Title: Persuading the Other
Author: Chibigirl88
Disclaimer: Digimon or any of the characters belong to me.

Takato and Jeri had a mission, a mission of love. They were out to make Rika fall in love with the one and only Ryo. They thought Rika would be the perfect match for Ryo.

"So you're going to talk to Rika and I'm going to talk with Ryo," said Takato.
"Right," said Jeri.
So off Takato and Jeri went. Hoping they will accomplish their mission by tomorrow, in time for the Full Moon Festival.

Flash Back

"Takato, honey come here."
"Yes mom?" Takato enter the dining room.
"Come sit with me," said his mom.
"Do you know how me and your father got together?"
"Um...you met at a festival."
"Yes. A full moon festival. Which by the way is in the next 2 days."
"The full moon festival comes with a myth."
"A myth?"
"Yes on the might of a Full Moon Festival if you are together with the one you love deeply with your heart you and that person will always be together."
"Oh really?"
Takato thought of Jeri.
"A thousand years ago there was a couple. They loved each other to death. On the night of the festival the couple would come out and grant every couple to be together forever."

Flash Back End

"So exactly why are we doing this?" Jeri asked.
"Because every time we see Ryo or Rika they blush or seem lonely."
"Okay. That does it. We are going to make them fall in love!" Jeri said in determination.
Takato and Jeri stopped walking. He faced her and she did the same.
"Would you like to come with me to the Moon Festival?"
"Of course!"
Jeri kissed him on the check. Which made Takato blush madly.

At Rika's house.
Ding, dong.

"Hi Rika, it's me Jeri."
Rika opened the door.
"Come in."
Jeri walked in.
"Why are you here?" Rika raised an eye brow.
"Um...I need to ask you a few questions."
"Okay. What kind?"
"Don't worry about it." Rika and Jeri sat down in her living room. Rika bought lemonade and started to drink it as Jeri asked the questions.
"Okay, first question. Do you have a crush on anyone?"
Rika suddenly spit her drink out.
"Of course not!"
"Are you sure?"
"Of course!"
"Is it Ryo?"
"Ryo?! Him?!"
"So you do have a crush on someone."
"No! Especially not Ryo! He's a total show-off!"
"Come on Rika don't deny your feelings."
"My feelings? My feelings for Ryo is nothing! I don't like him and I don't hate him!"
"So you're saying you love him."
Rika didn't say anything.
"Look I have to go."
Rika got up and walked out of the door.
"Yes! I got her to admit her feelings."

Ryo's house
Knock, knock.

"Who is it?"
"It's me, Takato." Ryo opened the door.
"Hi. Wanna come in?"
"Sure." He stepped inside. They stood inside the kitchen.
"So why are you here?"
"I need to ask you some questions."
"Okay. Shoot."
"Do you like Rika?"
Ryo turned bright red.
"Yes, as a friend."
"More then a friend?"
"Um...maybe. She's cute and all but she's tough."
"So you would go to the Full Moon Festival with her?"
"Sure if she doesn't bite my head off."
Takato laughed.
"I'll try to stop her before she can."

Rika was at the park.

"Stupid Ryo."
Rika couldn't believe herself she was thinking about that idiot.
Rika turned around. It was Jeri. Jeri stopped and try to catch her breath.
"I forgot to ask you if you would like to come with me and Takato to the Full Moon Festival?"
"You and Takato? No thanks, I'll be a 3rd wheel."
"No, you won't. Ryo's coming."
"Ryo?! That's it, I'm definitely not coming."
"Please Rika! I already told Takato that you were coming."
"Well that's your problem."
"Please! Please!"
Jeri made the most adorable puppy face.
"Ugh...fine. I'll come. Don't expect me to hold hands with him though."
Jeri's face had a big smile.
"Thank you!! Now it's time for you to buy a dress!"
"Uh...no. I don't do dresses."
"Come on!"
Jeri grabbed Rika's arm and started to run to the mall.
"For a small girl, you're pretty strong."
Jeri and Rika enter the mall. There were tons of dresses on sale and not to forget fancy kimonos.

Like it? No flames please!!!