them away as he shifted into sitting position. He let go of her wrist and took her hand that still clenched tightly onto the metallic item. She slowly opened her fist, feeling the metal imprints on her palm.

"I told you to listen. I don't know what I would've done if you died," he said quietly, his eyes on the object in her hands. She blinked down at it as he plucked it from her palm, confused.

"Winry," Edward said in a stronger voice and Winry felt her eyes drawn to his. She searched his gaze. Those golden eyes were firm and determined. She had seen them before, when he had asked left to get Al's and his body back.

"I'm not going to give you half of my life, because I have decided to give you my whole life," he said searching her eyes.

So that's what he wanted to say. A laugh bubbled in Winry's throat.

"Will you marry me?" Edward asked.

"Yes," she said simply, holding out her hand. His expression relaxed and a smile bloomed across his face as he gently slipped the silver ring onto her finger.

"Don't you do something that stupid again!" he said fiercely, pulling her tightly to him. She wrapped her arms around his back and closed her eyes, breathing in his scent as her fingers closed around his shirt. She could feel his chest expand with each breath and his heart beating to match her own.

"I love you Edward," she said softly.

He pulled away and tilted her chin up, stroking a finger through her hair. He hesitated and gulped, his hand trembling as he brought his lips to hers. His heart thudded.

"I love you too," he whispered. He closed his eyes and kissed her. Her lips were as soft as feathers and her body was warm against his. Warmth seeped through his bones and filled him. How he loved her.

"He finally proposed to her," Hawkeye smiled as they peered at Edward and Winry from behind a tree, looking at Winry's and Edward's forms outlined in the silver light.

Alphonse nodded in agreement and found himself glancing at May, a blush crept onto his face.

"Tsch, the pipsqueak finally found some guts," Olivier whispered, looking at his brother, she added, "He still has more guts than you."

"Sister…." Alex sighed.

Izumi looked at Sig. "They remind me of us when we were young. Of course, you were much more manly and handsome."

"And you my dear, was and always will be a beauty," Sig said hugging her.

"Honey…" Izumi said and trailed off, looking into Sig's eyes.

"Let's congratulate them," Mustang said quietly, making a move to walk towards them.

"No!" Jerso hissed fiercely, pulling Mustang back with such strength that he almost landed head first in the snow.

"Young love must bloom without the interference of us old adults," Zampano added, his eyes sparkling at some distant memories.

A loud growl suddenly echoed in the night. Everyone turned toward Ling.

He laughed nervously and scratched his head, "heh heh…sorry that was my stomach."

They looked toward the direction of the newly engaged couple and found that Edward and Winry were staring back.

"Oy, why are you here?" Edward asked hollowly.

"Err, we were searching and found that the trail led here……." Alphonse explained, embarrassed.

"Guess our cover is blown," Jerso sighed in disappointment and stepped into clearing the with everyone behind him.

The couples' faces were pale.

"Well congrats Ed!" Ling said light-heartedly, "We should go back now. I'm starving."

"Yes we should," Edward growled, jumping up, "Why are you guys still staring?! Let's go already."

"Y-yes Brother," Alphonse said

Winry tried to stand and a sharp pain shot up her ankle. She collapsed back into the snow, gritting her teeth.

"Winry, are you ok?" Edward asked, his heart leapt into his throat.

"Sprained ankle," she muttered.

"I'll carry you," Edward said and proceeded to pick her up onto his back, making sure her legs fitted snugly into the folds of his arms. She protested.

"Oh be quiet, Gearhead. You can't walk," Edward grumbled. Winry sighed in defeat and laid her head on his shoulders, tightening her arms around his chest.

A loud boom caused all of them to look up into the night. An explosion of colors burst into the sky before raining down slowly and disappearing. Another round of colorful explosions and flowers of rainbow lights flashed in the night, one after another.

"It's the new year," Alphonse said with surprise.

"Yes it is," Edward smiled, "It's going to be a good year."

Author's note: After watching Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood and reading the manga, I just had to write a story about Edward and Winry because I didn't want the story to end. However, I wasn't able to make my Dec. 31st deadline. But hoped you guys enjoyed it anyway! Any reviews or feed backs are appreciated :)

Thanks to everyone for their reviews ^.^~